Sivut kuvina

Aliens. minors and persons at.

tainted for high lony, cannot be

treason and fe.

appointed or elected to office

nor vote elections.


Certain persons

appointed or elected Coun.


holder, who shall have been resident in the said city, during three years next preceding any such election of councillors, and who shall have occupied any warehouse, counting-house, or shop within any of the said Wards of the said City, during three months next preceding such election, and shall have been rated for not less than one year in respect of such premises for any such rate or assessment as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote at the election of councillors to be had in the Ward in which such premises shail be situated; and Provided also that no such inhabitant, house-holder, or occupier of a ware-house, counting-house, or shop within the said City, shall be entitled to vote at any such election of councillors, unless he shall have paid the amount of all rates and assessments within the said City of Quebec that may have been due and payable by him, before the holding of any such elec


XII. And be it further Ordained and Enacted, that no person shall be capable of being appointed or elected Mayor, Alderman, or Councillor of the said City of Quebec, or of voting at any election of City Officers, who shall not be a natural born or naturalized subject of Her Majesty, and of the full age of twenty-one years; nor shall any person be capable of voting or of being elected at any such election, who shall have been attainted for Treason or Felony, in any Court of Law, within any of Her Majesty's dominions.

XIII. And be it further Ordained and Enacted, that no person being in holy ordeclared inea ders, or being a minister or teacher of any dissenting or religious sect or congregation, nor any Judge or Judges, clerk or clerks of any court, nor any of the ministerial Law Officers of the Crown, nor any person accountable for the City Revenues, or receiving any pecuniary allowance from the City for his services, nor any officer or person presiding at an election of a councillor or councillors, while so presiding, nor any clerk or assistant employed by him at any such election, while so employed, shall be capable of being appointed or elected a councillor for the said City.

When the annual election of

Assessors shall

take place,

XIV. And be it further Ordained and Enacted, that on the first day of DecemCouncillors and ber, which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fortytwo, and on the same day in every succeeding year, the inhabitant house holders, and persons qualified to vote as aforesaid, shall openly assemble in the several Wards aforesaid, and elect from the persons qualified to be councillors, three fit and proper persons to be councillors for each of such Wards respectively, or so many as shall be required to supply the places of those who shall then go out of office, and also one fit and proper person to be assessor for each of the said Wards respectively.


précéderont immédiatement telle élection de Conseillers, et qui aura occupé aucun hangard, bureau ou magasin dans aucun des dits quartiers de la dite Cité pendant les trois mois qui précéderont telle élection, et aura été chargé pour pas moins d'une année quant à tels hangard, bureau ou magasin de tels droits ou cotisations comme susdit, aura droit à voter à l'élection de Conseillers qui sera tenu dans le quartier où iceux seront situés: Et pourvu aussi que nul tel habitant tenant maison, ou occupant de tel hangard, bureau ou magasin dans la dite Cité, aura droit à voter à aucune telle élection de Conseillers s'il n'aura pas payé le montant de tous droits et cotisations dans la dite Cité de Québec, lesquels pourront avoir été dus et payables par lui avant telle élection.

XII. Et qu'il soit de plus Ordonné et Statué, que nulle personne pourra être nommée ou élue Maire, Echevin ou Conseiller de la dite Cité de Québec, ou de voter à l'élection des officiers de la cité qui ne sera pas un sujet né ou naturalisé de Sa Majesté et de l'âge d'au moins vingt et un ans, ; et personne ne pourra voter ou être élu à aucune telle élection qui aura été convaincue de trahison ou de félonie, dans aucune cour de loi, dans aucune des possessions de Sa Majesté.

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Certaines per

rées incapables


XIII. Et qu'il soit de plus Ordonné et Statué, que nulle personne étant dans les ordres, ou étant un ministre ou instructeur d'aucune secte de dissidents ou congrésonnes décla gation religieuse, ni aucun juge ou juges, greffier ou greffiers d'aucune cour, ni aucun d'etre nommées officier en loi employé par la couronne, ni aucune personne comptable pour les ou élues Conrevenus de la cité, ou recevant aucune allouance de la cité pour ses services, ni aucune personne ou officier président à une élection de Conseiller ou Conseillers, quand il présidera ainsi, ni aucun greffier ou assistant employé par lui, quand il sera ainsi employé, ne pourra être nommé ou élu Conseiller pour la dite Cité.

XIV. Et qu'il soit de plus Ordonné et Statué que le premier jour de Décembre, qui sera dans l'année de notre seigneur mil huit cent quarante deux, et au même jour de chaque année suivante, les habitans tenant maison et les personnes qualifiées comme susdit, s'assembleront publiquement dans les différents quartiers susdits, et éliront d'entre les personnes qualifiées pour être Conseillers, trois personnes convenables pour être Conseillers pour chacun des dits quartiers respectivement, ou autant qui seront requis pour remplacer ceux qui se retireront d'office, et aussi une personne convenable pour être cotiseur pour chacun des dits quartiers respectivement Pourvu toujours, que si le jour ainsi fixé pour telle élection se trouve en


Quand l'élec tion annuelle

des Conseillers aura lieu.

et cotiseurs

Order in which

the Councillors


Provided always, that if the day so appointed for such election shall, in any year, happen to be Sunday or a holiday, such election shall take place the next following day.

XV. And be it further Ordained and Enacted, that on the first day of December, are to go out of in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, and in every succeeding year, one-third of the number appointed as aforesaid to be the number of councillors for the said City of Quebec, shall go out of office, and in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, those who shall go out of office shall be the councillors who shall have been elected under the provisions of this Ordinance, by the smallest number of votes in the preceding year; and in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-four, those who shall go out of office shall be the councillors who shall have been elected under the provisions of this Ordinance, in the said year one thousand eight hundred and forty-two by the next smallest number of votes; and if any two or more of the said councillors shall have been elected by an equal number of votes, then it shall be determined, by the majority of the whole Council, which of the said councillors so elected, shall then go out of office; and thereafter, those who shall go out of office shall always be the councillors, who shall have been for the longest time in office, without re-election: Provided always, that any councillor so going out of office shall be capable of being forthwith re-elected, if then qualified, as required by this Ordinance.

May be re elected.

[blocks in formation]

XVI. And be it further Ordained and Enacted, that the first election of coun cillors to be had as aforesaid, on the first day of December, which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, and all subsequent elections of councillors, to be had under the provisions of this Ordinance, shall be held at convenient places, in the said several Wards of the said City, and shall respectively be held by and before such of the Aldermen or Councillors of the said City as may by the Mayor of the said City for the time being, be appointed, or in case of vacancy in the office of Mayor, by the Council of the said City.

XVII. And be it further Ordained and Enacted, that at elections of councillors as aforesaid, the Poll shall be opened at nine o'clock in the forenoon, and shall continue open till four o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, and the name of each elector voting at such election shall be written in poll lists to be kept at such election by the officer or person holding the same; and after finally closing the Poll at any such election, the officer or person by whom the same shall be held. shall forthwith proceed publicly to declare the number of votes given for each candi


aucune année être un dimanche ou un jour de fête, telle élection n'aura lieu que le jour suivant.

Ordre dans

se reti.

XV. Et qu'il soit de plus Ordonné et Statué, que le premier jour de Décembre, de l'année de notre seigneur, mil huit cent quarante deux et chaque année subséquente, lequel les Con un tiers du nombre nommé comme susdit pour être le nombre des Conseillers pour reront d'office. la dite Cité de Québec, se retirera d'office, et dans l'année de notre seigneur, mil huit cent quarante trois, ceux qui se retireront d'office seront les Conseillers qui auront été élus sous les provisions de cette Ordonnance, par le moindre nombre de voix dans l'année précédente; et dans l'année mil huit cent quarante quatre, ceux qui se retireront d'office seront ceux qui sous les provisions de cette Ordonnance auront été élus dans la dite année mil huit cent quarante deux, par le prochain plus petit nombre de voix ; et si aucun deux ou plus d'entre les dits Conseillers auront été élus par un égal nombre de voix, il sera déterminé par la majorité de tout le Conseil, lesquels des dits Conseillers se retireront alors d'office; et après ce tems Pourront être ceux qui se retireront d'office seront les Conseillers qui seront les plus anciens en office sans avoir été ré-élu: Pourvu toujours que tout Conseiller se retirant d'office pourra incessament être ré-élu, étant alors qualifié, tel que requis par cette Ordonnance.

XVI. Et qu'il soit de plus Ordonné et Statué, que la première élection de Conseillers qui doit avoir lieu comme susdit, le premier jour de Décembre, qui sera en l'année de notre seigneur mil huit cent quarante deux, et toutes élections subséquentes de Conseillers qui doivent avoir lieu en vertu des provisions de cette Ordonnance, seront tenues en des lieux convenables dans les dits différents quartiers de la dite cité, et seront respectivement tenues pár et devant tels des échevins ou Conseillers de la dite cité qui pourront être nommés par le Maire de la dite cité pour le tems d'alors, ou en cas de vacance dans l'office de Maire, par le Conseil de la dite cité.

XVII. Et qu'il soit de plus Ordonné et Statué, qu'aux élections de Conseillers comme susdit, le Poll sera ouvert à neuf heures du matin et continuera ouvert jusqu'à quatre heures de l'après midi dans chaque jour; et le nom de chaque électeur votant à telle élection sera écrit dans les livres de Poll à être tenus à telle élection par tel officier ou personne qui présidera à telle élection; et après la clôture finale du Poll à aucune telle élection, l'officier ou la personne par qui telle élection aura été tenu, procédera incontinent à déclarer le nombre de voix données à chaque candidat ou personne pour laquelle des voix auront été reçues, et déclarera

ré élus.

[blocks in formation]


How an elec. tion is to be de

termined in case of there being an equal number of

date, or person for whom votes shall have been taken, and shall declare the person or persons having the majority of votes in his or their favour, to be duly elected councillor or councillors as aforesaid; and if there should be at the final closing of the Poll as aforesaid, an equal number of votes polled for two or more persons to be councillors as aforesaid, it shall be lawful for the officer or person holding such election, and he is hereby required, whether otherwise qualified or not, to give a vote for one or other of the persons having such equality of votes, in order to give a majority to one of them, and determine the election; and the Poll Lists kept at such elections, shall, by the officers or persons holding the same, be delivered, within three days after the conclusion of every such election, to the Clerk of the City, to remain in his office, where they shall be open to inspection by any elector, on the ment of fee. payment of a fee of one shilling.

Totes for two or more Candidates.

The Poll Lists

to be delivered to the City Clerk,and to be

open to inspec.

tion on pay

In what Ward an elector is

XVIII. And be it further Ordained and Enacted, that persons entitled to vote at entitled to vote. the election of councillors as aforesaid, shall vote within the particular Ward in which the property, constituting their qualification to vote, shall be situated, and not otherwise; and if any such person shall be possessed of property entitling him to vote in two or more Wards, he shall be entitled to vote in that Ward only, in which he may reside.

Lists of persons qualified to Vote at elec

tions to be unade out.

And until then

every person

desirous of vot.

ing, to make

oath, if requir.

ed, to the parti. culars of bis qualification,


After the Lists

are made out, every person,

before voting

to produce a certificate of his qualifica.

tion, and if re

que that he is

quired, make

the person des.

XIX. And be it further Ordained and Enacted, that it shall be lawful for the said Council of the said City, by a bye-law or bye-laws to be enacted in this behalf, to make provision for the making of Lists and a registration of all persons qualified to vote at elections of councillors and other City Officers in the said City, whereby the right to vote at such elections may be determined and until such provision shall have been made by such bye-law or bye-laws, every person desirous of voting at any election of councillors as aforesaid shall, before he be permitted to vote, if required by the officer or person holding any such election, or by any person qualified to vote at the same, make oath to the particulars of his qualification, and that he has not before voted at such election; which oath the officer or person holding such election is hereby authorised and required to administer.

XX. And be it further Ordained and Enacted, that after provision shall have been made by a bye-law or bye-laws as aforesaid, for the making of Lists or a Registration of persons qualified to vote, whereby the right in individuals to vote may be determined as aforesaid, every person desirous of voting at any election of a councillor or councillors as aforesaid, shall, before he be permitted to vote, produce a certificate, under the hand of the proper officer, of his qualification, pursuant to any such bye-law, and shall, if required by the officer or person holding such elec

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