For compensation of the members of the council of the District of Columbia, four thousand four hundred dollars. Members of council. Board of pub Certain mem For compensation of the board of public works of the District of Columbia, ten thousand dollars: Provided, That no person shall be entitled lic works. to draw a salary as a member of the board of public works who is paid a bers not to draw salary for the discharge of the duties of any other officer under the gov- salaries as, &c. ernment of the United States; and said board shall be held to be an existing board for all the purposes specified in the "Act to provide a government for the District of Columbia," from and after the appointment and qualification of the members thereof. For the repair of the damages caused by fire upon the cadet barracks at West Point, ten thousand dollars. Said board to board from, &c. be an existing 1871, ch. 62. Vol. xvi. p. 419. Cadet barracks at West Point. United States Large, volume William Har din. To enable the Secretary of the Interior to purchase of Messrs. Little, Brown, and Company, two thousand copies of the sixteenth volume of the Statutes at United States Statutes at Large, for distribution agreeably to the acts of Con- xvi. gress directing the distribution of the other volumes, seven thousand dollars. To pay William Hardin a balance due him under his contract for surveying the public lands in Nebraska, three thousand six hundred dollars. To supply a deficiency in the appropriation for clothing for the marine Clothing for for for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and corps seventyone, fifteen thousand dollars. For payment to the reporters of the Senate and House for the Con- Additional gressional Globe of the usual additional compensation for reporting the pay to reporters for Congressionproceedings of the first session of the Forty-second Congress, five hun- al Globe. dred dollars each, five thousand dollars. To enable the President to carry out the provisions of the act of March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, authorizing him to prescribe rules and regulations for the admission of persons into the civil service, and so forth, ten thousand dollars. marine corps. Civil service. 1871, ch. 114, 69. Vol. xvi. p. 514. Joint select Purchase of Club House at For expenses of the joint select committee on alleged outrages in the Southern States, the sum of thirty thousand dollars, and any unexpended committee on alleged outrages balance of the appropriation for the select committee of the Senate on in the Southera the same subject shall be carried to the above appropriation in addition States. thereto, said sums to be carried for this purpose to the contingent fund of the Senate, and to be expended upon vouchers of the chairman of said joint committee: Provided, That the sum of nine thousand seven hundred and thirty-five dollars and twenty-two cents, being an unexpended balance of an appropriation by act of March third, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, "for purchase of building known as the Club House, at Charleston, South Carolina, and the fitting up thereof for the use of the United States courts," and having been, by existing laws, covered into the treasury of the United States, be, and the same is hereby, reappropriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, and shall be expended in accordance with the provisions of the act making the original appropriation. To supply a deficiency in the appropriation for folding documents and materials for the House of Representatives, twenty thousand dollars. Charleston for court-house. 1869, ch. 122. Vol. xv. p. 305. Folding docu ments. of Clerks to com Senate of the United States: For labor, three thousand dollars; for clerks to committees, pages, horses, and carryalls, fifteen thousand dollars. mittees, &c. For compensation of the clerks in the office of the surveyor-general Clerks in office of Minnesota, employed upon work consequent upon the special appro- of surveyor-ge priation for the survey of the public lands within the limits of the grant sota. to the Northern Pacific railroad, per act of July fifteenth, eighteen hun- 1870, ch. 292. dred and seventy, nine thousand two hundred dollars, for the fiscal year Vol. xvi. p. 305. ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two. For compensation of the clerks in the office of the surveyor-general of California, two thousand six hundred dollars, for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one. To pay Dexter R. Crocker for carrying the mail from Canyonville, California. Dexter R. Crocker, for carrying the mail. S. R. Harlow, expenses in arresting Mott. Secretary of Interior may promote clerks in census office. Oregon, to Yreka, California, from the twenty-fourth of April to the ninth of November, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, one thousand six hundred and twenty-five dollars. For payment of S. R. Harlow, late marshal of the southern district of New York, for expenses incurred in arresting one Mott, in San Francisco, for violation of revenue law in said district, five hundred and fifty dollars, or so much thereof as may be due. SEC. 4. That in addition to the clerkships authorized by the act approved May five, eighteen hundred and sixty, the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and empowered to promote from the clerks of class one employed in the census office, three to be clerks of class four, seven to be clerks of class three, and fifteen to be clerks of class two, and the sum of seven thousand six hundred dollars is hereby approNo increase in priated to pay the increased salary: Provided, That no increase in the whole number in total number of clerks employed in said bureau shall be deemed to be Certain clerk- authorized hereby: And provided further, That the authority for such ships to termi- additional clerkships of the second, third, and fourth class shall terminate one year from date. bureau. nate. Scheldt dues; seventh and eighth instal For the purpose of carrying out the stipulations of the treaty of July twentieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, between the United States of America and his Majesty the King of the Belgians, providing for the Vol. xiii. p. 649. payment of interest in the matter of the capitalization of the Scheldt ments. Custom-house at Saint Paul, Minnesota; at Astoria, Oregon. 1871, ch. 114. Vol. xvi. p. 509. Court-bouse and post office at Des Moines, Iowa; at Omaha, Nebraska. dues, being a deficiency in the appropriations for the payment of the seventh annual instalment due the government of Belgium under said treaty, April first, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, and the eighth annual instalment, due April first, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, twelve thousand dollars, in coin, or so much thereof as may be necessary. For the completion of the custom-house at Saint Paul, Minnesota, thirty-five thousand one hundred and sixty-three dollars and sixty-five cents, being the amount of a balance of an appropriation for that building now standing to its credit on the books of the treasury, but unavailable under existing laws. 66 That section two of " An act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the government for the fiscal year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, and for other purposes," approved March three, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, be, and hereby is, amended by striking out after the words " for custom-house, Astoria, Oregon," the word "completion," and inserting in place thereof " continuation of the construction." For completion of the court-house and post-office building at Des Moines, Iowa, six thousand eight hundred and fifty-six dollars. SEC. 5. That the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, appropriated by act approved March third, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, for the purchase of site, and the erection thereon of a post-office and court-house Vol. xv. p. 307. building in Omaha, Nebraska, the same being unexpended, is hereby revived and reappropriated for said purpose. 1869, ch. 122. Certain ap propriations for public buildings, &c. made avail able. Proviso. SEC. 6. That any appropriations heretofore made for any public works, buildings, or grounds, for the year commencing July first, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, shall be available for the current year: Provided, That no expenditure beyond the several sums already appropriated shall Unused approbe authorized by this section. And that the appropriation for the paypriation for sala- ment of the salary and travelling expenses of a special agent of the ries, &c. of Treasury Department, and for the salaries of all supervising inspectors, and inspectors of local inspectors, and clerks employed in the administration of the steam special agent, steamboats, to be applied in same manner, until, &c. 1870, ch. 292. Vol. xvi. p. 291. boat inspection laws, made under section first of "An act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the government for the year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy-one," approved July fifteen, eighteen hundred and seventy, and still remaining unexpended, shall be applicable, as heretofore, to the payment of such salaries and expenses until sufficient revenue shall accrue therefor under the provisions of section sixty-six of "An act to provide for the better security of life on board of vessels propelled in whole or in part by steam, and for other purposes," approved February twenty-eight, eighteen hundred and seventy-one; the amount paid under the provisions of this section to be reimbursed to the treasury out of the revenues received under the provisions of said act of February twenty-eight, eighteen hundred and seventy-one. 1871, ch.100,§66. Vol. xvi. p. 450. Amount to be reimbursed. line between And the appropriation "for the survey of the boundary line between Boundary Idaho and Utah Territories," contained in the act making appropriations Idaho and Utah or sundry civil expenses of the government for the year ending June Territories. thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, and for other purposes, ap- Vol. xvi. p. 502. proved March three, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, is hereby made subject to present use. 1871, ch. 114. Vol. xvi. p. 702. SEC. 7. That the sum of twenty thousand five hundred and twenty- Robert T. Kirkthree dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be, and the same patrick. is hereby, appropriated to pay the claim of Robert T. Kirkpatrick, provided for in joint resolution approved February fifteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one. Appropriation for ninth census may be used SEC. 8. That so much of the appropriation for paying the expenses of taking the ninth census of the United States contained in the act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the government for the year this year. ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, approved March 1871, ch. 114, § 8. third, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, as may be necessary, may be Vol. xvl. p. 514. used during the current fiscal year; and the proviso in the eighth section of said act is amended by adding after the words "eight dollars per day" the words "exclusive of mileage." SEC. 9. That the appropriation of thirty thousand three hundred and twenty-six dollars "for necessary expenses in the erection, furnishing machinery," and so forth, of the branch mint at Carson City, contained in the act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, and for other purposes, approved March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, is hereby made subject to present use. Mileage. Branch mint at Carson City. 1871, ch. 114. Vol. xvi. p. 498. Pier at Lewes, Delaware. $$ 12, 13. SEC. 10. That the appropriation for building a pier at Lewes, Delaware, contained in sections twelve and thirteen of the act approved July fifteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy, entitled "An act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the government for the year ending June thirtieth, Vol. xvi. p. 310. eighteen hundred and seventy-one, and for other purposes," be, and the same See Post, p. 134. is hereby, continued until June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two. SEC. 11. That there be added to the miscellaneous item of the contin- Contingencies gent fund of the House of Representatives the sum of two thousand five of the House of Representatives. hundred and sixty-three dollars and thirty cents, or so much thereof as Committee of may be necessary for the payment of the balance remaining unpaid upon elections. the accounts of witnesses who appeared before the sub-committee of the committee of elections of the House of Representatives, charged with the investigation, in the summer of eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, of the election in Louisiana in eighteen hundred and sixty-eight. And for two thousand copies of Barclay's Digest, ordered by resolution of the House Barclay's Diof July fourteen, eighteen hundred and seventy, two thousand dollars; gest. also for pages in the House of Representatives, one thousand five hundred and forty-three dollars and fifty-nine cents. For the compensation of an assistant journal clerk in the House of Representatives for the fiscal year journal clerk ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, twenty-five hundred and ninety-two dollars. And for one thousand copies of the "Constitution Constitution of of the United States, with the Rules of the Senate," compiled by Wm. J. the United McDonald, under a resolution of the Senate of March fourteen, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, one thousand dollars. For the payments of Pages States. Clerks of com. clerks of committees of the House, in accordance with the resolution of mittees. the House of the tenth instant, two thousand dollars. SEC. 12. That the provisions of the eleventh section of the act approved nection with the Pay of persons July fifteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy, entitled "An act making apemployed in the insurrectionary propriations for sundry civil expenses of the government for the year endStates in con- ing June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, and for other purposes," be, and hereby are, extended so as to include such persons as were actually employed in the States lately in insurrection, in connection with the Treasury Department, as officers of the United States during the year eighteen hundred and sixty-seven in connection with the revenues Appropriation. of the government; and an amount sufficient to carry out the provisions of this section, not exceeding fifteen thousand dollars, is hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Arapahoe, Cheyenne. Apa Comanche Indians. Vol. xv. pp. 581-599. Survey of eastern boundary of Nevada by Isaac E. James may be approved. Privileges of act 1870, ch. 255, Vol. xvi. pp. 256, 271, extended to Detroit. Bona-fide settlers under the homestead, &c. laws, although appointed register, &c. may perfect their title. Powers of cer ers of streets, ferred to the board of public works. 1870, ch. 137. Vol. xvi. p. 159. SEC. 13. That the following sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for subsistence, for the fiscal year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, of the Arapahoe, Cheyenne, Apache, Kiowa, and Comanche Indians who have been collected and located upon the reservation set apart for their use and occupation by the treaties made with them in eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, two hundred thousand dollars. SEC. 14. That the commissioner of the general land office is hereby authorized to approve the survey of the eastern boundary of Nevada, made by Isaac E. James, notwithstanding any departure from instructions which, in the opinion of said commissioner, does not materially impair the accuracy of the work. SEC. 15. That the privileges of the act entitled "An act to reduce internal taxes, and for other purposes," approved July fourteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy, be, and are hereby, extended to the port of Detroit, in the State of Michigan. SEC. 16. That any bona-fide settler under the homestead or pre-emption laws of the United States who has filed the proper application to enter not to exceed one quarter-section of the public lands in any district land office, and who has been subsequently appointed a register or receiver, may perfect the title to the said land under the pre-emption laws by furnishing the proofs and making the payments required by law, to the satisfaction of the commissioner of the general land office. SEC. 17. That from and after the passage of this act all powers con-. tain commission-ferred upon certain persons as commissioners by the act approved June &c. in Washing- twenty-first, eighteen hundred and seventy, for the improvement of M ton, D. C., trans- Street northwest, and by the act approved July fifteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy, for the improvement of the Washington City canal, shall be transferred to the board of public works of the District of Columbia; and the persons acting as commissioners under said acts are hereby directed to transfer to said board of public works all books, papers, and other property in their possession pertaining to the works under their charge; and private property shall be assessed for the improvement of M Street, and Seventh Street southwest, from B Street to the river, heretofore authorized by law, as provided in the act of February twenty-first, eighteen hundred and seventy-one. And in case said board shall, under said act of July fifteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy, decide to open said canal, they are hereby empowered to open both its branches, so as to connect with the government canal at the arsenal: Provided, That the cost of said work shall not exceed the amount already fixed by law for that purpose. Private property to be assessed. 1870, ch. 292, § 5. Vol. xvi. p. 309. Provision as to Washington City canal. Pavement of Pennsylvania Avenue. That the sum of ten thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated, for the purpose of repairing and relaying, where necessary, the pavement on Pennsylvania Avenue from Fifteenth A like sum to Street to the east side of Rock creek: Provided, That a like sum shall be be paid by the expended for the same purpose by the proper authorities of the District of Columbia: And provided further, That the Washington and Georgetown Railroad Company shall in like manner repair such portion thereof as they are by their charter required to do; the work to be done under the supervision of the board of public works for the District of Columbia. District of Columbia. Washington and Georgetown R. R. Co. to do its part. SEC. 18. That to correct an error in the enrollment of the act approved 66 Plans and spe March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, making appropriations cifications for for the naval service for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred floating iron and seventy-two, and for other purposes, the same be amended as follows: dock to be inIn section two strike out all of the section from and including the word vited by the Secretary of the provided," where it first occurs, and insert in lieu thereof the follow- Navy. ing: "And the Secretary of the Navy is authorized to invite, by public 1871, ch. 117, § 2. Vol. xvi. p. 534. advertisement, plans and specifications for such dock, and to award to any Payment for person not in the naval service, whose plans may be adopted by the Navy plans, &c. Department, a sum not exceeding five thousand dollars. But no plan &c. shall be adopted until it shall first receive the sanction of a board of not Plans not to less than five experienced officers, to be appointed by the Secretary of the be adopted until, Navy, a majority of whom shall be constructors and engineers, and one of whom shall be an experienced civil engineer; and it shall be the duty of said board to consider all the plans and specifications laid before it, whether the same were prepared in the Navy Department or by parties competing therewith, and the plans and specifications that shall be adopted shall be opened to the inspection of all persons who desire to become bidders, for at least ninety days before the awarding of said contract.” For three assistant observers at the Naval Observatory, in addition to the sum appropriated by the "Act making appropriations for the naval service for the year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, and for other purposes," approved March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, five hundred dollars. Assistant observers at naval observatory. 1871, ch. 117. Vol. xvi. p. 529. 1870, ch. 56. SEC. 19. That so much of the proviso in the act making appropriations Marine hosto supply deficiencies, and so forth, approved April twentieth, eighteen pital building at Chicago. hundred and seventy, as limits the completion of the marine hospital Repeal of probuilding at Chicago, Illinois, to a sum not exceeding three hundred viso to act of thousand dollars, is hereby repealed; and it shall be lawful for the proper Vol. xvi. p. 85. authorities to expend the money already appropriated for continuing the work upon said building: Provided, That no part that no part thereof No part to be shall be expended until plans and specifications shall have been completed expended until, that will limit the cost of said building to a sum, including all moneys already expended, not exceeding three hundred and fifty-nine thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine dollars and thirty-four cents. SEC. 20. That the Secretary of the Treasury be authorized to sell, for the best price in cash that can be obtained, the marine hospital building in the city of San Francisco; and the proceeds of such sale, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be held and reserved as a fund for the erection of a pavilion hospital on some government reservation in or near said city, if Congress shall hereafter so determine. &c. Marine hos pital building at be sold. San Francisco to Proceeds how to be applied. lumbia; SEC. 21. That there be appropriated out of any money in the treasury Destitute aged not otherwise appropriated, twelve thousand dollars for the relief of desti- persons in the tute aged persons in the District of Columbia, such sum to be received and District of Codistributed by such officer or association of persons in the District of appropriation Columbia as the Secretary of War shall designate, and that a report of how to be disthe distribution of the money hereby appropriated shall be made to Congress at its next session. tributed Condemn SEC. 22. That the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to furnish to the National Freedmen's Relief Association condemned clothing and bed- clothing, &c. for National Freedding, if such there be on hand, not needed by the army, not exceeding men's Relief Asfive thousand dollars in value, for distribution among the destitute aged sociation. persons above mentioned. SEC. 23. That the use of the buildings in Armory Square occupied by Use of buildthe quartermaster's department, if not needed for the public service, beings in Armory Square granted granted, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, to the association above to, if, &c. mentioned, for the purpose of enabling it still further to relieve the destitute persons above mentioned. SEC. 24. That the provisions in the act entitled "An act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the government for the year ending Building for custom-house, |