A Treatise on Practical and Theoretical Mine VentilationJ. Wiley & Sons, 1904 - 141 sivua |
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Tulokset 1 - 5 kokonaismäärästä 17
Sivu 24
... upcast , and circu- lation will be from C to A , on account of the heavier column of air CD . This is the principle upon which furnaces are em- ployed to ventilate mines . They are placed at the bottom , or near the bottom , of the upcast ...
... upcast , and circu- lation will be from C to A , on account of the heavier column of air CD . This is the principle upon which furnaces are em- ployed to ventilate mines . They are placed at the bottom , or near the bottom , of the upcast ...
Sivu 25
... upcast 72 ° . From the table on p . 21 , we find that 100 cubic feet of air at 42 ° weigh 7.67 pounds : therefore ... upcast columns of air . Let M = the motive - column , or head of air , D = the depth of the upcast in feet , t ...
... upcast 72 ° . From the table on p . 21 , we find that 100 cubic feet of air at 42 ° weigh 7.67 pounds : therefore ... upcast columns of air . Let M = the motive - column , or head of air , D = the depth of the upcast in feet , t ...
Sivu 26
... upcast of ten square feet , the pressure on each square foot of upcast will be the same as on the one square foot of the down cast , provided there is no friction . When calculating the weight of the motive - column , 26 § 11 MINE ...
... upcast of ten square feet , the pressure on each square foot of upcast will be the same as on the one square foot of the down cast , provided there is no friction . When calculating the weight of the motive - column , 26 § 11 MINE ...
Sivu 27
... upcast 202 ° , the barometer being 30 " on an average in the two shafts , which are equal in length ? 900 cubic feet of air at 42 ° F. 900 cubic feet of air at 202 ° F. Pounds . 71.406 54.126 Difference in weight · . • 17.280 Suppose ...
... upcast 202 ° , the barometer being 30 " on an average in the two shafts , which are equal in length ? 900 cubic feet of air at 42 ° F. 900 cubic feet of air at 202 ° F. Pounds . 71.406 54.126 Difference in weight · . • 17.280 Suppose ...
Sivu 28
... upcast , the better ; as the longer upright column of light air gives rise to a brisker ventilation . For this reason , furnaces should not be used in shallow pits . When coal is worked at a dip , the effect of natural ventilation is ...
... upcast , the better ; as the longer upright column of light air gives rise to a brisker ventilation . For this reason , furnaces should not be used in shallow pits . When coal is worked at a dip , the effect of natural ventilation is ...
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Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
100 cubic feet air circulating air gave air in mines air passing air-column air-course air-current airway amount anemometer asphyxia atmosphere barometer brattice carbonic acid Clanny coal coal-dust Colliery column cubic foot cubic inches Davy Davy lamp diameter discharge districts double downcast drifts Engineering equal explosion feet of air feet per minute feet square fire-damp flame formula furnace gallery gases gauze hence horse-power inches of mercury inches water-gauge increased inflammable ksv2 length Manual marsh-gas measured mechanical ventilators Mechanics mercury method miners morocco motive-column Mueseler lamp multiplied number of revolutions oxygen perimeter piston pounds per square pressure per square pressure required proportional quan quantity of air regulators resistance revolutions per minute rubbing-surface safety-lamp sectional area shaft shutter smaller airway splitting square feet square foot Suppose temperature Text-book tion tity total pressure Treatise tube upcast velocity ventilating pressure volume of air water-gauge
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