House of Commons Papers, Nide 45H.M. Stationery Office, 1907 |
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Sivu xxi
... the enemy sat down before the town (p. 186), and a few days later Willoughby arrived there (p. 189). The authorities at the Hague seem to have been much afraid that he would proceed with unnecessary energy. They expressed their hope ...
... the enemy sat down before the town (p. 186), and a few days later Willoughby arrived there (p. 189). The authorities at the Hague seem to have been much afraid that he would proceed with unnecessary energy. They expressed their hope ...
Sivu 153
... the enemy, whom we went to seek near Burique, but most part of the horsemen there were gone to Bonne, which is said to be straitly besieged by the enemy. We are going out tonight to see whether we can do any good upon a company which is ...
... the enemy, whom we went to seek near Burique, but most part of the horsemen there were gone to Bonne, which is said to be straitly besieged by the enemy. We are going out tonight to see whether we can do any good upon a company which is ...
Sivu 228
... the enemy, and abandoned or conquered in consequence of the laxity of my fellow-countrymen, I feel it my duty to warn your Lordship that if you mean to hold Bergen, you must have sufficient men of your own nation there to resist the enemy ...
... the enemy, and abandoned or conquered in consequence of the laxity of my fellow-countrymen, I feel it my duty to warn your Lordship that if you mean to hold Bergen, you must have sufficient men of your own nation there to resist the enemy ...
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Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
Aerssens affairs ambassador answer Antwerp April Bergen Bergen-op-Zoom Bergues Bertie bows and sheafs brother Capt Captain charge command Commissary commission Copy Council Count Maurice December declared deputies desire Deventer Dordrecht Draft Duke of Parma Dutch Earl of Leicester Earl of Lindsey Endorsed enemy England English Excellencie Excellency February forces French garrison Geertrudenberghe gent give Governor Grimsthorpe hand hath hear Holland honour hope horse John Cotton July King King's Lady lands letter lieutenant Lindsey Lord Generall Lord Willoughby Lordship Low Countries Magistrates Majesty Majesty's March matter Maurice of Nassau Monsieur Naerden night Ostend Peregrine Placcat pray present Prince prisoner promise province Queen received Richard Robert saith Seal of arms sent September servant ships Sieur Signed Sir John Sir William soldiers Sonoy Spain th'enemy thereof town troops unto Utrecht wife William Drury Wingfield Wyllughby Zeeland