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present, we find an equally absurd confusion. In a report, for instance, of a conference, in London, of ministers and laymen, concerning the best means of reaching the outlying masses, we find Dr. Hamilton, of the "National Scotch Church, Regent-square," side by side with Mr. Alexander, of the "English Presbyterian Church, Chelsea;" and we ask, do the two men belong to the same body? Has he who volunteers to read the Litany the honour of belonging to the same church with Dr. Hamilton? Such, again, is the confusion there; and can we wonder if those outside our communion are puzzled, and ask, in perplexity, "who is who?"


Are there any parties to be blamed for this? Undeniably there are. We do not say that the whole burden lies at one door, but by far the largest portion does. And we have no hesitation in saying farther, that the ministers of the different congregations are responsible for much of this deplorable confusion. You may almost tell the temper of the minister by the temper of the congregation, and the character of both by the very name by which the congregation is known in its own neighbourhood. truth, much more is involved in this simple question than many are apt to suppose. We would not listen in this matter to any one who has not had a considerable experience, and has not been an attentive observer of the things around him; and that not in one little corner, but in many. A story is told of a preacher who spent a few months as far south as Newcastle, and on his return to his old friends of the New College, Edinburgh, delivered to them a lecture on the English Presbyterian Church! So we suspect are opinions often uttered upon authority not so good as that of the trick in the classical story, which did service for a specimen of the whole building. We repeat, therefore, that there is more in this simple question than many people suppose; and if even we rise to no higher motives than congregational and ministerial success-which, of course, includes usefulness-the name by which a congregation is known will be found to be no unimportant element in this direction, or the reverse.


But it is high time we were turning to this new effort which is being made towards a proper understanding of our history, position, and name, both within and without our borders. And now that a manual has been published, and is being circulated in our churches, we can only express our astonishment that the thing was never done before, and that it was left for Dr. M'Crie to do. Why, if not in most, at least we know that in some of the congregations in the metropolis, something of the kind has been long in If we enter some chapel in London for two or three Sabbaths, we are remarked as a stranger. It is naturally supposed that we are thinking of settling down in it; but previous to this it is imagined that we would like to know something more of the body to which it belongs before we will attach ourselves to it. It may be a Baptist congregation, but how many sects of Baptists are there? and as each thinks his own denomination the best, there is no wish to be confounded with any other. They will, therefore, put into our hands something equivalent to the manual. We find it is in the hands of all the members and adherents of the congregation; a stock is kept in the chapel vestry for the very purpose; and thus we all understand each other. Surely all this is a very simple, obvious, and sensible arrangement. Can we congratulate ourselves upon being independent of such assistance? Are there not as many sections of Presbyterians as Baptists? Or, is it of less value to us than to them to have all our people well instructed in the principles of their faith? Whether is more to be depended upon a mass of individuals, each with his own notions as to the church with which he is connected, or a mass of well-instructed and intelligent adherents?

Surely every Session will now embrace the opportunity of making their people intelligently acquainted with the principles they profess. They may rest assured that a liberal and continued distribution of this little tract will tend to consolidate their congregations, and strengthen the hands of all those engaged in building up the walls of our Sion.

Of the manual itself, there can be only one opinion. It would be literally impossible to speak of it in terms too laudatory. Imagine, for a moment, the substance of the Confession of Faith compressed into a few pages, with sundry other matters important to our position and history! We should not have believed in the possibility of the task, unless we had seen it done. We should have said that some of the Westminster divines themselves must first be raised from their graves, before such a compendium could be compiled. Only one long accustomed to deal with symbolic books, and practised in discussions on scientific theology, could have succeeded so well in the undertaking. Dr. M'Crie is already known, the world over, as an able theological author; but we venture to say, that this unpretending little tract is worthy of a place beside his best works, and will remain long an enduring monument of his theological learning and skill. We know of only one man besides from whom we should have expected anything equal to this—a man of kindred genius, Dr. Hodge, of Princeton.

The only fault which we are able to bring against the little work in question is one which, in most eyes, will be a virtue-its marvellous cheapness. Our readers will, we dare say, smile as we give our reasons for regarding this as a blemish, in a thing otherwise unexceptionable. Nevertheless, let us gravely say we are afraid that when people know that it is only a penny tract which we are extolling so highly, which we expect ministers will laud from their pulpits, and Sessions circulate amongst their members, they will conclude they are only to receive the worth of their money. A penny is the price of a pennyworth! What most people are apt to do with a penny tract is to read it, if worth reading, and then throw it aside, to be eventually handed over to Betty to light the fire with. Now, we want a far different fate to await our manual. We want to see it valued and prized universally. We know it will be valued and prized by all sensible people; but, then, the sad thing is, that all people are not sensible people, nor able to believe that a penny may purchase what is worth a great deal more. We want to see it read and re-read, perused and re-perused, to be laid carefully aside to await the curate when he comes to ask the good folks of the house why they do not go to the "Church." We want our children to become acquainted with it, and, by its means, to be so established in the faith, that they will not be carried about by such winds of doctrine as young people are liable to fall in with. But, then, the question we are asking incredulously is, whether you will be able to persuade people that all this may be accomplished at the cost of a solitary penny. We hope it may. We would be glad to be disappointed in our forebodings. We shall make particular inquiries at the printer's as to the sale; we shall put such queries to those of our country friends who may come in our way as may serve to elucidate the question; and we promise farther to receive, with the best grace in the world, the assurance that our fears were imaginary.

We have an impression of this kind, however, that when the present edition is exhausted, and all our congregations have been amply supplied, another edition will be wanted to be kept in stock. We do not expect that the demand will be only one of to-day; but, on the contrary, that it will be perennial; that there will be a supply in every vestry cupboard, which will often need replenishing as new members join the congregation. Now, for the

sake of good, simple people, who would like gilt-edged leaves, an ornamented cover, and for å frontispiece the likeness of the learned Professor himself, or some other Church dignitary, or a photograph of some of our finer churches, and who think that they would prize it more with these adventitious embellishments, we humbly submit that a dearer issue ought to be contemplated. Besides this, the printer might undertake to insert a fly-leaf with the name of the congregation of the locality where they are distributed. Would not this be an admirable plan for assisting zealous office-bearers to get rid of a name which they might not desire to be distinguished by, and for diffusing in their own neighbourhood a knowledge of the church to which they belong, and, by consequence, of being known by their proper name? Would it not, also, with this simple addition, become a valuable manifesto in new localities, where congregations are being formed? Verbum sat.

We have only to add that, as we understand it, the object aimed at by this publication is not so much the propagation as the conservation of our principles. Few, we hope, are so foolish as to imagine that travelling about, either with speeches or with pamphlets, will spread our church. The plan has been, to some extent, already tried in the earlier days of our experience, and the success assuredly was not such as to encourage a like attempt. Will anybody furnish us with the name of a single convert through the numerous Catechisms on Presbyterianism which were once so liberally scattered abroad? Such individuals, we have good reason for supposing, are entirely mythic. And so it ever will be, at least with the practical English mind. If we want our system to become nauseous, to raise up against us prejudice and opposition, we have only to be continually descanting on the superiority of our principles. No; let us show this superiority by our deeds. Thus only shall we commend our system, and thus only shall our system advance; thus only will men be led to inquire after our principles. Let our church courts present an earnest business aspect; let our congregations be foremost in every good work; let our Sabbath services be lively, interesting, evangelical, and impressive; in a word, let us be distinguished by a burning zeal for the extension of the Redeemer's kingdom, and the lesser blessing will come of itself.

Miscellaneous Papers.

(Original and Selected.)



FROM what has been already said on the
subject of the Irish Revivals, every child of
God will be fully convinced that they are
of Divine origin. As, however, there were
doubters and mockers from the beginning,
so there are still; and on their accout it
may be useful to view the subject in another
light. I now, therefore, propose to consider
these Revivals in connection with the fruits
of the Spirit, as enumerated in God's

word. In Gal. v. 22, it is thus written: "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance." Here we are told of the way in which the work of the Spirit is manifested by all who have come under its influence. In the lives of such we will find exhibited in a greater or less degree, all these gifts and graces; and where these are manifested, we have good grounds for concluding that those in whose character they appear have indeed been brought under the power of God's grace, and "walk before him in newness of life."

The first-fruit which will manifest itself


"I love the Lord because my voice
And prayers he did hear;
And while I live will call on him

Who bowed to me his ear," &c.,

in the heart and life of the man under the exhibit; and there is one truth which above operation of God's Spirit is "Love"-love all others they are prone to acknowledge, to God and love to man. Well now, this that they love God "because he first loved is a trait which all who have visited Ireland, them." There is one Psalm, too, they often and marked the evidences, must have ob- repeat as beautifully expressive of their served and rejoiced in. On the part of feelings: those who profess to have been changed in heart, the life and conduct show that their profession is genuine. Only hear the converts speak of God! With what reverence they invoke his name. With what delight they speak of his work, and declare to others what God has done for their souls! I have heard and can testify. My own soul has been greatly refreshed by hearing the story of their conversion, and in seeing their love to God beaming in their countenances as they proclaimed the way of peace, and invited others to the Saviour. They delight to dwell upon the theme, “God is Love," and to show their love to Him "who first loved them," by living in his fear, and striving to bring others to enjoy "his favour," which they have found to be "life," and his loving-kindness, "which is better than life." Where God's name was before dishonoured, it is now used with fear and trembling; where once blasphemed and | taken in vain, it is now a name above every other name-the subject of all praise, adoration, and blessing. The whole soul of the converts seems to be filled with love to God and love to the Saviour. This is to be particularly observed in their prayers; and oh such prayers as I have heard! Such longing after God. Such wrestling with him, both before and after they have felt the love of Christ.

me, keep my commandments;" "He that Christ says to his disciples, "If ye love keepeth my commandments, he it is that loveth me." Now, in this point also, the genuineness of the Spirit's work in Ireland is proved. Those who have been converted take the greatest delight in obeying as far as they are able the commands of God. They are "instant in prayer," they love their Bibles, they read them daily, they attend regularly the means of grace with anxiety such as they never felt before, to know more and more of God-to grow more and more in grace. They are living examples, letting their light shine, and in many instances holding forth the word of life to others; proclaiming the "unsearchable riches of Christ," and beseeching sinners to be reconciled to God.

In this their love to man is also seen. Their religion is not selfish. They feel impelled to speak to others of what God has done for them. One thing very remarkable is, the love of these converts towards each other. "We know," says

the apostle, "that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren." They meet together, they converse together, they pray together, and encourage one another in the way to Zion. They care not who sees or hears them. They are not ashamed to confess Jesus Christ before men, but rejoice in every opportunity they can have of telling to others how they feel and what they are.

Before they come to feel that their sins are forgiven, it is heartrending to hear their cries. Darkness, horror, and despair, secin to fill their souls. The cries are not unfrequently heard, "I'm lost!" "I'm lost!" Oh, I cannot pray!" "I resisted him." "I would not come!" "Oh, I'm lost!" "I'm lost!" In this state they often continne for a considerable time, until it pleases The next fruit of the Spirit is "Joy," God to show them the light of his counte- and this also is to be seen in connection nance. Then what a change! What intense with the work of God in Ireland. Joy loathing of sin! What longing after holi- fills the breast of all who have experienced ness! What fervency and spirituality! the power of his love-joy in release from What pointedness and fluency in prayer! sin and its dominion-joy in God who by A short time before it seemed a life and his Spirit has led them to see their statedeath struggle to be rescued from the abyss joy in Christ," who died for their sins, and of death and hell. Their prayer now is a rose again for their justification," who calm, filial, full expression of unworthiness, washed their souls in his blood, and parwith the most powerful manifestations of doned all their sins-joy in being permitted gratitude and love to that Saviour who to draw near to God-joy for what he has plucked them as brands from the burning. already done, and joy in the prospect that Their language now is, "My Lord!" "My his work shall continue and spread until God!" "My Saviour!"" My dear Saviour !"" the whole earth shall be filled with his And the delight of their souls is to hold glory." Is this a work of man, or hath communion with God at his throne of the devil effected it? Surely not; to God grace. Such is the love to God and Christ and him only be the praise, that those so which all the real converts in Ireland lately on the verge of destruction, crying

out in despair, "Lord save, or I perish," now sing praises of deliverance, and "rejoice with joy unspeakable, and full of glory."

The next fruit of the Spirit is Peace -peace with God, peace with men, peace of conscience; and this the child of God experiences. He feels the "work of righteousness to be peace, and the effect thereof quietness and assurance for ever." Now, among the converts in Ireland, that spirit of enmity to God which led many to violate his law, desecrate his Sabbaths, despise his sanctuary, and blaspheme his name, that spirit is removed. The animosity also which used to fill the breasts of many towards those who differed from them in political or religious sentiments, as I have previously shown, has greatly disappeared. In the hearts of those who formerly harboured such feelings, a spirit of love, and peace, and goodwill now exists, and we trust will continue; showing to the world that the religion of Jesus is indeed a dispensation of peace-like its author who is "the Prince of Peace."

The next fruit of the Spirit is Long-suffering. This earth is a scene of trial, and

believed, and are persuaded that he is able to keep that which we have committed unto him against that day."

The next fruit of the Spirit is Meekness. With these converts, although they have many temptations to spiritual pride, God is supreme. Jesus is all. They are nothing. Their prayers and addresses are full of this spirit, and show that they issue from a "humble and contrite heart."

The last fruit of the Spirit is Temperance. We have already called attention to this evidence of the Spirit's work in Ireland; and, although many additional facts of great importance might be stated, we cannot at present enlarge upon the subject. In conclusion, I remark that all the fruits of the Spirit are exemplified to a greater or less extent in this great and good movement. lives of the converts prove the reality of the work. The fruit is the true touchstone. "By their fruits ye shall know them."


The next and last paper will be a refutation of "objections" to the Revival.


some of those who have lately made a AN INCIDENT IN OUR HONEYprofession of religion in Ireland have already begun to experience this in a way they never felt before. They are beginning to I Do not know if any one else will know what it is to bear the cross. They think the story I am going to try to are evil spoken of by some, scoffed at by write down as interesting as we-that others, and their efforts to do something for God in many places despised; but having committed their cause to God, amid all discouragements they can say,

"I'm not ashamed to own my Lord,
And to defend his cause;
Maintain the glory of his cross,
And honour all his laws."

The next fruit of the Spirit is Gentleness; and this is a mark by which those visited by God's Spirit in Ireland are to be known. Those who were before irritable in temper and coarse in their conduct have under gone a complete change. They have, in many instances, become mild, and gentle, and loving; children confess this of their parents; and I have heard parents with joy state this of their children.

The next fruit of the Spirit is Goodness; but on this, although much might be said,

we cannot now dwell.

The fifth fruit of the Spirit mentioned by the Apostle is Faith. Now among the converts in Ireland, this is to be seen in all

its strength. There is most sincere faith in God, in his love, in his power, in his promises; and one thing particularly to be noticed is, their unwavering confidence that their interest in God and Christ, &c. is indestructible. Their language not unfrequently is, "We know in whom we have



is, John and I-did. I will try to tell it in the simple words in which it was told to us. But, first, I must say that we heard it during our honeymoon, which we were spending at a cottage in the beautiful park of Lord shall call him Dimdale. The cottage was situated in a wild and lonely part of it; and the deer used to come up close to the door, and lie under the fine old oaks, through whose branches the sun glimmered on the soft warm turf and clumps of young fern. And how the birds sang! for it was the beginning of May, and fine hot weather. But to come at once to the story.

In one of our walks, we had made acquaintance with the clergyman, Mr. sweet smile, and long snow-white hair, Morton, an old man, with a placid who somehow gave one the idea of perfect happiness and peace. He asked us to drink tea with him in his vicarage, to which we gladly agreed; and he led us through paths in the forest, all bordered with primroses and bluebells, to a small house covered with creepers, and in front having a garden

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