Sivut kuvina

captain, of 16 guns, and 105 men; escaped. Schooner, of 10 guns, and 60 men; escaped. Schooner, of 2 guns, and 37 men; escaped. Xebec, of 6 guns, and 70 men; escaped. Gun-boat, of 2 guns, and 35 men; escaped. Troops embarked, 500.Total, 272 guns, 2655 men.

Total account of killed and wounded. Amphion, 15 killed, 47 wounded; Cerberus, 13 killed, 44 wounded; Active, 9 killed, 26 wounded; Volage, 13 killed, 33 wounded.-Total, 50 killed, 150 wounded.

London Gazette Extraordinary.
Sunday, May 26th, 1811.

Dispatches, of which the following are copies, were this day received at the Earl of Liverpool's office, addressed to his lordship by Lieutenant-General Lord Viscount Wellington, K. B. dated Villa Formosa, 8th and 10th of May.

Villa Formosa, May 8th, 1811. MY LORD, The enemy's whole army, consisting of the 2d, 6th, and Sth corps, and all the cavalry which could be collected in Castille and Leon, including about 900 of the imperial guard, crossed the Agueda at Ciudad Rodrigo on the 2d inst.

The battalions of the 9th corps had been joined to the regiments to which they belonged in the other three corps, excepting a division consisting of battalions belonging to regiments in the corps doing duty in Andalusia, which division likewise formed part of the

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was ill supplied with provisions for its garrison, and as the enemy were infinitely superior to us in cavalry, I did not give any opposition to their march, and they passed the Azava on that evening in the neighbourhood of Espeja, Carpio, and Gallegos.

They continued their march on the 3d in the morning towards the Duas Casas, in three columns, two of them, consisting of the 2d and 8th corps, to the neighbourhood of Alameda and Fort Conception, and the third, consisting of the whole of the cavalry and the 6th, and that part of the 9th corps which had not already been drafted into the other three.

The allied army had been cantoned along the river Duas Casas, and on the sources of the Azava, the light divi. sion at Gallegos and Espeja. This last fell back upon Fuentes de Honor, on the Duas Casas, with the British cavalry, in proportion as the enemy advanced, and the 1st, 3d, and 7th divisions were collected at that place; and the 6th division, under Major-Ge neral Campbell, observed the bridge at Alameda; and Major-General Sir William Erskine, with the 5th division, the passages of the Duas Casas, at Fort Conception and Aldea D'Obis po. Brigadier-General Pack's bri gade, with the queen's regiment from the 6th division, kept the blockade of Almeida; and I had prevailed upon Don Julian Sanchez to occupy Nave d'Aver with his corps of Spanish cavalry and infantry.

The light division were moved in the evening to join General Campbell, upon finding that the enemy were in strength in that quarter; and they were brought back again to Fuentes de Honor on the morning of the 5th, when it was found that the 8th corps had joined the 6th on the enemy's left.

Shortly after the enemy had formed on the ground on the right of the Duas Casas, on the afternoon of the 3d they

attacked with a large force the village of Fuentes de Honor, which was defended in a most gallant mnnner by Lieutenant-Colonel Williams, of the 5th battalion 6th regiment, in command of the light infantry battalions belonging to Major-General Picton's division, supported by the light infantry battalion in Major-General Nightingall's brigade, commanded by Major Dick, of the 42d regiment, and the light in fantry battalion in Major-General Ho. ward's brigade, commanded by Major McDonald, of the 92d regiment, and the light infantry battalion of the King's German legion, commanded by Major Ally, of the 3d battalion of the line, and by the 2d battalion of the 83d regiment, under Major Carr. These troops maintained their positions; but having observed the repeated efforts which the enemy were making to obtain possession of the village, and being aware of the advantage which they would derive from the possession in their subsequent operations, I reinforced the village successively with the 71st regiment, under the Hon. Lieut.Col. Cadogan, and the 79th, under Lieutenant-Colonel Cameron, and the 24th regiment, under Major Chamberlain. The former, at the head of the 71st regiment, charged the enemy, and drove them from the part of the village of which they had obtained a momentary possession.

Nearly at this time Lieut.-Col. Williams was unfortunately wounded, but I hope not dangerously, and the com. mand devolved upon Lieutenant-Colonel Cameron, of the 79th regiment. The contest continued till night, when our troops remained in possession of the whole.

I then withdrew the light infantry battalions and the 83d regiment, leaving the 71st and 79th regiments only in the village, and the 2d hattalion 24th regiment to support them.

On the 4th, the enemy reconnoitred


the positions which we had occupied on the Duas Casas river, and during that night they moved General Junot's corps from Alameda to the left of the position occupied by the 6th corps, opposite to Fuentes de Honor.

From the course of the reconnoisance of the 4th, I had imagined the enemy would endeavour to obtain possession of Fuentes de Honor, and of the ground occupied by the troops behind that village, by crossing the Duas Casas at Poya Velho, and in the evening I moved the 7th division, under Major-General Houston, to the right, in order, if possible, to protect that passage.

On the morning of the 5th, the 8th corps appeared in two columns, with all the cavalry, on the opposite side of the valley of the Duas Casas to Poya Velho; and, as the 6th and 9th corps also made a movement to their left, the light division, which had been brought back from the neighbourhood of Alameda, was sent with the cavalry under Sir Stapleton Cotton to support Major-General Houston, while the 1st and 3d divisions made a movement to their right along the ridge between the Turon and Duas Casas rivers, corresponding to that of the 6th and 9th corps on the right of the Duas Casas.

The 8th corps attacked Major-General Houston's advanced guard, consisting of the 85th regiment under Major M'Intosh, and the 2d Portugueze caçadores under Lieutenant-Colonel Nixon, and obliged them to retire; and they retired in good order, although with some loss. The 8th corps being thus established in Poya Velho, the enemy's cavalry turned the right of the 7th division between Poya Velho and Nave D'Aver, from which last place Don Julian Sanchez had been obliged to retire; and the cavalry charged.

The charge of the advanced guard of the enemy's cavalry was met by twe

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Our position thus extended on the high ground from the Turon to the

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behaving in and British cavalry in reserve, and the manner; and Major- village of Fuentes de Honor in front Prostor mentions in high of the left. Don Julian's infantry conduct of a detachment of joined the 7th division in Frenada; and Brunswick's light infan- I sent him with his cavalry to endea. withstanding that this charge vour to interrupt the enemy's commu www wwe towards the left, and enemy's efforts on the right part of nuksed, I determined to concen- nication with Ciudad Rodrigo. The te the th and light divisions, our position, after it was occupied, a

pwe divisions.

with their cavalry upon the advanced

The picquets of the 1st division un

wards Fuentes de Honor, and the other to a cannonade, and to some charges and the cavalry from Poya Velho, to- I have above described, were confined I had occupied Poya Velho and posts. ahat neighbourhood, in hopes that I should be able to maintain the com- der Lieutenant-Colonel Hill, of the Sd ication across the Coa by Sabugal, regiment of guards, repulsed one of as well as provide for the blockade, these; but as they were falling back, which objects, it was now obvious, they did not see the direction of anwere incompatible with each other, and other in sufficient time to form to op I therefore abandoned that which was pose it, and Lieutenant-Colonel Hill the least important, and placed the was taken prisoner, and many men light division in reserve, in the rear of were wounded and some taken, before the left of the 1st division, and the 7th a detachment of the British cavalry division on some commanding ground could move up to their support. beyond the Turon, which protected the right flank and rear of the 1st division, and covered our communication with the Coa, and prevented that of the enemy with Almeida, by the roads between the Turon and that river.

The movement of the troops upon this occasion was well conducted, although under very critical circumstances, by Major-General Houston, Brigadier-General Craufurd, and Lieutenant-General Sir Stapleton Cotton. The 7th division was covered in its passage of the Turon by the light division under Brigadier-General Craufurd, and this last, in its march to join the 1st division, by the British cavalry.

The 2d battalion, 42d regiment, under Lord Blantyre, also repulsed a charge of the cavalry directed against them.

They likewise attempted to push a body of light infantry down the ravine of the Turon to the right of the 1st division, which were repulsed by the light infantry of the guards, under Lieutenant Guise, aided by five com panies of the 95th under Captain O' Hara.

Major-Gen. Nightingall was wounded in the course of the cannonade, but I hope not severely.

The enemy's principal effort was throughout this day again directed

against Fuentes de Honor; and notwithstanding that the whole of the 6th corps was at different periods of the day employed to attack this village, they could never gain more than a temporary possession of it. It was defended by the 24th, 71st, and 79th regiments, under the command of Colonel Cameron ; and these troops were supported by the light infantry battalions in the 3d division, commanded by Major Woodgate; the light infantry battalions in the 1st division, commanded by Major Dick, Major Macdonald, and Major Ally; the 6th Portugueze caçadores, commanded by Major Pinto; by the light companies in Colonel Champlemonde's Portugueze brigade under Colonel Sutton; and those in Colonel Ashworth's Portugueze brigade under Lieutenant-Colonel Pynn; and by the picquets of the 3d division, under the command of the Hon. Lieutenant-Colonel Trench. LieutenantColonel Cameron was severely wounded in the afternoon, and the command in the village devolved upon the Hon. Lieutenant-Colonel Cadogan.

The troops in Fuentes de Honor were besides supported, when pressed by the enemy, by the 74th regiment under Major Russel Manners, and the 88th regiment under Lieutenant-Colonel Wallace, belonging to Colonel Mackinnon's brigade; and on one of these occasions the 88th, with the 71st and 79th, under the command of Colonel Mackinnon, charged the enemy, and drove them through the village; and Colonel Mackinnon has reported particularly the conduct of LieutenantColonel Wallace, Brigade-Major Wild, and Lieutenant and Adjutant Stewart of the 88th regiment.

The contest again lasted in this quarter till night, when our troops still held their post; and from that time the enemy have made no fresh attempt on any part of our position.

The enemy manifested an intention

to attack Major-General Sir W. Erskine's post at Aldea del Bispo on the same morning, with a part of the second corps, but the Major-General sent the second battalion of the Lusitanian legion across the ford of the Duas Casas, which obliged them to retire.

In the course of last night the enemy commenced to retire from their position on the Duas Casas; and this morning at daylight the whole were in motion. I cannot yet decide whether this movement is preparatory to some fresh attempt to raise the blockade of Almeida, or is one of decided retreat; but I have every reason to hope, that they will not succeed in the first, and that they will be obliged to have recourse to the last.

Their superiority in cavalry is very great, owing to the weak state of our horses from recent fatigue and scarcity of forage; and the reduction of numbers in the Portugueze brigade of cavalry with this part of the army, in exchange for a British brigade sent into Estremadura with Marshal Sir Wm. Beresford, owing to the failure of the measures reported to have been adopted to supply the horses and men with food on the service. The result of a general action brought on by an attack upon the enemy by us might, under these circumstances, have been doubtful; and if the enemy had chosen to avoid it, or if they had met it, they would have taken advantage of the collection of our troops to fight this action, to throw relief into Almeida.

From the great superiority of force to which we have been opposed upon this occasion, your lordship will judge of the conduct of the officers and

troops. The actions were partial, but very severe; and our loss has been great. The enemy's loss has also been great: and they left 400 killed in the village of Fuentes de Honor, and we have many prisoners.

or three squadrons of the different regiments of British dragoons, and the enemy were driven back, and Colonel La Motte, of the 13th chasseurs, and some prisoners, taken. The main body were checked and obliged to retire by the fire of Major-General Houston's division; and I particularly observed the Chasseurs Britanniques under Lieutenant-Colonel Eustace as behaving in the most steady manner; and MajorGeneral Houston mentions in high terms the conduct of a detachment of the Duke of Brunswick's light infantry. Notwithstanding that this charge was repulsed, I determined to concentrate our force towards the left, and to move the 7th and light divisions, and the cavalry from Poya Velho, towards Fuentes de Honor, and the other two divisions.

I had occupied Poya Velho and that neighbourhood, in hopes that I should be able to maintain the communication across the Coa by Sabugal, as well as provide for the blockade, which objects, it was now obvious, were incompatible with each other, and I therefore abandoned that which was the least important, and placed the light division in reserve, in the rear of the left of the 1st division, and the 7th division on some commanding ground beyond the Turon, which protected the right flank and rear of the 1st division, and covered our communication with the Coa, and prevented that of the enemy with Almeida, by the roads between the Turon and that river.

The movement of the troops upon this occasion was well conducted, although under very critical circumstances, by Major-General Houston, Brigadier-General Craufurd, and Lieutenant-General Sir Stapleton Cotton. The 7th division was covered in its passage of the Turon by the light division under Brigadier-General Craufurd, and this last, in its march to join the 1st division, by the British cavalry.

Our position thus extended on the high ground from the Turon to the Duas Casas. The 7th division on the left of the Turon, covered the rear of the right; the first division, in two lines, were on the right; Colonel Ashworth's brigade, in two lines, in the centre; and the 3d division in two lines, on the left. The light division and British cavalry in reserve, and the village of Fuentes de Honor in front of the left. Don Julian's infantry joined the 7th division in Frenada; and I sent him with his cavalry to endea. vour to interrupt the enemy's commu. nication with Ciudad Rodrigo. The enemy's efforts on the right part of our position, after it was occupied, as I have above described, were confined to a cannonade, and to some charges with their cavalry upon the advanced posts.

The picquets of the 1st division un der Lieutenant-Colonel Hill, of the 3d regiment of guards, repulsed one of these; but as they were falling back, they did not see the direction of an other in sufficient time to form to oppose it, and Lieutenant-Colonel Hill was taken prisoner, and many men were wounded and some taken, before a detachment of the British cavalry could move up to their support.

The 2d battalion, 42d regiment, under Lord Blantyre, also repulsed a charge of the cavalry directed against them.

They likewise attempted to push a body of light infantry down the ravine of the Turon to the right of the 1st division, which were repulsed by the light infantry of the guards, under Lieutenant Guise, aided by five com panies of the 95th under Captain 0 Hara.

Major-Gen. Nightingall was wound ed in the course of the cannonade, b I hope not severely.

The enemy's principal effort throughout this day again directl

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