Laws of the State of New York, Nide 31984 |
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Tulokset 1 - 3 kokonaismäärästä 82
Sivu 2927
... payment on account shall require the fiduciary to file a bond in the amount of the payment secur- ing its return if and to the extent the payment is disallowed , except that no such bond shall be required where the fiduciary has already ...
... payment on account shall require the fiduciary to file a bond in the amount of the payment secur- ing its return if and to the extent the payment is disallowed , except that no such bond shall be required where the fiduciary has already ...
Sivu 3194
... payment of benefits into the special funds created under the provisions of subdivisions eight and nine of section fifteen and section twenty - five - a of this chapter and , provided further , that the superin- tendent of insurance ...
... payment of benefits into the special funds created under the provisions of subdivisions eight and nine of section fifteen and section twenty - five - a of this chapter and , provided further , that the superin- tendent of insurance ...
Sivu 3769
... payment of benefits .... 372 § 1 84 WORKERS ' COMPENSATION LAW ( Consolidated Laws ; Ch . 67 ; L. 1922 , Ch . 615 ) 1 amd Short title 158 § 1 84 2 sb 9 amd Definitions 489 § 1 84 2 sb 15 ad Definitions 659 § 1 84 3 sb 1 Group 19 amd ...
... payment of benefits .... 372 § 1 84 WORKERS ' COMPENSATION LAW ( Consolidated Laws ; Ch . 67 ; L. 1922 , Ch . 615 ) 1 amd Short title 158 § 1 84 2 sb 9 amd Definitions 489 § 1 84 2 sb 15 ad Definitions 659 § 1 84 3 sb 1 Group 19 amd ...
VOLUME | 2739 |
PAGE | 2959 |
Laws of 1984 Chapters 5141018 Chapter 367 is new Insurance Law | 2986 |
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act shall take ACT to amend added by chapter agency amended by adding amended by chapter amended to read amount application approval authority Became a law bonds certificate commissioner community college contract corporation court determined district dred eight election employee enact as follows EXPLANATION-Matter in italics facility feet filed fund Governor hereby hundred twenty-seven insurance law law August law is amended law July 27 laws of nineteen license loan majority vote matter in brackets municipal nineteen hundred eighty nineteen hundred eighty-four nineteen hundred eighty-one old law operation paragraph payment person public health law purposes pursuant to section read as follows real property relation represented in Senate retirement system section one hundred section six hundred section three hundred section two hundred Senate and Assem suant subsection take effect immediately thereof three-fifths being present tion town trustees York York state thruway ΟΥ