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Proposals, &c., for Transportation of the Mails. An act relating to proposals and contracts for

transportation of the mails, and for other purposes. April 27, 1872, ch. 125

John C. Smith, Patent for Land to issue to, &c. An act to amend the first section of an act
entitled "An act to provide for the disposition of useless military reservations," approved
February twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one. April 29, 1872, ch. 126. . 57

Indianola, Texas, certain Imports withdrawn for Exportation to places in Mexico, to go through. An

act to amend section second, act of August thirtieth, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, in

relation to the transportation and exportation of imported goods, wares, and merchandise

in bond through certain ports in the State of Texas. April 30, 1872, ch. 129.

Bridge over the Missouri River. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to authorize the con-

struction of a bridge across the Missouri river, at or near St. Joseph, Missouri," ap-

proved March fifth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, May 1, 1872, ch. 130

Tea and Coffee. An act repealing the duty on tea and coffee. May 1, 1872, ch. 131

The Texas and Pacific Railway Company. An act supplementary to an act entitled "An act to

incorporate the Texas Pacific Railway Company, and to aid in the construction of its

road, and for other purposes," approved March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-one.

May 2, 1872, ch. 132

Votes for Representatives in Congress. An act to amend an act approved February twenty-eight,

eighteen hundred and seventy-one, amending an act approved May thirty-one, eighteen

hundred and seventy, entitled "An act to enforce the rights of citizens of the United

States to vote in the several States of this Union, and for other purposes.' May 3, 1872,

ch. 139

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Legislative, executive, and judicial Expenses Appropriation. An act making appropriations for the

legislative, executive, and judicial expenses of the government for the year ending June

thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, and for other purposes. May 8, 1872, ch. 140 61

Kansas Indians. An act to provide for the removal of the Kansas tribe of Indians to the Indian
Territory, and to dispose of their lands in Kansas to actual settlers. May 8, 1872, ch. 141 85

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Washington, D. C. An act to fund certain liabilities of the city of Washington existing June first, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, and to limit the debt of and taxation in the District of Columbia. May 8, 1872, ch. 142 United States Courts in Wisconsin. An act to change the time for holding the circuit and district courts of the United States for the western district of Wisconsin, at La Crosse. May 9, 1872, ch. 143




Public Lands in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Dakota. An act to extend the time of payment for their lands by persons holding pre-emptions on the public lands in the States of Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan, and Territory of Dakota. May 9, 1872, ch. 144. 88 Direct Taxes. An act for the relief of purchasers of lands sold for direct taxes in the insurrectionary States. May 9, 1872, ch. 145. . 89

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Testimony in Courts of the United States. An act to perpetuate testimony in the courts of the
United States. May 9, 1872, ch. 146.
Washington and Idaho Territories. An act to regulate elections in Washington and Idaho Terri-
tories. May 9, 1872, ch. 147. .

Pay of Surfmen at Life-saving Stations. An act authorizing the appropriation for the employment of surfmen at alternate life-saving stations on the New Jersey coast, for the fiscal year, ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, to be expended in employing crews at such stations, and for such periods, and at such compensation, as the Secretary of the Treasury may deem reasonable, not to exceed forty dollars per month for each person employed. May 9, 1872, ch. 148

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Commissioners of Claims may take Testimony. An act to authorize the commissioners of claims to appoint special commissioners to take testimony, and for other purposes. May 11, 1872, ch. 156.

Samuel Ross. An act authorizing the Secretary of War to correct an army officer's record.
May 10, 1872, ch. 153.

Mining Resources. An act to promote the development of the mining resources of the United
States. May 10, 1872, ch. 152

Osage Lands in Kansas. An act for the relief of settlers on the Osage lands in the State of
Kansas. May 9, 1872, ch. 149. .




Cherokee Lands in Kansas. An act to carry out certain provisions of the Cherokee treaty of
eighteen hundred and sixty-six, and for the relief of settlers on the Cherokee lands in the
State of Kansas. May 11, 1872, ch. 157 .

Bridge across the Missouri River, at Boonville, Mo. An act to authorize the construction of a
bridge across the Missouri river, at Boonville, Missouri. May 11, 1872, ch. 158
Post-Roads. An act to establish certain post-roads. May 14, 1872, ch. 159

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Army. Pay of Enlisted Men. An act to establish the pay of the enlisted men of the army.
May 15, 1872, ch. 160.



Army. An act to establish a system of deposits, to prevent desertion, and elevate the condition
of the rank and file of the army. May 15, 1872, ch. 161
Enlistment of Minors. An act to provide that minors shall not be enlisted in the military ser-
vice of the United States without the consent of parents or guardians. May 15, 1872,
ch. 162.

Bridge across Lake Saint Croix. An act to authorize the West Wisconsin Railway Company to
keep up and maintain a bridge for railway purposes across lake Saint Croix, at the city
of Hudson, in the State of Wisconsin. May 15, 1872, ch. 163
Reform School, District of Columbia. An act relating to the reform school of the District of
Columbia. May 15, 1872, ch. 164

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Fort Collins Military Reservation. An act declaring the lands constituting the Fort Collins military reservation, in the Territory of Colorado, subject to pre-emption and homestead entry, as provided for in existing laws. May 15, 1872, ch. 165

Consul at Tien Tsin. An act to regulate the salary of the consul at Tien Tsin, China. May
17, 1872, ch. 169

Bridges across the Mississippi River. An act to authorize the construction of certain bridges
across the Mississippi river, and to establish the same as post-roads. May 17, 1872,
ch. 170.
Public Building in Rockland, Me. An act authorizing the erection of a public building in
Rockland, Maine. May 17, 1872, ch. 171 . .`

Deficiency Appropriations. An act making appropriations to supply deficiencies in the appro-
priations for the service of the government, for the fiscal year ending June thirty,
eighteen hundred and seventy-two, and for former years, and for other purposes. May
18, 1872, ch. 172

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National Cemeteries. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to establish and protect national cemeteries," approved February twenty-second, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven. May. 18, 1872, ch 173



Fortification Certificates. Lawrence, Kansas. An act authorizing the Secretary of War to pay certain certificates issued for fortification purposes in Lawrence, Kansas. May 18, 1872,

ch. 174


Yacht "Red Hot." An act to allow the pleasure-yacht "Red-Hot" to take the name of "Addie
Parker," and be registered under that name. May 18, 1872, ch. 175



Circuit Courts. An act to fix the times for holding United States courts in the eighth circuit.
May 21, 1872, ch. 176.
Indians. An act regulating the mode of making private contracts with Indians. May 21,
1872, ch. 177.



Soldiers' Discharge-papers, &c. agents and attorneys. Dakota. An act to establish 1872, ch. 179.

An act to prohibit the retention of soldiers' discharges by claim-
May 21, 1872, ch. 178


an additional land district in the Territory of Dakota. May 21,


Minnesota. An act to create an additional land district in the State of Minnesota. May 21, 1872, ch. 180.


Montana. An act to authorize the issue of a supply of arms to the authorities of the Territory of Montana. May 21, 1872, ch. 181


Fort Stanton. An act to reduce the limits of the military reservation at Fort Stanton, New Mexico. May 21, 1872, ch. 182.

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Wharf Property in New Orleans. An act relinquishing certain wharf property to the city of New Orleans. May 21, 1872, ch. 183.


Dunstan River. An act to authorize the construction of a bridge over the tide-water of Dunstan river, in the State of Maine. May 21, 1872, ch. 184.


Bark Florence. An act to grant an American register to the Hawaiian bark “Florence."
May 21, 1872, ch. 185.


Buffalo, N. Y. An act to authorize the city of Buffalo, New York, to construct a tunnel

under Niagara river, and to erect and maintain an inlet pier therefrom, for the purpose of supplying the city of Buffalo with pure water. May 21, 1872, ch. 186 Denver. An act to enable the city of Denver to purchase certain lands in Colorado for a cemetery, May 21, 1872, ch. 187. .


Public Building at Fall River, Mass. An act authorizing the construction of a public building at Fall River, in the State of Massachusetts. May 21, 1872, ch. 188 Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Company. An act to confirm the action of the Board of Aldermen and Common Council of the city of Washington, designating a depot site for the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Company, and for other purposes. May 21, 1872; ch. 189 Disabilities. An act to remove political disabilities imposed by the fourteenth article of the amendments of the Constitution of the United States. May 22, 1872, ch. 193. Consular and Diplomatic Appropriation. An act making appropriations for the consular and diplomatic service of the government for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, and for other purposes. May 22, 1872, ch. 194 Navy Appropriation. An act making appropriations for the naval service for the year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, and for other purposes. May 23, 1872,

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Military Academy. An act making appropriations for the support of the Military Academy for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three. May 23, 1872, ch. 196.

United States Securities. An act defining and limiting the appropriation of certain moneys for the preparation, issue, and reissue of the securities of the United States, and for other purposes. May 23, 1872, ch. 197.

Presidential Electors. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to establish a uniform time for holding elections for electors of President and Vice-President in all the States of the Union," approved January twenty-third, eighteen hundred and forty-five. May 23, 1872, ch. 198

Collection District of Du Luth, &c. An act to establish the collection district of Du Luth, and to create Saint Paul, in the collection district of Minnesota, a port of delivery. May 23, 1872, ch. 199 .











Northwestern Land District in Kansas. An act to create an additional land district in the State of Kansas. May 23, 1872, ch. 200


Courts at Toledo, O. An act to provide for holding the United States District Court in the city of Toledo. May 23, 1872, ch. 201


Federal Courts. An act to regulate criminal practice in the federal courts. May 23, 1872, ch. 202.

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District of Columbia. An act giving the assent of Congress to the subscription of the District of Columbia to the stock of the Piedmont and Potomac Railroad Company. May 23, 1872, ch. 203 .



Land to Cheyenne for Reservoir, &c. An act to withdraw from settlement and sale a certain sec-
tion of land in Wyoming Territory. May 23, 1872, ch. 204
Public Lands in Alabama. An act relating to certain lands in the State of Alabama. May 23,
1872, ch. 205.


Pottawatomie and Shawnee Absentee Indians. An act to provide homes for the Pottawatomie and
Absentee Shawnee Indians in the Indian Territory. May 23, 1872, ch. 206 .
Chicago and Northwestern Railway Company. An act to authorize the Chicago and Northwestern
Railway Company to change their projected line of railway in the State of Michigan.
May 23, 1872, ch. 207.

Bridge across the Mississippi River at Fort Madison, Iowa. An act to authorize the construction
of a bridge, and to establish the same as a post-road. May 25, 1872, ch. 213
Internal Revenue. An act to provide for the abatement or repayment of taxes on distilled spirits
in bond, destroyed by casualty. May 27, 1872, ch. 218






Gift of Land to the United States. An act to authorize the Secretary of War to accept the peninsula in Lake Erie, opposite the harbor of Erie, in the State of Pennsylvania. May 27, 1872, ch. 219


Dakota Southern Railroad Company. An act in relation to the Dakota Southern Railroad Company. May 27, 1872, ch. 220


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Schooner La Pette. An act to change the name of the schooner La Pette to La Petite. May 27, 1872, ch. 221


Retired Navy Officers Restored. An act for the relief of certain officers of the navy. May 28, 1872, ch. 226


Lazarus L. Reamey. An act to restore Lazarus L. Reamey to the navy of the United States as
a midshipman. May 28, 1872, ch. 227
Trusses. An act to provide for furnishing trusses to disabled soldiers. May 28, 1872, ch. 228.
Wilkes's United States Exploring Expedition. An act to provide for the completion of three
volumes of Wilkes's United States Exploring Expedition. May 28, 1872, ch. 229
Indian Appropriation. An act making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses
of the Indian department, and for fulfilling treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes,
for the year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, and for other pur-
poses. May 29, 1872, ch. 233

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Albert W. Gray. An act for the relief of Albert W. Gray. May 29, 1872, ch. 234 .
Washington Gas-Light Company. An act to increase the capital stock and to extend the works of
the Washington Gas-Light Company. May 29, 1872, ch. 235.
Apportionment of Representatives in Congress. An act supplemental to an act entitled "An act
for the apportionment of representatives to Congress among the several States according
to the ninth census." May 30, 1872, ch. 239.

Professors of Mathematics. An act fixing the rank of professors of mathematics in the United
States Navy. May 31, 1872, ch. 240

Land Districts. An act relating to the creation of new land districts. May 81, 1872, ch. 241
Bridge across the Arkansas River. An act authorizing the construction of a bridge across the
Arkansas River at Little Rock, Arkansas. May 31, 1872, ch. 242 .
Public Building at Utica, N. Y. An act to provide for a building for the use of the post-office,
United States circuit and district courts, and internal revenue offices, at Utica, New
York. May 31, 1872, ch. 243.

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Railroad National Bank of Lowell. An act to change the location of the Railroad National Bank of Lowell, Massachusetts, to the city of Boston, Massachusetts. May 31, 1872, ch. 244 194 J. W. Parish and Company. An act conferring upon the court of claims power to hear and determine the claim of J. W. Parish and Company for damages for the alleged violation of their contract with the United States for the delivery of ice. May 31, 1872, ch. 245. 195 John Potts. An act for the relief of John Potts, chief clerk of the war department. May 31, 1872, ch. 246 .

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Elections in Louisiana. An act to prescribe the time for holding the election for electors of President and Vice-President in the State of Louisiana. June 1, 1872, ch. 253. 195 Defaced or Destroyed Bonds. An act to provide for the issue of bonds in lieu of destroyed or defaced bonds of the United States. June 1, 1872, ch. 254.

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Practice in the United States Courts. An act to further the administration of justice. June 1, 1872, ch. 255.


Post Office Appropriation. An act making appropriations for the service of the Post-Office Department for the year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy-three. June 1, 1872, ch. 256


National Cemeteries. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to establish and protect national cemeteries," approved February twenty-second, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven. June 1, 1872, ch. 257 .


Dakota Grand Trunk Railway Company. An act granting the right of way to the Dakota Grand
Trunk Railway Company. June 1, 1872, ch. 258.


Centennial International Exhibition. An act relative to the Centennial International Exhibition
to be held in the city of Philadelphia, State of Pennsylvania, in the year eighteen hun-
dred and seventy-six. June 1, 1872, ch. 259 .
Jail in the District of Columbia. An act in relation to the construction of a new jail for the Dis-
trict of Columbia. June 1, 1872, ch. 260.


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Utah, Idaho, and Montana Railroad Company. An act granting [a] right of way to the Utah,
Idaho, and Montana Railroad Company. June 1, 1872, ch. 261
Reservation to Me-shin-go-me-sia. An act to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to make par-
tition of the reservation to Me-shin-go-me-sia, a Miami Indian, June 1, 1872, ch. 262.
Shoshone and Bannock Indians. An act to authorize the President of the United States to nego-
tiate with the chiefs and head-men of the Shoshone and Bannock tribes of Indians for
the relinquishment of a portion of their reservation in Wyoming Territory. June 1,
1872, ch. 263

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Quartermaster's Department of the Army. An act to authorize the appointment of certain offi-
cers in the quartermaster's department. June 3, 1872, ch. 279
Ferry-Boats. An act relative to the entry and clearance of ferry-boats and of bonded cars
passing from one State to another through foreign contiguous territory. June 4, 1872,
ch. 280

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Bridges across the Mississippi River. An act further regulating the construction of bridges across the Mississippi River. June 4, 1872, ch. 281. Western Judicial District of North Carolina. An act to establish a western judicial district of North Carolina. June 4, 1872, ch. 282. Agricultural Colleges. An act amendatory of an act entitled "An act donating public lands to the several States and territories which may provide colleges for the benefit of agricultural and mechanical arts," passed July second, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and acts amendatory thereto. June 4, 1872, ch. 283



Federal Courts in Georgia. An act to take away the circuit court jurisdiction of the district court of the United States for the northern district of Georgia, to create a circuit court in said district, and for other purposes. June 4, 1872, ch. 284 . 218 International Ocean Telegraph Company. An act supplementary to an act entitled "An act to aid in the construction of telegraph lines, and to secure to the government the use of the same for postal, military, and other purposes," approved July twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six. June 4, 1872, ch. 285

Army. An act to enable the President to appoint a paymaster-general of the army. June 4, 1872, ch. 286 .

Public Buildings and Grounds. An act relating to inventories and accounts of the property of the United States, in public buildings and grounds. June 4, 1872, ch. 287 Davenport and St. Paul Railroad Company. An act granting to the Davenport and St. Paul Railroad Company the right of way. June 4, 1872, ch. 288 . Public Schools in Washington, D. C. An act directing the conveyance of certain lots of ground, with the improvements thereon, for the use of the public schools of the city of Washington. June 4, 1872, ch. 289.

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Public Schools in Washington, D. C. An act amending an act entitled "An act directing the conveyance of a lot of ground for the use of the public schools of the city of Washington." June 4, 1872, ch. 290

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Bridge across the Missouri River. An act authorizing the construction of a bridge across the Missouri river, opposite to or within the corporate limits of Nebraska City, Nebraska. June 4, 1872, ch. 291 .

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Bridge across the Missouri River. An act authorizing the construction of a bridge across the Missouri river at Brownville, Nebraska. June 4, 1872, ch. 292 Great Southern Railway Company. An act granting the right of way through the public lands for the construction of a railroad and telegraph in Florida. June 4, 1872, ch. 293. . 224 Bartholomew Cousin. An act to extend the provisions of an act entitled "An act for the relief of certain purchasers of lands from the legal representatives of Bartholomew Cousin," approved February eighteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one. June 4, 1872,

ch. 294 .

Brig Delphine. An act to authorize the issue of an American register to the brig Delphine. June 4, 1872, ch. 295.

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Marine Hospital, &c., at San Francisco. An act to provide for the sale of the marine hospital and grounds at San Francisco. June 4, 1872, ch. 296 Fort Walla-Walla Military Reservation. An act to correct an error in the act approved February twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one. June 5, 1872, ch. 305 Navy. An act in regard to the commencement of increased pay to promoted officers in the navy. June 5, 1873, ch. 306

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Navy. An act to fix the pay of certain rear-admirals on the retired list of the navy. June 5, 1872, ch. 307 . .


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