his first triumphant entry into Jerusalem amidst the greetings of a very great multitude, and the joyful Hosannas of children, pass through inconceivable persecution, distress, and anguish of mind. From that time the chief priests and the scribes and the rulers of the people, notwithstanding the variety of conversations, parables, instructions, and admonitions which they had heard from his gracious mouth, were immoveably bent on his destruction, which at last they accomplished, having aggravated it by many previous indignities, which the utmost malice of his enemies could devise against him: and. when they could not prevent his resurrection from the dead, at the very time that he had declared he would rise again, what did they do but contrive a most improbable and false story, and bribe the soldiers who watched the tomb, to circulate it, declaring that, while they slept, his disciples came by night, and stole him away. Now why, my Brethren, are all these things so minutely recorded? They are written for our admonition*-they are written, that we may see the odiousness of sin, and that nothing but the blood of the only-begotten Son of GOD could wipe out the stain of it. What then are we to do? Not to weep for the sufferings of JESUS, not to spend our time in accusing his unjust persecutors; but in condemning, repenting of, and forsaking those iniquities which drew down the heavy wrath of GOD on his own Son, to expiate the guilt of them. AS CHRIST died unto, and for sin once*, we must die unto it continually; otherwise his sufferings will not profit us. AS CHRIST rose again from the dead; so must we rise from the death of sin unto a life of righteousnesst. CHRIST was delivered and suffered for our offences, and rose again for our justification. We must forsake all our sins for his sake, and then we may joyfully hope to partake of those benefits which he has obtained for us by his death, and confirmed to us by his resurrection from the dead. *1 Cor. x. 11. May I now be permitted to indulge the pleasing hope, that the attention which has been paid by a numerous congregation to the delivery of these lectures in the Passion-Week, is a proof that they all join with me, in sentiments relative to the great and momentous occurrences of that holy season: that the annual commemoration of the crucifixion is a season, which requires a more than ordinary solemnity of observance: and I trust, that the method which we have so lately pursued, did not abate the fervour of your devotion; but rather, that the bringing of the occurrences of the week to your recollection was in some degree instrumental, under God's blessing, towards a devout observance of the great festival which we have this day celebrated, even that of the resurrection of CHRIST from the dead, the grand foundation and completion of all our hopes.. * Rom. vi. 10. + 1 Pet. ii. 24. Rom. iv. 25. If benefit has been received by any one christian (and may I not hope that some has been received by many?) from what has lately been delivered from this place; may the glory of it be given to that BLESSED SPIRIT, which inspires us with good thoughts; and may it be shown by producing in us a practice of good works correspondent with that faith of the Gospel, which the apostle recommends us to shew by them*. And now to God the FATHER, GOD the Son, and God the HOLY GHOST, THREE PERSONS, and ONE GOD, be ascribed all Honour, Power, Might, Majesty and Dominion, henceforth, and for ORDER * James ii. 18. FOR THE VISITATION OF THE SICK, FROM THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER; INTERSPERSED WITH PRAYERS, EXHORTATIONS AND INERROGATORIES, TAKEN FROM DIFFERENT AUTHORS: TOGETHER WITH SOME OBSERVATIONS AND DIRECTIONS WHICH MAY BE USEFUL TOWARDS A DUE PERFORMANCE OF THAT IMPORTANT DUTY: DESIGNED FOR THE FOUR FIRST VISITS. With an APPENDIX, containing a FEW PRAYERS, which may, according to different Circumstances, be profitably used by the Sick themselves. THE THIRD EDITION. IN WHICH ARE ADDED, Some OBSERVATIONS and VISITS, relative to the ADMI NISTERING of the SACRAMENT of the LORD'S SUPPER to SICK PERSONS. BY RICHARD MANT, D.D. RECTOR OF ALL SAINTS, SOUTHAMPTON, AND OF FONTHILL BISHOP'S, WILTS. In my Judgment no one can be more usefully employed, than in the due Discharge of the Office for the Visitation of the Sick, or in making a vroper Preparation and Provision for it. Dr. Dodwell's "Sick Man's Companion." Prelim. Dissert. P. xxxvii. London: PRINTED FOR F. C. AND J. RIVINGTON, By R. & R. Gilbert, St. John's Square, Clerkenwell |