Sivut kuvina

XLV. 1603.

CHA P. his hereditary right remained unquestionable. If the religion of Mary, queen of Scots, and the other prejudices contracted against her, had formed any confiderable obftacle to her fucceffion; thefe objections, being entirely perfonal, had no place with regard to her fon. Men alfo confidered, that, though the title, derived from blood, had been frequently violated fince the Norman conqueft, fuch licences had proceeded more from force or intrigue, than from any deliberate maxims of government. The lineal heir had ftill in the end prevailed; and both his exclufion and reftoration had been commonly attended with fuch convulfions, as were fufficient to warn all prudent men not lightly to give way to fuch irregu larities. If the will of Henry VII. authorized by act of parliament, had tacitly excluded the Scottifh line; the tyranny and caprices of that monarch had been fo fignal, that a fettlement of this nature, unfupported by any just reason, had no authority with the people. Queen Elizabeth too, with her dying breath, had recognized the undoubted title of her kinfman James; and the whole nation feemed to difpofe themselves with joy and pleafure for his reception. Though born and educated amidst a foreign and hostile people, men hoped, from his character of moderation and wifdom, that he would embrace the maxims of an English monarch; and the prudent forefaw greater advantages, refulting from a union with Scotland, than difadvantages from fubmitting to a prince of that nation. The alacrity, with

&LVA 1603.

which the English looked towards the fucceffor, HA P. had appeared fo evident to Elizabeth, that, concurring with other caufes, it affected her with the deepest melancholy; and that wife princefs, whose penetration and experience had given her the greatest infight into human affairs, had not yet fufficiently weighed the ingratitude of courtiers, and levity of the people.

As victory abroad, and tranquillity at home, had attended this princefs, he left the nation in fuch flourishing circumstances, that her fucceffor poffeffed every advantage, except that of comparison with her illuftrious name, when he mounted the throne of England. The king's journey from Edinburgh to London, immediately afforded to the inquifitive fome circumftances of comparison, which even the natural partiality in favor of their new fovereign, could not interpret to his advantage. As he paffed along, all ranks of men flocked about him, from every quarter, allured by intereft or curiofity. Great were the rejoicings, and loud and hearty the acclamations which refounded from all fides; and every one could remember how the affibility and popular manners of their queen difplayed themselves, amidit fuch concourfe and exultation of her fubjects. But James, though fociable and familiar with his friends and courtiers, hated the buftle of a mixt multitude; and though far from disliking flattery, yet was he ftill fonder of tranquillity and cafe. He iffued therefore a proclamation, forbidding this refort of people, on pretence of

First tranf actions of

this reign.

CHAP. the scarcity of provifions, and other inconveniences, which, he faid, would neceffarily attend it'.



He was not, however, infenfible to the great flow of affection, which appeared in his new fubjects; and being himself of an affectionate temper, he seems to have been in hafte to make them fome return of kindness and good offices. To this motive, probably, we are to ascribe that profufenefs of titles, which was obferved in the beginning of his reign; when in fix weeks time, after his entrance into the kingdom, he is computed to have beftowed knighthood on no lefs than 237 perfons. If Elizabeth's frugality of honors, as well as of money, had formerly been repined at, it began now to be valued and efteemed: And every one was fenfible, that the king, by his lavish and premature conferring of favors, had failed of obliging the perfons, on whom he bestowed them. Titles of all kinds became fo common, that they were fcarcely marks of dif tinction; and being diftributed, without choice or deliberation, to perfons unknown to the prince, were regarded more as the proofs of a facility and good-nature, than of any determined friendfhip or esteem.

A pafquinade was affixed to St. Paul's, in which an art was promifed to be taught, very neceffary to affist frail memories, in retaining the names of the new nobility 2.

I Kennet, p. 662.

Wilfon, in Kennet, p. 665.

XLV. 1603.

We may prefume, that the English would c HA P. have thrown lefs blame on the king's facility in bestowing favors, had these been confined entirely to their own nation, and had not been fhared out, in too unequal proportions, to his old fubjects. James, who, through his whole reign, was more guided by temper and inclination than by the rules of political prudence, had brought with him great numbers of his Scottish courtiers; whose impatience and importunity were apt, in many particulars, to impofe on the eafy nature of their master, and extort favors, of which, it is natural to imagine, his English fubjects would loudly complain. The duke of Lenox, the earl of Marre, lord Hume, lord Kinlofs, Sir George Hume, fecretary Elphinstone', were immediately added to the English privy council. Sir George Hume, whom he created earl of Dunbar, was his declared favorite as long as that nobleman lived, and was one of the wifeft and most virtuous, though the leaft powerful, of all those whom the king ever honored with that diftinction. Hay, fome time after, was created Viscount Doncaster, then earl of Carlisle, and got an immenfe fortune from the crown; all of which he spent in a fplendid and courtly manner. Ramfay obtained the title of Earl of Holderness; and many others, being raised, on a fudden, to the highest elevation, increased, by

3 Kennet, p. 662.

CHA P. their infolence, that envy, which naturally attended them, as ftrangers and ancient enemies.



I must, however, be owned, in justice to James, that he left almost all the chief offices in the hands of Elizabeth's minifters, and trufted the conduct of political concerns, both foreign and domeftic, to his English fubjects. Among thefe, fecretary Cecil, created fucceffively Lord Fffindon, Vifcount Cranborne, and Earl of Salif bury, was always regarded as his prime minifter and chief counfellor. Though the capacity and penetration of this minifter were fufficiently known, his favor with the king created furprise on the acceffion of that monarch. The fecret correfpondence into which he had entered with James, and which had fenfibly contributed to the easy reception of that prince in England, laid the foundation of Cecil's credit; and while all his former affociates, Sir Walter Raleigh, lord Grey, lord Cobham, were discountenanced on account of their animofity against Effex, as well as for other reasons, this minifter was continued in employment, and treated with the greatest confidence and regard.

THE capacity of James and his minifters in negociation was immediately put to trial, on the appearance of ambaffadors from almost all the princes and ftates of Europe, in order to congratulate him on his acceffion, and to form with him. new treaties and alliances. Befide minifters from Venice, Denmark, the Palatinate; Henry Frederic of Naffau, affifted by Barnevelt the Penfionary of

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