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of their object, the end does not sanctify the means, and that "the condemnation of those is just who do evil that good may come." I tell them, that they are rousing into jealous exercise all the feelings of eager hostility, and are raising a barrier of prejudice and irritation against religious instruction: they are wresting that heavenly tempered weapon out of the hands of the real friend of the slave, and in fact are the greatest enemies of those whom they profess to serve; and I call upon them either thoroughly to purge the society from this "corrupt leaven," or to separate themselves from a party, which (if my representations are correct) can only be considered an unholy faction, approved neither by God nor man! Unless this be done, whatever assertions or accusations this society may hereafter make, be they accompanied by every solemn attestation of plausible argument and imposing diction, and supported by a whole host of vaunted witnesses, I appeal to you and to the British Public, what credit can in future be attached to such representations?

Is it important that a vast source of national prosperity should be preserved from the experiments of heated and visionary men; that civil order should be uninterrupted, and the process

of ameliorating laws have a salutary operation, and the bond of dutiful and grateful allegiance attach the colonies to the empire? Let the incendiary designs of this society be discountenanced.

Believe me, my dear Sir,

with every sentiment of respect,

Your faithful Servant,

The author of the "REPRESENTATION."

Port Louis, Mauritius,

Nov. 1829.





Avis du Gouvernement.

Le Commissaire Civil et de Police du quartier du Grand-Port ayant donné au Commissaire en chef de la Police, l'avis qu'il résultait d'une déclaration qu'il avait reçue, le vingt-sept Mars dernier, que Jacques Cottry, condamné par contumace, il y a plusieurs années, á la peine de mort, pour avoir, de concert avec son frère Etienne, fait périr un noir dans des tourmens affreux, avait reparu dans le dit quartier, et était prévenu d'y avoir exercé un acte d'inhumanité envers un esclave, le Public est informé qu'une récompense de Cinq Cents Piastres sera immédiatement payée, au Trésor Colonial, à quiconque arrêtera et remettra à l'autorité compétente, ou fournira les moyens d'arrêter la personne de Jacques Cottry. Il est de plus ordonné aux autorités locales dans les différens quartiers de l'île, notamment à celles du Grand-Port, de mettre en usage tous les moyens en leur pouvoir pour procurer l'arrestation du dit Jacques Cottry, et empêcher sa fuite de la Colonie.

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With due deference we would submit, that there is more practical benevolence in a resolution lately adopted by an agricultural society of one of the richest districts of this colony, than in many of those speculative innovations which captivate the judgment of superficial philanthropists. This society, composed of the planters of the district, conceiving that one of the most influential causes of the degradation of the slaves is their passion for arrack, have unanimously decided to close all their canteens, and no longer permit the sale of the pernicious stimulant on their plantations. As distilleries are established on all their estates, and they have hitherto derived a considerable profit by the retail of this spirit, it is presumed that in this determination there is exhibited at least an enlarged and liberal view of the master's interest being identified with the welfare of the slave, if not a disinterestedness worthy of admiration.

The following is the communication of this decision to the colony, published in the "Journal General de Maurice."

Port Louis, 12 Août 1830.

Société d'Agriculture de la Rivière du Rempart.

Le but de cette société, comme son nom l'indique, est de favoriser l'exploitation de nos terres, et de lui donner une nouvelle extension, en réunissant et propageant tous les procédés utiles. Le sort des esclaves employés à cette exploitation, devait nécessairement l'occuper : l'humanité, l'intérêt même lui en faisaient un devoir. Aussi l'un de ses statuts le dit expressément. En s'occupant d'améliorer leur condition, la société a été conduite à rechercher la cause principale de leurs vices, de leurs fautes, de leurs maladies. 11 lui a

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