The Scots Magazine and Edinburgh Literary Miscellany, Nide 70Archibald Constable and Company, 1808 |
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Sivu 141
... SPAIN AND PORTUGAL . The King of Spain has issued a furi- ous decree , announcing his adoption of all Napoleon's recent measures against British commerce . His most Catholic Majesty is not a little surprised , that af- ter he took the ...
... SPAIN AND PORTUGAL . The King of Spain has issued a furi- ous decree , announcing his adoption of all Napoleon's recent measures against British commerce . His most Catholic Majesty is not a little surprised , that af- ter he took the ...
Sivu 143
... Spain and Portugal , and that his father is to abdicate the throne of the former king- dom : Spain ceding to France Porto Rico and Cuba , with a free trade to her South American possessions . Other letters say , that the Queen of ...
... Spain and Portugal , and that his father is to abdicate the throne of the former king- dom : Spain ceding to France Porto Rico and Cuba , with a free trade to her South American possessions . Other letters say , that the Queen of ...
Sivu 297
... SPAIN . Gen. Murat , who commands the French army , which has now occupied every place of importance in Spain , seems to be actively employed in preparing the way for the re- volution , which , there is every reason to believe , will ...
... SPAIN . Gen. Murat , who commands the French army , which has now occupied every place of importance in Spain , seems to be actively employed in preparing the way for the re- volution , which , there is every reason to believe , will ...
Sivu 456
SPAIN . DEPARTURE OF THE ROYAL FAMILY FOR FRANCE . The accounts of the extraordinary transactions that have taken place in Spain , ( as stated in our last , ) appear to be fully confirmed ; but the succeeding events are still related ...
SPAIN . DEPARTURE OF THE ROYAL FAMILY FOR FRANCE . The accounts of the extraordinary transactions that have taken place in Spain , ( as stated in our last , ) appear to be fully confirmed ; but the succeeding events are still related ...
Sivu 459
... Spain , and I should invite him to a place of retire- ment in France . As to the abdication of King Charles the Fourth , that has ta- ken place at a moment when my troops were traversing Spain ; and in the eyes of Europe , and of ...
... Spain , and I should invite him to a place of retire- ment in France . As to the abdication of King Charles the Fourth , that has ta- ken place at a moment when my troops were traversing Spain ; and in the eyes of Europe , and of ...
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appear arms army attack banks Bayonne bill Britain British Capt Captain castle church command common considerable Copenhagen Council Court daugh daughter Denmark Ditto Duke Earl Edinburgh Emperor enemy England English favour fire fleet force France French frigate Glasgow Government Greenock hills honour House inhabitants Inverness island isle James John King kingdom Lady land late Leith letter Lieut Lisbon London Lord Lordship Majesty Majesty's March ment merchant Ministers Miss morning nation nature neral object observed officers peace peace of Tilsit persons Petersburgh port Portugal possession present Prince Prince of Asturias received regiment respect rocks Royal Russia sail Santorini Scotland Scots Scots Magazine sent shew ships sion slaves Spain Spanish tain ther tion town treaty of Tilsit troops vessels Whitelocke whole William
Suositut otteet
Sivu 201 - Of witches' spells, of warriors' arms ; Of patriot battles, won of old By Wallace wight and Bruce the bold ; Of later fields of feud and fight, When, pouring from their Highland height, The Scottish clans, in, headlong sway, Had swept the scarlet ranks away. While...
Sivu 128 - The wandering eye could o'er it go, And mark the distant city glow With gloomy splendour red; For on the smoke-wreaths, huge and slow, That round her sable turrets flow, The morning beams were shed, And tinged them with a lustre proud, Like that which streaks a thunder-cloud. Such dusky grandeur clothed...
Sivu 201 - Though scarce a puny streamlet's speed Claimed homage from a shepherd's reed; Yet was poetic impulse given, By the green hill and clear blue heaven. It was a barren scene, and wild, Where naked cliffs were rudely piled; But ever and anon between Lay velvet tufts of loveliest green; And well the lonely infant knew Recesses where the wall-flower grew, And honey-suckle loved to crawl Up the low crag and ruined wall.
Sivu 505 - IN scenes like these, which, daring to depart From sober truth, are still to nature true, And call forth fresh delight to fancy's view, Th...
Sivu 305 - Most Gracious Sovereign, WE, your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal subjects, the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons of the...
Sivu 122 - ... whom every thing exists ; and particularly, to obviate difficulties regarding the wisdom and goodness of the Deity ; and this, in the first place, from considerations independent of written revelation, and, in the second place, from the Revelation of the Lord Jesus ; and from the whole, to point out the inferences most necessary for and useful to mankind.
Sivu 104 - The nooses of the ropes are then opened, leaving his hind legs at freedom, and himself entirely disengaged from the snare. The two tame elephants press close on each side of him, and proceed, in pompous procession, to the garden of stalls, where they deliver up their charge, to experience another species of hardships.
Sivu 107 - ... and so it ever will. But, on the other hand, the nobles have been essential parties in the preservation of liberty, whenever and wherever it has existed. In Europe, they alone have preserved it against kings and people, wherever it has been preserved; or, at least, with very little assistance from the people. One hideous despotism, as horrid as that of Turkey, would have been the lot of even- nation of Europe, if the nobles had not made stands.
Sivu 432 - What a satisfactory spectacle to a philosophical mind, to see the oppressor, in the zenith of his power, envying his victim! What an acknowledgment of the superiority of virtue! What an affecting and forcible testimony to the value of that peace of mind, which innocence alone can confer!
Sivu 496 - I little imagined, when I took my last leave of the walks of public life, that any event could bring me again on a public theatre. But the unjust conduct of France towards these United States has been and continues to be such, that it must be opposed by a firm and manly resistance, or we shall not only hazard the subjugation of our government, but the independence of our nation also ; both being evidently struck at by a lawless, domineering power...