Sivut kuvina
[blocks in formation]

number, 660.

love of life, 410.

Greatness and goodness, 475-

farewell to all my, 78.

highest point of all my, 78.
is a ripening, 78.

some achieve, 54.
substance of his, 158.

Greatnesse, farre stretched, 17.
on goodnesse, 235.
Grecian chisel trace, 491.
Greece, Athens the eye of, 204.
beauties of exulting, 328.
but living Greece, 522.
early, she sung, 366.
fair, sad relic, 514.
fulmined over, 204.
isles of, 533.
John Naps of, 50.
to, we give, 502.

Greek, above all, 305.

could speak, 224.

or Roman name, 240.

small Latin and less, 152.

to me, 'twas, 90.

Greeks joined Greeks, 252.

Green and yellow melancholy, 53.

bay-tree, 615.

be the turf, 546.

grassy turf, 402.

graves of your sires, 545.
in judgment, 136.

in youth, 315.

leaf, has perished in the, 586.
old age, 243.

one red, making the, 100.
pastures, lie down in, 614.

[blocks in formation]

his father, 312.

in a glist'ring, 78.
is past, 431.

no greater, 599.
of a wound, 65.

patch, with proverbs, 33.
plague of sighing and, 63.
silent manliness of, 374-
smiling at, 53.

that does not speak, 104.
treads upon the heel, 272.

Griefs, some, are med'cinable, 138.

that harass, 337-

what private, they have, 93.
Grieve his heart, 103.

Grieved, we sighed we, 177.
Griffith, honest chronicler as, 79.
Grim death, 154, 190.

Feature, scented the, 202.
repose, hushed in, 356.
Grimes, old, is dead, 605.
Grim-visaged war, 74.
Grin, one universal, 333.
owned with a, 463.
sin to sit and, 589.
so merry, 408.

Grind, axe to, 506.

demd horrid, 588.

the faces of the poor, 628.
Grinders cease, the, 626.

Gripe, barren sceptre in my, 100.
of noose, 418.

Grisly terror, 189.

Gristle, people in the, 381.

Groan, bubbling, 521.

the knell the pall the, 545.
Groans of the dying, 489.
thy old, ring yet, 85.
Groined the aisles, 571.
Grooves of change, 581.
Grose, his name was, 535.
Gross and scope, 106.
Ground, another man's, 26.

[blocks in formation]

up, 392.

Grown by what it fed on, 108.
Grows with his growth, 288.
Growth, children of a larger, 242.

man is the nobler, 409.
man seems the only, 369.
of mother earth, 444.
Grudge, feed fat the ancient, 40.
Grundy, what will Mrs., say, 425.
Guard dies, never surrenders, 661.
our native seas, 483.
thy bed, holy angels, 270.
Guardian angel, 434.

angels sung the strain, 331.
Gude time coming, 493.
Gudeman's awa', 404.
Gudgeons, swallow, 229.
Guerdon, fair, 211.

Guesseth but in part, 476.
Guest, speed the going, 304.
speed the parting, 315.
the body's, 16.

Guests in the depths of hell, 619.
Guid to be honest and true, 424.

to be merry and wise, 424.
Guide in smoke and flame, 493.
philosopher and friend, 292.
providence their, 203.
Guides, blind, 636.

the planets in their course,435.
Guilt, fear not, start at shame, 387.
if, is in that heart, 499.
of Eastern kings, 175.
so full of artless jealousy is, 122.
to cover, 376.

Guilty of such a ballad, 34.

thing, started like a, 107.
thing surprised, 458.
Guinea, compass of a, 510.
jingling of the, 581.
Guinea's stamp, 423.
Gulf profound, 188.

Gum, med'cinable, 136.
Gun, out of an elder, 71.
Guns, these vile, 62.
Gusty thieves, 554.
Gypsies, pilfers like, 386.

Habit, costly thy, 110.

use doth breed a, 24.
Habitation, local, 38.
Habits, ill, gather, 241.

small, well pursued, 412.
Had we never loved sae kindly,423.
Haggard, do prove her, 133.
Hags, black and midnight, 103.
Hail Columbia, 464.

fellow well met, 670.
holy light, 191.
horrors hail, 183.
the rising sun, 363.
to the chief, 491.
wedded love, 195.
Hai's you Tom or Jack, 400.
Hair, amber-dropping, 210.

beauty draws us with a, 300.
distinguish and divide, 224.
draw you to her with a single,


each particular, 112.

every, a soul doth bind, 241.
just grizzled, 243-

most resplendent, 438.
my fell of, 105.
ninth part of a, 64.
sacred, dissever, 300.
shakes pestilence, 189.
to stand on end, 112.
Hair-breadth 'scapes, 129.
Hairs of your head, 634.
Hal, no more of that, 63.
Half broken-hearted, 511.

his Troy was burned, 66.
in shade and half in sun, 500.
is more than the whole, 648.
our knowledge we snatch, 292.
the creeds, faith in, 586.
the world knoweth not how
the other half liveth, 7.
Half-pennyworth of bread, 63.
Half-shirt is two napkins, 65.
Hall, merry in, 8.

Hallowed is the time, 107.
Halt between two opinions, 610.
Halter draw, felt the, 418.

now fitted the, 257-

threats of a, 413.

Halves, I'll go his, 7.

Hamlet at the close of the day, 402.
rude forefathers of the, 357-
tragedy of, 494.

Hammer, no sound of, 394-

Hammer, smith stand with his, 57.
Hammers closing rivets, 70, 263.
no, fell, 504.

Hampden, some village, 358.
Hand, adore the, 254.

against every man, 608.
cheek upon her, 84.
cloud like a man's, 610.
findeth to do do it, 625.
for hand foot for foot, 609.
forget her cunning, 618.
glove upon that, 84.
handle towards my, 99.
her 'prentice, 423.
hold a fire in his, 58.
in hand, 203, 335.

in his lifted, 237.

in thy right, 79-
kindlier, 586.

led by my, 308.

let not thy left, know, 633.
licks the, 285.
may no rude, 417.
morn with rosy, 198.
mortality's strong, 57.
of little employment, 123.
open as day, 69.

put in every honest, 135.
red right, 187.
sweet and cunning, 52.
sweeten this little, 104.
that dealt the blow, 483.
that fed them, bite the, 384.
that made us is divine, 268.
that rounded Peter's dome,

then join in, 404.

time has laid his, gently, 574-
to execute, 170, 388, 607.
touch of a vanished, 582.
unlineal, 100.

unpurchased, 589.

upon a woman, 429.

upon many a heart, 576.

upon the ark, 391.

upon the Ocean's mane, 521.
waved her lily, 319.
with my heart in't, 23.

you cannot see, 317.
Handel's but a ninny, 323.
Handle not, taste not, 642.

toward my hand, 99.
Hands, by foreign, 312.
fatal, their, 190.
folding of the, 619.

from picking and stealing,646.
hateth nicer, 13.

knell is rung by fairy, 366.
mouths without, 237.
never made to tear, 270.

[blocks in formation]

Happy the man and happy he, 240.
the man whose wish, 311.
walks and shades, 202.
who in his verse, 239.
Harass the distrest, 337.
Harbinger, spring-time's, 158.
Harbingers to heaven, 221.
Hard-a-keeping oath, 34.
Hard crab-tree, 226.

to part, 409.
Hare, to start a, 62.
Hark from the tombs, 270.
hark the lark, 138.

the shrill trumpet, 264.
they whisper, 311.
Harm, win us to our, 93.
Harmless as doves, 634.

necessary cat, 42.
Harmonies, concerted, 558.
Harmonious numbers, 191.

sound on golden hinges, 198.
Harmony, heaven drowsy with, 36.
heavenly, 240.

hidden soul of, 214.
in her bright eye, 170.
in immortal souls, 44.
like deep, 58.

not understood, 287.

[blocks in formation]

to harmony, 240.

Haste, mounting in hot, 516.
now to my setting, 78.
one with moderate, 109.
thee nymph, 213.
to be rich, 624.
Hasten to be drunk, 237.
Hastening ills, prey to, 371.
Hat, broad-brimmed, 332.

not the worse for wear, 398.
three-cornered, 589.

Hate, immortal, 182.

in the like extreme, 315-
of hate, 579.

of those below, 516.
unrelenting, 241.
Hated, as to be, 289.
with a hate, 534-
Hater, a good, 345.
Hating David, 235.

no one love but her, 520.
Hatred, love turned to, 271.
Haughtiness of soul, 265.
Haughty spirit before a fall, 621.
Haunt, exempt from public, 45.
Haunted holy ground, 515.

me like a passion, 442.

Haunts in dale, 476.

Have and to hold, 646.

Havens, ports and happy, 58.

Having nothing yet hath all, 148.

Havock, cry, 92.

sentimentally disposed to, 468. Hawk from a hand-saw, 115.

touches of sweet, 44.

Harness, dead in his, 632.
girdeth on his, 611.
on our back, 106.
Haroun Alraschid, 579.
Harp in divers tones, 583.
love took up the, 580.
of thousand strings, 271.
of life, 580.

of Orpheus, 219.

open palm upon his, 574.
through Tara's halls, 496.
Harping on my daughter, 114.
Harps upon the willows, 618.
Harpy-footed Furies, 188.
Harrow up thy soul, 112.
Harry the King, 71.

with his beaver on, 65.
Harsh and crabbed, 209
Hart panteth after, 615.
ungalled play, 119.
Harvest of a quiet eye, 454.

of the new-mown hay, 263.
truly is plenteous, 634.
Harvest-time of love, 462.
Hast any philosophy in thee, 48.
Haste, married in, 272.

Hawks, between two, 72.

Hawthorn bush with seats, 371.

under the, 213.

Hay, of the new-mown, 263.
Hazard of concealing, 421.
of the die, 77.

He alone is blessed, 256.

best can paint them, 310.
comes too near, 154, 321.
cometh unto you, 19.
coude songes make, 1.
either fears his fate, 180.

for God only, 193.

jests at scars, 84.
knew what's what, 670.
may run that readeth, 631.
must needs go, 51.
nothing common did, 231.
prayeth well, 470.

that imposes an oath, 228.
that is down, 227, 245-
that is not with me, 637-
that is robbed, 134.

that loves a rosy cheek, 158.
that runs may read, 395.
that would not, 6oz.
thinks too much, 90.
took the bread, 150.

He was exhaled, 240.

was not of an age, 152.
was the word, 150.
who can call to-day, 240.
who goes to bed sober, 155.
who fights and runs, 378.
Head and front of, 128.
books upon his, 431.
crotchets in thy, 25.
fantastically carved, 68.
gently lay my, 181.
good gray, 587.

hairs of your, numbered, 634.
hands wings, 191.
hang the pensive, 212.
hoary, crown of glory, 621.
imperfections on my, 112.
is not more native, 107.

is sick and the heart faint, 628.
less beloved, 520.
lesson to the, 395.
lodgings in a, 225.
of the table, 12.
off with his, 76, 263.
one small, 373.
plays round the, 290.
precious jewel in his, 45.
repairs his drooping, 212.
reverend, 270.

some less majestic, 520.
stuff the, 30S.

that wears a crown, 66.
the tall the wise, 270.

to be let unfurnished, 225.

to contrive, 170, 388.

to shrowd his, 174.
uneasy lies the, 68.
was silvered, 319.

which statuaries loved, 560.

Heads beneath their shoulders, 130.
hands wings, 191.

hide their diminished, 192.
houseless, 126.

nailed by the ears, 229.

sometimes so little, 221.

tall men had empty, 144.
touch heaven, 129.
Head-stone of the corner, 618.
Head-strong as an allegory, 414.
Healing in his wings, 631.
Health and competence, 290.
be thou a spirit of, 111.
unbought, 237.

Heap of dust, 312.

Heapeth up riches, 615.
Heaps of pearl, 76.

unsunned, 208.

Hear, be silent that you may, 92.

by tale or history, 37.

me for my cause, 92.


Hear, to see, to feel, 514.
Heard it said full oft, 139.
melodies are sweet, 548.
round the world, 572.
the world around, 216.
Hearers, too deep for his, 374.
Hearing ear the seeing eye, 621.
of the ear, 613.

Hearings, younger, 35.
Hearse, sable, 152.
Heart, a merry, 620.

a transport know, 348.
abundance of the, 634.
afraid, that makes the, 554.
after his own, 610.
and lute, 502.

arrow for the, 536.

as he thinketh in his, 622.
awake to the flowers, 497.
bare the mean, 304.

be troubled, let not your, 638.
beating of my own, 566.
can know, ease the, 364.
comes not to the, 290.
congenial to my, 373-
constant, 375.
detector of the, 279.
detests him, 315.
did break, some, 584.
distrusting asks, 373.

ease of, her look conveyed, 417.
fails thee, if thy, 17.

faint, ne'er won fair lady, 668.
faint, whole, 628.

felt along the, 441.

for any fate, 573.

for every fate, 528.

for falsehood framed, 415.
full, reveal, 477.

gently upon my, 574.

give lesson to the head, 395.
give me back my, 512.
glows in every, 282.
grieve his, 103.

grow fonder, 553.

hand upon many a, 576.

has learned to glow, 316.

hath 'scaped this sorrow, 140.
if guilt's in that, 499.

in concord beats, 438.
in her husband's, 53.
in thy hand, 23.
incense of the, 335.
is idly stirred, 454
is wax to be moulded, 12.
knock at my ribs, 96.
knoweth his own bitterness,


look then into thy, 573.

lord of the lion, 367.

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