Catholic Social TeachingThird Way Publications, 2002 - 20 sivua This booklet examines how far Catholic social teaching represents a challenge to capitalist economics and offers a radical alternative. It puts forward practical suggestions as to how this teaching should influence our political choices and considers the practical implementation of the underlying ideals. The authours are upfront in their belief that for the Church to defend justice it must be prepared to challenge and oppose exploitation. |
Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
A5 sized 149mm achieved Anthony Cooney asserts authority basis Belloc C. H. Douglas Catholic Church Catholic Social Teaching Centesimus Annus Christian citizens civil class struggle collectivism condemned critique developed distribution of property Distributist divorce duties economic initiative economic subsidiarity elections employees encyclicals evil freedom G.K. Chesterton Human Liberty Immortale Dei individual John Paul Labor Over Capital Laborem Exercens Leo's Leonine Corpus major marriage merely monetary system Moral Law National nature Objectives owners ownership Papal parties Patrick Harrington Pecci Pius XI political Pope Leo Pope Leo XIII Pope Pius Postage UK 0.19 power follows property practical primacy of labor primary Prince private property problem proletarian Quadragesimo Anno radical reality of democracy reason reduced Rerum Novarum response Sapientiae Sapientiae Christianae sized 149mm wide Social Credit Socialist society things Third UK ISBN union Universal Destination usury wage wide by 210mm workers