Sivut kuvina
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wooded tree growing in India, Burma, Java, and North Australia. Its fibre is called simal. Another of these trees is Eriodendron anfractuosum, which is found in tropical countries of both hemispheres, and which yields the fibre known in India as rapok. Cochlospermum gossypium, a small Indian tree, also yields a silk-cotton. A beautiful fibre of this kind is obtained in the West Indies from Ochroma lagopus. Vegetable silk, which, like silk cotton, is only suitable for stuffing, is the covering of the seeds of Chorisia speciosa, a Brazilian



applied chemistry and in mineralogy. From 1845 to 1885 he was co-editor of the Journal of Science, and he published very popular manuals of chemistry and of physics, and a volume on American Contributions to Chemistry (1875).

Silloth, a seaport and watering-place of Cumberland, on the Solway Firth, 20 miles W. of Carlisle. Prior to the opening of the railway in 1856 it was a mere hamlet, but it is now of growing importance, with good docks opened in 1857-85. Silloth, which commands a fine view, is much resorted to for sea-bathing, the climate being mild and salubrious, and considered highly favourable for those affected with pulmonary complaints. The mean annual temperature is 49° 1′, being the same as that of Worthing (q.v.) on the south coast of England, and only 1° below that of Torquay. Pop. (1861) 1521; (1881) 2116; (1891) 2600. Silo. See SILAGE.

Silkworm Gut, a material used by anglers for dressing the hook-end of the fishing-line. It consists of the drawn-out glands of the silkworm at the time it is about to spin its cocoon and when these glands are fully distended. The worms are immersed for twelve or fourteen hours in strong vinegar, and then taken separately, and pulled asunder. The skilled operator knows by the strength of the silk-gut if the soaking in vinegar Siloam, a great rock-cut pool to the south-east has been sufficient, and if so he lays hold of the of Jerusalem, with a second or lower reservoir conends of the two silk-glands and draws them out nected with it by an aqueduct. See JERUSALEM gently to the proper length-and so the gut is and map; and for the ancient Siloam inscription formed. He then stretches a number of these describing the making of a tunnel from a spring to lengths separately across a board, fixing them at the pool, found in the tunnel in 1880, see INSCRIPeach side or end by slits or pins, after which theyTIONS, Vol. VI. p. 159; HEBREW LANGUAGE, Vol. are exposed to the sun to dry. Silkworm gut is a V. p. 614. very strong material. It is prepared in Italy and Spain.

Sillery, a village of 400 inhabitants in the French department of Marne, near Rheims, famous for its Champagne (q. v.).

Silliman, BENJAMIN, American physicist, was born at North Stratford (now Trumbull), Connecticut, August 8, 1779. His father was a colonial judge, and a brigadier-general in the war of independence. He graduated at Yale in 1796, was appointed a tutor in 1799, and was admitted to the bar in 1802, but soon after received from the college the appointment of professor of Chemistry, and proceeded first to study this subject, attending lectures on chemistry for three years at Philadelphia, and in 1805-6 at Edinburgh (on geology also) and London. His chair he filled till 1853, and for two years longer lectured on geology. In the course of many experiments in 1822 he first established the fact of the transfer of particles of carbon from the positive to the negative pole of the voltaic battery. From 1808 he delivered popular lectures on chemistry and geology in many parts of the country, and interested in these subjects many who afterwards became among the foremost of American scientists. In 1840 Professor Silliman was elected the first president of the American Association of Geologists and Naturalists-since grown into the American Association for the Advancement of Science. In 1818 he founded the American Journal of Science, better known as Silliman's Journal, of which he was for twenty years the sole and for eight more the principal editor. In 1830 he published a textbook on chemistry; he edited several editions of Bakewell's Geology and of Henry's Chemistry; and in 1853 he published a Narrative of a Visit to Europe in 1851 (his Journals of Travels in England, Holland, and Scotland had appeared as early as 1810). He died 24th November 1864, at New Haven, where a bronze statue has been erected (1884) in the college grounds. See the Life by G. P. Fisher (1866).-His son, Benjamin (1816-85), assisted his father from 1837, in 1847 founded the Yale (since 1860 the Sheffield') School of Science, and was its professor of Chemistry till 1869, except in 1849-54, when he held a chair at Louisville. He was professor of Chemistry at Yale from 1854-in the college till 1870, in the medical department till his death. His researches were chiefly in

Sil'ures, an ancient people inhabiting the south-east of South Wales and the adjoining English area- -Glamorgan, Brecknock, Monmouth, Radnor, Hereford. They were a dark and curlyhaired race, and were probably of a non-Aryan stock-Iberian or Euskarian-though ultimately Celticised in language and manners. Less civilised than their British neighbours, they were more warlike, and offered fierce resistance to Ostorius Scapula and the other Roman commanders who invaded their country. See WALES, BASQUES, CELTS; Elton's Origins of English History (1882), Rhys's Celtic Britain (1882).

Silurian System, a name given by Murchison in 1835 from the Silures (q.v.) in South Wales, where this system is well developed. The sedimentary strata consist principally of grits, slates, dark shales, flagstones, sandstones, and conglomer ates, and interbedded with these occur occasional calcareous bands, and more or less lenticular beds of limestone. The following table gives the succession of the Silurian system of Britain :

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The strata attain a thickness of more than 20,000 feet, and have a wide distribution. In Wales the basement beds rest conformably on the upper members of the Cambrian system, while a well-marked unconformity separates the Lower from the Upper Silurian. Silurian rocks are exposed at the surface in many of our upland areas: thus, they form a large part of the high grounds of Wales, Westmorland, and Cumberland, and the major portion of the Southern Uplands of Scotland, and they likewise extend into the Scottish Highlands. In the hilly parts of Ireland they are also well developed at the surface; nor can there be much doubt that the same strata, buried under younger systems, extend throughout the larger part of the British Islands. The deposition of the Lower Silurian was marked by the appearance of considerable volcanoes in Wales, Westmorland, Ayrshire, and the south-east of Ireland.

On the continent of Europe Silurian strata have an extensive development. They occupy large

[graphic][subsumed][merged small][merged small]


tracts in Scandinavia and the basin of the Baltic, and probably continue eastwards under the great plains of northern Russia, for they crop up along the flanks of the Ural Mountains. In middle and southern Europe they rise again and again to the surface in mountain-regions, from which it may be inferred that they underlie vast areas in the surrounding low grounds. In North America Silurian rocks extend westwards from the mouth of the St Lawrence by the great lakes into the far northwest, and south-west by the Alleghanies into Alabama. As more or less isolated areas rise to the surface in the interior of the continent, it is probable that Silurian strata, concealed under younger formations, extend throughout the interior continental basin; and they reappear in the Rocky Mountains. The system has been recognised as entering into the formation of the Cordilleras of South America. Silurian strata have also been detected in the Himalayas and other parts of Asia, in Australia, and New Zealand.

The Silurian rocks which occur in mountainous areas are usually much indurated and dip at high angles, being frequently much contorted and dislocated. In the Highlands of Scotland and in Norway they have even been subjected to such disturbance that they have over wide areas acquired a more or less schistose or foliated character. In other low-lying regions, however, as in Russia, the strata are not indurated, and occur in horizontal or gently inclined positions.

Life of the Period. —Plant-remains consist almost exclusively of seaweeds, only a few traces of landplants having been met with. These indicate a cryptogamic flora-ferns and lycopodiaceous trees. The lower forms of animal life were represented chiefly by sponges (Amphispongia, Astylospongia, &c.). Amongst the Coelenterata were numerous forms of graptolites and corals. The former are eminently characteristic of the Silurian, and abound in certain thin bands of black shale. Those with two rows of cells are mostly confined to the Lower Silurian, while the single-rowed graptolites are upon the whole most common in the Upper Silurian. Corals abounded-certain limestones appearing to be almost wholly made up of their remains. Some common or characteristic rugose forms were Omphyma, Zaphrentis, Cyathophyllum, &c. Prominent tabulate forms were Halysites, Favosites, &c. The living Alcyonarian corals (Heliopora) were represented by Heliolites. Crinoids or sea-lilies were very numerous-their jointed stems and arms entering largely into the composition of many of the limestones. Cystideans, which attained their maximum development in Silurian times, star-fishes, and brittle-stars appear to have been less abundant. Annelid-tracks are common on the surfaces of beds, and the filled-up burrows of sea-worms frequently occur. Now and again jaws of annelids are likewise met with, and occasionally their tubular cases (Serpulites, Spirorbis) are seen attached to shells, corals, &c. Among the most characteristic Silurian fossils were the Trilobites, which made their first appearance in Cambrian seas and reached their greatest development in the Silurian age. They lived on in much diminished numbers through the Devonian and Carboniferous periods, and became finally extinct in Permian times. Some of the more widely distributed Silurian forms are Ogygia, Trinucleus, Asaphus, Illanus, Phacops, Calymene, &c. Other remarkable Arthropods were the Eurypterids (an extinct order allied to the existing kingcrabs). One of these (Pterygotus) was seven or eight feet in length. Ostracods (Beyrichia) and Phyllopods (Ceratiocaris) likewise occur in Silurian rocks. Here also we meet with the first scorpion (Palæophoneus) and the earliest insect (Palaoblattina, a form of cockroach). Various lace-corals


(Fenestella) and other Polyzoa occur, but by far the most abundant forms amongst Molluscoids were the Brachiopods. Characteristic types are Discina, Orthis, Leptæna, Pentamerus, Rhynchonella, Strophomena. Lamellibranchs were much less numerous- -Modiolopsis, Ctenodonta, and Orthonota are examples. Amongst Gasteropods the more common genera are Euomphalus, Bellerophon, Holopella, Murchisonia, and Pleurotomaria. The Cephalopods are well represented by straight and coiled chambered cells: amongst the former is Orthoceras, many species of which are known; the latter show such types as Cyrtoceras, Lituites, Phragmoceras, Nautilus, &c. Vertebrates make their earliest known appearance in the Upper Silurian. The remains consist of bony bucklers or head-shields of ganoid fishes (Pteraspis, Cephalaspis), the defensive spines of some cestraciont, and fragments of shagreen-like skin and plates.

Physical Conditions.-The Silurian strata appear to have been deposited chiefly in shallow seas, which here and there, however, may have been moderately deep. No certain indications of true oceanic conditions have yet been met with. During the formation of the Lower Silurian strata the entire area of the British Islands, with the excep tion, perhaps, of some of the Archæan tracts of the north-west, appears to have been under water. At this time active volcanoes, forming groups of islets, were scattered over the area of what is now North and South Wales, the south-east of Ireland, and southern Ayrshire. Considerable earth-movements affected the British area at the close of the Lower Silurian period-the bed of the sea being here and there elevated, so that islands of considerable size came into existence at the beginning of the Upper Silurian period. Eventually, however, a movement of depression supervened, and the islands referred to were submerged and gradually buried under the sedimentary accumulations of the Upper Silurian sea. Judging from the geographical distribution of the Silurian strata, we are led to conclude that enormous areas of what are now our continents were during the accumulation of those rocks overflowed by shallow seas. The main land-masses of the period seem to have been grouped chiefly in boreal regions and were composed essentially of Archæan rocks. In Europe and North America alike the old land-surface lay towards the north, but the great continental ridges may have risen here and there to the surface in other places so as to form groups of islands, as in Bavaria and Bohemia in Europe, and in the region of the Colorado and Park ranges in America.

The temperature of the seas was such as to allow of the migration of closely allied and apparently identical species of molluscs, crustaceans, &c. over vast regions. In arctic lands fossils occur which are met with likewise in the Silurian rocks of Wales; more than this, many Silurian species were truly cosmopolitan, ranging from the extreme north across the equator to Australia. To have allowed of such world-wide distribution the temperature of the seas must have been singularly uniform. But while not a few Silurian species were cosmopolitan, many others appear to have had a more restricted range. Thus it may be inferred that, however uniform the climatic conditions may have been, the uniformity nevertheless was only comparative, and that even in Silurian times the oceanic areas had their distinct life-provinces. It is remarkable that in the Lower Silurian of Scotland large erratic blocks of gneiss and other crystalline rocks occur, and similar blocks are met with in the Silurian strata of the Lake Superior region. It is difficult to see how such blocks could have been transported without the agency of floating ice. See also the articles MURCHISON and GEOLOGY.

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Siluridæ, or CAT-FISHES, a large family of fresh-water fishes, included in the order Physostomi. The skin is naked, or equipped with some bony scutes, never with scales; the dorsal fin is short and is occasionally absent-when present it is inserted above or in front of the ventrals; there is generally an adipose fin; the maxilla is very small; the barbels are well developed. The family is represented in most parts of the world. Europe, however, there is only one Siluroid, the Sheat-fish or Shadden (Silurus glanis), which occurs in some eastern and central regions-e.g. in the Danube and the Elbe. In size it sometimes

Silurus glanis.


approaches the sturgeon, and is a sluggish but very voracious animal, and has been the subject of many strange stories. In North America most of the common cat-fishes belong to the genus Amiurus; in tropical America the genus Pimelodus has many representatives (see CAT-FISH). In many species of Arius-a marine genus-common in the East Indies and on both coasts of Central America, the males hatch the eggs in their mouths. Species of Doras, common in South America, are remarkable for their habit of travelling from one pond to another. In northern Africa the most remarkable Siluroid is the Electric Cat-fish, Malapterurus electricus.

Silver (sym. Ag; equiv. 108; sp. gr. between 10:47 and 10:57). This metal was one of the earliest known, and is of a peculiar Copyright 1892 in U.S. and beautiful white colour, by by J. B. Lippincott which it can be distinguished


from all other metals or alloys, except one or two rare metals, such as lithium and indium, which are seldom seen. Silver is harder than gold, but softer than copper. It takes a very high polish, and for this reason was sometimes used for making small mirrors by the ancient Romans. It ranks next to gold in malleability and ductility, the thinnest silver-leaf produced by hammering being only Toogoo of an inch thick; and a wire of the metal can be drawn so fine that a length of 130 yards weighs only one grain. It has been usually stated that silver has a clear ringing sound when struck, but accurate observers, like Karsten and Percy, say that, on the contrary, a bar of the metal emits a dull sound on receiving a blow. Silver conducts heat and electricity better than any other metal, for which reason it is adopted as the standard represented by 100. Its melting-point has been variously stated, but appears to be about 1904° F. (1040° C.). Silver does not suffer even from long exposure to the atmosphere, except that it readily tarnishes when sulphuretted hydrogen or animal exhalations containing sulphur are present. Both nitric and sulphuric acid dissolve silver; and aqueous hydrochloric acid, as well as a solution of common salt, converts the surface of the metal into the chloride of silver. The metal is not attacked by caustic alkalies.

Oxides of Silver.-Three compounds of silver with oxygen are known. Argentic Oxide or Protoxide of Silver, AgO, is the best defined of the three. If to an aqueous solution of nitrate of silver lime-water or baryta-water be added, this oxide of


silver is precipitated. The same brown precipitate is obtained if pure potash or soda be used as the precipitant. The protoxide of silver when mois tened absorbs carbonic acid from the air. It decomposes and loses its oxygen at 572° F. (300° C.), and ignition takes place when it is rubbed in a mortar with sulphide of arsenic or of antimony and other easily oxidisable substances. The other two oxides of silver are the Argentous Oxide or Suboxide, Ag40, and the Peroxide, Agz02.

Sulphide of Silver, Ag2S.-The strong affinity silver has for sulphur is seen from the readiness with which it blackens in an atmosphere containing sulphuretted hydrogen. A silver coin can be easily darkened by rubbing it with sulphur or by placing it in contact with vulcanised indiarubber, which contains sulphur. Sulphide of silver can be prepared by melting together silver clippings and sulphur in a covered crucible. It is also formed when sulphuretted hydrogen or a soluble alkaline sulphide is added to an aqueous solution of a salt of silver, the silver sulphide precipitating as a black powder. The tarnish on silver articles which from their nature cannot be easily rubbed with leather and rouge or brushed can be readily removed by an aqueous solution of cyanide of potassium; but as this salt is poisonous the article should be afterwards carefully washed. Silversmiths perfectly restore the original white colour to darkened silver objects by heating them in contact with carbonate of soda and nitre. Statuettes and other art objects in silver are frequently oxidised,' as it is called. This is really darkening their surface more or less by a film of sulphide produced by immersing them in a hot solution of sulphide of potassium. The prominent parts are then brightened by brushing or otherwise. The native compounds of silver and sulphur (ores) are noticed below.



Chloride of Silver, AgCl.-This salt is prepared by adding to an aqueous solution of the nitrate of silver either hydrochloric acid or chloride of sodium (common salt), when a thick, white, curdy precipitate of the chloride is thrown down. precipitate requires to be washed and dried in the dark, and it is then an anhydrous white powder. When fused and allowed to cool it becomes waxy and hornlike, in which state it is translucent or even transparent in thin plates. In this massive condition it is still sometimes called by the old name of horn silver or luna cornea, whether native or artificially prepared. Chloride of silver is very insoluble in water, so that an extremely small proportion of silver may be detected in water by the formation of chloride. It dissolves in ammoniawater and cyanide of potassium or sodium. When a solution of chloride of silver in ammonia-water is boiled a fulminating compound is deposited; but this can be avoided by evaporating the solution at a gentle heat, by which treatment scales of the chloride separate. As commonly prepared, chloride of silver blackens by exposure to daylight. Native chloride of silver is an important ore of the metal, and is referred to below. So also are the native compounds of silver with bromine and iodine.

Cyanide of Silver, AgCy, is obtained by precipitation as a white powder when hydrocyanic acid or cyanide of potassium is added to an aqueous solution of nitrate of silver. It is insoluble in water, but aqueous solutions of ferrocyanide of potassium, hyposulphite of soda, and ammonia and some of its salts dissolve it. It forms double salts with various metallic cyanides, one of these, the argentocyanide of potassium, being of great service in Electro-metallurgy (q.v.). Mr A. Wright, surgeon, Birmingham, first applied this salt to electroplat ing, his invention having been bought and patented by the Messrs Elkinton in 1840.

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