A Treatise on Practical and Theoretical Mine VentilationJ. Wiley & Sons, 1904 - 141 sivua |
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Tulokset 1 - 5 kokonaismäärästä 16
Sivu 7
... tion " may , for all ordinary purposes , be regarded as synonymous with " combustion . " Faraday has roughly estimated that the amount of oxygen required daily to supply the lungs of the human race is at least one thousand millions of ...
... tion " may , for all ordinary purposes , be regarded as synonymous with " combustion . " Faraday has roughly estimated that the amount of oxygen required daily to supply the lungs of the human race is at least one thousand millions of ...
Sivu 18
... the ventilation ; and , where any such accumula- tion takes place , there must be either a deficiency of ventilation , or an unusual inpour of gas . EXPANSION OF GASES . 8. One of the chief characteristics 18 $ 7 . MINE VENTILATION .
... the ventilation ; and , where any such accumula- tion takes place , there must be either a deficiency of ventilation , or an unusual inpour of gas . EXPANSION OF GASES . 8. One of the chief characteristics 18 $ 7 . MINE VENTILATION .
Sivu 28
... tion may be more during the winter than during the summer months . Where furnaces or steam - jets are employed to produce ventilation , the longer the upcast , the better ; as the longer upright column of light air gives rise to a ...
... tion may be more during the winter than during the summer months . Where furnaces or steam - jets are employed to produce ventilation , the longer the upcast , the better ; as the longer upright column of light air gives rise to a ...
Sivu 33
... tion . " Mr. Stephenson's lamp has been much improved . It consists of a glass cylinder above the lamp , covered by a cylinder of wire gauze ; and , instead of air passing through the perforated plate , it passes through the meshes of ...
... tion . " Mr. Stephenson's lamp has been much improved . It consists of a glass cylinder above the lamp , covered by a cylinder of wire gauze ; and , instead of air passing through the perforated plate , it passes through the meshes of ...
Sivu 44
... tion may be given to the water - gauge . The water- gauge is an instrument used to measure the dynamic force of a current of air . It consists of a U - shaped tube of equal area throughout . The arms are about six inches long , provided ...
... tion may be given to the water - gauge . The water- gauge is an instrument used to measure the dynamic force of a current of air . It consists of a U - shaped tube of equal area throughout . The arms are about six inches long , provided ...
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Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
100 cubic feet air circulating air gave air in mines air passing air-column air-course air-current airway amount anemometer asphyxia atmosphere barometer brattice carbonic acid Clanny coal coal-dust Colliery column cubic foot cubic inches Davy Davy lamp diameter discharge districts double downcast drifts Engineering equal explosion feet of air feet per minute feet square fire-damp flame formula furnace gallery gases gauze hence horse-power inches of mercury inches water-gauge increased inflammable ksv2 length Manual marsh-gas measured mechanical ventilators Mechanics mercury method miners morocco motive-column Mueseler lamp multiplied number of revolutions oxygen perimeter piston pounds per square pressure per square pressure required proportional quan quantity of air regulators resistance revolutions per minute rubbing-surface safety-lamp sectional area shaft shutter smaller airway splitting square feet square foot Suppose temperature Text-book tion tity total pressure Treatise tube upcast velocity ventilating pressure volume of air water-gauge
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Sivu 147 - Fuertes's Water and Public Health 12mo, 1 50 Water-filtration Works 12mo. 2 50 Ganguillet and Kutter's General Formula for the Uniform Flow of Water in Rivers and Other Channels.
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