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Hospitals to be erected from funds ob-
tained from the wages of seamen, I. 606
An act establishing navy hospitals, II. 650
An act inaking an appropriation for the
navy hospital fund,
IV. 304
An act for the relief of the navy hospital
IV. 360
An act to provide for completing the
navy hospital at Norfolk, and the na-
val asylum at Philadelphia, &c., IV. 570
An act for the regulation of the navy
and privateer pension and navy hospi-
tal funds,
IV. 572
Appropriation for hospitals and hospital
IV. 725

An act making appropriations for cer-
tain sites for marine hospitals therein

V. 546

An act to provide for the erection of a
marine hospital at Key West, in the
territory of Florida,

V. 670

[blocks in formation]

An act confirming certain claims to land
in the Illinois territory, and providing
for their location,

Act amended and extended,

III. 125
. III. 218

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Organization of the courts of the United
States in the Illinois territory, (obso-
III. 237
Further time given for perfecting pre-
emption rights, and making entries of
III. 307, 308
Persons whose claims are perfected to
receive certificates to that effect, III. 308
A new land district north of the district
of Kaskaskia to be established, III. 323
Administration of justice in the Illinois
territory, (obsolete,) -
Paymaster-General authorized to pay cer-
tain officers of the territory of Illinois,
III. 399
People of the territory of Illinois author-
ized to form a constitution and State

III. 327

III. 428

Propositions offered to the convention,
III. 430

Proceedings against suspended, IV. 430 Illinois, State of.

Evidence in contested elections, how to
be taken,

II. 39

See Apportionment of Representatives—

Hull, Captain, and others.

Resolution relative to the brilliant
achievements of Captains Hull, Deca-
tur, Jones, and Lieutenant Elliott, II. 830

III. 502

An act to provide for the execution of
the laws of the United States in the
State of Illinois,
Lands granted to the State of Illinois for
the seat of government,
III. 525
Resolution declaring the admission of
the State of Illinois into the Union, III. 536
Three per cent. of the nett proceeds from
the sales of public lands in Illinois to
be applied to the encouragement of
learning, -
III. 610

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IV. 432

IV. 480

IV. 480

IV. 496

The State of Illinois exonerated from
rendering an account of the applica
tion of the three per cent. fund,
The land granted to the State of Illinois
for a seminary of learning may be re-
linquished, and other land located, IV. 475
Commissioners to be appointed to survey
and mark the northern boundary line
of the State of Illinois,
Commissioners may appoint surveyors,
&c.; their compensation, -
The State of Illinois authorized to sell
twenty thousand acres of the saline
lands in that State,
Representatives in Congress according
to the fifth census,
IV. 516
The time of holding the District Court
of Illinois changed, - IV. 434, 568
Board of commissioners to be appointed
to adjust the titles to lots laid out on
Bean river, Illinois,
Proceeds of sales of lots appropriated to
the erection of public buildings and
wharves in the town of Galena, V. 79
Representatives in Congress according
to the sixth census,
V. 491
Impeachment and Inquiries into official Con-

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V. 79

[blocks in formation]

. II. 5

Mode of obtaining discharge,
Penalty for making a false oath or affir-

II. 5

Thirty days after judgment the debtor
imprisoned may take the benefit of the
act although no execution have issued,

II. 6

Notes of the acts relating to imprisonment
for debt,
II. 265
Discharge of insolvent debtors, II. 266, 482
Acts for the relief of persons imprisoned
for debts due to the United States, I.
561; III. 399
Acts for the relief of persons imprisoned
for debt, I. 265, 482, 562; II. 4; IV. 19
Notes of decisions in the Supreme Court
of the United States,

Acts to abolish imprisonment for debt in

certain cases,

IV. 19

V. 321, 410

V. 629

An act to amend the laws regulating im-
prisonment for debt within the Dis-
trict of Columbia,

See Insolvents.

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II. 108
An act making provision for the dispo-
sal of lands in the Indiana territory,
and for other purposes,
II. 277
An act to divide the territory of Indiana
into two separate governments, . II. 309
An act supplementary to the "Act mak-
ing provision for the disposal of the
public lands in the Indiana territory,"
and for other purposes,
II. 343
Notes of acts relating to the public lands
in the Indiana territory,
II. 343
An act respecting claims to land in the
Indiana territory, and State of Ohio,
An act confirming land claims in the dis-
trict of Vincennes, and for other pur-
poses, March 3, 1807,
II. 446
Right of suffrage extended in the Indi-
ana territory,
II. 469

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II. 146

III. 651

[blocks in formation]

II. 139
Notes of regulations of intercourse and
trade with the Indians,
II. 139
Notes of decisions of the Supreme Court
on the laws and treaties with the In-

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II. 141

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Notes of the decisions of the courts of the
United States on the subject of the
Trading-houses with the Indians. Act
of April 30, 1802, (expired,) II. 173
The act for establishing trading-houses
with the Indian tribes continued in
force for two years, February 28, 1803,
II. 207
The President authorized to enter into
certain agreements with the Indian
tribes in Louisiana,
II. 289
Trade and intercourse with the Indian
tribes in Louisiana to be regulated, II. 289
Additional trading-houses with the In-
dians established,
II. 338
An act establishing trading-houses with
the Indians, April 21, 1806, (repealed,)
II. 402
An act for the relief of certain Alabama
and Wyandot Indians,
II. 527
An act supplemental to the act for estab.

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to have passports,
III. 332
Penalties for violation of the law, III. 332
The act establishing trading-houses with
the Indians continued until May 1,
III. 363
An act to provide for the punishment of
crimes and offences committed within
the Indian boundary, March 3, 1817,

III. 428

III. 514

III. 383
The trading-houses with the Indians
continued to March 1, 1819, April 16,
1818, (obsolete,)
The act for establishing trading-houses
with the Indian tribes continued to
March 1, 1820, March 3, 1819,
An act making provision for the civiliza
tion of the Indian tribes, adjoining the
frontier settlement, March 3, 1819, III. 516
The President authorized to employ
capable persons to instruct the Indians
in agriculture, and to teach Indian
children reading, writing, and arith-
The act of March 2, 1811, establishing
trading-houses with the Indians, con-
tinued to July 3, 1822,
An act to amend an act, entitled "An
act to regulate trade and intercourse
with the Indian tribes," &c., passed
March 3, 1802, chap. 13. May 6,
III. 682
Provisions relating to trade with the In-
III. 682
An act to provide for annuities to the
Ottawas, Pattawatimies, Kickapoos,
Choctaws, Kaskaskias, &c., and to
carry into effect the treaty at Saginaw,
May 7, 1822,

Indian Treaties.

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III. 516

III. 641

III. 690

The President authorized to enter into
certain arrangements with the Indian
tribes in Louisiana,
II. 289

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An act to enable the President to hold
treaties with the Indians beyond the
Mississippi, May 25, 1824,
IV. 35
An act making appropriations to carry
into effect certain Indian treaties, May
26, 1824, -
IV. 37
An act making appropriations to defray
the expenses of negotiating and carry-
ing into effect certain Indian treaties,
May 20, 1826, -
IV. 180
Appropriations to defray the expenses of
holding treaties with the Miamies and
Pattawatimies, May 20, 1826, IV. 185
An act to enable the President of the
United States to hold a treaty with
the Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians,
May 20, 1826, -

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IV. 188

Indian Treaties.

Appropriation to carry into effect the
treaty between the United States and
the Creek nation, May 22, 1826, IV. 191
Appropriations to carry into effect certain
Indian treaties, March 2, 1827, - IV. 232
Appropriations to carry into effect certain
Indian treaties, May 24, 1828, - IV. 300
An act to enable the President of the
United States to hold a treaty with the
Chippewas, Ottawas, Pattawatamas,
Winnebagoes, Fox and Sac Indians,
IV. 302
May 24, 1828, -

IV. 391

An act making appropriations for carry-
ing into effect certain treaties with the
Indian tribes, and for holding a treaty
with the Pattawatamies, March 2,
IV. 361
Appropriations to carry into effect certain
Indian treaties, March 25, 1830, IV. 390
Appropriations for holding certain Indian
treaties, April 7, 1830,
Appropriations to carry into effect the
treaty of Butte des Mortes, May 20,
Appropriations for carrying into effect
certain Indian treaties, January 13,
Appropriations for carrying into effect
certain Indian treaties, March 2, 1831,

[ocr errors]

IV. 403

IV. 432

IV. 463

An act to carry into effect certain Indian
treaties, March 2, 1831,
IV. 464
Appropriation for carrying into effect the
treaty with the Seneca Indians, of 25th
February, 1831. March 3, 1831, IV. 492
Appropriations in conformity with the
stipulations of certain Indian treaties,
April 20, 1832, -

IV. 505

Appropriations for Indian annuities, &c.,
June 4, 1832,

IV. 526

Appropriations for treaties with the
Creeks, Shawnees, Ottawas, Senecas,
Wyandotts, Cherokees, and Choctaws,
June 4, 1832,


IV. 528

IV. 576

An act to carry into effect certain Indian
treaties, July 13, 1832,

Commissioners to be appointed to treat
with the Indians for their removal west
of the Mississippi,

IV. 595

IV. 616

Appropriations for Indian annuities and
other similar purposes, for the year
Appropriations to carry into effect cer-
tain Indian treaties, and for other pur-
poses, March 2, 1833,
- IV. 636
The Secretary of War to correct a mis-
take in the names of Indians in the
treaty of 1832 with the Pattawatima
Indians in Indiana, March 2, 1833, IV. 669
Appropriations for Indian annuities, and
to carry into effect Indian treaties,
June 26, 1834, -
IV. 682
Appropriations to carry into effect cer-
tain Indian treaties, June 28, 1834, IV. 705
The lands between Desmoines and Mis-
sissippi reserved for the use of the
half-breeds, relinquished to and vested
in the half-breeds of the Sacs and Fox
Indians, June 30, 1834,
IV. 740
Appropriations for Indian annuities, and
other similar objects, for 1835, - IV. 780

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Indian Treaties.

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V. 10

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V. 10

An act to carry into effect the treaty
with the Chickasaw Indians,
Provisions relative to the sale of lands
and payment of moneys,
Appropriations for carrying into effect
the treaties with the Cherokees, Osages,
Choctaws, Ottawas, Chippewas, &c.,
and expenses of delegation to Wash-

V. 73
An act to provide for the satisfaction of
claims arising under the fourteenth
and nineteenth articles of the treaty of
Dancing Rabbit Creek, concluded in
September, 1830,
Proceedings of the commissioners ap-
pointed under the treaty,
Appropriations for Indian treaties,

V. 513
V. 513


V. 298, 402, 417, 493, 612
General principles recognised by the Su-
preme Court of the United States in
relation to the Indian tribes,

Indian Agents.

VII. 1

Superintendents of Indian traders, agents,
&c., April 16, 1818,

III. 428

III. 514

III. 514

Indian agents may be transferred by the
Appointment and salary of the Indian
agent of Upper Missouri,
Indian agents to designate convenient
places for carrying on trade, IV. 35
An act to aid certain Indians of the
Creek nation in their removal to the
west of the Mississippi, May 20, 1826,

IV. 187

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Indian Department.

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Appropriations for the Indian depart-
ment for the year 1830, February 27,
1830, (obsolete,)
An act to provide for an exchange of
lands with the Indians residing in any
of the States and territories, and for
their removal west of the river Missis-
sippi, May 28, 1830, -
An act for closing certain accounts, and
making appropriations for arrearages
of the Indian department, January 27,
Appropriations for the Indian depart-
ment for 1831, March 2, 1831, - IV. 470
Appropriations for the Indian depart-
ment, May 31, 1832,
Note of acts for the preservation of peace
with the Indian tribes,

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Appropriations for the Indian depart-
ment, and for fulfilling Indian treaties,
March 3, 1837,
Appropriations for the Indian depart-
ment, and for fulfilling Indian treaty
stipulations, July 7, 1838, - V. 298
Appropriations for the Indian depart-
ment, and for fulfilling Indian treaties,
for the year 1839, March 3, 1839, V. 323
Appropriations for the Indian depart-
ment, and for fulfilling treaty stipula-
tions with the Indian tribes, July 20,
V. 402
Appropriations for the Indian depart-
ment, and for Indian treaties, for the
year 1841, March 3, 1841, - V. 417
Appropriations for the Indian depart-
ment, and for fulfilling treaty stipula
tions with various Indian tribes, for
the year 1842, July 17, 1842,
Appropriations for the Indian depart-
ment, and to fulfil treaty stipulations
with the Indians, for the fiscal year,
from January 1, 1843, to June 30,
1843, and for the fiscal year from July
1, 1843, to the 30th June, 1844, March
3, 1843,
V. 612
Appropriations for the Indian depart-
ment, and for fulfilling Indian treaties,

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