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EZ deny. So the false are transformed into their words, and are judged 21 with their spirit, who brought people to the light within, and you bring them from it; so, from that which should give them the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus.

P. The devil is called the prince of darkness, because he lives in the darkness, as to the apprehension of divine love, an enemy to all the image of God, which is light and purity; and the devil transformeth himself into the likeness of God, under a fair pretence, heavenly words, self-denial actions, righteous conversations."

A. This is like your fruits, who have deceived the people; but is your love to the devil, who is out of the truth? doth not Christ come to destroy him and his works? and can any apprehend the love of God, but they who are in the truth? And the devil cannot transform himself to be like God, not in his image nor in his righteousness, that is out of truth; and his conversation that is out of truth is altogether unrighteous, and is but in the pretence of self-denial, but is not the thing; though he and you may get the words that are heavenly, and stand against the light and image of God, and purity itself, for all you are of the devil that deny the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, for you come not into the truth which the devil is out of, nor into the pure conversation which is in heaven, nor into purity.

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P. Thou saidst, thou hast many occasions offered by the Quakers upon thy poor weak and sinful heart; the Lord hath filled my heart with moderation in giving my own once uncomfortable experiences.'

A. We believe thee, that thy heart is weak and sinful, and a weak and sinful heart is not filled with moderation. And thy experiences which are uncomfortable, are not the experiences of the saints, for the saints' experiences are comfortable, and their hearts are pure, and filled with moderation; and the Quakers will torment all sinful and corrupt hearts, for such the Lord is against, that take his words into their mouths, and so are his saints.

P. Thou sayst, thou hatest hypocrisy when thou livest in the light, life, and power of the first Adam, and because the Quakers say they know my conscience better than myself, I see they are acted through delusion; I am able to speak this truth from my own heart, which is better known to me. I do know that a natural man may make a large progress in the gospel profession and conversion; and that which the Quakers call backsliding, is my turning to my God.'

A. In the light, and life, and power of the first Adam, in which he was in the beginning, before the fall, thou art not; and the apostles knew the state and condition of Jews, and Gentiles, and people, better than they did themselves, and so do the Quakers that

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words. But now the true church hath discovered you to be the false, apostatized from the true, who have reigned since the days of the apostles.

P. 'I see no conviction the Quakers have wrought by their speaking, or any subjection of fear or love, or any such thing wrought by them. And to tell such that are praying, reading, or in meditation, to say it is the power of the first Adam; Oh! mystery of deceit, the deceitful unfolding of antichrist, to say that Christ saith the hour is coming, and now is, that neither at this mountain, nor at Jerusalem, shall the Father be worshipped, but he that worships him, must worship him in spirit and in truth!'

A. Thousands in the nation may witness the work the Quakers have wrought, and thousands are convinced that you are the gainsayers of the truth, and the antichrist come up since the days of the apostles; and all your praying, reading, and meditations, is but the first Adam's state in the fall, where the mystery of deceit is, for you are not yet come to own the light, Christ Jesus, the second Adam, that doth enT lighten every man that comes into the world, and so you are the anti

christs, standing against Christ the light, the truth, and so are not come into the worship of God in the truth and in the spirit, but are crying up that at your mass-houses is God worshipped, as the Jews said of the temple at Jerusalem, and the mountain of Samaria; but Christ said, not at the mountain, nor Jerusalem, but in spirit and in truth, and so we say, not at your mass-houses, nor at Samaria, nor Jerusalem, nor the mountain, but God hath sought us to worship him in spirit and in truth, and therefore you rage that hate the light.


P. They reckon it their perfection and happiness to be deprived of all: the spirit doth neither so act or so teach: and I was kept from this temptation, and they that are overcome by it, are brought into bondage. A vain deceitful waiting for a power, when the apostle saith to the Thessalonians, ye must pray without ceasing, and not quench the spirit. They must cease from their own words, and wait for the immediate striving and working of the spirit, as they fancy it.'

A. This thou calls fancy, who sayst the spirit of God doth not teach men, to be deprived of all things; yes, I say to thee thou must be deprived of all things before thou come to happiness; and thou art in the bondage, and in the temptation, that hast not forsaken all things, and come to Christ the one thing; and thou praying and prophesying, and not waiting for the spirit and power to pray withal, art in the fancy, and following thy own spirit, and out of the perfection of Christ.

P. It is blasphemy to say we must fill up the sufferings of Christ.'
A. And so thou art unlike the apostles, and hast not drunk the cup



on his clothes. And they that went on his message were not to take two coats: and when they went on his message, they did not go to dress themselves with boot-hose-tops, and double cuffs, and ribands, and rings, as the priest doth; and what God doth, it is in his wisdom, beyond the ignorance of mankind, and they that receive it must be in his fear. And Christ is not a hard master, as thou thinkest, because some go, not dressing them in their apparel, who go to do his command; but thou who art wicked and slothful, hast so judged with the wrong and false judgment. And many of the saints have fasted till they might number their bones; and Christ fasted, and this was not contrary to the law of nature, and did not make them incapable of receiving the glory of God; neither was it antichrist. And thou who art of him, canst eat and drink more than thou hast desire, because thou wouldst not offend others, and that is contrary to the law of nature. And the saints forsook their callings and possessions, and the world; but you priests run into great possessions, which you get out of poor people's labours; so you are like the false apostles and antichrist, not like Christ and his apostles.

P. 'They have a gloss put upon Christ's words to his disciples, when he, bids them that they should take no care what to speak, it should be given them in the same hour. And of their going naked, I never knew the mind of the Lord discovering by any of his servants, neither under the old nor new covenant. And these dreamers go to a place, and do not know what to say till they come to the place.'

A. Philip was sent to a place, and then it was told him what to say, when he came to it. And he was not a dreamer, but thou art, who goes without a command from God, and runs when he never sent thee, and follows thy own spirit. And they that speak as the spirit gives them utterance, and moves them, take no thought, but it is given them in the same hour; and thou that art out of this, art in the glosses. It was the mind of the Lord for Isaiah to go naked, and to strip himself in Egypt and Ethiopia, as many are moved of the Lord to go naked among you of spiritual Egypt and Ethiopia, and to put off their clothes; which is a figure to you, that the sheep's clothing must be taken off of your ravening wolves' backs.

P. Thou sayst, For the present thou dost not apprehend any thing more, but that the devil shall transform himself into an angel of light. And there are hardly a people to be found that cry out more against sin, and the appearance of sin, and unrighteousness, than they do, as far as I know, or have heard, to declare them to be carried forth as ministers of righteousness.'

A. Thy apprehension is vain, and judgment false; for the devil transformed himself into an angel of light before the apostles' decease,

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