Parliamentary Papers, Nide 14H.M. Stationery Office, 1929 |
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Sivu 19
... OFFICE . AA . - SALARIES , WAGES , AND ALLOWANCES 435,000 345,000 90,000 BB . - TRAVELLING AND SUBSIS- TENCE ... Post Office , Revenue Departments , Vote 3 6,300 6.400 508,315 515,526 TOTAL EXPENDITURE 7,880,595 8,108,054 ...
... OFFICE . AA . - SALARIES , WAGES , AND ALLOWANCES 435,000 345,000 90,000 BB . - TRAVELLING AND SUBSIS- TENCE ... Post Office , Revenue Departments , Vote 3 6,300 6.400 508,315 515,526 TOTAL EXPENDITURE 7,880,595 8,108,054 ...
Sivu 37
... Office ( c ) .. 150 5 The Exchequer Office , Edinburgh ( c ) The Supreme Court of Judicature ( c ) The Land Registry ... Post Office ( a ) ( c ) 11,000 10,800 11,750 11,000 Services of the Valuation Office , rendered to : — The ...
... Office ( c ) .. 150 5 The Exchequer Office , Edinburgh ( c ) The Supreme Court of Judicature ( c ) The Land Registry ... Post Office ( a ) ( c ) 11,000 10,800 11,750 11,000 Services of the Valuation Office , rendered to : — The ...
Sivu 38
... POST OFFICE , including TELE- GRAPHS and TELEPHONES . Fifty - eight Million One Hundred and Ten Thousand Pounds . II . SUBHEADS under which this Vote will be accounted for by the POST OFFICE . Page 1929 . 1928 . Increase Decrease ...
... POST OFFICE , including TELE- GRAPHS and TELEPHONES . Fifty - eight Million One Hundred and Ten Thousand Pounds . II . SUBHEADS under which this Vote will be accounted for by the POST OFFICE . Page 1929 . 1928 . Increase Decrease ...
Sivu 39
... POST OFFICE ( LONDON ) RAILWAY .. TOTAL 5,780,222 5,858,820 86,300 164,898 75,152 120,500 - 45,348 67 DECREASE .. £ 78,598 F. - RAILWAY COMPANIES , CABLE COMPANIES ... POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK : 0.1 . SALARIES , WAGES POST OFFICE . 39.
... POST OFFICE ( LONDON ) RAILWAY .. TOTAL 5,780,222 5,858,820 86,300 164,898 75,152 120,500 - 45,348 67 DECREASE .. £ 78,598 F. - RAILWAY COMPANIES , CABLE COMPANIES ... POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK : 0.1 . SALARIES , WAGES POST OFFICE . 39.
Sivu 40
... POST OFFICE WIRES AND IN- 74 STRUMENTS BY RAIL- WAY COMPANIES AND OTHERS .. 72,000 78,000 6,000 L.2 . - WAY LEAVES 75,000 75,000 L.3 . - CONTRACT WORK 265,000 410,000 145,000 L.4 . RATES ON WIRES ; POWER 356,000 349,700 6,300 L.5 ...
... POST OFFICE WIRES AND IN- 74 STRUMENTS BY RAIL- WAY COMPANIES AND OTHERS .. 72,000 78,000 6,000 L.2 . - WAY LEAVES 75,000 75,000 L.3 . - CONTRACT WORK 265,000 410,000 145,000 L.4 . RATES ON WIRES ; POWER 356,000 349,700 6,300 L.5 ...
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Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
A.-Salaries Account in accordance Account is correct Accounting Officer Adastral House addition Allowances amount Appropriations in Aid ARTHUR MICHAEL SAMUEL Audit Departments Act Balance Buildings Causes of Variation certify charges Class compared with Grant Comptroller and Auditor connexion Deduct DISTRESSED MINING AREAS Donegall Square Edinburgh ended 31 March Estimate revised excess Exchequer and Audit Expenditure and Grant Expenditure and Grant-contd Expenditure compared expenditure to 31 Fees Government Grant in Aid Gratuities GROSS TOTAL information and explanations Inland Revenue Inspectors Irish Free less than anticipated Less than Granted Loan London Lord Mayor's Fund Malcolm G Messengers Miscellaneous Northern Ireland payable to Exchequer payment Pensions Post Office provision Purchase Railway Ramsay rates Realized Receipts payable Repayment respect Salaries and Expenses saving scheme Scotland Service Shorthand Typists Stores Subhead Sum Expended Sum Granted SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATE Surplus surrendered Telegraph Telegraphists Telephone Exchange Treasury Unestablished Variation between Expenditure Wages week