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CHAP. 13.

An Act further to amend the Act respecting the Senate and House of Commons.

[Assented to 29th June, 1897.]

HER Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the

Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:

present ses

1. For the present session of Parliament, the deduction of Days of abeight dollars per day mentioned in section twenty-six of the sence during Act respecting the Senate and House of Commons, being chapter in eleven of the Revised Statutes, shall not be made for twelve days in the case of a member who has been absent from a sitting of the House of which he is a member, or of some committee thereof, during such number of days; but this provision shall not operate to extend the maximum amount mentioned in section twenty-five of the said Act, nor in the case of a member elected since the commencement of the present session shall it apply to days prior to his election.


OTTAWA: Printed by SAMUEL EDWARD DAWSON, Law Printer to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty.

CHAP. 14.

An Act further to amend the Civil Service Act.

[Assented to 29th June, 1897.]


ER Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the
Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as


1. The paragraph substituted by section one of chapter R.S.C., c. 17, fifteen of the statutes of 1895, for paragraph (b) of section ten of s. 10 amended. The Civil Service Act, chapter seventeen of the Revised Statutes,

is hereby repealed and the following substituted therefor :

"(b.) No person shall be appointed to any place in the first Limits as to or inside departmental division of the Civil Service—other age. than that of a deputy head, or controller of railway mail service or superintendent of railway mail service, or other officer or employee transferred from the outside service to the railway mail service branch-on probation or otherwise, whose age exceeds thirty-five years, or who has not attained the full age of fifteen years, in the case of a porter, messenger, or sorter, or the full age of eighteen years, in other cases."

2. Schedule B to the said Act is hereby amended by insert- Schedule B ing, under the sub-heading "Clerks in City Post Offices," amended. between the words "Letter-Carriers" and "Messengers" the words "Sorters and Stampers."

OTTAWA: Printed by SAMUEL EDWARD DAWSON, Law Printer to theQueen's most Excellent Majesty.

CHAP. 15.

An Act further to amend the Civil Service Superannuation Act.

[Assented to 29th June, 1897.]

HER Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the

Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:

1. The Governor in Council may, on the recommendation Deductions of the Treasury Board, pay to any person dismissed from the for superanpublic service of Canada, who at the time of such dismissal nuation fund may be repaid was contributing to any civil service superannuation fund to dismissed under the provisions of The Civil Service Superannuation Act, public seror any Act in amendment thereof, the whole, or such portion as the Governor in Council deems expedient, of the amount so contributed by such person to such fund; and the Governor With interest. in Council may also, on the recommendation of the Treasury Board, in addition pay to such person interest to the date of such dismissal on the contributions so repaid, or any portion thereof, at such rate of interest, not exceeding five per cent per annum, and calculated in such manner, as the Governor in Council deems advisable.

2. This Act applies to any person heretofore or hereafter dismissed from the public service.


3. Nothing herein shall be construed to confer upon any Payments in person any right to demand or enforce the repayment of any discretion of amount contributed by him to any such fund, or any interest Governor in thereon, and all payments made under this Act shall be wholly in the discretion of the Governor in Council.


OTTAWA: Printed by SAMUEL EDWARD DAWSON, Law Printer to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty.

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