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"Man does not exist at all except by the exercise of his positive qualities."

WHAT is the difference between will and wilfulness, for they are often mistaken one for the other? Will is divine or spiritual, and through its cultivation, or rather realization, we come into poise. Wilfulness belongs to the personal self and means lack of poise and brings us into inharmony.

Obstinacy is often mistaken for will.

Wilfulness is self-assertive but not positive. Will is a positive quality but not self-assertive. To be positive does not mean to bristle like a porcupine, fearing you will yield to some one or to something.

The lack of confidence in the will

makes you affirm that you are using your will, whereas the divine activity of will is unconscious as is our breathing when we are normal.

"Impatient will," "vacillating will" is not really correct speech.

Will itself is steady and never wavers. Indecision, which is lack of use of the will, is death.

Decide means "to cut," to separate. Just the opposite of indecision.

Decision leads us to whatever we de


All development is through will.

Scientists affirm that the bodily construction of animals is the result of desire carried out through will.

The sloth "desires to hang on branches, live in trees; does not desire to touch the ground, so he can hardly walk, but is agile in trees. He looks like a mosscovered bough."

"The brain curves itself outwards to the retina because the central part of the embryo desires to take in the impressions of the activity of the world."

Will develops according to desire.
Will develops intellect.

There are long-legged fowls which wade and short-legged ones which swim. Removing horns on on cattle develops amiability, for they fight with their horns.

And in men we see all kinds attempting to adjust themselves to their surroundings.

A young woman, whose body was paralyzed below her neck, learned to use her tongue instead of her hands. She threaded a needle, did fancy work, and a little painting in water colors, all crude work to be sure, but it showed not only intellect but will, and she became the chief support of her family.

Will relates us to all higher powers, all positive powers.

We unfold the spiritual man through will.

As we exercise our positive qualities we see development.

When we think these truths and live these truths we see the truth in ali things and see through all falsity and illusion.

People think it wonderful to understand people easily, seeing beyond the appearance. It is only a clear seeing which comes from "concentrated will."

Begin to will to-day. Will at this particular moment.

A good orator is one so filled with his subject that he forgets himself. His will is not centred on himself and whether he will make a good impression or make his gesture correctly, but it is centred on his

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