Digest of Decisions of the United States Courts, Board of General Appraisers and the Treasury Department: Under the Customs Revenue Laws, Together with the Tariff Acts from 1883 to 1913, and Certain Other Customs Revenue Statutes ...U.S. Government Printing Office, 1918 - 1879 sivua |
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Tulokset 1 - 5 kokonaismäärästä 65
Sivu 16
... chemistry as " carbonic acid , " and also as " carbonic acid gas ... Chemical Co. and The Heller & Merz Co. , suits Nos . 2633 and 2635 ) ; such ... compound . - T . D. 16437 ( G. A. 3226 ) . DECISIONS UNDER THE ACT OF 1890 ...
... chemistry as " carbonic acid , " and also as " carbonic acid gas ... Chemical Co. and The Heller & Merz Co. , suits Nos . 2633 and 2635 ) ; such ... compound . - T . D. 16437 ( G. A. 3226 ) . DECISIONS UNDER THE ACT OF 1890 ...
Sivu 18
... chemical compounds and salts not specially provided for in this Act , 25 per centum ad valorem . 68. Medicinal preparations not containing alcohol or in the preparation of which alcohol is not used , not specially provided for in this ...
... chemical compounds and salts not specially provided for in this Act , 25 per centum ad valorem . 68. Medicinal preparations not containing alcohol or in the preparation of which alcohol is not used , not specially provided for in this ...
Sivu 19
... chemical compound , and it is claimed to be free of duty either under pragraph 499 as an article in a crude state used in dyeing or tan- ning , or under paragraph 613 as citrate of lime . The protest is overruled and the decision of the ...
... chemical compound , and it is claimed to be free of duty either under pragraph 499 as an article in a crude state used in dyeing or tan- ning , or under paragraph 613 as citrate of lime . The protest is overruled and the decision of the ...
Sivu 20
... chemical salt under paragraph 3.- Kuttroff v . U.S. ( C. C. A. ) , T. D. ... compound of formaldehyd , oil of cloves , and creosote , separately imported ... chemical compound at the rate of 25 per cent ad valorem . U. S. v ...
... chemical salt under paragraph 3.- Kuttroff v . U.S. ( C. C. A. ) , T. D. ... compound of formaldehyd , oil of cloves , and creosote , separately imported ... chemical compound at the rate of 25 per cent ad valorem . U. S. v ...
Sivu 21
... chemical compound , or a medicinal preparation , under para- graphs 3 and 68.-T. D. 22600 ( G. Α . 4804 ) . Malt Tropon . - A preparation of tropon and malt extract , with a small per- centage of listerin , the former being chief value ...
... chemical compound , or a medicinal preparation , under para- graphs 3 and 68.-T. D. 22600 ( G. Α . 4804 ) . Malt Tropon . - A preparation of tropon and malt extract , with a small per- centage of listerin , the former being chief value ...
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15 cents 25 per centum 50 cents addition thereto affirmed alcohol alizarin alpaca Appls assessed beads buttons carpets cent ad cents per dozen cents per gallon cents per pound cents per square centum ad valorem chemical chemical compound chief value claimed dutiable classified under paragraph coal-tar colored commercially known component material composed wholly containing cotton cotton cloth Cust DECISIONS decorated dutiable as manufactures dutiable under paragraph fabrics factures flax followed.-T. D. foregoing free of duty glass graph hair held dutiable imitation imported invoiced iron or steel jewelry jute lithographic machine manufactures of metal material of chief merchandise nonenumerated one-half Order T. D. ornamented otherwise painted paper paragraph 199 plates printed properly dutiable provisions of paragraph rate of duty reversed sheets silk specially provided square yard sugar tariff act thereof threads toys U. S. Ct valorem under paragraph vegetable fiber warp wearing apparel wool woven yarns
Suositut otteet
Sivu 336 - Cuba, of the provisions of the treaty of commercial reciprocity concluded between the United States and the Republic of Cuba on December 11, 1902, or...
Sivu 198 - Sheets or plates of iron or steel, or taggers iron or steel, coated with tin or lead, or with a mixture of which these metals, or either of them, is a component part, by the dipping or any other process, and commercially known as tin plates, terne plates, and taggers tin, one and one-half cents per pound.
Sivu 439 - Each and every gauge or wine gallon of measurement shall be counted as at least one proof gallon; and the standard for determining the proof of brandy and other spirits or liquors of any kind imported shall be the same as that which is defined in the laws relating to internal revenue...
Sivu 293 - On the arrival of the ores at such establishments they shall be sampled according to commercial methods under the supervision of Government officers, who shall be stationed at such establishments, and who shall submit the samples thus obtained to a Government...
Sivu 444 - No lower rate or amount of duty shall be levied, collected, and paid on brandy, spirits, and other spirituous beverages than that fixed by law for the description of first proof; but it shall be increased in proportion for any greater strength than the strength of first proof...
Sivu 504 - Stockings, hose and half-hose, made on knitting machines or frames, composed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, and not otherwise specially provided for in this Act, thirty per centum ad valorem. 318. Stockings, hose and half-hose, selvedged, fashioned, narrowed, or shaped wholly or in part by knitting machines or frames, or knit by hand, including such as are commercially...
Sivu 323 - ... in the rough, or not further advanced than cut into lengths suitable for sticks for umbrellas, parasols, sunshades, whips, fishing rods, or walking canes.
Sivu 209 - On all iron or steel bars or rods of whatever shape or section which are cold rolled, cold drawn, cold hammered, or polished in any way in addition to the ordinary process of hot rolling or hammering, there shall be paid...
Sivu 547 - Handkerchiefs composed of flax, hemp, or ramie, or of which these substances, or either of them, is the component material of chief value, whether in the piece or otherwise, and whether finished or unfinished, not hemmed or hemmed only, fifty per centum ad valorem...
Sivu 54 - ... but which are advanced in value or condition by shredding, grinding, chipping, crushing, or any other process or treatment whatever beyond that essential to the proper packing of the drugs and the prevention of decay or deterioration pending manufacture, 10 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That the term "drug...