Sivut kuvina


Valid title to

for custom-house, a public building to accommodate the custom-house, post-office, and any post-office, &c. other offices of the general government in said city; and to erect thereon Building to be a building for the purposes aforesaid, the cost of said site and building being limited to fifty thousand dollars, of which amount twenty-five thousand dollars are hereby appropriated, to be paid from any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated: Provided, That no money appropribe first obtained, ated shall be expended until a good title is obtained to the site aforesaid, and the State of Maine shall cede jurisdiction over the same to the United States, and shall also duly release and relinquish to the United States the right to tax or in any way assess said site or the property of the United States that may be thereon during the time that the United States shall be or remain the owner thereof.

and right to tax released by


May 18, 1872.

Deficiency appropriation for the year ending June 30, 1872, &c.

House of Representatives. Constructive cartage not to be paid for. Folding documents.

Official reporter of Globe

for 42d Congress. 1866, ch. 296, § 18. Vol. xiv. p. 323.

Speaker may appoint a clerk,


Senate. Mileage for session of May 10, 1871, author



Heating, &c., apparatus.

John C. Knowlton.

Sets of Con

APPROVED, May 17, 1872.

CHAP. CLXXII.-An Act making Appropriations to supply Deficiencies in the Appro priations for the Service of the Government for the fiscal Year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, and for former Years, and for other Purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be, and the same are hereby, appropriated for the service of the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, or for the period and purposes hereinafter expressed, namely:

House of Representatives. For cartage for the House of Representatives, three thousand dollars; and constructive cartage shall not hereafter be paid for, but all articles delivered on the trip shall be paid for as one load. And for a deficiency in the appropriation for folding documents, including pay of folders and material therefor, thirty thousand dollars.

To pay the official reporters of the Globe in each house the amount which the comptroller of the treasury may find severally due them for services during the sessions of the forty-second Congress, under the eighteenth section of the act entitled "An act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the government for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, and for other purposes," approved July twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six.

That the speaker is hereby authorized to employ a clerk, at a salary of eighteen hundred dollars per annum, and no appointment on the doorkeeper's rolls shall be made to take the place of the person hitherto detailed as clerk to the speaker, and from March first to the close of this fiscal year, six hundred dollars are hereby appropriated for his salary.

Senate. - That the payment of mileage of Senators for actual attendance at the session of the Senate convened on the tenth day of May, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, by proclamation of the President, is hereby authorized.

For miscellaneous items, fifteen thousand dollars.
For labor, seven thousand five hundred dollars.

For furniture, three thousand six hundred dollars.

For expenses of heating and ventilating apparatus for fiscal year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, four hundred dollars.

For compensation of John C. Knowlton, for service as messenger in the Senate during the month of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, one hundred and twenty dollars.

To pay Rives and Bailey for complete sets of the Congressional Globe gressional Globe and appendix, furnished to Senators who had not previously received them, under the act of July fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, three 1864, ch. 250, § 1. thousand and five dollars.

to certain sena


Vol. xiii. p. 392.
Clerks to com-

mittees, &c.
Capitol police.

For clerks to committees, pages, horses, and carryalls, ten thousand dollars.

Capitol Police. For captain of the police, two hundred and eighty

eight dollars; for two lieutenants, at three hundred dollars each; and twenty-eight privates, at three hundred and eighty-four dollars each; in all, eleven thousand six hundred and forty dollars.

Library of Congress. For contingent expenses of the library of Congress, rendered necessary by the copyright business of said library, five hundred dollars. To enable the disbursing agent of the joint committee on the library to balance sundry fractional overdrafts in the following funds, for the fiscal years of eighteen hundred and seventyone and eighteen hundred and seventy-two, two hundred and fifty-seven dollars and eight cents, the same to be placed to the credit of the funds named in the amount specified to each; fund for purchase of books, twelve dollars and ninety-eight cents; fund for purchase of law-books, twenty-five dollars and seventy-nine cents: Fund for purchase of periodicals, two dollars and sixty-five cents; fund for exchange of public documents, six dollars and seventy cents; fund for repairs, etc., of buildings in botanic garden, seventy-five dollars and seventeen cents; fund for improving botanic garden, one hundred and twenty-five dollars; fund for contingent expenses of library, eight dollars and seventy-nine cents.

Library of Congress.


Reporting, &c. debates, &c.,

of forty-first Con. gress.

Vol. xv. p. 347.

To pay Rives and Bailey for the reporting and publication of the debates and proceedings of the forty-first Congress, under the joint resolution approved March three, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, and contract of April fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, so far as may have been provided for by law, two thousand seven hundred and seventy-six dollars and ninety-eight cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary. Department of State. For extra clerk-hire necessitated by unusual labor in preparing for the session of the tribunal of arbitration at Geneva, of State. five thousand dollars.


Extra clerk


For publishing the laws of the third session of the forty-first Congress Pamphlet laws, and of the first session of the forty-second Congress in pamphlet form, and in newsfive thousand dollars.

For publishing the laws of the first session of the forty-first Congress in newspapers, two thousand one hundred dollars.

For publishing the laws of the second session of the forty-first Congress

in newspapers, six thousand one hundred and twelve dollars.


Allowance to

Foreign Intercourse. For salaries of envoys extraordinary, and min- Foreign interisters plenipotentiary, and ministers resident, for the fiscal year ending course. June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, forty-two thousand dollars; and for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, fifty thousand dollars; and in settling the accounts of John P. Hale, late minister to Spain, the accounting officers of the treasury shall allow him salary to the first of January, eighteen hundred and seventy, at which time his health was so far restored as to be able to John P. Hale. travel, and the sum necessary to pay the same is hereby appropriated. And the Secretary of State is hereby authorized to allow the payment of Extraordinary such sums as the President shall approve to the consuls of the United services of certain consuls durStates at Algiers, Boulogne, Lyons, Marseilles, Nantes, Nice, and Rheims, ing the late war as compensation for extraordinary services during the late war in Europe: in Europe. Provided, That the total sum so expended shall not exceed the unexpended Total not to balance of the amount appropriated by the fourth and fifth paragraphs of exceed, &c. the act entitled "An act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses 1871, ch. 114. Vol. xvi. p. of the government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hun- 495. dred and seventy-two, and for other purposes," approved March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-one.

For contingent expenses of the United States consulates for blankbooks and stationery, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, fifteen thousand dollars; and for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, fifteen thousand dollars.

Blank books, &c.

For pay of dragoman at the consulate at Constantinople from April Dragoman at

Constantinople. first, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, to March thirty-first, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, four hundred dollars.

Cemetery in Malaga;

in Mexico.

Cape Spartel light.

United States legation in France.

Extraordinary expenses of minister to



for Robert C.


For improvements and alteration of the Protestant cemetery in Malaga, Spain, five hundred dollars.

To reimburse the consul of the United States in the city of Mexico for the care of the Protestant American cemetery during the past year, for the current fiscal year, and to pay salary of keeper, five hundred dollars, one thousand one hundred and five dollars.

For the annual proportion of the United States of the expenses of Cape Spartel light, on the coast of Morocco, two hundred and eighty-five dollars.

For additional expenses of the United States legation in France, consequent upon the removal of the seat of government from Paris to Versailles, eight hundred dollars.

To defray the extraordinary expenses of the American minister to the kingdom of Italy occasioned by the removal of its capital from Turin to Florence and from Florence to Rome, six thousand dollars.

To enable Robert C. Schenck, minister to Great Britain, to pay his private amanuensis, as provided by joint resolution approved January Vol. xvi. p. 590. eleventh, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, from the date of the approval of said joint resolution to July first, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, one thousand one hundred and eighty dollars.

Consular building at Tangiers.

American sea

men in foreign



Report of commissioner.

Mints and branches.

Branch mint at

San Francisco; at Carson City.

Boise city.

1843, ch. 90.
Vol ix. p. 59.

For repairs to the consular building at Tangiers, three thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of State, to be available until the end of the next fiscal year.

For the relief and protection of American seamen in foreign countries, one hundred thousand dollars.

Inquiry respecting Food-Fishes. For continuing the inquiry into the cause of the decrease of the food-fishes of the coast and of the lakes, three thousand five hundred dollars.

For preparation of the illustrations, tables, and so forth, of the report of the United States commissioner of fish and fisheries, five hundred dollars.


Branch Mint, San Francisco, California. - For wages of workmen and adjusters, twenty-one thousand five hundred dollars.

[ocr errors]

Branch Mint, Carson City, Nevada. For salaries and expenses, (deficiency during fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy,) three thousand dollars.

For wages of workmen and adjusters, for fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, six thousand dollars.

For contingent expenses, to wit, for sundry miscellaneous items, including wood, charcoal, and freight, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, twelve thousand four hundred dollars.

For contingent expenses of the same character, for the fiscal years ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy, and June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, three thousand dollars. For this amount, deficiency in the construction of the assay-office, Boise city, Idaho Territory, two thousand ninety-two dollars and five cents.

Independent Treasury. Contingent expenses under the act of August sixth, eighteen hundred and forty-six: For the collection, safe-keeping, transferring, and disbursement of the public moneys, one hundred thousand dollars.

To pay deficiencies in the salaries of officers, clerks, and others in the office of the assistant treasurer in New York city for the present fiscal year, nine thousand three hundred and four dollars.




Governor, &c.

District of Columbia. To pay the governor, secretary, and three District of members of the board of public works of the District of Columbia such Columbia. sums as may be due them for salaries from the date of their commissions to the first of July, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, three thousand eight hundred and fifty-one dollars and fourteen cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.

Board of

To pay the members of the board of health from the date of their appointment to the first of July, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, at two health. thousand dollars each per annum, twelve thousand one hundred and ninetytwo dollars and fifty-six cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary.

For compensation to the president and members of the council of the District of Columbia, for the session commencing on the eighth of November, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, two thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars.


For deficiency in appropriation for legislative expenses of Montana Expenses, &c., Territory, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and of Montana Territory; seventy-two, the same to be expended in publishing the laws and journals

of the last session of the legislature of said Territory, the sum of five thousand dollars.

For printing and binding house and council journals of the fifth session of the legislative assembly of Montana Territory, two thousand four hundred dollars.

For compensation of members of the fifth legislature of Montana Territory, eight hundred and seventeen dollars.

For rent of office, salary of messenger, furniture, carpet, postage, and other incidental expenses of the secretary of the Territory of New Mexico, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, one thousand three hundred and fifty dollars and eighty-two cents.

New Mexico;

For expenses of the secretary's office of the Territory of Arizona, rent Arizona; of office, fuel, lights, printing, postage, storage of furniture, and so forth, three thousand dollars.

For expenses of the secretary's office of the Territory of Wyoming, Wyoming; fuel, lights, stationery, postage, and so forth, one thousand two hundred dollars.

For miscellaneous printing, and printing journals of council and house of the nineteenth annual session of the legislative assembly of the Territory of Utah, one thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars and forty


For deficiency of appropriation for legislative expenses of the Territory of Dakota, for the fiscal years ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, and June thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, viz.: for printing and binding, four thousand three hundred and seventy-five dollars; for office rent, four hundred and twenty-five dollars; for incidental expenses, twelve hundred dollars; in all, six thousand dollars.

[ocr errors]


Internal revenue stamps,


Captured and


Expenses of

Internal Revenue. For stamps, paper, and dies for the use of the office of Internal Revenue, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Captured and abandoned Property. — For payment of necessary expenses incurred in defending suits against the Secretary of the Treasury, abandoned propor his agents, and for defence of the United States in respect to such property, and in the recovery of property claimed to have accrued or belonged suits, &c. to the United States through the suppression of the rebellion, and for settling the accounts of agents employed in recovering such property, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, thirty thousand dollars.

United States Coast Survey.. For repairs and maintenance of the complement of vessels used in the coast survey, per act of March second, [third] eighteen hundred and fifty-three, thirty thousand dollars.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Custom-house, Saint Paul,



treasurer, Saint Louis.

Wood pavement in Detroit.


at Machias.



For pay and rations of the engineers for the steamers used in the coast survey, no longer supplied by the Navy Department, ten thousand dollars.

Public Buildings throughout the United States. For the completion of the building for custom-house at Astoria, Oregon, twenty thousand four hundred and forty-two dollars and fifty cents, and for fencing, grading, sidewalks, sewerage, and other matters indispensable to its completion, five thousand six hundred and eighty-six dollars and forty cents; in all, twenty-six thousand one hundred and twenty-eight dollars and ninety


For continuing the work on the new State Department building during the balance of the present fiscal year, two hundred thousand dollars.

For extension and repair of the building for custom-house and postoffice at Baltimore, Maryland, fifty thousand dollars.

For completion of the building for marine hospital at Chicago, Illinois, seventy-seven thousand three hundred and eighty-three dollars and eightynine cents; and for grading and fencing, thirteen thousand nine hundred and eighty-seven dollars and five cents; and to make good the damage done to the building and loss by fire, fourteen thousand and sixty dollars and fifty cents; in all, one hundred and five thousand four hundred and thirty-one dollars and forty-four cents.

For continuation of the construction of the building for custom-house at Knoxville, Tennessee, one hundred thousand dollars.

For completing the building for custom-house at Portland, Maine, ten thousand eight hundred and fifty-one dollars.

For completing the building for post-office and court-house at Portland, Maine, fifteen thousand three hundred and ninety-eight dollars.

For putting a new roof on the custom and post-office building at Newport, in the State of Rhode Island, to be so arranged as to afford an additional story, and for remodelling the interior of said building, and such other repairs as may be necessary, the sum of eleven thousand two hundred and forty-one dollars and seventy-five cents.

For additional machinery for the appraisers' stores in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, five thousand five hundred and fifty-nine dollars and fifty

five cents.

For grading, paving, sidewalks, and fences of the approaches to the building for custom-house at Saint Paul, Minnesota, fifteen thousand nine hundred and eleven dollars and fifty cents.

For rent of the office of assistant treasurer of the United States at Saint Louis, Missouri, one thousand five hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the remainder of the present fiscal year, and for fitting up the office, one thousand dollars.

To reimburse the city of Detroit, Michigan, the amount expended in laying a wood pavement in front of the marine hospital property in said city, eighteen hundred dollars.

To supply furniture for the new custom-house at Machias, Maine, three thousand seven hundred and sixty-six dollars.

Treasury, Miscellaneous. For rebuilding the light-stations at Manistee, Light-stations Michigan, which were destroyed by fire on the eighth of October, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, ten thousand dollars.

at Manistee, Mich.

Repair public buildings.

Heating appar


Furniture and repairs.

For repairs and preservation of public buildings under the control of the Treasury Department, fifty thousand dollars.

For re-arranging the heating apparatus of the Treasury building, according to plans to be approved by the Secretary of the Treasury, nineteen thousand eight hundred and forty dollars, which shall be available to the close of the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy three.

For furniture and repairs of furniture for public buildings under the

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