Sivut kuvina

debts active and goods and chattels, to the said Association, Proprietors and Stockholders belonging at the time of the passing of this Ordinance; and shall and may by the same name, sue and be sued, answer and be answered unto in all Courts and places whatsoever, and shall and may acquire, take and receive by gift, donation, gifts, donations, legacy or otherwise, all and every sum and sums of money and all goods, and chattels, and lands, and immoveable property; subject always to the provisions hereinafter made with regard to the amount of the capital and funds of the said Corpora tion, and to the said lands and immoveable property.

May sue and be sued, and may accept

&c., and ac. quire other


Capital Stock not to exceed £4000, cury.


not to have more than 40 shares each.

When and how

a general meel. ing is to be

called for elect

ing a committee of management


The committee to consist of 12 members

and to be elect ed annually.

II. And be it further Ordained and Enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the capital stock of the said Corporation, shall at no time exceed the sum of four thousand pounds, current money of Lower Canada, divided into three thousand two hundred shares, of one pound five shillings each.

III. And be it further Ordained and Enacted by the authority aforesaid, that no individual, Association, company, or body corporate or politic, shall hold more than forty shares of the stock of said Corporation.

IV. And be it further Ordained and Enacted by the authority aforesaid, that as soon as one thousand shares of the stock shall have been subscribed for, a general meeting of the Stockholders shall be called by public advertisement, for the purpose of electing a Committee of Management for conducting the affairs of the said Corporation; and the Committee elected at such meeting, shall continue in office until the first Monday in the month of May, one thousand eight hundred and forty-one, or until another Committee be duly elected in their stead; Provided always, that save and except for the purpose of convening the first general meeting and electing officers as herein provided, this Ordinance, or the capacities, powers or authority hereby conferred, shall not be in force, or in any manner operative or available to the said Association, or to any person or persons whatsoever until the whole Capital Stock of the said Association shall be paid in.

V. And be it further Ordained and Enacted by the authority aforesaid, that such Committee of Management shall consist of twelve members of the said Corporation, each of whom shall be proprietor of at least five shares of the stock of the said Corporation and such Committee shall be elected annually, on the first Monday in the month of May, in each and every year, or if such Monday be a holiday, or if from any cause such election be not had on that day, then the election may be had on any day thereafter, and the Committee elected at the then next preceding election,


suivre et eire

demandant qu'en défendant dans toutes les cours et places quelconques, et auront Pourront pouraussi pouvoir d'acquérir, tenir et recevoir, par don, donation, legs ou autrement, poursuivis, actoutes et chaque somme ou sommes d'argent et tous biens, meubles, terres et cepter et ac. propriétés immobilières sujets néanmoins aux provisions ci-après mentionnées quant propriétés &c. au montant du capital et fonds de la dite corporation et quant aux dites terres et propriétés immobilières.

n'excédera pas

II. Et qu'il soit de plus Ordonné et Statué par l'autorité susdite, que le Fonda Capital fonds capital de la dite corporation, n'excédera pas la somme de quatre mille livres £4000 courant. argent courant du Bas-Canada, divisée en trois mille deux cents actions de vingt cinq chelins chacune.

Nul actionnaire

III. Et qu'il soit de plus ordonné et statué par l'autorité susdite, que nul individu, association, compagnie ou corps politique ou incorporé ne possédera plus possédera plus de quarante actions dans le fond de la dite corporation.

de 40 actions.

semblée géné

voquée pour


IV. Et qu'il soit de plus Ordonné et Statué par l'autorité susdite, qu'aussitôt qu'il aura été souscrit pour mille actions dans les fonds, il sera convoqué une Comment l'as assemblée des actionnaires par avertissement public, afin d'élire un comité de rale sera condirection pour la conduite des affaires de la dite corporation; et le comité élu à telle l'élection d'un assemblée continuera en office jusqu'au premier Lundi dans le mois de Mai, mil comité de huit cent quarante et un, et jusqu'à ce qu'un autre comité soit dument élu à leur place; Pourvu toujours, que sauf et excepté pour la convocation de la première assemblée général et pour l'élection des officiers comme il est pourvu dans les présentes, cette Ordonnance, ni les pouvoirs ou autorités qui sont donnés par icelle, ne seront en force, ou en aucune manière opératifs ou de quelque valeur à la dite Association. ou à aucune personne ou personnes quelconques, jusqu'à ce que le montant en entier du dit fonds capital de la dite Association ait été payé.


Le comité sera

V. Et qu'il soit de plus Ordonné et Statué par l'autorité susdite, que tel comité de direction sera composé de douze membres de la dite corporation, qui composé de 12 seront chacun propriétaires d'aumoins cinq actions dans le fonds de la dite corpora- membres qui tion; et tel comité sera élu annuellement le premier Lundi du mois de Mai de nuellement. chaque année, ou si tel Lundi serait un jour de Fête, ou si par quelque autre cause l'élection n'a pas lieu ce jour là, alors l'élection pourra avoir lieu en aucun jour après, et le comité qui aura été élu à l'élection précédente continuera en office jusqu'à

shall continue in office until another be duly elected in its stead, and in the event of the death, sickness or absence from the Province for more than three consecutive Vacancies how months, of any member or members of the said Committee of Management, his or their places may be held and filled by a person or persons to be appointed by the remaining members of the Committee of Management, without calling a meeting of Stockholders for that purpose, and the person or persons so appointed shall have the same powers and authority as if they had been elected members of the said Com. mittee in the manner aforesaid; and any three members of the said Committee shall form a quorum thereof for the transaction of business, and may do all things which the said Committee may do: Provided always, that if the Chairman of the Committee be not one of them, a Chairman for the time being shall be chosen by the members present.


A Chairman to be elected and other officers

and servants to be appointed.

The whole

amount of stock

in by giving 30 days notice.

How the com. mite may pro


VI. And be it further Ordained and Enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the said Committee of Management shall elect a Chairman from among themselves, and shall have power and authority to appoint and pay out of the Funds of the Corporation a Secretary, Treasurer, or Manager, and all other officers and servants by them deemed necessary, and to do, execute and perform all acts, matters and things generally, which shall or may by them be deemed requisite and necessary for carrying on and prosecuting the business of the said Corporation, under and subject to the provisions of this Ordinance.

VII. And be it further Ordained and Enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the may be called Committee of Management shall have power to call upon the Stockholders for the whole amount of stock subscribed, by giving thirty days notice thereof, in two or more of the Public Newspapers published in the City of Montreal, and in case of non- ayment of the said capital stock, by any subscriber or subscribers, the said Committee under the name and style of the said Corporation, may recover the amount by action at law, in any Court of competent jurisdiction, or may at their option, after notice as aforesaid, cause the share or shares of the subscriber or subscribers, so in default, to be forfeited to the said Corporation at a general meeting of the Stockholders thereof.

ceed against defaulters.

Committee may acquire

estate to the va. lue of £1,500,


VIII. And be it further Ordained and Enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the Committee of Management shall have power and authority to purchase, acquire and hold in the name of and for the use and benefit of the Corporation, landed estate within the Parish of Montreal, and not elsewhere, without Her Majesty's Letters of Mortmain, and such landed estate shall be used and appropriated solely for the purpose


jusqu'à ce qu'un autre ait été élu à sa place, et dans le cas de mort, maladie ou absence de la Province pour plus de trois mois consécutifs d'aucun membre ou membres du comité de direction, sa ou leurs places pourront être remplacées par une ou des personnes à être nommées par le restant des membres du comité de direction, sans convoquer une assemblée des actionnaires pour cet objet, et la personne ou les personnes ainsi nommées auront les mêmes pouvoirs comme s'ils avaient été élus membres du dit comité de la manière susdite; et aucun trois membres du comité formeront un quorum pour la transaction de ses affaires, et pourra faire tout ce que Quorum. le comité aurait pu faire; Pourvu aussi que si le Président du comité ne se trouve présent, un Président pour le tems d'alors sera choisi d'entre les membres présents.

VI. Et qu'il soit de plus Ordonné et Statué par l'autorité susdite, que le dit comité de direction aura le pouvoir de choisir un Président d'entre eux, et auront le pouvoir et l'autorité de nommer et de payer à même les fonds de la corporation un secrétaire, trésorier ou gérant et tous autres officiers et serviteurs qu'ils croiront nécessaires, et de faire et exécuter tous actes, matières et choses généralement, qu'ils croiront requis et nécessaires pour transiger les affaires de la dite corporation, sous et sujettes aux provisions de cette Ordonnance.

VII. Et qu'il soit de plus Ordonné et Statué par l'autorité susdite, que le comité de direction aura le pouvoir d'exiger des actionnaires le montant total du fonds souscrit en donnant trente jours de notice de leur intentițion de le faire, en deux ou plus des papiers-nouvelles publiés dans la cité de Montréal, et dans le cas ou le dit fonds capital ne serait pas payé par aucun souscripteur ou souscripteurs, le dit comité sous le nom et raison de la dite compagnie pourra en recouvrer le montant par poursuite en loi; dans aucune cour de juridiction compétente, ou pourra à son option, après avis comme susdit, faire confisquer la part ou les parts de tels souscripteur ou souscripteurs en faveur de la dite corporation, en aucune asssemblée générale des actionnaires.

VIII. Et qu'il soit de plus Ordonné et Statué par l'autorité susdite, que le dit comité de direction aura le pouvoir et l'autorité d'acheter, acquérir et tenir au nom et pour l'usage de la dite corporation, des terreins dans la paroisse de Montréal, et non ailleurs sans lettres d'amortissement de Sa Majesté, et tels terreins seront exclusivement pour le service de la dite corporation dans la transaction de ses



[blocks in formation]

And may dis.

pose of the

same, and purchase others in

lieu thereol.

Committee to

Inake rules &c.

and fix the price weekly.

of their Bread

Shares of the Stockholders transferable.

Stockholders to have votes in proportion to

of carrying on the business of the said Corporation under the provisions of this Ordinance, by the erection of Ovens, Dwelling-houses, Store-houses, and other buildings and works thereon as may be necessary for the purposes aforesaid and no other, and so that the real property held by the said Corporation at any one time shall not exceed in value the sum of one thousand five hundred pounds currency aforesaid: And the said Committee of Management for the time being, shall have power and authority, in the name of the Corporation, and by deed or deeds, under their hands and the seal of the Corporation, to sell, alienate, and dispose of any and all such landed estate and property, and good and sufficient deeds of sale and titles to grant thereof, whenever they shall deem and consider it advantageous to the interests of the Corporation, and other landed estate in lieu thereof to acquire or purchase for the purposes aforesaid, and subject always to the provisions aforesaid as to the value thereof.

IX. And be it further Ordained and Enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the Committee of Management shall have power to make such rules and regulations for the internal government of the said Corporation and the affairs thereof, as may by them be deemed requisite and necessary, and they shall assize or fix the price of the bread to be sold by the said Corporation once in each week.

X. And be it further Ordained and Enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the shares of the Stock of the said Corporation shall be transferable by an assignment thereof under the hand of the party assigning the same, and a certificate upon or relating to such assignment, signed by the Chairman of the Committee of Management for the time being, and shewing that such assignment has been recorded in a Book to be kept for that purpose by the Corporation.

XI. And be it further Ordained and Enacted by the authority aforesaid, that each holder of one share of the Stock of the Corporation shall have one vote at all gene. the shares held ral meetings and elections to be held under the authority of this Ordinance; and

by them.

each holder of five shares or more, but of less than ten, shall have two votes; and each holder of ten shares, and of less than fifteen, shall have three votes; and each holder of fifteen shares or more shall have one additional vote for every five shares No vote allow. over and above ten, except in certain cases hereinafter provided for; but no person shall be allowed to vote by proxy.

ed by proxy.

The committee

XII. And be it further Ordained and Enacted by the authority aforesaid, that it of management shall be the duty of the Committee of Management to call a general meeting of the Stockholders

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