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first in his mental and then in his physical condition.

We teach a person that the nature of his own divine will means spiritual inheritance, for we cannot inherit all things in the material world.

It means, if we believe Christ's teachings, that we are equal with Him, that we also are one with the Father; one with the source of all things.

For He said, "greater things than these shall ye do," showing that He believed in the divinity of His apostles.

We all have that divine spirit. We have called it the Christ spirit, or the Christ within. We have so called it because as a people we have taken Christ as our example and teacher.

But Buddha had the same spirit. He gave the same teachings. He was a living example of one who had become conscious of his own divinity. So he

who believes in his own divinity will live, does live.

How many dead there are in physical bodies! To die does not make one dead. You may be very much alive when dead, or very dead when alive.

Begin to believe in your divine nature. Begin to trust it.

emotions that are

Begin to control your


resentful. Begin to

think health. Begin to look for it.

If you can arouse to consciousness the divinity in another by prayer, why not arouse it in yourself?


A God without does not change your condition, but the God within. divinity within changes you and your conditions, if you believe in and trust it, no matter how dead to spiritual things you


To my mind there is no difference between disease of the body and disease of surroundings. One we name illness;

the other, poverty. Both show an undeveloped condition in the patient.

Health is normal, opulence is normal; therefore it must be easier to be well than ill; it must be easier to have all things needful than to be in poverty.

But the change from sickness to health comes from within; also the change from financial difficulties to health financially comes from within.

Do not work for health. Do not work for money. But awake from your dead. state and live.




"He that ruleth his own spirit is greater than he that taketh a city."

"My own master, total and absolute."

THE first quotation was given centuries ago. The second is of recent date. Yet both speak of the power in man, the power to govern and control.

The first makes it plain that some do not rule, but also that ruling one's spirit can be done. The second is to me even more masterful in spirit.

In "taking a city" we must have intelligent coöperation of all of our forces. We cannot feel that one part of our forces is with us and another against us.

Our action to be effectual must be in unison.

Our strength is in union. Our victory

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