Sivut kuvina

when advantageous.

the jointure ceases or is severed, the right of survivorship, or jus accrescendi, the same instant ceases with it.k Yet, if one of three joint-tenants alienes his share, the two remaining tenants still hold their parts by joint-tenancy and survivorship;1 and, if one of three joint-tenants releases his share to one of his companions," though the joint-tenancy is destroyed with regard to that part, yet the two remaining parts are still held in jointure ;m for they still preserve their original constituent unities. But when, by any act or event, different interests are created in the several parts of the estate, or they are held by different titles, or if merely the possession is separated, so that the tenants no longer have these four indispensable properties, a sameness of interest, and undivided possession, a title vesting at one and the same time, and by one and the same act or grant; the jointure is instantly dissolved.

[187] In general, it is advantageous for the joint-tenants to dissolve Severance, the jointure; since thereby the right of survivorship is taken away, and each may transmit his own part to his own heirs. Sometimes, however, it is disadvantageous to dissolve the joint estate; as, if there be joint-tenants for life, and they make partition, this dissolves the jointure; and though before they each of them had an estate in the whole for their own lives and the life of their companion, now they have an estate in a moiety only. for their own lives merely; and, on the death of either, the reForfeiture. versioner shall enter on his moiety." And, therefore, if there be two joint-tenants for life, and one grants away his part for the life of his companion, it is a forfeiture ;o for, in the first place, by the severance of the jointure he has given himself in his own moiety only an estate for his own life; and then he grants the same land for the life of another; which grant by a tenant for his own life merely is a forfeiture of his estate ;P for it is creating an estate which may by possibility last longer than that which he is legally entitled to.

III. Estate

in coparcesary.


III. An estate held in coparcenary is where lands of inherit-
Nihil de re accrescit ei, qui nihil Ibid., § 304. [See 3 Ad. & Fl.
in re, quando jus accresceret, habet.-
Co. Litt., 188.

Litt., § 294.


■ 1 Jones, 55.

• 4 Leon., 236.
P Co. Litt., 252.

sion can not be held in joint-tenancy; and the present freehold of inheritance which B. has can not be separated into an estate for the life of C. and a reversion, in order that the latter may unite with the reversion in A.; although this might have been done by an original limitation. (Co. Litt., 191, b; 2 Čox,

are joint-tenants in fee, and A. lease for
life to C., and die, living B. and C., the
reversion in a moiety will descend to
A.'s heir, and not survive to B.; and,
on the other hand, if B. die, living A.
and C., the freehold and inheritance in
a moiety will descend to B.'s heir. In
either case; the jointure is forever sev-
ered. But if C. die, living A. and B., 155.)
then the jointure revives as at first.
The reason of these distinctions is, that
a present estate of freehold and a rever- 75.

(17) 5 Nev. & M., 372; 3 Ad. & El

ance descend from the ancestor to two or more persons. It arises either by common law or particular custom. By common law as where a person seized in fee-simple or in fee-tail dies, and his next heirs are two or more females, his daughters, sisters, aunts, cousins, or their representatives; in this case they shall all inherit, as will be more fully shown when we treat of descents hereafter; and these coheirs are then called coparceners; or, for brevity, parceners only.q* Parceners by particu- Parceners by custom lar custom are where lands descend, as in gavelkind, to all the males in equal degree, as sons, brothers, uncles, &c. And, in either of these cases," all the parceners put together make but one heir, and have but one estate among them.s1o


The properties of parceners are in some respects like those [188] of joint-tenants; they having the same unities of interest, title, Properties and possession. They may sue and be sued jointly for matters relating to their own lands;t and the entry of one of them shall, in some cases, enure as the entry of them all." They can not have an action of trespass against each other; but herein they differ from joint-tenants, that they are also excluded from maintaining an action of waste;w for coparceners could at áll times put a stop to any waste by writ of partition, but till the statute of Henry the Eighth joint-tenants had no such power. Parceners also differ materially from joint-tenants in four other points: 1. They always claim by descent, whereas joint-tenants always claim by purchase. Therefore, if two sisters purchase lands, to hold to them and their heirs, they are not parceners, but joint-tenants ; and hence it likewise follows that no lands

a Litt., § 241, 242.
Ibid., § 265.

s Co. Eitt., 163.
t Ibid., 164.

(18) A very subtle distinction, however, is taken between coparcenary at common law and a customary partible descent. "Well said Littleton, by the custom,' for sons are parceners in respect of the custom of the fee or inheritance, and not in respect of their persons, as daughters and sisters, &c., be. 'Et sunt participes quasi partem capientes, &c., ratione ipsius rei quæ partibilis est, et non ratione personarum quæ non sunt quasi unus hæres et unum cor

u Ibid., 188, 243.

w 2 Inst., 403.
* Litt., § 254.

pus, sed diversi hæredes, ubi tenemen-
tum partibile est inter plures cohære-
des petentes qui descendant de eodem
stipite et semper solent dividi ab anti-
quo.' Bract., lib. 5, fol. 428." (Co.
Litt., 176, a.)

(19) Semble, therefore, that coparce-
ners are entitled to be admitted to cop-
yhold tenements as one heir, and upon
payment of one set of fees. (3 B. & C.,

* In New York, the law no longer recognizes such an estate as that of coparcenary, at least as it respects the daughters and sisters of the person dying seized. By the Statute of Descents, the children of a person dying seized of land become entitled to the inheritance in equal parts, as tenants in common, the statute mak ing no distinction between male and female; and the law is the same as to sisters. As estates descend in every state to all the children equally (says Chancellor Kent), there is no substantial difference left between coparceners and tenants in common, and the technical distinction between coparcenary and estates in common may be considered as essentially extinguished in the United States.-(4 Kent's Comm., 366.)

Unity of

time not es

can be held in coparcenary but estates of inheritance, which. are of a descendible nature; whereas not only estates in fee and in tail, but for life or years, may be held in joint-tenancy 2. There is no unity of time necessary to an estate in coparce sential to nary. For if a man hath two daughters, to whom his estate ooparcenary descends in coparcenary, and one dies before the other; the surviving daughter and the heir of the other, or, when both are dead, their two heirs, are still parceners;y the estates vesting in each of them at different times, though it be the same quantity of interest, and held by the same title. 3. Parceners, though they have a unity, have not an entirety of interest." They are properly entitled each to the whole of a distinct moiety;2 and, of course, there is no jus accrescendi, or survivorship, between them; for each part descends severally to their respective heirs, though the unity of possession continues. And as long as the lands continue in a course of descent, and united in possession, so long are the tenants therein, whether male or fe [189] male, called parceners. But if the possession be once severed by partition, they are no longer parceners, but tenants in sev eralty; or if one parcener alienes her share, though no partition be made, then are the lands no longer held in coparcenary, but. in common.a


Parceners are so called, saith Littleton,b because they may be constrained to make partition." And he mentions many methods of making it; four of which are by consent, and one by compulsion. The first is, where they agree to divide the lands into equal parts in severalty, and that each shall have such a determinate part." The second is, when they agree to choose some friend to make partition for them, and then the sisters shall choose each of them her part according to seniority of age; or otherwise, as shall be agreed. The privilege of seniority is in this case personal; for if the eldest sister be b § 241. c§ 243-264.

y Co. Litt., 164, 174.
z Ibid., 163, 164.

a Litt., § 309.

(20) 5 B. & Ad., 575; 2 Nev. & M., fected by conveyance, in the same man


(21) Coparceners may convey to each other, both by feoffment and by release, because their seizin to some intents is joint, and to some several. (Co. Litt., 163, b, 200, b.) Whereas joint-tenants can release to, but not enfeoff each other, because the freehold is joint. (Ibid.) And one tenant in common may enfeoff his companion, but can not release to him, because the freehold is several. (Ibid.)-[CHITTY.]

Such partitions are now usually made either by mutual consent and conveyances, or by means of a bill in Chancery, the partition under which must be per

ner as partitions between joint-tenants. Parceners of a copyhold could not make partition without the sanction of the lord. ( 41 Eliz., B. R. Fuller, Hal. MSS.; 11 Sim., 315. But see 2 Watk., Copyh., 194; and, now, stat. 4 & 5 Vict., c. 35, s. 85.)

(22) Before the Statute of Frauds, coparceners might have partitioned their inheritance by parol, even where it was held in reversion. (Litt., s. 250; Co. Litt., 169, a.) And a rent charge might have been granted to one parcener, out of the allotment of the other, by mere parol. (Litt., s. 252.) But that statute has made a writing necessary.

dead, her issue shall not choose first, but the next sister. But, if an advowson descend in coparcenary, and the sisters can not agree in the presentation, the eldest and her issue, nay, her husband, or her assigns, shall present alone, before the younger.das And the reason given is, that the former privilege of priority in choice upon a division arises from an act of her own, the agreement to make partition; and, therefore, is merely personal: the latter, of presenting to the living, arises from the act of the law, and is annexed, not only to her person, but to her estate also. A third method of partition is, where the eldest divides, and then she shall choose last; for the rule of law is, cujus est divisio, alterius est electio. The fourth method is where the sisters agree to cast lots for their shares. And these are the methods by consent. That by compulsion is, where one or more sue out a writ of partition against the others; whereupon the sheriff shall go to the lands, and make partition thereof by the verdict of a jury there impaneled, and assign to each of the parceners her part in severalty.e" But there are some things which are in their nature impartible. The mansion-house, common of estovers, common of piscary uncertain, or any other common without stint, shall not be divided; but the eldest sister, if she pleases, shall have them, and make the others a reasonable satisfaction in other parts of the inheritance; or, if that can not be, then they shall have the profits et the thing by turns, in the same manner as they take the ad. vowson.f

190 |

There is yet another considération attending the estate in Hotchpot coparcenary: that, if one of the daughters has had an estate given with her in frank-marriage by her ancestor (which, we may remember, was a species of estates-tail, freely given by a relation for advancement of his kinswoman in marriages), in this case, if lands descend from the same ancestor to her and her sisters in fee-simple, she or her heirs shall have no share of them, unless they will agree to divide the lands so given in frank-marriage in equal proportion with the rest of the lands descending. This mode of division was known in the law of the Lombards; which direct the woman so preferred in marriage, and claiming her share of the inheritance, mittere in con

d Co. Litt., 166. 3 Rep., 22.

e By statute 8 & 9 W. III., c. 31, an easier method of carrying on the proceedings on a writ of partition, of lands held either in joint-tenancy, parcenary, or common, than was used at the com

(23) It has been doubted whether the grantee of the eldest sister shall have the first and sole presentation after death. (Harg., Co. Litt., 266.) But it was expressly determined in favor of such a grantee in 1 Ves. Sen., 340.)—[CHRISTVOL. II.-P

mon law, is chalked out and provid

f Co. Litt., 164, 165.
See page 115.

h Bracton, 1. 2, c. 34. Litt., § 266-
i L. 2, t. 14, c. 15.


IAN.] (See Burn's Ecclesiastical Law,
vol. i., 15; 7 Sim., 257.)

(24) The proceeding at common law
by writ of partition has been abolished.
(Ante, p. 185, n (14).)

fusum cum sororibus, quantum pater aut frater ei dederit, quando ambulaverit ad maritum. With us it is denominated bringing those lands into hotchpot;k which term I shall explain in the very words of Littleton: "it seemeth that this word hotchpot is, in English, a pudding; for in a pudding is not commonly put one thing alone, but one thing with other things together." By this housewifely metaphor our ancestors meant to inform usm that the lands, both those given in frank-marriage and those descending in fee-simple, should be mixed and blended together, and then divided in equal portions among all the daughters. But this was left to the choice of the donee in frank-marriage; and if she did not choose to put her lands into hotchpot, she [191] was presumed to be sufficiently provided for, and the rest of the inheritance was divided among her other sisters. The law of hotchpot took place, then, only when the other lands descending from the ancestor were fee-simple; for if they de scended in tail, the donee in frank-marriage was entitled to her share, without bringing her lands so given into hotchpot." And the reason is, because lands descending in fee-simple are distributed by the policy of law, for the maintenance of all the daughters; and if one has a sufficient provision out of the same inheritance, equal to the rest, it is not reasonable that she should have more; but lands descending in tail are not distributed by the operation of the law, but by the designation of the giver, per formam doni; it matters not, therefore, how unequal this distribution may be. Also, no lands but such as are given in frank-marriage shall be brought into hotchpot; for no others are looked upon in law as given for the advancement of the woman, or by way of marriage portion. And, therefore, as gifts in frank-marriage are fallen into disuse, I should hardly have mentioned the law of hotchpot, had not this method of division been revived and copied by the statute for distribution of personal estates, which we shall hereafter consider at large.

How dis solved.

The estate in coparcenary may be dissolved, either by partition, which disunites the possession;" by alienation of ope parcener, which disunites the title, and may disunite the interest; or by the whole at last descending to and vesting in one single person, which brings it to an estate in severalty.

[blocks in formation]
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