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fication, it is a falsehood.' And 'that none are justified but saints perfect in holiness, is a notorious contradiction,' page 121.

A. He that is the sanctification, is the justification, and so by their sanctification are they justified; it is one and the same, that which sanctifies, justifies. And every man that cometh into the world has a light that cometh from Christ the sanctification, redemption, justification: but they that are not in the light, are with it condemned. And such as are in the light come into perfect holiness, and their sins are not imputed to them; but they that do not believe in the light, the spirit of truth that leads the believer into all truth, reproves them for their unbelief, and their righteousness, and their judgment, and so doth not justify, but reproves them. And the justification within, roots out all Popery, and all contradiction. But to speak of justification and sanctification without, and not manifest within, ye are yet in the first Adam, (in the Popery where ye must have a purgatory to cleanse,) and not in the righteousness of Christ, and sanctification and justification. So such are reproved that can talk of it without, sanctification without: there is the old Adam, in the sin and transgression. And all falsehood is among them that can talk of justification without them, and not witness it within them. For they who witness Christ within them, witness justification there, and sanctification; for Abraham believed, and it was imputed to him for righteousness;' and his belief was within, and he saw Christ's glory. And such as believe come to witness the imputation; but such as come again to witness that, are nearer than when they did believe; and to witness that they have received Christ within, is the end of their belief. There they witness the righteousness itself without imputation, which is the substance, that which the promise ends in, and all the fathers hoped for, who stood in the imputation, and all the believers in him. Christ being come, the end of man's belief, the righteousness itself, here is a justification alone, without the imputation, Christ the righteousness of God: blessing and glory for ever! And a believer that is justified is a new creature, is past from the death which came by sin, and comes to enter into his rest, where sin is not. And all the falsehood and contradiction are without the possession of justification and sanctification, which reprobates and unbelievers talk of in the mystery of iniquity, who have the sheep's clothing, the outside, the clothing of the saints, yet are ravened from the spirit inwardly. These have not been like to own justification within, or sanctification there, that were inwardly ravened from the spirit of God: and all must come to that which they ravened from, and they themselves, before they feel the justification, sanctification, Christ within them, and have received the substance, the thing the scripture speaks of. Not believing in the light, and going from it, though they get all the sheep's clothing, all

the good words, and the form of godliness, and obey not the gospel, the power of God, yet are they not thereby justified; for none obey the gospel, but who obey the light within. And who are justified it is by the faith of Christ Jesus, and without faith they cannot please him. And who are in the faith, are the believers in the light, and so justification and faith do change from the old nature and mind.

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P. He saith, They are not justified because they are new born, nor for their believing,' page 122. And I can say I am crucified with Christ, and yet I have a corrupt, rotten heart, and an old lying heart, (as before he saith,) and Christ lives in him, and there is a body of sin and death dwells in him: and the life that he now lives in the flesh, is by the faith of the son of God,' page 124.

A. Where Christ is within, the body is dead because of sin;' and where the faith of the son of God is lived in, it gives victory over sin. And the life of Christ is out of Adam in the fall, in sin and transgression. And the circumcision comes to be witnessed that puts off the body of sin. And where the life of Christ is lived in, the new covenant is there, the new heart, and the rotten, corrupt, and lying is put off, the old man and his deeds, with his deceitful lusts. And he that believes is born of God,' is justified, and he comes into the faith by which he pleaseth God; and he that doth not believe is out of the faith, and it is impossible he should please God, and is out of that which should justify him.

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P. He saith, Christ's works in us are not to be joined with our faith in Christ's works, for that brings into the wilderness,' page 131. And to say that men are justified no farther than they are sanctified, is to deny Protestant doctrine,' &c.

A. Men are justified by the believing, and in the faith and by the faith, and in believing they overcome, and have victory; and there are mortification, and sanctification, and redemption, and justification, all possessed together in the one, which is Christ, and this to the particular satisfaction. And all Protestants, or whatsoever, that have a justification or sanctification, and they in the unmortified state, unsanctified, they are out of the faith that purifies, out of the belief of him that is born of God, who hath passed from death to life,' and so are out of the substance that justifies, and are without Christ, and so are reprobates; but where Christ is within, there is justification, sanctification, and redemption. And they are they that blaspheme the tabernacle of God, and them that dwell in heaven, that call good evil, and evil good,' and lead into snares, and into the wilderness, that go about to confound the justification; but they split themselves upon the rock that deny the light. And Christ is the offering for the sin of the whole world,' who doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world,' that all men might believe in him, the offering; and they are

justified in him from all things which the law could not do.

And here is the covenant of God to the Jews and Gentiles, the light of the Gentiles, the glory of Israel, the new covenant to the Jews, the law in the heart and in the mind, by which people should not need to say, 'Know the Lord; for all should know him from the least to the greatest,' the salvation to the ends of the earth;' where the way of redemption is the way for the ransomed to walk in; in which the fools shall not err;' in which way there is no wilderness, nor slippery places; but the path of life, the way of the just, and of holiness, and the way of sanctification, and the way of redemption and justification.

P. He saith, Christ was a sinner by imputation,' page 132.

A. The scripture doth not speak such kind of words; but that he 'knew no sin, no guile was found in his mouth:' a lamb without spot or blemish, though it pleased the Father to lay the iniquity upon him, 'by his stripes we are healed.' And by the one offering, he perfected for ever them that are sanctified, made himself an offering for the sins of the whole world; who breaks down the partition wall between Jews and Gentiles, slays the enmity among men, reconciles in one unto the Father by his body, his death upon the cross. Of his body are all the professors, Protestants and Papists upon the earth, ignorant, of this seed that breaks the enmity; therefore are all in the enmity one among another, having sheep's clothing, but the sheep in you is not put forth; but the wolf is ravening abroad against the sheep, tearing them where the seed is risen.

P. He that throws off imputed righteousness, may go shift for his justification where he can get it: and Christ shall profit him nothing, though he be in faith or love, and self-denial,' page 133. And it is not the work of Christ in us that justifies and reconciles our persons. I can detect this for an error, that Christ's works in us, is that which justifies our persons before God,' page 134.

A. Christ works in us faith, and is the author of it, and by faith is every one justified in the blood of the seed, the flesh of Christ, the Lord from heaven, shed for the sins of the whole world. And this faith is in the blood of the seed, not of the first Adam, nor the beasts, but the blood of the seed Christ, the precious blood which is the life of saints, and his flesh which is the food of saints, which whosoever eats and drinks, hath life in the son of God, and lives in him as he lives in the Father. And this is wrought within, and no one knows it, but as it is wrought within by the faith in the blood of the 'Lamb slain from the foundation of the world,' the great sacrifice for the sin of the whole world,' that overthrew death and hell, bruised the serpent's head, devil, and sin, the sacrifice for the whole world, the blood shed upon the cross for the sins of the whole world. The blood of the seed, which is the life that cleanseth,

and this blood is felt within, for it purgeth the conscience from dead works to serve the living God. And here is the great mystery of God, and the wisdom of God, which covers all the wisdom of the earth, the knowledge and wisdom of the understanding ones of the earth. The seed and the blood of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world,' which sacrificed and offered up the body prepared, who fulfilled all types, figures, offerings, ends them and all other bloods, whom death and the grave could not hold, dead, raised again, set at the right hand of God, manifest in the saints, and in the midst of his church singing praise, 'was dead, and is alive, and lives for evermore,' manifest in the saints. And he that hath him hath life, and he that hath not him, hath not life. And they who witness Christ within, witness the end of imputation, they witness the thing itself, the end of their belief, and they possess the sanctification, and such come to know faith and love. And such as may have all the scriptures, and preach of justification and sanctification without them, and not within them, are as the Jews, are as the witches and reprobates. They are reprobate that witness not Christ within them, nor sanctification there, nor justification there, and so witness not faith, and love, nor the faith that works by love; and they are in the error and shifts thou talks of, and Babylonish; and none come to witness the reconciliation, but who witness Christ within. So these are out of justification and sanctification. If he be not within, they cannot witness reconciliation: if they are not believers in the light of Christ, they cannot witness justification, but condemnation. But in the light, in Christ, Christ received in them, justification, sanctification, and reconciliation are received, Christ Jesus the light, that which reconciles to the Father.

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P. He saith, The body of sin is the natural body, consisting of flesh, and blood, and bones, and the living soul is immortal,' page 140. And 'sin will dwell in the house, until the house be plucked, down over its head, which is the natural body. And there is not one saint that is absolutely free from the in-dwelling and working power of sin,' page 140. To plead for perfection, is inherent holiness, and to serve under antichrist's colours, and to make void the suffering of Christ. He that holds the saints perfectly fulfilling all the law, in all degrees of obedience and conformity to it, in this life before death, hath drunk antichrist's cup,' page 144.

A. The saints after they witnessed the body of sin put off, and a being made free from sin, glorified God in their bodies, souls, and spirits. And so the body of sin is not the creature, for that causeth the creature to groan, before it cometh into the liberty of the sons of God, that causeth the body of sin, the clothing that comes upon the creature, the old man, which cometh by transgression, the first Adam, the light that VOL. III.


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leads out of transgression, brings the creature into the liberty of the sons of God,' and so, who is in Christ is a new creature;' and 'old things pass away,' and the body is the temple of God, a holy temple. And the living soul is immortal; yet many of thy generation say it is human, that is, earthly, yea, that Christ's soul was human, as ye may see in this book, in the principles of them that call themselves teachers and pastors, whose souls are in death, and in whom life and immortality are not come to light, through the power of God, which is the gospel. So you have showed your ignorance of the soul. And they who witness the perfect holiness, and preach up that, come from under antichrist's kingdom. They that preach up imperfection, wear antichrist's livery, and his colours, and sound the trumpet of antichrist; and who are in the righteousness, are in the perfection itself, without a thing merited by man in his will. And who loves God, keeps his commandments, and to him they are not grievous. And this was the seed, that kept the commandments of God, that antichrist, beast, mother of harlots, and false prophets made war against, as you may read in the Revelations. But this seed are a burthensome stone unto you all, that keep the commands of God, that love God; and they that are born of God do not commit sin.' And the natural body, which is flesh, blood, and bone, is not the body of sin; it was never read so in the scripture, that that was the body which was to be put off; for the saints had bodies after they witnessed the body of sin put off, and were made free from sin. P. He saith, That R. F. is against the doctrine of sin continuing in the godly till death,' page 148.

A. That doctrine of sin was never preached up by the apostle, that it should continue in the godly till death. I say, it continues not in the godly, for the godly are like God, out of sin; it continues in the ungodly that are not like God. And he that is in Christ, is at the end of the law, and the precepts, and the statutes, and the ordinances, and the commandments, and is in the substance, God's righteousness.

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P. He saith, The letter is no dead letter, and it hath life in itself. And if there be but this letter or ministry, it is Christ's two-edged sword,' pages 153. 155. 'It serves unto his design of searching hearts.' And the apostle would take people off from the conceit of perfect attainments,' page 162. And may not filthy hearts transform themselves in the fancy of perfection, as the devil into an angel of light ?"

A. The devil transforming himself into an angel of light, or into a similitude, is like unto all the filthy hearts who fancy perfection without them, not within them, and speak of Christ without them, not within them, as the devil did. But it was the doctrine of the apostle, who preached Christ the covenant of God, to bring people from that

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