Sivut kuvina

mind; and much was the Apostle's pleasurable sensation increased by the joy, that his faithful and beloved Fellow-Labourer Titus shewed, in his narrative to Paul, of what he had witnessed in the Corinthian Converts' conduct.― Love and labour for the Souls of Others were Paul's predominating impulses, like his Adored MASTER and his reproofs only the more largely partook of that feeling, inasmuch as he apprehended the greater danger attending them, and therefore to the trouble of his own spirit he put forth, when occasion called, the spirit of rebuke-ii. 4; and the repentance it produced proved both the propriety and profit of such a remonstrance. The thus coming with weeping and supplication is a proof of DIVINE Leading, as recorded by Jeremiah xxxi. 9., to mourn for iniquity (Ezek. vii. 16.) as so wrongful and ungrateful to GOD, Whose Goodness and Providence are Ever in Exercise for us, is the very feeling that CHRIST Came to Excite within us; and He then Pours in The SPIRIT of Consolation.

-The death, which results from the sorrow of the worldly Spirit, is a death beyond the grave. Solomon says, A broken Spirit drieth the bones-Prov. xvii. 22; but the spirit of disappointed pride, rejecting even in its downfall the humility which would bring it to the Feet of JESUS in godly sorrow and repentance, will tend to commit itself to a Fire, that is not quenched, though the bones may even be consumed; since the Soul will survive, and no rest from the tormenting flame will it experience. Whilst JEHOVAH Looks with an Eye of Benignity to Such as are of a meek and contrite Spirit, and reverence His Word (Isaiah lxvi. 2). He Rejecteth, to their everlasting confusion and dismay, Such as regard not His Testimonies, and set at nought His Messages of Mercy and Willingness to Forgive.

-The Apostle was ever anxious to promote consistency in the Professors of the Religion of JESUS CHRIST; and that they, who made a shew thereof, should manifest the sincerity of their faith by practicing and inculcating the duty of good works-Titus iii. 8; for as he wrote to the Ephesians, The Fruit of The SPIRIT (by the Effectual Working of Its Grace upon the heart and Soul of the Believer in CHRIST JESUS, and through His Intercession), is in all Goodness and Righteousness and Truth; proving what is Acceptable unto The LORD; having no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reproving them -Eph. v. 9 to 11; and, even in any sudden burst of anger or vexation, cautiously guarding against the committal of sin-Eph. iv. 26.A holy fear should ever be cherished in our hearts, as most consistent with the Purity and Sanctity of Him, with Whom, as our CREATOR, BENEFACTOR and REDEEMER, we have to do; and so may there be no short-coming of that entering into The Promised Rest of the Soul in the Heavenly Mansions of Eternal Peace and Blessedness-Heb. iv. 1.As the hart panteth after the water-brooks, so panteth my Soul after Thee, O GOD; was the Psalmist's beautiful comparison of that vehement desire, which worked in his mind and heart, to have his thirst after Righteousness satisfied and his ardent desire after Spiritual Perfection confirmed--Ps. xlii. 1; and again, My Soul waiteth for The LORD more than they, that watch for the morning; I say, more than they that watch for the morning-Ps. cxxx. 6; an anxiety further illustrated by the earnestness of the Sentries, who have been exposed to the inclemency and fearfulness of the midnight watch, to be relieved at the break of day.THE ALMIGHTY thus Calls on us wisely to estimate and employ His Visitations; though for a season They may seem grievous, and not joyous. For He hath Said, As Many as I Love, I Rebuke and Chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent!--Rev. iii. 19. Chastisement or reproof upon Oneself, as a just judgment upon any conduct we may have pursued in departure from the Revealed Will of GOD, it is wise to inflict, in the sense in which Our SAVIOUR Himself (Figuratively) Inculcated it. If thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee; for it is profitable for thee,

that one of thy members should perish; and not that thy whole Body should be cast into Hell-Matt. v. 29. Let us therefore follow after the things, which make for peace, and things wherewith One may edify Another; for he, that in these things serveth CHRIST, is Acceptable to GOD, and (should be) approved of Men-Rom. xiv. 19, 18.- -The Apostle knew, that all his movements were under the Observation of his HEAVENLY FATHER, and he studied for them to be in accordance with the Revealed Will of his adored REDEEMER; but he wished anxiously also, that those movements, all of which were intended to aid the Salvation of Others, should be rightly understood by them and consequently meet their entire approval. In his Epistle to the Romans, he says, I beseech you, Brethren, for The LORD JESUS CHRIST's Sake, and for the Love of The SPIRIT, that ye strive, together with me, in your prayers to GOD for me, that I may be Delivered from them, that do not believe in Judea; and that my service, which I have for Jerusalem, may be accepted of the Saints; that I may come unto you with joy by the Will of GOD, and may with you be refreshedxv. 30 to 32.

VERSES 14 to 16.-For, if I have boasted any thing to him of you, I am not ashamed; but as we spake all things to you in truth, even so our boasting, which I made before Titus, is found a truth; and his inward affection is more abundant toward you, whilst he remembereth the obedience of you All, how with fear and trembling ye received him. I rejoice therefore, that I have confidence in you in all things.

The favourable report which Paul, in the warmth of his affection and the fulness of his belief, had made of the Corinthian Converts to Titus, was, it is fair to infer, confirmed and more than confirmed by the Personal interview of Titus with them, and the opportunity thereby afforded him of scrutinizing their conduct, and testing their principles by their practice; and so far from Titus' feeling for them, as raised by the Apostle's character of them, being lessened on such familiar acquaintance with them, Titus cherishes a more Brotherly and Saint-like attachment toward them and interest in their Christian progress. Indeed such was their gentleness and humility in their behaviour to Titus, that, advanced as they themselves were in the first Rudiments of Christianity, they regarded him so much superior to them, as to meet him with a degree of reverential fear; though doubtless the Missionary's manifestation of Brotherly love would soon change that feeling into a more embosomed affection towards him. And the Apostle pours forth to them an expression of his heartfelt gratification at Titus' communication, ratifying his faithful representation of them, whence, and from Titus' concurring testimony as to their consistency, Paul's reliance on its continuance and extension, under every circumstance of trial or temptation, was cherished and acknowledged. The fear and trembling, which Paul thus says the Corinthians manifested towards Titus at his first approach, was doubtless different in degree from that with which Paul urged the Philippian Converts to work out their own Salvation--a Work, which he properly guards them from vainly imagining was accomplishable by their own unaided power; assuring them, that it is GOD, Which Worketh in us, both to will and to do of His Good Pleasure-Phil. ii. 12, 13.- -The confidence to which Paul yielded as to the conduct of Others, was a confidence in The LORD, that as for CHRIST's Sake He had Graciously Begun, so He would Perfect the Goodly Work of Regeneration and Sanctification in the hearts of Believers-2 Thess. iii. 4. So when acknowledging his confidence in Philemon, he says, 'Let me have joy of thee in The LORD! Refresh my bowels in The LORD-Philem. 20, 21.



VERSES 1 to 7-Moreover, Brethren, we do you to wit of the Grace of GOD Bestowed on the Churches of Macedonia; how that in a great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality; for to their power I bear record; yea, and beyond their power, they were willing of themselves; praying us with much intreaty that we would receive the gift, and take upon us the fellowship of the ministering to the Saints and this they did, not as we hoped, but first gave their ownselves to The LORD, and unto us by the Will of GOD: insomuch that we desired Titus, that, as he had begun, so he would also finish in you the same Grace also: therefore as ye abound in everything, in faith, and utterance, and knowledge, and in all diligence, and in your love to us, see that ye abound in this Grace also!

The Apostle shews his anxiety, that the Corinthian Converts should be made acquainted with and fully understand The DIVINE Influence upon the hearts of Believers in CHRIST JESUS forming the different Communions of professing Christians throughout Macedonia, as exemplified in their patient and persevering endurance of every trial, with which the varying spirit of fiend-like Persecution pursued them; and under which they exhibited not only an unmurmuring and unremonstrating behaviour, but shewed outwardly their inward rejoicing at being counted worthy to suffer for CHRIST's Sake, and in His Soul-saving Cause; and amidst their personal privations a desire and an effort were fully evinced to aid, to the extent of their means and beyond their supposed capability, the wants of Others, especially of those of the Household of Faith; and glad were they thus to shew their confidence in Paul, by making him their Almoner, and leaving to his discretion and better judgment the distribution of what, with such self-sacrifice, they had been enabled to collect for the Brethren in CHRIST. Whatever diffidence Paul felt as being in one way instrumental to the extension of their sufferings from poverty, by lessening their means of bodily comforts, or almost necessary sustenance, it was overcome by their charitable importunity for him to receive their offerings and make so acceptable an appropriation of them. And this proof of benevolence and Christian love was beyond what Paul expected, or even hoped for, since they thus gave not only their goods to feed the Poor, but themselves also to be in any and in every way serviceable to the Great and Gracious Purpose of promoting on Earth The DIVINE Good Will to Man. And in virtue of such a spirit of pious resignation, Paul commissioned Titus to conclude and perfect the work thus begun in them; and as they had manifested so many of the Christian graces, in the soundness of their faith, if the sobriety of their discourse, in the acquirement of that knowledge, which endureth unto Eternal Life; accompanying the exercise of each branch of Christian Office with untiring assiduity, and associating a most endearing attachment to Paul himself (so justly deserving it,) he urges them to continue the same actuating disposition to assist and contribute to the necessities of the Saints in CHRIST JESUS, wherever situate, as united with them in one bond of Brotherhood and holy Fellowship under their One adorable HEAD, The LORD of Life and Glory, Who Suffered to Expiate their repented-of sins, and to Obtain for them a Common Salvation, and Advancement to a Participation in His Unextinguishable Love. In an after part of this Epistle we shall find the Apostle renewing his confidence in the continuance of their liberality from his previous experience of it. As touching the ministering to the Saints it is superfluous for me to write to you -ix. 1.The test of true liberality was exemplified in the Presence of our SAVIOUR, and thus Illustrated by Him, when Sitting over against the Treasury of the Temple at Jerusalem, and Beholding how the People cast money in; and Many, that were rich, cast in much: and there came a certain poor Widow, and she threw in two mites, making a farthing; when JESUS Calling to Him His

Disciples, Said unto them, 'Verily, I Say unto you, That this poor Widow hath cast more in, than All they, which have cast into the Treasury: for All they did cast in of their abundance, but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living-Mark xii. 41 to 44.- -When the dearth, that was afterwards Visited upon the known World in the time of Claudius Cæsar, was foretold by Agabus, one of the Prophets, who went from Jerusalem to Antioch, the Disciples, every Man according to his ability, sent relief unto the Brethren, which dwelt in Judea, by the hands of Barnabas and Paul-Acts xi. 27 to 30; and Paul adverts (in his Letter to the Romans,) to this mission thus, Now I go unto Jerusalem to minister unto the Saints; for it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor Saints, that are at Jerusalem —Rom. xv. 25, 26; See 1 Cor. i. 4 to 7, lately also quoted.

VERSES 8 and 9-I speak not by Commandment, but by occasion of the forwardness of Others; and to prove the sincerity of your love: for ye know the Grace of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, that, though He was Rich, yet for your sakes He Became Poor, that ye through His Poverty might be rich.

The Apostle's careful observance of the distinction, when he offered the Suggestions of The HOLY SPIRIT, as Imparted to his own mind, and Superinduced generally by prayer and the operation of his lively faith; and when he spoke his own thoughts, without any sensible Interposition of That SPIRIT, is highly creditable to him, and assists in proving the integrity of his professed piety, and his desire to be read correctly by his Fellow Mortals, as he knew he was by the All-Penetrating Mind of GOD. He had in other communications found such truly Christian principles prevailing, that he was anxious the Corinthians should not be outdone; but that they should continue their career, so that they might finish their course with gladness: and he presses on them the Great Argument of the Condescension of The SON of The HIGHEST, in Stooping not only to Take upon Him our Nature, but to be in all respects like unto ourselves, sin only excepted: ever bearing in our minds and wearing in our hearts the grateful remembrance of His Inestimable Sacrifice Made for us-A Sacrifice, the Extent of Which even Angelic penetration but faintly presents to their contemplation; much as they know of the Beatitudes of a Heavenly existence, and deeply as they would deplore any, the least diminution of their experience of them; yet conscious, as they must be, of the inconceivable Superiority of That Happiness, Which Encircled The SON of GOD, how must they wonder, that He could Surrender It even for a Season; and not only that, but that He should Stoop to the Experiencing Human weakness, and still more to the Encountering Human depravity, by the Adoption of the Nature of Man, and Yielding Himself to the anguish and torture of an ignominious and agonizing Death; at the same time Witnessing the Rejection of His Offers of Benevolent Mediation, and the desertion of Him by those, who had been the Chosen Companions of His Sojourn upon. Earth.- -On another occasion (1 Cor. vii. 6.) we have seen, Paul spake by Permission, and not of Commandment.- -St. John records, that In the Beginning was The WORD, and The WORD was with GOD; and The WORD was GOD: The Same was in the Beginning with GOD-i. 1, 2. The helplessness of Infancy did not Save The SON of GOD and Man from persecution: to avoid impending death through the jealousy and savage cruelty of Herod, who sacrificed a hecatomb of Infants with the aim of destroying amongst them This One Precious INTERCESSOR for our Eternal Life and Happiness, His Earthly Parents, amidst their poverty, were obliged to fly not only from their home and their Country, but to domicile for a considerable period amongst Strangers in a Land, that was strange; and from the time, at which The MESSIAH Entered

upon His Public Ministry, He was incessantly assailed by the wounded pride and revengeful malice of those, who, instead of themselves teaching the Truth or ruling in Righteousness, as they were appointed to do, made their authority and their elevation but instrumental to the striving to oppose The Heavenly MESSENGER of Peace and of all Goodness. Still Patience and Perseverance in the Great Work of Human Redemption Prevailed with Him to Encounter all this suicidal resistance to His Merciful Offering of Himself; and Finally, though with Power to sink the Earth and all its Inhabitants in utter and irretrievable destruction, He Yielded Himself up A Willing Victim to Appease DIVINE Wrath; and to Draw down upon the Penitent and Believing the Gift of DIVINE Pardon and Reconciliation from His HEAVENLY FATHER, and Sanctification from The HOLY SPIRIT.The poverty of Him, whilst on Earth, Who yet had Made the Earth and all the Richness thereof, was such, that, as vividly Described by Himself, He was more Destitute than the beasts and birds; for, Said He, Fores have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but The SON of Man hath not where to Lay His Head-Luke ix. 58; and St. Paul's description of the Humility of The Gracious MEDIATOR is associated with an exhortation to endeavour to copy That Example, saying, Let this mind be in you, which was also in CHRIST JESUS; Who, being in The Form of GOD, Thought it not Robbery to be Equal with GOD; but Made Himself of no reputation, and Took upon Him the form of a Servant; and was Made in the likeness of Men; and being Found in fashion as a Man, He Humbled Himself and Became Obedient unto death; even the death of the Cross-Phil. ii. 5 to 8.- The SON of GOD Counsels us to buy of Him Gold tried in the Fire, that we may be Rich; and White Raiment, that we may be Clothed-Rev. iii. 18. It is thus that the poverty of a meek and SAVIOUR-Loving Spirit is Rewarded by the Glory and the Joyfulness of an Everlasting Communion with The SON of Man.

AVERSES 10 to 15.-And herein I give my advice; for this is expedient for you, who have begun before, not only to do, but also to be forward a year ago: now therefore perform the doing of it! that as there was a readiness to will, so there may be a performance also out of that, which ye have: for if there be first a willing mind, it is Accepted according to that a Man hath; and not according to that he hath not: for I mean not, that other Men be eased; and ye burdened; but by an equality, that now at this time your abundance may be a supply for their want; that their abundance also may be a supply for your want; that there may be equality as it is Written, (Exod. xvi. 18.) He, that had gathered much, had nothing over; and he, that had gathered little, had no lack.'

The will may be interrupted in its way; but the Benevolence of GOD is Satisfied with the existence of a willing mind, a desire to do good, even beyond its power. A Christian Spirit is ever ready to alleviate the sufferings, and to lessen the privations of Others; and rejoices in every opportunity of administering to the necessities of those, especially where a common faith binds them to union and fellowship in the Service and the imitation of the Example of their Great HEAD and MASTER JESUS CHRIST. To put the hand to the plough, and to turn back, is an utter inconsistency with the engagement that a Christian enters into; when once he has seriously and deliberately embarked in the course of duties, to which his Relationship to CHRIST, as his REDEEMER, calls him, then he seeks to go on to perfection; and remembering, that it is more blessed to give than to receive, regulates his conduct towards Others by that excellent Rule, Exemplified as it was by our SAVIOUR through the Whole of His Earthly Sojourn. My Grace is Sufficient, Saith The LORD to every faithful Servant of His Word and Will. Be the duty little, or much; be it for an especial occasion, or for the continuance even of a prolonged life, it is embraced and stedfastly pursued, as power and opportunity are afforded.In his instructions to

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