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In publishing the following Laws, the same plan has been adopted that was prescribed in the Joint Resolution of Congress of March 3, 1845 (Vol. V., p. 798), authorizing a subscription to the edition of all the Laws of the United States published by us. A close examination of this volume will disclose some apparent errors in the Laws as here printed; but as we procure a careful collation with the records at Washington by an experienced reader of the Department of State, and scrupulously follow the original, any seeming errors must be attributed to the Rolls, and not to us.

We intend to publish annually, and as soon after the close of each Session of Congress as is possible, the Acts of that Session, in a similar form and with a similar arrangement.

It will be seen by the following extracts from the Act of Congress, August 8, 1846 (Vol. IX., p. 76), and the Joint Resolutions of September 26, 1850 (Vol. IX., p. 564), and March 31, 1866 (Vol. XIV., p. 352), that our edition has been sanctioned by Congress, and is the OFFICIAL EDITION.

"And whereas said edition of the said Laws and Treaties of the United States has been carefully collated and compared with the original rolls in the archives of the Government, under the inspection and supervision of the Attorney-General of the United States, as duly certified by that officer: therefore, Be it further enacted, that said edition of the Laws and Treaties of the United States, published by Little & Brown, is hereby declared to be competent evidence of the several public and private acts of Congress, and of the several treaties therein contained, in all the courts of law and equity and maritime jurisdiction, and in all the tribunals and public offices of the United States and of the several States, without any further proof or authentication thereof" APPROVED, August 8, 1846.

"Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of State be authorized and directed to contract with Little & Brown to furnish their annual Statutes at Large, printed in conformity with the plan adopted by Congress in eighteen hundred and forty-five, instead of the edition usually issued by his order, under the act of Congress of April twentieth, eighteen hundred and eighteen, and which conforms to an edition of the laws now out of use."- -APPROVED, September 26, 1850.

"Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of State be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to renew the contract of October thirty-first, eighteen hundred and fifty, between the Department of State and Little, Brown, and Company, of Boston, Massachusetts, for the annual publication of the Statutes at Large of the United States until otherwise ordered by Congress, in conformity with the joint resolutions approved respectively March third, eighteen hundred and forty-five, an1 September thirtieth [twenty-sixth], eighteen hundred and fifty."- APPROVED, March 31, 1866.

BOSTON, July, 1873.


Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1873,

in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.








Acts of the Forty-Second Congress of the United States.

STATUTE I.-1871.

Smithsonian Institution. An act to amend "An act to establish the Smithsonian Institution for

the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men," approved August 10, 1846. March 20, 1871, ch. 1.



Moneys paid into Court. An act relating to moneys paid into the courts of the United States. March 24, 1871, ch. 2.


Cemetery at San Francisco. An act relating to condemned cannon for cemetery at San Franciso. March 24, 1871, ch. 3


Commissioners to revise the Statutes. An act to authorize the commissioners to revise the statutes to print their reports. March 24, 1871, ch. 4.


Patent Office. An act to further regulate the publication of the specifications and drawings of the patent-office. March 24, 1871, ch. 5


R. H. Lamson. An act authorizing the President to nominate R. H. Lamson a lieutenant in the United States navy. March 27, 1871, ch. 6.

Eastport, Maine. An act to re-establish the office of surveyor at Eastport, Maine. March 30, 1871, ch. 7.

Virginia. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to divide the State of Virginia into two judicial districts." April 4, 1871, ch. 8. . .

Sutro Tunnel in Nevada. An act authorizing the President to appoint commissioners to examine and report upon the Sutro tunnel in the State of Nevada. April 4, 1871, ch. 9..... Buffalo, N. Y. An act relating to the harbor at Buffalo, New York. April 15, 1871, ch. 14........ Lyon Monument Association. An act authorizing the Secretary of War to place at the disposal of the Lyons Monument Association, of Missouri, certain condemned cannon. April 15, 1871, ch. 15.

Duplicate Checks. An act to authorize the payment of duplicate' checks of disbursing officers. April 19, 1871, ch. 16.

Potomac, Va. An act to create a port of delivery at Potomac, Virginia, and for other purposes. April 19, 1871, ch. 17...

George A. Stevens. An act for the restoration of Commander George A. Stevens, United States navy, to the active from the retired list. April 19, 1871, ch. 18.

Leavenworth, Lawrence, and Galveston Railroad Company. An act to enable the Leavenworth, Lawrence, and Galveston Railroad Company to relocate a portion of its road. April 19, 1871, ch. 19. .

Deficiency, &c. Appropriation. An act making appropriations to supply deficiencies in the appropriations for the service of the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventyone, and for additional appropriations for the service of the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, and for other purposes. April 20, 1871, ch. 21.





Civil Rights-Fourteenth Amendment. An act to enforce the provisions of the fourteenth amendment to the Constitution of the United States, and for other purposes. April 20, 1871,

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New Mexico. An act for convening the next legislative assembly of the Territory of New
Mexico, and for other purposes. April 20, 1871, ch. 23 . .
Willamette Collection District. An act concerning the compensation of the collector of customs
for the district of Willamette, in the State of Oregon. April 20, 1871, ch. 24 . . .
Transportation by Rail of bonded Goods. An act amending an act to reduce internal taxes, and for
other purposes, approved July fourteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy. April 20, 1871,
ch. 25.

Jurors in the Courts of the District of Columbia. An act to amend the act approved June six-
teenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, entitled "An act providing for the [s]election of
jurors to serve in the several courts of the District of Columbia." April 20, 1871, ch. 26.
Post-Roads. An act to establish certain post-roads. April 20, 1871, ch. 27
Post-Routes. An act to establish post-routes. April 20, 1871, ch. 28
Pennsylvania Military Legion of the City of Philadelphia. An act authorizing the Secretary of
War to place certain condemned cannon at the disposal of" The Pennsylvania Military
Legion of the city of Philadelphia." April 20, 1871, ch. 29

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Wisewell Barracks. An act to authorize the Secretary of War to give Wisewell barracks to the
Beulah Baptist Church. April 20, 1871, ch. 30

Branch Mint at Dahlonega, Georgia. An act authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to convey
the United States branch mint at Dahlonega, Georgia, to the trustees of the North Geor-
gia Agricultural College for educational purposes. April 20, 1871, ch. 31 .
The Ship" William F. Storer." An act to authorize the Secretary of the Navy to change the
name of the ship "William F. Storer." April 20, 1871, ch. 32.
Atlantic and Pacific Railroad Company. An act to enable the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad Com-
pany to mortgage its road. April 20, 1871, ch. 33. .


[No. 1.] International Congress on Penitentiary and Reformatory Discipline. A resolution authorizing the appointment of a commissioner to an international congress on penitentiary and reformatory discipline. March 20, 1871.

[No. 2.] Industrial Home School of the District of Columbia. Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to turn over certain property to the managers of the Industrial Home School of the District of Columbia. March 20, 1871..

[No. 3.] Professor Samuel F. B. Morse. Joint resolution granting the right to erect a monument to Professor Morse on a government reservation. March 24, 1871

STATUTE II.-1871-72.

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Ninth Census. An act to provide for a deficiency in the appropriations for the expenses of
taking the ninth census of the United States. December 16, 1871, ch. 1
Steamboats on the Mississippi River. An act relating to the limitation of steam pressure on towing
and freight boats on the Mississippi river and its tributaries. December 20, 1871, ch. 2. 23
Treaty with Great Britain.- Claims Commission. An act making appropriations for expenses in-

curred under articles twelve to seventeen inclusive, of the treaty between the United
States and Great Britain, concluded at Washington, May eight, eighteen hundred and
seventy-one. December 21, 1871, ch. 8.

Treaty with Great Britain. Arbitration at Geneva. An act making appropriations for expenses
that may be incurred under articles one to nine, inclusive, of the treaty between the
United States and Great Britain, concluded at Washington, May eighth, eighteen hundred
and seventy-one. December 21, 1871, ch. 4

Chicago. An act for the construction of a public building at Chicago, Illinois. December 21, 1871, ch. 5

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Post Roads. An act to establish post-roads. January 16, 1872, ch. 6.
Post-Roads. An act to establish post-roads. January 16, 1872, ch. 7
Alleged Outrages in the Southern States. An act making an appropriation to supply a deficiency
in the appropriation for expenses of the joint select committee on alleged outrages in the
Southern States. January 16, 1872, ch. 8.

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Courts in Virginia. An act to change the times for holding circuit and district courts of the
United States for the western district of Virginia. February 1, 1872, ch. 10.
Apportionment, ninth Census. An act for the apportionment of representatives to Congress among
the several States according to the ninth census. February 2, 1872, ch. 11




Duplicate Checks of disbursing Officers. An act to authorize the payment of duplicate checks of disbursing officers. February 2, 1872, ch. 12. .

Machinery. An act to admit certain machinery imported from foreign countries free of duty. February 2, 1872, ch. 13 .

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Post-Routes. An act to establish certain post-routes in the State of Iowa. February 2, 1872, ch. 14 30 Japan. An act in relation to the embassy from Japan. February 2, 1872, ch. 15 30 Iron Steam Ice-boats. An act to exempt the iron steam ice-boats constructed by the city of Philadelphia from the inspection required by the act of February twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, entitled "An act to provide for the better security of life on board of vessels propelled in whole or in part by steam, and for other purposes." February 6, 1872, ch. 16. Post-Roads. An act establishing certain post-roads in Vermont. February 12, 1872, ch. 18. 80 Alexander Smith and Halcyon Skinner. An act for the relief of Alexander Smith and Halcyon Skinner. February 20, 1872, ch. 19.

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Post-Office Department. An act making appropriations to supply a deficiency in the appropriations for salaries and contingent expenses of the post-office department for the current fiscal year. February 20, 1872, ch. 20

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Pensions. An act making appropriations for the payment of invalid and other pensions of the United States for the year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy-three. February 20, 1872, ch. 21.

Leavenworth. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to provide a national currency secured by pledge of United States bonds, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof," approved June third, eighteen hundred and sixty-four. March 1, 1872, ch. 22.

Green Bay, &c., Ship Canal. An act extending the time for the completion of the Green Bay and
Sturgeon Bay and Lake Michigan Ship Canal, in the State of Wisconsin. March 1, 1872,
ch. 23.
Public Park. An act to set apart a certain tract of land lying near the headwaters of the Yellow
Stone River as a public park. March 1, 1872, ch. 24.

Shreveport. An act to constitute Shreveport in the State of Louisiana, a port of delivery.
March 1, 1872, ch. 25 ..

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Missouri River. An act to authorize the construction of a bridge across the Missouri River at or near St. Joseph, Missouri. March 5, 1872, ch. 28

Customs Duties, Paintings, &c. An act to provide for the admission of paintings, statury [statuary], and photographs for exhibition, free of duty. March 5, 1872, ch. 29. Department of Justice. An act transferring certain powers and duties to the Department of Justice, and providing a seal therefor. March 5, 1872, ch. 30



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Fur-bearing Animals in Alaska. An act supplementary to the act entitled "An act to prevent the extermination of fur-bearing animals in Alaska." March 5, 1872, ch. 31


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Pensions. An act amending the act approved July twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and sixtyeight, entitled "An act relating to pensions." March 5, 1872, ch. 82 .. Internal Revenue Tax. An act to repeal the paragraphs of schedule C. of the internal revenue acts imposing taxes on canned meats, fish, and certain other articles March 5, 1872, ch. 33. 36 Customs Duties. Merchandise for Transportation. Toledo. An act to amend section thirty-five of an act entitled "An act to reduce internal taxes and for other purposes March 5, 1872, ch. 34

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District Courts and Judges. An act to defray the expenses of district judges from other districts while holding district or circuit courts in the southern district of New York. March 5, 1872, ch. 35

Washington, D. C. An act to provide for the survey of the harbor and river at Washington, D. C. March 5, 1872, ch. 36



"Michael and Anna." An act to authorize the issuing of a certificate of registry to the brig "Michael and Anna." March 5, 1872, ch. 87 "Isadora." An act authorizing an American register to the British brig "Isadora," owned by Edwin M. Fowle, of Newton, Massachusetts. March 5, 1872, ch. 38 Swamp Lands in Iowa. An act for the relief of Lucas, O'Brien, Dickinson, and other counties in the State of Iowa. March 5, 1872, ch. 39

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George W. Morse. An act for the relief of George W. Morse. March 11, 1872, ch. 40 Elko Land District. An act to create an additional land district in the State of Nevada. March 12, 1872, ch. 42

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Minnesota. An act to create an additional land district in the State of Minnesota. March 12, 1872, ch. 43

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Warren National Bank. An act authorizing the Warren National Bank of South Danvers, in the State of Massachusetts, to change its name to the Warren National Bank of Peabody, Massachusetts. March 12, 1872, ch. 44

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Public Building at Cincinnati. An act to authorize the purchase of a site for a public building at Cincinnati, Ohio. March 12, 1872, ch. 45

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Fire-proof Building at Albany, New York. An act to authorize the construction of a fire-proof building at Albany, New York. March 12, 1872, ch. 46


Houlton, Me. An act to authorize the sale of public property at Houlton, Me. March 14, 1872, ch. 49.

Chief Medical Purveyor. An act to provide for the designation of a chief medical purveyor. March 12, 1872, ch. 47




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"A. L. Palmer." An act to issue an American register to the brig "A. L. Palmer." March 15, 1872, ch. 53 Monroe Land District. An act authorizing the President of the United States to re-establish the Monroe Land District in the State of Louisiana. March 16, 1872, ch. 54 Nevada. An act to continue in force a grant to the State of Nevada for college purposes. March 16, 1872, ch. 55

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Court Records in Illinois. An act to restore the records of the United States courts in the northern district of Illinois. March 18, 1872, ch. 56. Customs Duties. Merchandise for Transportation, Pittsburgh. An act to amend section thirty-five of an act entitled "An act to reduce internal taxes, and for other purposes." March 18, 1872, ch. 57 Trenton, N. J. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to provide for a building suited to the use of the post-office, the pension and revenue officers, and the judicial officers of the United States, in the city of Trenton, New Jersey," approved March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-one. March 18, 1872, ch. 58

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Indianapolis, Ind. An act for the construction of an addition to the United States court house and post-office building in Indianapolis, Indiana, and for the purchase of additional ground adjoining the site of said building. March 18, 1872, ch. 59 Hartford, Ct. An act to provide for a building for the use of the post-office, custom-house, pension-office, United States circuit and district courts, and internal revenue offices at Hartford, Connecticut. March, 18, 1872, ch. 60

Boundary between the United States and British Possessions. An act authorizing the survey and marking of the boundary between the territory of the United States and the possessions of Great Britain, from the Lake of the Woods to the summit of the Rocky Mountains. March 19, 1872, ch. 62.

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California. An act for the relief of pre-emption settlers in the State of California. March 22, 1872, ch. 63 Public Building at St. Louis, Mo. An act appropriating money for the purchase of a suitable site, and erecting a building thereon, in the city of Saint Louis, Missouri, to be used for the purposes of a custom-house, post-office, and other federal offices. March 27, 1872, ch. 65.

Portage Lake, &c., Ship Canal. An act extending the time for the completion of the Portage Lake and Lake Superior Ship Canal. March 27, 1872, ch. 66. . Removal of Causes from State Courts. An act in addition to an act entitled "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act for the removal of causes in certain cases from State Courts,' approved July twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-six," approved March second, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven. March 30, 1872, ch. 72. Bridges across the Mississippi River. An act to authorize the construction of a bridge across the Mississippi River, at or near the town of Clinton, in the State of Iowa, and other bridges across said river, and to establish them as post roads. April 1, 1872, ch. 73. Gilbert Morton. An act to authorize the restoration of Gilbert Morton to the naval service. April 1, 1872, ch. 74.

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Yachts "Lois" and "William M. Tweed." An act to change the name of the pleasure yacht "Lois to that of "Sea Witch," and to change the name of the yacht "William M. Tweed" to that of "Julia." April 1, 1872, ch. 75 .


George Plunkett. An act to authorize the President to appoint George Plunkett a paymaster in the navy. April 2, 1872, ch. 78


Debates in Congress. An act to provide for the reporting and printing of the debates in Congress. April 2, 1872, ch. 79


Pittsburgh, Pa. An act to establish a port of entry and delivery at the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. April 2, 1872, ch. 80.



Guano. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to authorize protection to be given to citizens of the United States who may discover deposits of guano," approved August 18, 1856. April 2, 1872, ch. 81 Land in St. Louis, Mo. An act to provide for the exchange and transfer of two small parcels of land in the city of St. Louis, Missouri. April 2, 1872, ch. 82. The Bark "Alice Tarlton." An act authorizing an American register to the Dutch bark "Alice Tarlton." April 2, 1872, ch. 83

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Homesteads. An act to enable honorably discharged soldiers and sailors, their widows and orphan children, to acquire homesteads on the public lands of the United States: April 4, 1872, ch. 85.


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