fifteen dollars per mile for standard, twelve dollars for township, and ten dollars for section lines, seven hundred and ninety-eight dollars and sixty seven cents. For surveying the public lands in Wyoming, at rates not exceeding Surveying fifteen dollars per mile for standard, twelve dollars for township, and ten public lands in Wyoming; dollars for section lines, one hundred and forty-six dollars and forty-eight cents. For surveying the public lands in Nebraska, at rates not exceeding ten dollars per mile for standard, seven dollars for township, and six dollars for section lines, one hundred and thirty dollars and nine cents. For surveying the public lands in Kansas, at rates not exceeding ten dollars per mile for standard, seven dollars for township and six dollars for section lines, six hundred and ninety-two dollars and five cents. Nebraska: Kansas. Eastern boun For surveying the eastern boundary of Nevada, two hundred dollars. For surveying the public lands in Idaho, at rates not exceeding fifteen dary of Nevada. Survey of pubdollars per mile for standard, twelve dollars for township, and ten dollars lie lands in Idafor section lines, one thousand and thirteen dollars and eight cents. The ho. foregoing for surveys of public lands are for deficiencies in the appropria- Appropriations tions for the fiscal years eighteen hundred and seventy-one, eighteen hun- are for what dedred and seventy-two, and eighteen hundred and seventy-three ficiencies. ritory. For the building for the penitentiary in Wyoming Territory, being Penitentiary amount of deficiency in the proceeds of internal revenue set apart for this in Wyoming Terpurpose, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, thirteen thousand one hundred and ninety-six dollars and seventy-seven cents. EXTENSION OF CAPITOL GROUNDS. 66 Extension of capitol grounds. Purchase of certain land in Washington. 1872, ch. 140, Ante, pp. 83, 84 Squares six hundred and eighty-seven and six hundred & eighty-eight. To enable the Secretary of the Interior to purchase from the owners thereof all the remaining real estate and improvements thereon in square numbered six hundred and eighty-eight, in the city of Washington, §§ 6-11. necessary to be taken to complete the purchase of said square, and of square numbered six hundred and eighty-seven, in said city, authorized by sections six, seven, eight, uine, ten, and eleven of an act entitled " An act making appropriations for the legislative, executive, and judicial expenses of the government for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, and for other purposes," approved May eighth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, the sum of two hundred and eightyfour thousand one hundred and ninety-nine dollars and fifteen cents is hereby appropriated: Provided, That such real estate and improvements Prices. shall be purchased at the prices fixed in the report of the commissioners appointed by the supreme court of the District of Columbia to appraise the value of such property, made to said court on the twelfth day of July, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, and confirmed by said court on the sixteenth day of October, in said year: Provided further, that the Secre- Certain matetary of the Interior is hereby authorized to sell at public auction such rials in the buildings may be sold materials in the buildings in said squares, numbered six hundred and at public auction. eighty-seven and six hundred and eighty-eight, as are not necessary for the public works in this District; and from the proceeds of such sales shall Proceeds of be paid, by the Secretary of the Interior, all actual and necessary charges for advertising, auctioneer's fees, extra clerical labor, services of commissioners for appraising the property aforesaid, and such other expenses as may have been incident to, and occasioned by, the appraisement and purchase of the real estate and improvements in the squares herein before named, and the sales of the materials in the buildings thereon; the remainder of such proceeds, after payment of all such charges and expenses, to be applied to the improvement and extension of the capitol grounds. sales, how to be applied. Elevator in Senate wing of capitol. Expenses of examination of titles, &c. Miscellaneous. Sturges. Alexander Lynch. John G. Merritt. John W. Wright. For an elevator in the Senate wing of the capitol, ten thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be expended under the direction of the architect of the capitol extension To enable the Secretary of the Interior to defray the expenses incurred in executing the provisions of the eighth section of the act approved June twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and sixty, entitled "An act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the government for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-one," being for the examination of titles, surveys, plats, and appraisement, forming the basis of the purchase by the United States of squares numbered six hundred and eighty-seven and six hundred and eighty-eight, in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, the sum of seven thousand dollars, or so much thereof as is necessary, is hereby appropriated. Miscellaneous. To enable the Secretary of the Interior to pay Zebulon B. Sturges, assistant secretary to sign patents of public lands for the President, for the months of June, July, August, and September, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, five hundred dollars. To pay Alexander Lynch for services rendered by him as clerk of the select committee to inquire into matters connected with the Union Pacific Railroad Company, the Credit Mobilier, appointed pursuant to House resolution of January sixth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, four hundred dollars. To pay John G. Merritt for services as messenger of the Senate from July first, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, to July first, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, as authorized by resolution of the Senate passed June tenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, fourteen hundred and forty dollars. To enable the Secretary of the Interior to pay John W. Wright for rent of building, under lease dated May twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy, thirteen thousand five hundred dollars; to enable the Secretary of the Interior to pay John W. Wright for buildings, under lease dated June second, eighteen hundred and seventy, two thousand six hundred Thomas Lewis. dollars; and to pay John W. Wright and Thomas Lewis for rent of buildings, under lease dated June second, eighteen hundred and seventy, one thousand five hundred dollars, making the total sum of seventeen thousand six hundred dollars. To enable the commissioner of pensions to employ certain temporary clerks in his office for the remainder of the current fiscal year, twelve thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine dollars. For this amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the construction of a wagon-road, by which supplies may be transported from a point on the Northern Pacific railway, in the State of Minnesota, known as Red Lake Crossing, to the Red Lake branch of the agency for the Chippewa Indians of the Mississippi, five thousand dollars. -- Indian Bureau. - That the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and directed to transfer from the proceeds of sale of the Osage Indian lands in Kansas, made in accordance with the twelfth section of the act of Congress approved July fifteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy, the sum of one million six hundred and fifty thousand six hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to pay for lands purchased by the Osages from the Cherokees, and to place the same on the books of his Department to the credit of the Cherokee Indians, the same shall bear interest at the rate of five per cent., in accordance with the act of Congress approved June fifth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, entitled "An act to confirm to the Great and Little Osage Indians a reservation in the Indian Territory," and the acts of Congress and treaties therein mentioned and referred to, whenever the amount to be so transferred shall be certified to the said Secretary of the Treasury by the Secretary of the Interior. Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be construed as in any manner changing the provisions of section four of the act "making 1873, ch. 138, § 4 appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the Indian Ante, p. 462. department, and for fulfilling treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy four, and for other purposes." Interest to For this amount, to be paid to the Osage Indians, being interest at five per centum per annum, in accordance with section twelve of the act approved Osage Indians. July fifteenth eighteen hundred and seventy, upon the net avails of Osage trust and diminished reserve lands sold by the United States prior to November first, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, one hundred and five thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars and seventy-one cents. For this amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary to make up deficiency in the appropriation for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, for the subsistence and support of "Sioux of different tribes, including Santee Sioux in the State of Nebraska, and Poncas in the great Sioux reservation, and families of Santee Dakota Sioux, who have taken homesteads at or near Flandreau, in Dakota Territory," three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Sioux Indians 1872, ch. 233. Ante, p. 182. Indian service For the following amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary to meet deficiencies in the appropriations for the year ending June thirtieth, in California, Utah, Nevada, eighteen hundred and seventy-three:. For the general incidental expenses Dakota, and of the Indian service in California, ten thousand dollars; in Utah, ten Montana. thousand dollars; in Nevada, ten thousand dollars; in Dakota, five thousand dollars; and in Montana, five thousand dollars; amounting, in all, to forty thousand dollars. For fulfilling treaty with the Menomonee tribe of Indians, being an amount erroneously carried to the surplus fund, for fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, seven thousand four hundred and eighty-nine dollars. Menomonees. Purchase of For this amount, or so much thereof as may be required, for the purchase from the Mississippi bands of Chippewa Indians one township of land from Missisland in the White Earth reservation in Minnesota, for the use and benefit Chippewas of the Pembina band of Chippewas, twenty-five thousand dollars. sippi bands of For this amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to aid and Pembina band assist the Chippewas of the Pembina band in establishing themselves of Chippewas. upon the White Earth reservation in Minnesota, ten thousand dollars. Apache Indi For this amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to meet the deficiency in the appropriation for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, ans; eighteen hundred and seventy-three, to subsist and properly care for the Apache Indians in Arizona and New Mexico, who have been, or may be, collected on reservations in New Mexico and Arizona: Provided, That only for those this appropriation shall be expended only in behalf of those Indians who on reservations, go and remain upon said reservations, and refrain from hostilities, one from hostilities hundred and fifty thousand dollars. and who refrain The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to transfer from Stockbridge, the proceeds of sales of public lands, one hundred and seventy-four thou- &c., Indians. sand five hundred and forty-eight dollars and eighty-three cents to the credit of the appropriation, Fulfilling treaty with Stockbridges-proceeds of land," the aforesaid sum having been received from the sale of the Stockbridge and Munsee Indian lands, and having been erroneously covered into the treasury as receipts from sales of public lands. in Montana. To enable the Secretary of War, according to the act upon that subject Expenses of passed at the present session of Congress, to pay for expenses incurred in Indian hostilities suppressing Indian hostilities in the Territory of Montana in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, to the persons entitled thereto, the claims reported upon by General James A. Hardie, under the provisions of section ten of an act entitled "An act making appropriations for sundry 1870, ch. 292,§ 10 civil expenses of the government, and for other purposes, for the year Vol. xvi. p. 310. ending June the thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy," approved July Subsistence, fifteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy; and for that purpose there is hereby appropriated, from any money in the treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated, the sum of five hundred and thirteen thousand three hundred and forty-three dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. For this amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the sub&c., of Arickare, sistence, civilization, and care of the Arickare, Gros Ventre, and Mandan Gros Ventre, and Mandan Indians. Indians, at Fort Berthold agency, Dakota, to make up deficiency in the appropriation for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, seventy-six thousand dollars. Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous. For introduction of shad into the rivers and lakes of Introduction of the United States, to be expended under the United States commissioner of fish and fisheries, ten thousand dollars. shad. Folding docu ments. Rives and Bailey. Public printing. W. H. Powell. International Prison Reform Congress. Congressional cemetery. Board of health. Columbia Hos For a deficiency in the appropriation for folding documents in the House of Representatives, eight thousand dollars. To pay Rives and Bailey for reporting and the publication of the debates and proceedings of the forty-second Congress, forty-two thousand dollars. For the public printing, fifty thousand dollars. To reimburse S. Wolf, recorder of deeds for the District of Columbia, for certain books of record and indexes purchased by him for the use of his office in the years eighteen hundred and seventy-one and eighteen hundred and seventy-two, one thousand six hundred and fifty dollars. Το pay the last installment due W. H. Powell for picture illustrative of Perry's victory, nine hundred and five dollars. To pay for five hundred copies of the proceedings of the International Prison Reform Congress which assembled in London in July, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, for the use of the commissioner of the United States at said congress, one thousand five hundred dollars. For repair and improvement of the congressional cemetery, to be expended under the direction of and on vouchers to be approved by the officer in charge of public buildings and grounds of the District of Columbia, two thousand dollars. To enable the board of health of the District of Columbia to perform the duties imposed upon them by law, thirty-nine thousand three hundred dollars. For completion of the building known as the Columbia Hospital pital for Women. for Women: For a steam-heating apparatus, for remodeling the upper stories in order to have more rooms, and to ventilate the building properly, fifteen thousand dollars. Purchase of in Washington. Appraisers. Purchasemoney, how to be applied. For the purchase by the United States of the interest of the District city-hall building of Columbia in the present city-hall building in Washington, now used solely for government purposes, such sum as may be determined by three impartial appraisers to be selected by the Secretary of the Interior, not exceeding seventy-five thousand dollars, the same to be applied by said District only for the erection of a suitable building for the District offices; and the governor and board of public works are authorized, if they deem it advisable for that purpose, to make arrangements to secure sufficient land fronting on Pennsylvania and Louisiana avenues, between Seventh and Ninth streets : Provided, That the government of the United States shall not be liable for any expenditures for said land, or for the purchase-money therefor, or for the buildings to be erected thereon; and no land, or the use thereof, is hereby granted for the purpose of erecting any building thereon, for such building. Land for new building. Proviso. Purchase and distribution of seeds. For purchase and distribution of valuable seeds, being so much of the appropriation for the Department of Agriculture, for fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, erroneously carried to the surplus fund, two thousand one hundred and eighty dollars and ninety two cents. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. Department of Justice. Courts, jurors, ers, and prose For defraying expenses of the Supreme Court and circuit and district courts of the United States, including the District of Columbia, and also witnesses, prisonfor jurors and witnesses, and likewise for defraying the expenses of suits cution of crime in which the United States are concerned, and prosecuting offenses committed against the United States, and for the safe-keeping of prisoners, for fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, three hundred thousand dollars. For salaries of United States district judges, for fiscal year ending Judges. June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, one thousand six hundred and ninety-three dollars and eighty-seven cents. For associate justices of the Supreme Court, for fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, four thousand dollars. For rent of the fifth story of the building occupied by the Department Rent. of Justice from January first to June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, two thousand dollars. For fitting up rooms twenty-two, twenty-three, and twenty-four, and connecting hall, in above building, and furnishing the same, one thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. Rooms. gress from Mis To enable the sergeant-at-arms of the House of Representatives to pay Pay of certain the members of the forty-first Congress from the State of Mississippi for members of Conthe time embraced in the period between the fourth day of March, eigh- sissippi. teen hundred and sixty-nine, and the thirtieth day of November, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, a sufficient sum is hereby appropriated. trict of Ohio. To enable the clerk of the House to pay the representative from the Representative first district of Ohio, as provided in House resolution of February twenty- from the first disfourth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, his compensation from the eleventh day of July, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, to December second, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, the sum of one thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight dollars and thirty-three cents, to be added to the contingent fund of the House. Pay of certain members of Con To enable the sergeant-at-arms of the House of Representatives to pay to each representative in the forty-first Congress from the State of Georgia such sum as shall make his pay equal to that received by P. M. B. Georgia. Young as a representative in said Congress. gress from Bearer of con To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to pay the bearer of the contesting electoral vote of the State of Louisiana, the sum of six hundred testing electoral and thirty-eight dollars is hereby appropriated out of the appropriation heretofore made to pay the regular messengers. vote of Louisiana. To reimburse the sergeant-at-arms of the House of Representatives for Sergeant-atsundry payments made by him for contingent expenses of the House on arms of the vouchers approved by the committee on accounts of said House, three thousand four hundred and sixty dollars and forty-five cents. House. ana, for custoin For the purchase of site, and to commence the construction of a brick Building at building at Evansville, Indiana, to be used as a custom-house, court-house, Evansville, Indipost-office, and for other government offices, one hundred thousand dollars. house, &c. To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to purchase a part of a lot of ground in Indianapolis, Indiana, east of and adjoining the ground on which the court-house and post-office is situated, the sum of thirty thousand dollars be, and is hereby, appropriated. For salary of deputy commissioner of pensions, two thousand five hundred dollars; for salary of medical referee, two thousand five hundred dollars; for additional compensation of four surgeons, now receiving one thousand two hundred dollars per annum, to be one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum, two thousand four hundred dollars; making, in all, seven thousand four hundred dollars, the same to be immediately available. Ante, p. 411. Land in Indianapolis, adjoining court-house. Pension-office. |