Ordinances of the Settlements on the Gold Coast and of the Gold Coast Colony, in Force April 7th, 1887: With an Appendix Containing the Rules, Orders in Council, and Proclamations of Practical Utility, and an IndexWaterlow, 1887 - 777 sivua |
Muita painoksia - Näytä kaikki
Ordinances of the Settlements On the Gold Coast and of the Gold Coast Colony ... Gold Coast,William Brandford Griffith Esikatselu ei käytettävissä - 2023 |
Ordinances of the Settlements On the Gold Coast and of the Gold Coast Colony ... Gold Coast,William Brandford Griffith Esikatselu ei käytettävissä - 2023 |
Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
Accra accused affidavit aforesaid amend appeal application appoint authorised Bill BRANDFORD GRIFFITH cause certificate charge CHRISTIANSBORG CASTLE CIVIL PROCEDURE Clerk of Legislative Collector of Customs Colonial Secretary committed consignee constabulary conviction criminal custody Customs and Treasurer declared decree deemed defendant direct District Commissioner Divisional Court duties eight hundred enacted entry Esquire evidence exceeding Executive Council exportation forfeited Gold Coast Colony Governor in Council Harbour hard labour hereby imprisonment judgment debtor jurisdiction jurors land lawful Legislative Council thereof liable license Majesty Majesty's marriage matter ment native notice oath offence Ordi paid party payment penalty person Pilotage plaintiff port pounds printed impression prison proceedings proper officer Province punishment Registrar regulations repealed respect SANFORD FREELING Schedule settlement of Lagos Sheriff ship suit summons Supreme Court therein thereto thinks fit tion Title trial Volta River warehouse warehoused warrant Whereas writ writ of summons