From Dover to Tobacco Point. Post-roads es From Waynesboro', via Copeland, Martin's Mills, Giles Mills, and tablished in Lowryville, to Hamburg. From Troy, via Millenville, to Tiptonville. From Trezevant, via McLemaresville, to Terry. From Asheville, via West Fork of Ivy and Upper Laurel and Indian Creek, to Jonesboro'. From Lawrenceburg, via Newburg, to Centreville. From Lawrenceburg to Waynesboro'. VIRGINIA. From Summerfield, via Spring Valley, to Stepens Creek. From Blacksburg, via Prices Fork, to Cowan's Mills. From Baptist Valley to Knob. From Independence, via Tongs Gap, Clems Branch, and Flat Ridge, to Tennessee; Virginia; Vermont; WISCONSIN. From Galesville to North Bend. WYOMING. From Rawlin's Springs to Seminole City. WEST VIRGINIA. From Pennsborough to Henry Fings, on Grass Run. From Winfield to Scott Depot, on Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad. From Manns Ferry to Union. Wisconsin; Wyoming; West Virginia. CHAP. CDXXVIII. - An Act for the Construction of a Custom-house, bonded Ware June 10, 1872. house, and Post-office at Port Huron, Michigan. Site to be obtained at Port Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to purchase, at Huron, Mich., private sale or by condemnation, in pursuance of the statute of the State for custom-house, of Michigan, a suitable lot of ground in the city of Port Huron, State of &c. Michigan, and to cause to be erected thereon a building suitable for the accommodation of the custom-house, bonded warehouse, and other government offices in that city; the lot of land and the building thereon, when completed, upon plans to be previously made and approved by the Secretary of the Treasury, shall not exceed the cost of two hundred thousand dollars: Provided, That no money to be appropriated for this buildings not to purpose shall cost over, &c. be available until a valid title to the land shall be vested in the United No money to States, and until the State of Michigan shall cede its jurisdiction over the be appropriated until, &c. same and relinquish the right to tax or assess the same while the United States shall be the possessor thereof. Land and APPROVED, June 10, 1872. June 10, 1872. CHAP. CDXXIX. - An Act appropriating ten thousand Dollars for a Statue of General John A. Rawlins. for statue of General John A. Rawlins. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Appropriation States of America in Congress assembled, That the sum of ten thousand dollars be, and is hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to procure a life-sized statue of General John A. Rawlins, late Secretary of War, to be placed as a centre-piece of a fountain in Franklin square, the design to be approved of by the commissioner of public buildings and grounds, the architect of the Capitol extension, and the librarian of Congress. APPROVED, June 10, 1872. June 10, 1872. CHAP. CDXXX. · See 1873, ch. 319. Post, p. 623. Preamble. Inventory to be taken of the unsold lands, and certain other property of the Ottawa Indians of Blanchard's Fork and Roche de Bœuf. WHEREAS the members of the tribe of Ottawa Indians of Blanchard's Fork and Roche de Boeuf have presented their petition earnestly requesting that a sale be made of their lands, premises, assets, and other property in the State of Kansas, and that the proceeds thereof be distributed in severalty to the present members of said tribe, their heirs or assigns: Therefore, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, directed and required to have an inventory taken of all the lands and appurtenances thereto appertaining, remaining unsold, mentioned in the sixth article of the treaty between the United States and said tribe of Indians, concluded June twenty-fourth, anno Domini eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and proclaimed July twentyVol. xii. p. 1238. eighth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, or acquired, held, or controlled Vol. xv. p. 518; under authority conferred by said article, including any lands formerly trust-lands, belonging to said tribe, purchased and held by the trustees provided for in said article, including also any land acquired by the trustees of the Ottawa University under authority of the twtieth article of the treaty of July twenty-third, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, between the United States and the Senecas, mixed Senecas, Shawnees, and other Indians, or in any other manner; together, also, with the section of land reserved under the provisions of said article of the treaty aforesaid for the location of a school and the appurtenances thereto appertaining; also, of all bonds, notes, mortgages, moneys, credits, assets, and other property arising from sales heretofore made of lands mentioned in the said sixth article of said treaty or from sale of lands purchased by the trustees provided for therein, or from any other source, and the said lands, premises, appurtenances, bonds, notes, mortgages, credits, and assets, and other property aforesaid shall be inventoried and appraised by three commissioners, who shall be appointed by the Secretary of the Interior. After the inventory and appraisement of said lands, premises, appurtenances, bonds, notes, mortgages, moneys, credits, assets, and other property aforesaid as herein provided, the Secretary of the Interior shall be, and hereby is, authorized and required forthwith to take possession for the United States, advertise and sell the same upon such terms and conditions as he may prescribe: Provided, however, That such advertisement shall be inserted once in each week for four weeks successively, in a newspaper published and having general circulation in Franklin county, Kansas, and for the same length of time in the State paper of Kansas, published at the city of Topeka, State of Kansas: And provided further, That no bid shall be accepted which may be less than the appraised value of such premises and other property: No one to pur- And provided further, That said bonds, notes, mortgages, credits, perchase more than, sonal property, and assets shall be sold in separate parcels, and the lands shall be sold in parcels of not more than one hundred and sixty acres and appraisement thereof to be made. Such lands and property to be advertised for sale and sold; how adver tised; mode of sale. &c. Patents for Lands to be each; and no purchaser shall be permitted to purchase more than one quarter section thereof. Upon the payment of the purchase-money of said lands upon the terms and conditions aforesaid, the Secretary of the purchasers. Interior shall cause to be issued to the purchaser or purchasers patents for the same. Such lands and the whole thereof shall be subject to taxation as other lands in the State of Kansas are taxable, notwithstanding on in Kansas. subject to taxaany provisions of law heretofore existing. The said commissioners are Power of comauthorized to examine, under oath, any person or persons touching the missioners to approperty, credits, or assets hereinbefore mentioned, and to compel the pro- examinations as praise in making duction of such books, or other testimony as may pertain to the same; to said property. and for this purpose they are, and each of them is, hereby empowered to administer all necessary oaths, and the trustees acting under said sixth article of said treaty are hereby required upon demand, to account to said commissioners for all moneys, property, choses in action or assetts, of any description that may be now, or at any time heretofore has been in their possession or or under their control, and the trust created by virtue of said article is hereby discharged, vacated, and declared at an end; but nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to relieve the said trustees, or any of them, from any liability incurred in the management or disposition of said property or any part thereof. The proceeds of such sales shall be paid to the several members of the said tribe, their heirs or assigns, per capita; and in case any of the members of said tribe are minors, then such sums of money as are due or coming to them from such proceeds shall be paid to the guardian of such minors appointed under the laws of the State of Kansas. The commissioners to be appointed under the provisions of this act shall receive compensation for their services at the rate of five dollars for each day actually engaged in the duties herein designated, in addition to the amount paid by them for actual travel and other necessary expenses, and the said sums and expenses shall be paid out of the funds arising from the sales of the property herein provided to be disposed of. APPROVED, June 10, 1872. Proceeds of sales, how to be applied. Compensation of commission ers; to be paid from sales. CHAP. CDXXXI.— An Act to authorize the President of the United States to appoint June 10, 1872. one or more Commissioners to represent the Government of the United States at the International Exposition of Agriculture, Industry, and Fine Arts, to be held at Vienna in eighteen hundred and seventy-three. President may represent the Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United States be, and he hereby is, authorized, by and with the advice and con- appoint agents to sent of the Senate, to appoint one or more agents to represent the United States at government of the United States at the international exposition of agri- the international culture, industry, and fine arts, to be held at Vienna in eighteen hundred exposition at and seventy-three: Provided, That such appointments shall not impose Proviso. on this government any liability for the expense which they may occasion. APPROVED, June 10, 1872. CHAP. CDXXXII. Vienna. An Act confirming and extending a Patent-right to Levi W. June 10, 1872. Letters-patent granted to Levi Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the rights described in the letters-patent granted on the fourth day of August, eighteen hundred and heretofore sixty-eight, to Levi W. Pond and Eau Claire Lumber Company, of the W. Pond and county of Eau Claire, and State of Wisconsin, and citizens of the United Eau Claire LumStates, to an invention therein described and referred to, be granted, confirmed, and extended to the said Levi W. Pond and Eau Claire Lumber Company, their heirs and assigns, for the full term of seventeen years from the first day of June, eighteen hundred and seventy, notwithstanding that said invention may have been to some extent possessed and enjoyed ber Co. extended Rights, &c., heretofore sold. Persons who had erected such machine, &c., for more than, &c., to have the right to use that specific machine. by the public prior to the date of the application for said letters-patent, which was filed on the twenty-third day of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, said invention so granted and confirmed being described in said letters and application as an "Improved device for sheering boomsletters-patent number eighty thousand six hundred and sixty-three, dated August fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight-Levi W. Pond, of Eau Claire, Wisconsin, assignor to himself and Eau Claire Lumber Company, of same place:" Provided, That all rights and privileges heretofore sold and granted by said patentees to make, construct, use, or vend the said invention, and not forfeited by the purchasers or grantees, shall inure to, and be enjoyed by, such purchasers or grantees respectively as fully and upon the same conditions, during the period hereby granted, as for the term that did exist when such sale or grant was made. SEC. 2. That any person who had, more than two years prior to the date of the application for said letters-patent, bona fide erected or constructed any such machine or structure for the purpose of putting said invention into use in any of its modifications, shall have and enjoy the right of using said invention in any such specific machine or structure so actually erected more than two years prior to the date of said application for said letters-patent as aforesaid, in all respects as though this act had not been passed: Provided, however, That no person without grant or license from said patentees, or their assigns, shall have or enjoy by virtue of this act any other or greater privileges or rights than he would have or enjoy if this act had not been passed. APPROVED, June 10, 1872. June 10, 1872. CHAP. CDXXXIII.-An Act to provide for the Erection of a Building suitable for the Use of the United States Courts, Post-office, and other necessary Government Offices, at Raleigh, North Carolina. Suitable building to be erected at Raleigh, N. C. Court-house, post-office, &c. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to cause to be erected a suitable building with a fire-proof vault extending to each story, at Raleigh, in the State of North Carolina, for the use and accommodation of the courts of the United States, post-office, and other offices of the Appropriation. government. And for such purpose there is hereby appropiated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, one hundred thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, who shall cause proper plans and estimates to be made, so that the whole expenditure for the erection and completion of the said building shall not exceed the sum hereby appropriated. Plans and estimates. Limit to cost. June 10, 1872. 1864, ch. 95. Vol. xiii. p. 85. 1867, ch. 150. Vol. xiv. p. 426. Legislative assemblies of territories of the United States may by general laws permit corporations to be formed for certain purposes. APPROVED, June 10, 1872. 46 CHAP. CDXXXIV. —An Act amendatory of an Act approved March second, eighteen Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the first section of an act approved March second, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, entitled “ An act amendatory of An act to provide a temporary government for the Territory of Montana,' approved May twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four," so far as relates to incorporations which have been, or which may hereafter be, created and organized for the business of mining, manufacturing, or other industrial pursuits, on the construction or operation of railroads, wagon-roads, irrigating ditches, and the colonization and improvement of lands in connection therewith, or for colleges, seminaries, churches, libraries, or any benevolent, charitable or scientific association, and for all rightful subjects of legislation consistent with the Constitution of the United States, under the general incorporation laws of any Terri- CHAP. CDXXXV.—An Act to reimburse the State of Nevada for Expenses in- June 10, 1872. curred while a Territory in Purchase of a Prison and in Support of United States Courts. reimbursed for Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Nevada to be Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of any expenses of funds in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of sixty thou- courts and a sand dollars, to be received in full payment of all claims against the United prison, incurred while a territory. States for expenses incurred by said Territory of Nevada. APPROVED, June 10, 1872. An Act for the Relief of certain Tribes of Indians in the north- June 10, 1872. ern Superintendency. See Post, p. 517. the Omahas in to be ap tracts, to be Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That with the consent and con- Western part currence of the Omaha tribe of Indians, expressed in open council in the of reservation of usual manner, the Secretary of the Interior be, and hereby is, authorized Nebraska to be to cause to be surveyed, if necessary, a portion of their reservation in the separated and State of Nebraska, not exceeding fifty thousand acres, to be taken from surveyed, if, &c.; the western part thereof, and to be separated from the remaining portion of said reservation by a line running along the section lines from north to south. The said lands so separated shall be appraised by three competent commissioners, one of whom shall be selected by said Omaha tribe of praised. Indians in open council, and the other two shall be appointed by the Secretary of the Interior. After the survey and appraisement of said lands, as herein provided, the Secretary of the Interior shall be, and hereby is, authorized to offer the same for sale for cash in hand; and sealed pro- Proposals for posals, duly invited by public advertisements, shall be received for the purchase for cash, same for tracts not exceeding one hundred and sixty acres each, and also as a whole or in for the entire body offered; and he shall be, and hereby is, authorized to invited by adveraccept the proposal for the entire tract, or the highest bids for separate tisement. tracts, whichever shall be deemed best for the interests of the Indians: Provided, That no bids for separate tracts shall be accepted which may Best bid to be be less than the appraised value of such tract, nor less than one dollar and accepted. twenty-five cents per acre; or for the entire tract which shall be less than Certain bids to the aggregate appraised value of the same, nor less than one dollar and be rejected. twenty-five cents per acre. The proceeds of such sale shall be placed to Proceeds o the credit of said Indians on the books of the treasury of the United States, sale to be placed and bear interest at the rate of five per centum per annum, payable semi- Indians, at interannually, except such portion thereof as the Secretary of the Interior, est, except, &c., with the approval of the President of the United States, may deem necessary to be expended for their immediate use in improving and fencing farms, building houses, purchasing implements of agriculture and live stock, and in establishing and supporting schools: Provided also, That not Provisos. more than twenty-five per centum of the principal of the aggregate amount of sales of said lands shall be expended in any one year: Provided, That no sale shall be approved unless the average sales of each of said parcels of said land shall be at least two dollars and fifty cents per acre. SEC. 2. That with the consent and concurrence of the Pawnee tribe of to credit of the Portion of the Pawnees in Ne Indians, expressed in open council in the usual manner, the Secretary of reservation of the the Interior be, and hereby is, authorized to cause to be surveyed, if nec- braska to be |