Pattern Poetry: A Historical Critique from the Alexandrian Greeks to Dylan ThomasMarlborough House, 1976 - 152 sivua |
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Sivu 3
... verse form which was taken up by ecclesiastics through- out most of Europe . Carmina quadrata were box - like verses in which each line had the same number of letters and the number of lines in the verse equaled the number of letters ...
... verse form which was taken up by ecclesiastics through- out most of Europe . Carmina quadrata were box - like verses in which each line had the same number of letters and the number of lines in the verse equaled the number of letters ...
Sivu 25
... verse the obvious relation between and some of the most familiar aspects of metaphysical poetry . We have seen here the raw materials of a conceit . The emblem is just such a pictorial simile as Donne would have chosen , working it out ...
... verse the obvious relation between and some of the most familiar aspects of metaphysical poetry . We have seen here the raw materials of a conceit . The emblem is just such a pictorial simile as Donne would have chosen , working it out ...
Sivu 116
... verse is an indirect result of ornate literary technique . The technopaegnia came in the wake of the Sophists and were part of the " Asianic " style in later Greek literature . The carmina quadrata flourished during the medieval ...
... verse is an indirect result of ornate literary technique . The technopaegnia came in the wake of the Sophists and were part of the " Asianic " style in later Greek literature . The carmina quadrata flourished during the medieval ...
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acrostics allegory altar appearance Appendix Arte of English aspects Biblical birth born Calligrammes calligraphic carmina quadrata century CHAPTER Christ contrivance Crucifixion cubist Cummings dark death Djinns Dosiadas Dylan Thomas E. E. Cummings earth Easter Wings effects eighteenth elements emblem England English pattern English Poesie evoke expression external shape Ezra Pound geometrical George Herbert George Puttenham George Wither Greek Anthology Guillaume Apollinaire Hart Crane heart bone Holz Holz's hourglass Hugo Ibid imagery influence jinns light lines literary literature lost lyric maidenhead medieval metaphysical poetry nature object pattern poems pattern poetry perhaps Persian pictorial poet poet's poetic Puttenham reality religious poets resurrection revival rhetorical movement Robert Herrick salvation secular seventeenth-century shaped verse Shattuck silhouette Simias Sonnets spiral of ascension spirit stanza style taste techniques technopaegnia theme third stanza thou thought trend typographical unchristened mountain Vision and Prayer visual William womb words wren Bone writing York