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Dr. Paine knew personally our late colleague, Carroll Dunham; and when Dr. Paine denies the skill of a faithful and perfect diagnosis to such a thorough physician as Dunham was known to be by every member of our school; when Dr. Paine considers cures made and published, especially in the six volumes of the Homeopathic Review, as visionary and attributable to some other influences; what right have members to expect from a prejudiced judge, and what right will his "ipse dixit" carry with the profession, who have had to bear patiently with his "pseudo-homœopathy"?

In order to do our duty to the honorable members of the committee, we selected three well known authors-known to be not overly partial to the higher and highest potencies the late Dr. Bayes, the living Hughes and Jousset.

Bayes, in his "Applied Homœopathy," page 37, says, "In approaching the question of dose, or, rather, of dilution, it appears certain that the efficacy of the medicine depends far more on the choice of an appropriate dilution than has generally been conceded by our practitioners. Not only does the constitutional sensitiveness of the patient to some extent dominate the dilution to be given, but, also, some diseases are far better treated by the high and some by the lower dilutions. A physician who would always prescribe the same dilution in all diseases, whether it be the 200th, 30th, 12th, 3d or mother tincture, will have to record many brilliant cures in certain diseases, while he will find that certain other diseases will baffle and perplex him by their obstinacy. The most successful physician will be he who selects his dilution and dose according to the indications afforded by the loss of balance induced by the disease and by the constitutional peculiarities of the patient."

Bayes gives us in this work no theoretical hypotheses, but his own practical experience for many years, and, as far as we know, his word was never doubted in old England.

Page 47. The twelfth centesimal dilution of Aconite has a sphere of as great cure-power as the lower. When I look over the amount of relief and cure this dilution has enabled me to dispense, I do not wonder at the enthusiasm of those who claim for it exclusive use. In the insomnia of aged persons I have seen the best results from three globule doses of Aconite 12th, at bed time. After citing the benefit of this dilution in the febricula and epistaxis of children, in remittent fever, he continues: In the military form of scarlet fever I have seen Aconite 12th, and also Aconite 30th, of marked service. Besides the dilutions above named, I have occasionally prescribed Aconite in the

30th, in the 200th, and in the mother tincture. I have not, as a rule, seen so good results from the extremes as I have observed from those above enumerated.

Page 51. Anacardium 12th, for brain fag and nervous debility. Apis mellifera 12th, for glossitis, without apparent cause, gave rapid relief.

Page 55. Arnica 12th, for the continued starting of the limb from a fractured thigh in a nervous, timid child. Let any allopathic scorner repeat the experiment, merely giving a dilution corresponding to the nervous condition of the patient.

Arnica 30th, for chronic injury, where lower dilutions failed. In intercostal rheumatism, Arnica 18th, is his favorite dilution.

Page 59. Arsenicum, from the 1st to the 30th.

Page 63. Aurum, from the 3d to the 200th, benefits ozæna and chronic enlargement of testes.

Page 64. Baryta carbonica, from the 6th to the 30th, cures facial paralysis and incomplete general paralysis of old people.

Page 66. Belladonna 18th to 30th, in epilepsy; 6th, 12th and 30th, for inflammatory glandular swellings, for bright red erysipelas, for cerebral congestions.

Page 70. Bromine, from the 1st to the 30th, in laryngeal phthisis. Page 71. Bryonia; the happiest results in pneumonia, from 18th, 24th and 30th, my own experience fully corroborating that of Dr. Tessier, as to the power of these high dilutions of Bryonia in reducing the pulse. In rheumatism where the patient is highly sensitive, so that he cannot bear even the slightest shaking of the bed, and where he is delirious at night, the higher dilutions, 18th to 30th, act best. stiff neck, Bryonia, 18th to 24th, has proved rapidly curative.


Page 72. Calcarea carbonica 6th, 12th and 30th, in scrofulosis. In violent abdominal spasm from the passage of gall stones, and, in another case, from the passage of gravel through the ureter, I have seen the most marked relief from Calcarea carb. 30th, given in a little water and at short intervals. In irritable bladder, with triple-phosphatic urine, or pain in the kidneys, with lithic acid deposit in the urine, great relief follows the use of Calcarea carb. 30th.

Page 78. Causticum 12th and 30th, relieves certain forms of neuralgia and tendinous and muscular pains; when the symptoms of urging to urinate are present and when the urine is pale and colorless.

Page 93. Ferrum. Here Bayes reiterates, "I confine my remarks to a simple outline, the impressions and facts gathered from my own limited experience of the action of these medicines, given in accord

ance with the rule, Similia similibus curantur,' and given in minute and generally infinitesimal doses.

Page 94. Cina 12th, has cured more cases of tapeworms at my hands than any other drug.

Page 103. Ignatia 12th and 30th. Congestion of cerebellum, with tendency of the head to incline backwards.

Page 109. Lachesis 12th, arrests the tendency to fainting in nervclimaxis.

ous women;

Page 110. Lycopodium. In two cases of sub-acute pneumonia, following scarlatina, I followed the indications pointed out by Mr. Wilson and gave Lycopodium 30th, in consequence of the very marked and rapid movements of the alæ nasi in the act of breathing. Both these cases did remarkably well. In incarcerated flatulence, with tympanitic state of the abdomen, occurring chiefly in old people, Lycopodium 12th, has proved of decided and permanent benefit.

Page 123. Natrum muriaticum. In constipation I witnessed marked beneficial results from the 6th, 12th, and still more often from the 30th dilution of this medicine. Here I am forced to admit the apparent paradox that while a teaspoonful of salt fails to prevent or cure this form of hypochondriasis, I have yet seen it cured by an infinitesimal dose, without any deviation from the ordinary habits of the patient. How this fact is to be reconciled with science I know not; but I know that we possess a valuable means of relieving human suffering in these infinitesimal doses, and, fortunately, the cachinnations of conceited savans in no way injure the powers of the medicine.

Page 127. Nux vomica has a deservedly high rank among the remedies for constipation. I found the higher dilutions of more frequent and more permanent service than the lower, and have generally given. the 6th, 12th or 30th for their cure. In asthma, connected with imperfect and low digestion, the 6th to the 30th act better than the lower. In chronic congestion of the liver, affecting the old or debilitated, the 6th to the 30th is particularly useful.

Page 136. Phosphorus. As an illustration of the power of high dilutions, I would name the case of a gentleman who consulted me for a troublesome chronic cough, accompanied by the expectoration of tough, reddish brown mucus. Phosphorus was given in the lower dilutions, with but little relief, but the first dose of Phosphorus 30th, gave the most marked and permanent relief, and a few doses cured him.

Page 144. Pulsatilla. In amenorrhoea, with more or less tendency to anæmia, Pulsatilla is an admirable remedy, but great judgment is

required in the selection of the dilution, which ought to vary from the 30th to the 1st, according to the sensitiveness of the patient. In urinary affections I have seen high dilutions of Pulsatilla of great use, particularly where the urine is loaded with the urate of ammonia in very large quantities—a condition not unfrequently met with in young children and connected with a wasting hectic condition.

Page 146. Rhus toxicodendron. The higher dilutions have proved of most service in my hands from 6th to 30th; but in patients possessing but little sensitiveness, the 3d or 1st has been used with advantage.

Page 149. Sepia. Where there is dysmenorrhoea, with insufficient loss, with colicky pains and great distress, I found Sepia 30th to 12th to act better than the lower dilutions. Pains in the loins from uterine or other abdominal congestion finds speedy relief from Sepia 6th to 30th.

Page 150. Silicea. In pulmonary consumption, with very profuse expectoration, I have found the 30th, 18th and 12th dilutions preferable to the lower.

Page 154. Sulphur is one of the very few medicines from which I have seen decided pathogenetic results from extremely infinitesimal doses.

So far, William Bayes, M. D., versus H. M. Paine, M. D.

Now for the works of the justly celebrated Parisian clinician, P. Jousset.

In the introduction to his "Eléments de Médécine Pratique" he says: "Some tried to give fixed rules in regard to the choice of the dose, but we are still far from a solution, for the dose varies according to the drug and the disease; for example, Quinine acts better in massive doses in an intermittent fever, but globules suffice in deafness and cardaic affections; it needs massive doses of Mercury in syphilis, it acts better in dilutions in dysentery and angina; though in syphilis Mercury may be used in massive doses, Nitric acid acts better in the 30th dilution. In intermittent fever again we prefer Arsenic and Nux vomica in globules to massive doses."

Jousset rather favors the low dilutions; but still he says, page 54, "when treating syphilis, he reiterates the good effects he witnessed from Nitric acid 30th, and very rapid effects from Iodum 30th and Iodum 500th; Aurum 30th often suffices."

At page 130 he treats of interstitial nephritis, and considers Plumbum the most homoeopathic drug to that disease, but to be of benefit it must be prescribed in the higher dilutions, 15th to 30th. Where

Arsenic fails in the lower dilution we may change to higher ones, even the 30th.

Page 160. In exophthalmic goitre Jousset gives Belladonna 6th to 30th for six days, two dessertspoonfuls a day, and then interpolates six days of rest, and the latter must be lengthened as improvement progresses. Tarantula 12th may be given in the same manner.

Page 341. Ignatia and Tarantula are our chief weapons for hysteria in dilutions from the 12th to the 30th, and we cannot recommend too earnestly their employment.

Page 399. In Roth's clinic many cases of epilepsy were cured by one single dose of the indicated remedy in the 30th dilution, and allowed to act for two, three weeks or longer.

Vol. II., page 49, he recommends for migraine the remedies in the 12th and 30th twice daily for four days after the attack, for during the attack most medicines only produce aggravation, though Coffee or Belladonna might be tried.

Page 111. In glandular angina important improvement follows the use of Belladonna and Sulphur 30th, Belladonna four days, rest four days, then Sulphur in the same manner. In hemorrhoidal subjects Nux vomica takes the place of Belladonna.

Page 113. For hypertrophied tonsils he begins treatment with Belladonna 30th, a dose every fifteenth day. Sulphur and Aurum ought not be given till Sepia and Baryta were tried. In such a chronic ailment I give one dose daily for twenty days, then rest for a week. We change the dilution from the 3d to the 30th and 200th, though Baryta did me good service in the third.

Page 119. In oesophagitis I usually prescribe the 30th dilution. Where this fails, though the remedy is strictly indicated, I descend to the lower dilution and even to the tincture, but the higher dilutions succeeded mostly with me.

Page 143. Nux vomica corresponds to the dyspepsia of sanguine constitutions, and I give it often in the 12th dilution. Where the pain is severe in very impressionable subjects I prescribe the 30th. In a case where I failed with the low dilutions I cured the case nicely with the 200th. One dose daily in the evening for four to six days finishes the case up. In other cases, Arsenic 2d up to 30th may be indicated. I give Platina 30th in hysteric gastralgia, especially where the menses come too early and last too long. In that gastralgia, simulating lead colic, with obstinate constipation, I witnessed the best effects from Plumbum 30th, and even this dose may cause an aggravation so that the interval must be lengthened; one globule every three or six days suffices.

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