Sivut kuvina

ANCIENT CITY DISCOVERED.. In the year 1772 excavations were made, by order of the French Government, in the small hill of Chatelet in Champagne, on the site of a Roman town destroyed in the wars of Attila, but preserved in part by being covered with earth. Many of The curious articles there found are preserved in Paris in the house of Abbé Tersan, a veteran of fourscore, who is occupied in getting engravings from them for general circulation. An official report by M. Grignian presents some interesting details respecting this excavation. The remains of about 90 houses, eight small crypts or subterraneous chapels, with a number of cellars, cisterns and wells, were discovered. The streets, which were regularly paved, and quite straight, were only from 15 to 20 feet in width the pavement, where the stones were uneven, was cemented with river pebbles, or gravel. The houses were oblong, and were founded on a bed of stones bound together with fime. Only the better houses had crypts, which were all nearly of oue form, some only 7 feet by 8'; others 9 by 15 the descent to them was by stone stairs, and the light was admitted by two openings. The cisterns were in diameter from 6 to 8 feet; in depth 15 to 18. Some circular openings, resembling wells, but probably drains (as there are no springs in the hill), were found; in none of which was water found, except one; the deepest was 55 feet. Many fragments of beautiful pottery were found in them, thrown in, sas is supposed, by the slaves, to conceal their awkwardness from their masters. **Water-pipes made of wood, some of them sbound with iron, were found; also medals, fragments of statues, goblets, spoons of various shapes-some oval, others circular; lamps, rings, pius, amulets, weighing-scales, surgical instruments, locks and keys.—The keys were some of copper, some iron, the smaller on rings, and many of them like those now in use. Wheels, nails, dishes, knives, and scissars, were likewise found; also many pieces of iron which had escaped decay by being covered with hard lime; likewise pieces of bone, and styli for writing on wax tables, of from 3 to 4 inches in length. Many fragments of glass were collected, and of a quality which showed that the manufacture was by no means in a state of infancy.


M. Rienwardt, Director of the Affairs relative to Agriculture, Arts, and Sciences, was lately in the Government of Preaug during a violent eruption of the volcano of Goenoing, and in a letter dated Batavia, Nov. 9, 1918, has communicated many im

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portant particulars respecting it. The first effects were perceived on the 21st of Oct. between ten and eleven P. M. when the mountain, amidst violent shocks, which were felt at Trogong, began to throw up from the summit red hot stones in immense quantities and a great mass of lava. Happily the wind blowing from the Southwest, carried all these inflamed bodies towards the uninhabited mountains, and the inhabited districts were spared. The eruption lasted till noon of the 24th. Besides the principal crater at the summit of the mountain, its sides at different heights also emitted fire and smoke for several days after the eruption. On the 28th of October M. Rienwardt attempted to ascend the mountain, which was very troublesome and dangerous, on account of its height and steepuess, and the heaps of loose and sharp stones, as well as the heat of the ground, and the rolling down of stones from the summit. It became more difficult as they ascended higher. M. Rienwardt had left Trogong at day-break, and nearly reached the summit at two o'clock in the afternoon. The barometer stood then at 25.35 English inches, and the thermometer at 75° of Fahrenheit. He now hoped, with another effort, to reach the spot where the eruption took place; but was obliged to desist, and to leave this dangerous place, by the coming loose of a large mass of the upper heap of stones. The Goenging-Goenloer is part of a chain of mountains, almost all situated in a direction North-east to Southwest. The mountain of Agon to the N. E. is nearly of the same height as the Volcauo, which is near 3,100 English feet above Trogong, and 5,200 English feet above the level of the sea.


Dr. Hartmann, of Frankfort, on the Oder, bas published in a German Medical Journal a statement, according to which she is able to produce at pleasure an efflux of electric matter from his body towards other persons. We hear the crackling, see the sparks, and feel the electric shock. He has now acquired this faculty to so high a degree, that it depends solely on his own pleasure to make an electric spark issue from his fingers, or to draw it from any other part of his body. Thus in this electrical man, the will has an influence on the developement of the electricity, which had not hitherto been observed, except in the electrical eel.

IRISH DIAMOND.-An exceedingly fine specimen of diamond crystallised has been found in the sand of a small stream in the North of Ireland. It is of the species called by Japidaries the yellow diamond, of extreme beauty, and remarkable size.


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AUTOMATON CHESS PLAYER. Now exhibiting at Spring Gardens. The inventor of this extraordinary piece of mechanism, was Wolffgang de Kempelen, a Hungarian gentleman, aulic counsellor to the Royal Chamber of the domains of the Emperor in Hungary. Being at Vienna in the year 1769, he offered to the Empress Maria Theresa, to construct a piece of mechanism more unaccountable thau any she had previously witnessed; and, accordingly, within six months, the Automaton Chess Player was presented at Court, where its extraordinary powers, excited the liveliest astonishment. M. de Kempelen, some years afterwards, publicly exhibited it in Germany and other countries. In the year 1785, M. de Kempelen visited England, and at his death, in 1803, this Automaton became the property of that gentleman's son, who sold it to the present exhibitor, a person, it is said, of great ability in the science of mechanics.

The room where it is at present exhibited has an inner apartment, within which appears the figure of a Turk, as large as life, dressed after the Turkish fashion, sitting behind a chest of three feet and a half in length, two feet in breadth, and two feet and a half in height, to which it is attached by the wooden seat on which it sits. The chest is placed upon four castors, and, together with the figure, may be easily moved to any part of the room. On the plain surface formed by the top of the chest, in the centre, is a raised immoveable chess-board of handsome dimensions, upon which the figure has its eyes fixed; its right arm and hand being extended on the chest, and its left arm somewhat raised, as if in the attitude of holding a Turkish pipe, which originally was placed in its hand.

The exhibitor begins by wheeling the chest to the entrance of the apartment within which it stands, and in face of the spectators. He then opens certain doors contrived in the chest, two in front, and two at the back, and at the same time pulling out a long shallow drawer at the bottom of the chest made to contain the chess men, a cushion for the arm of the figure to rest upon, and some counters. Two lesser doors, and a green cloth screen, contrived in the body of the figure, and in its lower parts, are likewise opened, and the Turkish robe which covers them is raised; so that the construction both of the figure and chest internally is displayed. In this state the Automaton is moved round for the examination of the spectators; and to banish all suspicion from the most sceptical mind, that any living subject is concealed within any part of it, the

exhibitor introduces a lighted candle into the body of the chest and figure, by which the interior of each is, in a great measure, rendered transparent, and the most secret corner is shown. Here, it may be observed, that the same precaution to remove suspicion is used, if requested, at the close as at the commencement of the game of Chess with the Automaton.

The chest is divided by a partition, into two uuequal chambers. That to the right of the figure is the narrowest, and occu pies scarcely one-third of the body of the chest. It is filled with little wheels, ievers, cylinders, and other machinery used in clock-work. That to the left contains a few wheels, some small barrels with springs, and two quarters of a circle placed hori. zontally. The body and lower parts of the figure contain certain tubes, which seem to be conductors to the machinery. After a sufficient time, during which each spectator may satisfy his scruples and his curiosity, the exhibitor recloses the doors of the chest and figure, and the drawer at bottom; makes some arrangements in the body of the figure, winds up the works with a key inserted into a small opening on the side of the chest, places a cushion under the left arm of the figure, which now rests upon it, and invites any individual present to play a game of Chess.

At one and three o'clock in the afternoon, the Automaton plays only ends of games, with any person who may be pre sent. On these occasions the pieces are placed on the board, according to a pre. concerted arrangement; and the Automaton invariably wins the game. But at eight o'clock every evening, it plays an entire game against any antagonist who may offer himself, and generally is the winner, although the inventor had not this issue in view as a necessary event.

In playing a game, the Automaton makes choice of the white pieces, and always has the first move. These are small advantages towards winning the game, which are cheerfully conceded. It plays with the left hand, the right arm and hand being constantly extended on the chest, behind which it is seated. This slight incongruity proceeded from absence of mind in the inventor, who did not perceive his mistake till the machinery of the Automaton was too far completed to admit of the mistake being rectified. At the commencement of a game, the Automaton moves its head, as if taking a view of the board; the same motion occurs at the close of a game. lu making a move it slowly rises its left arm from the cushion placed under it, and directs it towards the


,by the exhibitor, who

square of the piece to be moved, Its hand ten or twelve walking up and

the and fingers open on touching piece, which it takes up, and conveys to any proposed square. The arm then returns with a natural motion to the cushion upon which it usually rests. In taking a piece the Automaton makes the same motions of the arm and hand to lay hold of the piece, which it conveys from the board; and then returning to its own piece, takes it up, and places it on the vacant square. These motions are performed with perfect correctness; and the dexterity with which the arm acts, especially in the delicate operation of castling, seems to be the re sult of spontaneous feeling, bending at the shoulder, elbow, and knuckles, and cautiously avoiding to touch any other piece than that which is to be moved, nor ever making a false move.

After a move made by its antagonist, the Automaton remains for a few moments only inactive, as if meditating his next move; upon which the motions of the left arin and hand follow. On giving check to the King, it moves its head as a sig nal. When a false move is made by its antagonist, which frequently occurs, through curiosity to observe in what man. ner the Automaton will act, as, for instance, if a Knight be made to move like a Castle, the Automaton taps impatiently on the chest, with its right hand, replaces the Koight on its former square, and, not permitting its antagonist to recover his move, proceeds immediately to move one of its own pieces; thus appearing to punish him for his inattention. The little advantage in play which is hereby gained, makes the Automaton more a match for its antagonist, and seems to have been contemplated by the inventor as an additional resource towards winning the game.

It is of importance that the person matched against the Automaton should be attentive, in moving a piece, to place it precisely in the centre of its square; otherwise the figure io attempting to lay hold of the piece, may miss its hold, or even sustain some injury in the delicate mechanism of the fingers. When the perBon has made a move, no alteration in it can take place; and if a piece be touched, it must be played somewhere. This rule is strictly observed by the Automatou. If its antagonist hesitates to move for a considerable time, it taps smartly on the top of the chest with the right hand, which is constantly extended upon it, as if testifying impatience at his delay.

During the time that the Automaton is in motion, a low sound of clock work running down is heard, which ceases soon after its arm returns to the cushion; and then its antagonist may make his move. “The works are wound up at intervals after

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down the apartment in which the Automaton is shown, approaching, however, the chest from time to time, especially on its right side.

"At the conclusion of the exhibition of the Automaton, on the removal of the chess-men from the board, one of the spectators indiscriminately is requested to place a Knight upon any square of the board at pleasure. The Automaton immediately takes up the Knight, and, beginning from that square, it moves the piece, according to its proper motion, so as to touch each of the 63 squares of the chess-board in turn, without missing one, or returning to the same square. The square from which the Knight proceeds is marked by a white counter; and the squares successively touched, by red counters, which at length occupy all the other squares of the board.


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May 28th, Mr. Trengrouse, from Corn. wall, made an experiment with his appa ratus for preserving lives in cases of shipwreck on the Serpentine River, at the station of the Royal Humane Society, before many members of that Institution.

Mr. Trengrouse stated, that various calculations had been made of the numbers of British lives lost through shipwreck, the lowest of which exceeded 3000 annually! He had himself witnessed many shipwrecks, and among others, that of his Majesty's ship Anson, when upwards of 100 of her officers and men prematurely perished within a few yards of the shore: and that this circumstance, which occurred in 1807, led him to contrive means to prevent such excessive waste of human life; that he was still pursuing his plan, and had matured it so far as to produce the apparatus under examination then, and which, from its portability (being all contained in a small chest), was calculated for, and intended to become, a convenient part of every vessel's equipment, thus putting the means of preservation into the seainen's own hands, and thereby enabling them to assist themselves wherever or whenever distress might assail them.

Mr. Trengrouse fired two small rockets. with lines attached to them, neither of which went across the water, but shewed the principle of his plan, and went far enough indeed to have opened communication with the shore, in scores of cases which have recently occurred upon our

own coasts.

Mr. Trengrouse then fired a larger rocket, which went in fine style to a considerable distance over the lofty trees on the opposite side of the river, taking with it one ball of lime, upwards of 200 yards


long, and great part of another. The

was of that size and strength as thias enabled auto be the pnrifying acid. You may

judge how

important applications may be made of this process. Navigation, medicine, unwholesome manufactories, will derive incalcuable advantages from it. This explains why meat merely dried in a stove does not keep, while that which is smoked becomes unalterable. We have here an explanation of the theory of hams, of the beef of Hamburgh, of smoked tongues, &c. &c.

man who was in a boat about the middle of the river, to haul the boat to shore. By this line a a larger one (from a reel in the apparatus chest) was hauled across the river, and by it a ship's hawser, strained trees across the water, and two rollers applied (which are so constructed as to be put on after the rope was fast at each end), and obtained great applause from several naval officers, who minutely examined them. To the hooks of the rollers was suspended a chaise volante, into which a man got, having on one of Mr. Trengrouse's life spensers (being a sort of cork jacket, of his own contrivance); in this he was hauled along the rope with great rapidity till about half way across the river, when, either through some defect or by some accident, the hauling line broke, and prevented further process in The man this part of the experiment. then disengaged himself from the chaise, and the buoyancy of the spenver kept him, head and shoulders, above water; he then swam about, and afterwards got into a boat and rowed very freely, shew-nitely greater power and utility than the ing, that the spenser being on did not materially interrupt the use of his limbs in the water or out of it; while its buoyancy affords preservation from drowning, and its construction protects the body from blows of floating wreck, or from blows against rocks, &c.

Mr. Trengrouse's missile line was also highly ing projectored of, which admits of besome considerable dis


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LADY'S VELOCipede.-A model of a relocipede, intended for the use of ladies, is now exhibiting at Ackermann's, in London. It resembles Johnstone's machine, but has two wheels behind, which are wrought by two levers, like weavers' treadles, on which the person impelling the machine presses alternately with a walking motion. These move the axle by means of leather straps round the cramps; and the wheels being fixed revolve with it. The lady sits on a seat before, and directs the velocipede as in the original invention.' PEDESTRIAN CHARIOT.-Mr. Howell, of Bristol, has invented a machine, of infi

Velocipede. Its chief attractions are its simplicity and perfect safety, being eli gible for the conveyance of ladies, and even children. The wheels, which are

upwards of six feet in diameter, run pa

rallel to each other; and as the seat is below the centre of gravity, the rider can neither be thrown, nor easily lose his equilibrium. From the increased circumference of the wheel, and the consequently decreased friction of the axle, a greater degree of velocity may be given, with a considerably diminished

ner of rany advantageous man. rendered reservative in cases of boats this renders it of much gr Petus; and

upsetting in harbour, or passing from one vessel to another, or alongside, or of men

falling over OF US ACID.

"A letter from Paris says, "A discovery of considerable importance engages at this. moment the attention of the physicians, the chemists, and the government of France.




neo discovered

obtained by the distillation of wood, has the property decomposition and pu It is sufficient to plunge meat for a few moments into this acid, even slightly empyreumatic, to preserve the meat as long as you may desire. Cutlets, kidneys, liver, rabbits, which were prepared as far back as the month of July last, are now as fresh as if they had just been procured from the market. I have seen carcases washed three weeks ago with pyrolígneous acid, in which there is yet no sign of decomposition. Putrefaction not only stops, but it even, retrogades, Jakeï exhaling infection, cease to do so, as soon as you pour

treon of animal substances.

facility of management, either on the level road or the most rapid descent. The machineTM may be constructed to carry two or three persons, with a portmanteau or other Juggage.

AIR-JACKET. —Mr. Charles Kendal lately made an experiment on the Thames of the efficacy of his air-jacket, or lifepreserver, which completely succeeded. He went from the Southwark Bridge through London Bridge with great ease, and on to the London Docks in 20 mi butes, walking upright in the water, accompanied by his man all the way.

POTATOES-A Correspondent suggests that potatoes may be kept in excellent preservation all the year, by dipping them in boiling water, as the Scotch preserve eggs by killing the living principle; and as the germ is so near the skin, it would not hurt the potatoe. One minute, or two at most would be quite sufficient.—is This would be of great use for ship storese In an open-worked basket a don may be cured in an hour,


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