Sivut kuvina

the second section of chapter two hundred and thirty of the statutes of 1866, ch. 230, § 2. the United States for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-six, and at rates Vol. xiv. p. 221. of compensation therefor to be established by the Postmaster-General : Provided also, That whenever any telegraph company shall have filed its written acceptance with the Postmaster-General, of the restrictions and obligations required by the act approved July twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, entitled, “An act to aid in the construction of telegraph lines, and to secure to the government the use of the same, for postal, military, and other purposes," if such company, its agents, or employees Penalty upon shall hereafter refuse or neglect to transmit any such telegraphic communi- certain telegraph cations as are provided for by the aforesaid act, or by the joint resolution companies for refusing to transapproved the ninth day of February, eighteen hundred and seventy, " to mit certain comauthorize the Secretary of War to provide for taking meteorological obser- munications. Vol. xvi. p. 369. vations at the military stations and other points of the interior of the continent, and for giving notice on the northern lakes and seaboard of the approach and force of storms," such telegraphic company shall forfeit and pay to the United States not less than one hundred and not exceeding one thousand dollars for each refusal or neglect aforesaid, to be recovered by an action or actions at law, in any district court of the United States. Miscellaneous Objects. To provide for the payment under existing laws for horses and other property lost or destroyed in the military service. of the United States, one hundred thousand dollars.

Secret-service fund: To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to settle the accounts of disbursing officers for expenditures already made in pursuance of law, which will not involve any actual expenditure, but merely a transfer on the books of the treasury, fifty thousand dollars.

To provide for the payment to Benn Pitman for a transcript of his phonographic copy of the record and proceedings of the court of inquiry in relation to the conduct of General D. C. Buell, while in command of the army in Kentucky and Tennessee, the sum of twelve hundred dollars.

Miscellaneous. Property lost in the military


Secret service


Benn Pitman. 1872, ch. 311.

Ante, p. 229

Military convicts at State penitentiaries: For payment of costs and Military concharges of State penitentiaries for the care, clothing, maintenance, and victs at State penitentiaries. medical attendance of United States military convicts confined in them, sixty-five thousand dollars.

Refunding to States expenses

Refunding to States expenses incurred in raising volunteers: To indemnify the States for expenses incurred by them in enrolling, equipping, of raising volunand transporting troops for the defence of the United States during the late insurrection, five hundred thousand dollars.


Arbitration be

States and the

Green Bay, &c.,

Canal Co.

To enable the Secretary of War to pay the expenses incurred, on the part of the United States, in the arbitration had between the United tween the United States and the Green Bay and Mississippi Canal Company, thirteen thousand seven hundred and thirteen dollars and ninety-seven cents. To provide for the erection of head-stones upon the graves of soldiers in the national cemeteries, the sum of two hundred thousand dollars. For the establishment of an astronomical base, and continuance of military and geographical surveys and explorations west of the one hundredth meridian of longitude, under the direction of the Secretary of War, seventyfive thousand dollars.

For the purchase and preparation of instruments for a proper observation of the transit of Venus, which is predicted to occur on the eighth of December, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, fifty thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction of a commission, to be composed of the superintendent and two of the professors of mathematics of the navy attached to the naval observatory, the president of the national academy of sciences, and the superintendent of the coast survey: Provided, That no contracts or engagements shall be made for such instruments to an amount exceeding the sum hereby appropriated.

For pedestal for the equestrian statue of General Winfield Scott, au

Headstones upon graves of soldiers, &c. Surveys, &c., west of 100 west longitude.

Transit of Venus.

See Post, p. 514


Pedestal to

statue of General Scott.


thorized by act of July fifteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy, forty-two thousand dollars.

For expenses of the United States commissioners to the International to international Penitentiary Congress at London, in eighteen hundred and seventy-two, five thousand dollars.

penitentiary con

gress; statistical con

[blocks in formation]

For expenses of the United States commissioners to the International Statistical Congress at Saint Petersburg, five thousand dollars.

To enable the Secretary of the Interior to provide a law library for the territory of Colorado, two thousand five hundred dollars, said library to be selected by the chief justice of said Territory.

For preparing and printing a series of maps, not exceeding twenty in number, to illustrate graphically the quarto volumes of the ninth census, twenty-five thousand dollars.


Navy-Yards.-Navy-yard, Portsmouth, New Hampshire: For repairs of all kinds, seventy-five thousand dollars; for repairs of floating docks, eighty thousand dollars; for permanent improvements, namely, for bridge connecting Seavey's island, four thousand dollars; in all, one hundred and fifty-nine thousand two hundred dollars.

For constructing and testing experimental breech-loading boat-howitzers, ten thousand dollars.

Navy-yard, Boston, Massachusetts: For repairs of all kinds, seventyfive thousand dollars.

Navy-yard, Brooklyn, New York: For repairs of all kinds, one hundred thousand dollars.

Navy-yard, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: For repairs of all kinds, forty thousand dollars.

Navy-yard, Washington, District of Columbia: For repairs of all kinds, seventy-five thousand dollars.

Navy-yard, Norfolk, Virginia: For repairs of all kinds, one hundred thousand dollars.

Navy-yard, Pensacola, Florida: For repairs of all kinds, twenty-five thousand dollars.

Navy-yard, Mare island, California: For repairs of all kinds, seventyfive thousand dollars; for repairs of floating-docks, one hundred thousand dollars; for permanent improvements, namely, for commencing dry-dock, two hundred thousand dollars; continuing quay-wall and wharves, thirty thousand dollars; continuation of rail-tracks, five thousand dollars; in all, four hundred and ten thousand dollars.

Naval station at League island, Pennsylvania: For repairs and maintenance of embankments and for dredging, one hundred and fifteen thousand dollars.

For naval station at New London, Connecticut: For building wharf, grading, for building storehouse, and for care and preservation of property, twenty thousand dollars.

Naval station at Key West, Florida: For repairs of all kinds, fifteen thousand dollars.

Emergencies at naval stations: For emergencies that may arise at naval stations, forty thousand dollars.


Buildings and Grounds. For improvement of grounds: For labor, twelve thousand dollars; for heating-apparatus for new grapery, two thousand dollars; for material for roads and walks, one thousand five hundred dollars; for cast-iron labels for naming trees in arboretuin, one hundred dollars; for tools, repairs, and blacksmithing, one thousand dollars; for draining-tiles for grounds, five hundred dollars; for terrace-walls,

two thousand five hundred dollars; for repairing fence around grounds, one thousand dollars; and for a furnace in the laboratory, four hundred dollars; in all, twenty-one thousand dollars.

Toward completing the museum under the charge of Professor Townsend Glover, three thousand dollars.


need not go to
surplus fund.
1871, ch. 21, § 27.
Ante, p. 12.
1870, ch. 251, § 5.
Vol. xvi. p. 251.
Repayment to

court for southern

decree of court,

SEC. 2. That out of the unexpended balance of the appropriation (sec- Part of unextion twenty-seven of the act approved April twentieth, eighteen hundred pended balance of appropriation and seventy-one) for more effectually securing life and property on the for life-saving, coasts of New Jersey and Long Island, for the fiscal year ending June stations, &c., thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, the sum of two hundred thousand dollars is hereby excepted from the operation of the fifth section of the act of July twelfth, eighteen hundred and seventy. SEC. 3. That the sum of two hundred and twenty-five thousand seven hundred and fifty-one dollars and eight cents is hereby appropriated to enable the Secretary of the Treasury to return to the clerk of the United clerk of district States district court for the southern district of Illinois the one-half of district of Illinois four hundred and fifty-one thousand five hundred and two dollars and for amount paid to the secresixteen cents paid to said secretary by said clerk as prize-money, in pur- tary of the Treassuance of a decree of said court made on the eleventh day of May, eighteen ury, as prizehundred and sixty-four, which decree was afterward, to wit, on the ninth money, under a day of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, held to be erroneous and since declared set aside by said court, and said money ordered to be returned to said erroneous. court for distribution to the lawful owners thereof; and to this end that the said secretary cause to be transferred the said sum of two hundred and twenty-five thousand seven hundred and fifty-one dollars and eight cents from the navy pension fund to the credit of the Treasurer of the United States; the moneys so directed to be returned having been deposited to the credit of said fund on the twenty-third of May, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, by warrant number one hundred and sixty-nine. SEC. 4. That the proper accounting officers of the Treasury Depart- In adjusting ment, be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed, in adjusting the account of Wilaccount of William Kapus, collector of customs for the district of Alaska, allowance to be liam Kapus, to make an allowance for the compensation of Charles H. Pierce for ser- made for pay of vices rendered in aid of the collection of the revenue from customs at the Charles H. port of Oonalaska, in said district, of such sum as they may deem just and equitable for the time actually employed, not to exceed the rate of one thousand five hundred dollars per annum.

SEC. 5. That to enable the Secretary of the Interior to pay Standish and Ballard, attorneys, their account for defending the register and the receiver at Ionia, Michigan, the sum of one thousand dollars is hereby appropriated.


Standish and Ballard.

Judgments of

SEC. 6. That in the settlement of judgments by the court of claims or the supreme court of the United States, hereafter to be rendered for court of claims for captured, captured or abandoned cotton, or in settlements for cotton seized subse- &c., cotton, &c., quent to June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, the Secretary of to be paid withthe Treasury is hereby directed to pay such judgments, or the amounts as ascertained upon such settlements in full without deduction on account of tax. internal-revenue tax upon cotton.

out deduction for internal revenue

Collector of

SEC. 7. That the accounting officers of the treasury be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed, in adjusting the accounts of the collector customs at of customs for the port of Chicago, to allow him, as an ex-officio deposi- allowed for cerChicago to be tary of moneys belonging to the United States, a credit for such sum or tain moneys lost sums, in coin or currency, as may satisfactorily appear to have been held by the fire. by him, as such depositary, at the time of the fire in said city on the ninth and tenth days of October, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, and to have

been lost or destroyed by fire.

APPROVED, June 10, 1872.


June 10, 1872. CHAP. CDXVI. - An Act making Appropriations for the Repair, Preservation, and Completion of certain public Works on Rivers and Harbors, and for other Purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums of money be, and are hereby, appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War, for the repair, preservation, and completion of the following public works hereinafter named:

Appropriations for the repair, &c., of public works on rivers

and harbors.

Du Luth. Proviso.

Superior City.




Two Rivers.


Port Washing





Michigan City.

New Buffalo.


For the improvement of Du Luth harbor, Minnesota, fifty thousand dollars: Provided, That no part of said sum shall be expended so as to injure the harbor of Superior City, Wisconsin.

For the improvement of Superior City harbor, Wisconsin, fifty thousand dollars.

For the improvement of Marquette harbor, Michigan, fifty thousand dollars.

For the improvement of Menomonee harbor, Michigan and Wisconsin, twenty-five thousand dollars.

For the improvement of Ahnapee harbor, Wisconsin, twenty-five thousand dollars.

For the improvement of Two Rivers harbor, Wisconsin, twenty-five thousand dollars.

For the improvement of Sheboygan harbor, Wisconsin, eighteen thousand dollars.

For the improvement of Port Washington harbor, Wisconsin, fifteen thousand dollars.

For the improvement of Kenosha harbor, Wisconsin, ten thousand dollars.

For the improvement of Chicago harbor, Illinois, ninety thousand dollars.

For the improvement of Calumet harbor, Illinois, forty thousand dollars.

For the improvement of Michigan City harbor, Indiana, fifty thousand dollars.

For the improvement of New Buffalo harbor, Michigan, five thousand dollars.

Green Bay and For payment to the Green Bay and Mississippi Canal Company, for so Mississippi Canal much of all and singular its property and rights of property in and to the Company, for its line of water communication between the Wisconsin river and the mouth of the Fox river, including its locks, dams, canals, and franchises, as were under the act of Congress for the improvement of water communication between the Mississippi river and Lake Michigan by the Wisconsin and 1870, ch. 210. Fox rivers, approved July seventh, eighteen hundred and seventy, reVol. xvi. p. 189. ported by the Secretary of War to be needed, in his communication to the House of Representatives dated March eighth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, one hundred and forty-five thousand dollars.



Pere Marquette.


White River.


Grand Haven.

For the improvement of Frankfort harbor, Michigan, ten thousand dollars.

For the improvement of Manistee harbor, Michigan, ten thousand dollars.

For the improvement of Pere Marquette harbor, Michigan, ten thousand dollars.

For the improvement of Pentwater harbor, Michigan, thirty thousand dollars.

For the improvement of White River harbor, Michigan, ten thousand dollars.

For the improvement of Muskegon harbor, Michigan, ten thousand dollars.

For the improvement of Grand Haven harbor, Michigan, fifteen thou

sand dollars.

For the improvement of Black Lake harbor, Michigan, ten thousand Black Lake. dollars.

For the improvement of Saugatuck harbor, Michigan, fifteen thousand Saugatuck. dollars.

For the improvement of South Haven harbor, Michigan, twelve thousand dollars.

South Haven.

For the improvement of Saint Joseph harbor, Michigan, three thou- Saint Joseph. sand dollars.

Saint Mary's

Mary's Falls canal.

For the improvement of Saint Mary's river and Saint Mary's Falls canal, Michigan, three hundred thousand dollars, of which sum fifteen river and Saint thousand dollars may be applied to secure the right of way. For the improvement of Cheboygan harbor, Michigan, fifteen thousand dollars.

For the improvement of Au Sable river, Michigan, ten thousand dol


For the improvement of Harbor of Refuge, on Lake Huron, one hundred thousand dollars.

For the improvement of the mouth of Black river, in Saint Clair river, Michigan, fifteen thousand dollars.

For the improvement of Saint Clair flats, Michigan, four thousand dollars.

For the improvement of Toledo harbor, Ohio, fifteen thousand dollars. For the improvement of Sandusky river, Ohio, ten thousand dollars. For the improvement of Sandusky City harbor, Ohio, thirteen thousand dollars.

For the improvement of Ashtabula harbor, Ohio, fifteen thousand dollars.

For the improvement of Vermillion harbor, Ohio, five thousand dollars. For the improvement of Erie harbor, Pennsylvania, fifteen thousand dollars.

For the improvement of Dunkirk harbor, New York, twenty-five thousand dollars.

For the improvement of Port Clinton harbor, Ohio, eight thousand dollars.

For the improvement of Rocky River harbor, Ohio, ten thousand dollars.

For the improvement of Maumee river above Toledo, Ohio, seven thousand dollars.


Harbor of Refuge. Mouth of

Black river.

Saint Clair


Toledo. Sandusky river.

Sandusky City. Ashtabula.




Port Clinton.

Rocky river.

Maumee river.

For the improvement of Monroe harbor, Michigan, ten thousand dollars.


For the improvement of Buffalo harbor, New York, seventy-five thousand dollars; and the unexpended balance heretofore appropriated for building sea-wall at Buffalo.

For the improvement of Olcott harbor, New York, ten thousand dollars.

For the improvement of Oak Orchard harbor, New York, two thousand five hundred dollars.



Oak Orchard.

For the improvement of Pultneyville harbor, New York, ten thousand dollars.


For the improvement of Little Sodus harbor, New York, fifteen thousand dollars.

Little Sodus.

For the improvement of Big Sodus harbor, New York, fifteen thousand dollars.

Big Sodus.

For the improvement of Oswego harbor, New York, one hundred thousand dollars.


For the improvement of Ogdensburgh harbor, New York, ten thousand dollars.


For the improvement of Plattsburgh harbor, New York, ten thousand Plattsburgh. dollars.

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