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Books of General Reference.

Of the elder English literature on this subject: The life of Sir LEOLINE JENKINS. Judge of the high Court of Admiralty, and prerogative Court of Canterbury, etc. Ambassadour for the general peace at Cologn and Nimiguen, and Secretary of State to King Charles the II. By WILLIAM WINNE, of the middle Temple, Esq. London, 1724, 2 vol. folio, is important: and LORD STAIR'S decisions of the Lords of Session in Scotland.

As references, these works should always be at hand in publick libraries; as the English jurists most generally refer to their earlier precedents. Dr. Robinson on the Prize Laws of former periods has furnished: Collecteana maritima; being a collection of. publick instruments, tending to illustrate the history and practice of Prize Law. London, 1801.

In relation to the works of the more ancient authors, who are con. sulted in the prevailing discussions of maritime rights in war, particularly in the late contentions between America and England, the following are of note:

HUGONIS GROTII de juri belli et pacis libri tres, in quibus jus naturæ et gentium, item juris publici, præcipua explicantur. (Parisü, 1625. 4to.-the first edition.)

PUFFENDORFF, de jure naturæ et gentium, libri octo. 1672.

CORNELII VAN BYNKERSHOEK, Quaestionum juris publici. Libri II. quorum primus est de rebus bellicis, secundus de rebus varii argumenti. Lugduni Batavorum, 1737. 2d Edition, 1752-4to.

M. De Vattel. Le droit des gens, ou principes de la loi naturelle, appliquès a la conduite et aux affaires des nations et des Souverains. 2 Vol. in 8vo. Leyden, 1758-4to. Translated into German, by SCHULIN.

The more modern English literature upon this subject, commences with the Memoir of English principles of maritime law, on the occasion of the Silesian arrest of English merchandise. It is from the pen of LEE, PAUL, RYDER, and MURRAY, and contained in "A collection of publick acts and papers, relating to the principles of armed neutrality." London, 1801. 8.

"A discourse on the conduct of the government of Great Britain, in respect to neutral nations. Written in the year 1758, by CHARLES JENKINSON, Esq. now Earl of Liverpool." London, 1801. 8.


paper warfare between the maritime theorists of England, and those of the Continent, was at its height during the period of the Prussian arrest of English property, in the first Silesian war, and the ensuing maritime contest. The above work originated in that period, and has been since re-edited as a standing work in England. Rayneval wrote in opposition to it.

About the same time, the learned Hübner produced his work at Paris: De la saisie des batimens neutres, ou du droit qu'ont les nations belligérantes, d'arrêter les navires des peuples amis. A la Haye 1759. 2 vol. 8. wherein he defends the principle" free ship, free goods." The English have frequent reference to this work, and the author is better known in England, than on the continent among writers on this subject. The chief production of the English during the American war, is,

Mémoire justificatif de la conduite de la Grandes Bretagne en arrétant les navires étranges etc. par M. MARRIOTT, Avocat general de sa Majeste Britanique.

In Germany, the most known works of this period, are those of Von STECK, namely,

Essai sur divers sujets de politique et de jurisprudence, 1799. 8. and his

Versuch über Handels, und Shifffahrts-verträge. Halle, 1782. 8vo.


AUGUST VON HENNINGS Sammlung von Staatschriften, die während des Seekrieges von 1776 bis 1783 sowohl von den krieg führenden, als auch von den neutralen Mächten, öffentlich bekannt gemacht worden sind. Altona, 1784. 2 vol. 8vo.

TOTZE, La libertè de la navigation et du commerce des nations neutres pendent la guerre ; a Londres et Amsterdam, 1780. 8vo.

The three following are the principal works of the continentals on the subject of Prize Law.

FERDINANDO GALIANI Dei doveri dei Principi neutrali verso i Principi guerreggianti e di questi verso i Principi neutrali. Napoli, 1782. 4. Translated in German by Professor CÆSAR.

LAMPREDI, Trattado del commercio dei popolo neutrali in tempo di guerra. Fiorenza, 1718. 2 vol. Translated into French by PEUCHET.

D. A. AZUNI Sistema universale dei Principii del diretto marittimo d'ell Europa. 1795. Converted into a work under the title of

Droit maritime de l'Europe, par M. D. A. AZUNI. A Paris, 1805. 2 vol. oct. Translated into English.

These works seem to be but little known in England. They are highly spoken of in LUDOLF HOLST's interessantem Versuch einer critishen Uebersicht der Völker-seerechte. Hamburg, 1802. 2

vol. oct.

In the commencement of the revolutionary war, PROFESSOR BUESCH was the foremost advocate of neutral rights against the bellige rents. Among his works are

Ueber das bestreben der Völker neuerer Zeit, einander in ihrem Seehandel recht wehe zu thun. Hamburg u. Altona, 1800. 8vo.

Völker Seerecht. Hamburg und Altona, 1800. 8vo.


paper warfare between England and the Continent, was renewed by professor SCHLEGEL upon the occasion of the capture of a Swedish Convoy :

Sur la visite des batimens neutres. Copenhagen, 1800.


The same circumstance gave rise to the work of BORNEMANN:

Ueber die gebrauchliche Visitation der neutralen Schiffe, und über die Convoi. Copenhagen, 1801.

The following works were produced in opposition to SCHLEGEL: ALEXANDER CROKE, Esq. Remarks on Mr. Schlegel's work upon

the visitation of neutral vessels under Convoy. London, 1801. 8vo.

ROBERT WARD; A treatise of the relative rights and duties of belligerents and neutral powers in maritime affairs. London, 1801, 8vo.

An Essay on Contraband: being a continution of the treatise of the relative rights and duties of belligerent and neutral nations in maritime affairs. London, 1801. 8vo.

Letters of SULPICIUS on the northern confederacy. London, 1801. 8vo. Denmark during this period produced,

Versuch einer Darstellung des Dänischen neutralitäts-Systems während des letzteren Seekrieges. By DR. C. F. v. SCHMIDT PHISELDECK. 4 parts. Kopenhagen, 1802. 8vo.

C. U. D. v. EGGERS Denkwürdigkeiten aus dem Leben des Königl. Dänischen Staats-ministers Andreas Petrus Grafen von BERNSTORFF. Kopenhagen, 1800. 8.

Among the works of the Danish authors, who prefer the principle of the Consulate to the principle "free ship, free goods," the following in French and German is the most celebrated:

Jo. Nicol Tetens, Considérations sur le droits réciproques des Puissances belligérantes et de Puissances neutres sur mer, avec les Principes du Droit de Guerre en général. Copenhague, 1805.-8vo.

The principle, on the contrary, is defended among the moderns by M. JOUFFROY, Les Droit des Gens maritime universal, ou essai d'un Systéme général des obligations réciproque de toutes les Puissances, relativement à la Navigation et au Commerce maritime. Berlin, 1806.-8vo, as far as concerns the direct trade of neutral countries with their natural products, to an enemy's country, or from an enemy's country to neutral ports. It is supported unconditionally by

RAYNEVAL, de la liberte des mers. Paris, 1801. 2 vol. 8vo.

The contest between England and America, as to the continuity of a voyage, occasioned the pamphlet of MR. STEPHEN, who had during a long time, been a distinguished member of the profession in the West Indies.

War in disguise; or the frauds of the neutral flags. London, 1806— 8vo. and the answer from America.

An answer to War in disguise, or remarks upon the new doctrine of England, concerning neutral trade. New-York and London. Imputed to Gouverneur Morris.

La Paix en Apparence. Réponse à l'écrit intitule: La Guerre déguisèe, ou considérations politiques sur les véritables interêts de la Grand-Bretagne, relativement aux Puissances neutres. A Londres, 1808-8vo.

An examination of the British Doctrine which subjects to capture, a neutral trade not open in time of Peace. America and London.

A letter from the minister plenipotentiary, of the United States, to Lord Mulgrave, late Secretary of State for foreign affairs.

In addition to these, in relation to this controversy, we have,

American arguments for British Rights; being a re-publication of the celebrated letters of Phocion, on the subject of neutral trade. Charlestown and London.

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