Sivut kuvina

Mr. W. Wherry, of Bourne, presented his account of the receipts of the year, which was of a very favourable character. The Secretary was requested to prepare a report of the Society for circulation in the Churches of the district.

4. Letters were read respecting the health of Mr. Somerville, and the state of the cause at Stamford. It was finally resolved that the Stamford station be conducted by the Conference for the next quarter. That Messrs Peggs and Wherry provide supplies. That Mr. S. be presented with £5. for his voyage of health; and if he wish to return to his station, that he correspond with Messrs. Jones, Peggs, and Yates, on or be fore the next Conference.

cester. The devotional exercises were conducted by the Revds. Barnet, of Blaby; T. Stevenson, of Leicester; Jones, of Syston; and Tunnicliffe, of Longford. Mr. Wileman, of London, gave out the hymns. On the Lord's-day, sermons were delivered 3. The former grant of £20 to the Home afternoon and evening, by the Rev. J. SteMissionary at Wendling was renewed; the venson, A. M., of London. Brother J. progress of the cause of Christ, in that Tyers, of Leicester, prayed in the afternoon. neighbourhood, being very encouraging. A On the Monday following a tea meeting grant of £15 was made to the stations of was held in the afternoon, when addresses Stowbridge and Magdalen. were delivered by the Revds. Derry, of Barton; Wigg, Stevenson, and Goadby, of Leicester; and a concluding sermon was preached in the evening, by Mr. Goadby, from 1 Kings, viii. 66, “And they went unto their tents joyful and glad of heart, for all the goodness that the Lord had done for David his servant, and for Israel his people." The congregations on the Tuesday were very large in the afternoon and evening. On the Lord's-day they were overflowing; and on the Monday, upwards of 250 friends took tea in the school rooms and chapel. The sermons and whole services were replete with deep religious interest and enjoyment, and will long be remembered by all who attended them. The total expense of the chapel, school rooms, additional ground, and encircling wall, pallisades, &c., will be upwards of £850. The subscriptions of the friends amount to about £550; and the collections at the opening services, were on Tuesday £61, on the Lord's day £70, and on the Monday, with the proceeds of the tea, £20, making a total of £152, so that another effort of our spirited and excellent friends here, will sweep away the debt, and render the whole a pleasing evidence of their zeal for the house of the Lord.

5. With regard to Fen Stanton, it was determined that Messrs Lyon, Paul, and Smith, be a committee to arrange with Mr. G. White, of Sutton Colefield, near Birmingham, that he may pay a visit for a few weeks before the next Conference.

6. Messrs R. Clark, and R. Wherry, delivered their report respecting the Widow's Fund, to the following effect:-"We have audited the above account, and find a balance due from the treasurer, (Mr. Butters) of £26. 14s. 6d., and a further sum due from the Home Missionary Socie. ty, of £29 14s., which we think should be paid."

7. In reference to this money, lent to the Home Mission in its difficulties in 1829, after much discussion, it was resolved: "That the Conference, observing that a sum of money was lent from the Widow's Fund to the Home Mission, which cannot now be repaid, desire to express its hope, that in future, no such misappropriation of any funds will be sanctioned, nor this case be considered a precedent."

8. The arrangement of the course of the Conference, and the two cases from Fleet, were deferred.

The next Conference to be at Chatteris, on Thursday, Sep. 2nd; Mr. Rose to preach in the morning, and a Home Missionary meeting to be held in the evening.

J. PEGGS, Secretary. BARTON CHAPEL.-This new and beau tiful building was opened for public worship, on Tuesday, June 15, and on Lord's day, June 20. On the first of these days sermons were preached, morning and even ing, by the Rev. J. P. Mursell; and in the afternoon, by the Rev, J. Goadby, of Lei

MEASHAM.-On Lord's day the 13th, and on Wednesday the 16th of June, the opening services were held in the new General Raptist Chapel, Measham. The sermons were preached on the Sunday, in the morning and evening, by the Rev. J. Wallis, of London, and in the afternoon by the Rev. J. Goad by of Leicester, in the room of his revered father, in consequence of his extreme indisposition; and on the following Wednesday, by the Rev. Dr. Morison, of London. Our much valued friend, Mr. Wileman, of London, kindly assisted in giving out hymns, and the Revds. G. Legge, T. Stevenson, both of Leicester, and J. Barnett, of Blaby, in leading the devotional exercises. Many dear friends and ministers from the neighbourhood were present. The congregations were large, and some of them were densely crowed. Great interest was excited; a sacred and


happy feeling pervaded the assemblies; eral years maintained public worship in and it is hoped the fervid and hallowed ap. this village, a neat and beautiful small peals made from the pulpit will not soon chapel has recently been erected for the be forgotten. The collections amounted to use of this section of their Church. the liberal sum of £132 10s.; and very good object was furthered by an opulent gladly do the minister and members of the and liberal member of the ArchdeaconChurch take this opportunity of very grate- lane Church, residing in the village. The fully acknowledging the kind sympathy chapel is capable of accommodating upand christian liberality manifested by their wards of two hundred people. The openfriends, particularly by Mr. Wileman, while ing services were on Lord's day, June 13th, their united prayers ascend to the Great and the following evening. Excellent and Head of the Church, that amid the solemn appropriate sermons were delivered; in the scenes of the last day it may be said of afternoon by the Rev. J. P. Mursell, and multitudes, in reference to this place, "This in the evening by the Rev. S. Wigg. The and that man were born there." pastor of the church preached on Monday evening. Collections upwards of £18 10s.

The dimensions of this neat and commo dious edifice are 46 feet by 36, inside mea. sure. There are three galleries, and two spacious school rooms; the upper one opens into the chapel, behind the pulpit. It may not be deemed superfluous to re mark, that the place was universally ad. mired; and that great praise was pronounced in favour of the architect, Mr. Salesbury, of Ashby; and of the builders. Measham, June 1841. G. STAPLES.

and commodious chapel is about to be LONG SUTTON, LINCOLNSHIRE. - A new erected in this place It is to occupy the old site.

We have seen the plans, and are rejoiced at the spirited efforts of our friends opened in 1818, was begun to be taken in this place. The old chapel, which was down on Monday, May 24th.

BAPTISM AT FRIAR-LANE, LEICESTER. On Lord's-day, June 6th, 1841, twelve persons were baptized in this place, three males, and nine females. Four of these were Methodists from a neighbouring vil. lage. An appropriate discourse was deliv. ered on the occasion, by the minister of the place, from I Cor. xv. 29, "Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead? S.

BOSTON.-The services connected with the opening of the new side galleries and staircases of the General Baptist chapel, Boston, besides realizing the handsome sum of £70, have afforded to many hun dreds a high gratification. The sermons on Sunday (June 13th) by the Rev. Messrs Smith, of Quorndon, and Matthews, of Boston, were excellent; but at the tea meeting, on Monday, (June 14th) the most intense interest was felt for an hour and a half in BAPTISM AT HINCKLEY.-On Lord'san address from the Rev. J. G. Oncken, of day, May 6th, the ordinance of believers' Hamburgh, (a friend of Mr. Matthews,) baptism was administered to six persons, whose account of the state of christianity three of whom are teachers in our Sabbathin Hamburgh, and other parts of Germany, school. Mr. Taylor preached on the Norway, &c., and the sufferings of himself occasion from Acts viii. 36-38, After and colleagues, were of the most affecting which, Mr. Shore gave a very animated description: the only regret was, that the and affecting address to a numerous and address was not further prolonged. Inter. attentive congregation, and administered esting and appropriate observations were the sacred rite. This was a day of much also delivered by the Rev. Messrs Matthews spiritual enjoyment to us. JAMES PRATT. and Smith. Tea was provided in a spacious booth erected in the chapel yard, tastefully adorned with flowers and evergreens; and also in the chapel and school rooms. Of the tea meeting it may be said that it far exceeded the most sanguine expectations of the friends; about 800 meeting together to enjoy the delightful beverage, and shew their christian friendship to their brethren who had been adding im proved accommodation for their increasing congregation.-Stamford Mercury.

BELGRAVE, NEAR LEICESTER.-Opening of a New General Baptist Chapel. The friends at Archdeacon-Lane having for sev.

evening, June 9th, 1841, six persons were BAPTISM AT LEEDS.-On Wednesday baptized in the South Parade chapel, Leeds, which was lent to us by the Rev. J. E. Giles, and his friends. A sermon was preached by Mr. Hudson, from Mark xi. 28, The accommodations for administering this after which the candidates were baptized. sacred ordinance are exceedingly good, and Christ with great propriety and pleasure. our friends publicly professed their faith in

Some of the friends in connexion with the chapel rendered us every possible assistance, for which we feel thankful. We hope the impressions made were favourable, and trust

that the interest excited may be permanent. May many opportunities of a similar kind be enjoyed in succeeding years in connexion with our infant cause in Leeds. Open air services have been commenced on Lord's. day afternoons. The congregations in the vicar's croft have been large, numbering from four to eight hundred persons; to whom the word of life has been preached, and among whom many tracts have been distributed. With one exception, namely, some little dispute with an infidel socialist, the people manifested great attention. The concessions made by him, and the reply given to him, evidently left impressions upon the minds of the people greatly in favour of the truth as it is in Jesus. Since these labours were commenced, the congregations in Albion chapel, in the evening, have rather improved. Our prosperity has not been what we could wish; yet the Gospel has been preached to many, and some sinners have been brought from the world to Jesus Christ. Many tracts have been distributed, and religious books have been given and lent to many. The word of the Lord has not returned void of success, nor will the scattered seed all be lost. May all of it bear fruit unto eternal life; and the Church formed long exist and prosper in every good word and work.

HALIFAX.-On Lord's day, June 6th, the ordinance of immersion was administered in our chapel to ten persons, five males, and five females. In the evening they were publicly recognized as members of the Church, when the ordinance of the Lord's-supper was administered.

MALTBY.-On Friday last a social tea meeting was held in a large tent, kindly supplied by the amiable and benevolent Robert Abbott, Esq., of Thurlby, near Al. ford, erected in the yard of the General Baptist Chapel, Maltby-le-marsh. The afternoon being exceedingly fine, a large company of persons assembled, when about 150 partook of tea, and in the evening addresses were delivered in the chapel by Messrs Kiddall, (the minister of the place) Catley, Bellamy, and Starbuck. The ad. dress of Mr. Kiddall was highly interesting, tracing back the Baptist cause at Maltby for 145 years. The other addresses were very appropriate, and were listened to with marked attention. After singing part of the admirable hymn, begining with," Blest be the dear," &c., and prayer by Mr. Kid. dall, the assembly was dismissed. The profits of the meeting will be appropriated to the repairing, cleaning, &c., of the above named place of worship.

WEST BUTTERWICK.-On Lord's-day, June 13th, 1841, brother Kiddall, of the Maltby Church, preached for us three times in aid of our Sunday-school funds. The morning congregation was small; but in the afternoon and evening there was a good attendance. Several of the children recited hymus, &c., and were presented with some small books in the way of reward. The General Baptist cause has been at a low ebb in the isle for some time, but its friends are anticipating better days. They have secured brother Billings from Gedney as a preacher amongst them. His labours, hitherto, appear to be highly acceptable. May they be increasingly so, and may real and lasting prosperity be their happy result!

MAGDALEN. Open air preaching and Baptism.-On Lord's-day, May 30th, the ordinance of believers' baptism was administered by Mr. I. C. Smith, to three friends on a profession of their faith in Christ. A powerful and impressive sermon was preached on the occasion by Mr. Wignor, of Lynn, which was listened to with the deepest attention. What added much to this interesting time was, a leader among the Primitive Methodists promptly came forward, and was baptized, forthwith, in the presence of hundreds of spectators. The inquirers' meeting at Stowbridge is en. A FRIEND. couragingly attended.

GENERAL BAPTIST EXTENSION.-Prize Essay. The Adjudicators on the General Baptist Extension Prize Essay, have awarded the first prize of ten guineas, with twenty-five per cent. added, to the Rev. J. C. Pike, of Wisbech; and the second prize of five guineas, to the Rev. J. Peggs, of Bourne. The work will be published with as little delay as possible.

June 18th, 1841. G. HESKETH. [The number of competitors is not named.-ED.]

RUSHALL. Our case demands your serious attention. We were, for want of room, obliged to enlarge our chapel, and as it was much out of repair, the expenses exceeded our anticipation. We erected a new vestry, a new gallery, a new board floor, and new seats to the chapel. The cost is £150. Our chief creditor is in rather a precarious state as to his circumstances, and we fear for the consequences. We have raised upwards of one third of the money, and if our brethren can help us in our present distress we shall be very greatly obliged, and shall feel the greatest pleasure, at some future time, in helping others to the utmost of our power.-Wm. White, Minister. N. Wise, J. Andrwes, Deacons.

HOLBEACH.-Tribute of respect to Mr. to Fleet, commenced regular preaching on a Lord's-day afternoon, in a very eligible and commodious public room, capable of accommodating upwards of 300 persons. The success which has attended his labours is highly gratifying. A numerous and at. tentive auditory gladly listen to the truths of the everlasting Gospel, which he has been permitted to declare unto them. The previous minister, Mr. Thos. Rogers, having, in the summer of 1839, completed a period of twenty-five years labours over the Church at Fleet, it had been contemplated to commeinorate that event by some public demonstration of affection and respect; but which, from the efforts made to promote the erection of a new chapel at Gedney Broadgate, it was deemed prudent to defer, until, alas! illness, and the hand of death, removed him beyond the sphere of such transitory enjoyments, to the more enduring pleasures of that state where only it can be fully appreciated that "the perpetuity of bliss is bliss." On this occasion, the friends wisely determined to take time by the forelock, and at the close of the first year invited their beloved minister to a public tea meeting; the proceeds of which should be afterwards presented to him as a token of more substantial affection and regard. On this occasion about 180 persons assembled together, in the spacious and convenient building used for preaching, and the spirit and feeling manifested on the occa. sion strongly contrasted with that displayed about 160 years previous, towards the then persecuted James Marham. We may truly exclaim, "What hath God wrought!" In the evening a missionary meeting was held in aid of the General Baptist Foreign Mission to Orissa, when Mr. W. Stanger, of Fleet, presided, and Messrs Yates, Edwards, and Burditt, severally addressed the meeting; and the sum of £3. 4s. 6d. was received, which it was resolved to appropriate to the Berhampore orphan asylum; and that a boy be supported there, to be named James Marham, after the persecuted individual who was first instrumental in introducing the cause into this neighbourhood. It is hoped the feelings produced on this occasion may produce fruit that will redound to the glorious spread of the Redeemer's kingdom both at home and abroad.

Yates. It is with no ordinary feelings of delight and gratitude to God, for the degree of success which he has been pleased to confer on the exertions on the Church at Fleet in this place, that we record the proceedings of a meeting held on Wednesday, June 16, 1841. About the year 1681, it is recorded in the History of the General Baptists, "that a Mr. James Marham settled at Holbeach, and determined to endeavour to raise an interest. This created violent opposition; the laws were enforced against him, and in less than a year levies were made upon him for fines to the amount of several scores of pounds. He was frequently driven from one justice to another for four days in the week; still he perse. vered. On one occasion a magistrate thus addressed him, “Marham, I will send you to jail, and I will ruin the anabaptist meetings in this country, or they shall ruin me out of my house. The people of Holbeach were all of one religion till you had meet. ings in your house." To prison the good man was sent, and sustained great loss and charge before he regained his liberty. He was afterwards stripped of all his goods, and obliged to board himself and his wife for more than a year. He still persisted, until his enemies were so enraged that they threatened "to knock him on the head." He was, however, preserved from their fury, and lived to do much, and suffer much, for the good cause in other places. Notwithstanding this storm, the Baptist interest was supported at Holbeach, and appears to have been the origin of the Church now existing at Fleet. On various occasions, the Church at Fleet has endeavoured to repay this debt of gratitude by extending the labours of their minister to this town. During the ministry of Mr. Wm. Burgess, preaching was carried on for some time. Again, during the ministry of the late Mr. Thos. Rogers, public preaching was con. ducted on various occasions, and many have reason to bless God for these labours. But from an inability more fully to occupy the field, it was deemed necessary to discontinue these occasional services, until there appeared a fairer prospect of adequately attending thereto. About midsummer 1839, it had been resolved to engage an assistant minister, when it was delightfully anticipated by the friends in the neighbourhood that better days were in reserve for them. But the all-wise Disposer of events thought otherwise, and in his unerring wisdom removed both his servants to their reward on high.

On Sunday, June 21st, 1840, Mr. Thos. Yates, late of Melbourne, having removed

nation of Mr. Staples, as the pastor of the MEASHAM. It is expected that the ordiGeneral Baptist Church here, will take place in the course of the present month.


GENERAL BAPTIST ASSEMBLY. Connexion.)-The General Baptist Assembly was held at Worship-street meetinghouse, on Whit Tuesday, June 1st, 1841.

Several friends were present from the coun try Churches, as well as from those in and near London. The letters from the Churches were of the usual tenor, and contained little intelligence of a striking character. The sermon was preached by Mr. S. Martin, pastor of the Church at Trowbridge, in Wiltshire, one of the most laborious minis. ters in the connexion, and one whose sentiments are the nearest to what are commonly called evangelical. His labours at Trowbridge have been eminently blessed; and he has, we believe, the largest Church in the connexion. His sermon was taken from Psalm lxxii. 19, "And let the whole earth be filled with his glory. Amen and ameu" and his animated and solemn appeals to his hearers, made a deep impres. sion, which we trust will, by the divine blessing, be productive of good. The members of the assembly, and friends, after. wards dined together at the White Hart tavern, Bishopsgate-street, and returned to tea at the chapel. Several gentlemen ad. dressed the company in the afternoon and evening. J. C. M.

EVENING SERVICES AT WORSHIP. STREET, LONDON.-Mr. Means (whose book on the atonement was reviewed in the Repository for Feb. 1839,) resigned his pas. toral charge in Coles-street, London, in


LONG has the harp of Judah bung
Neglected, broken, and unstrung,
Beneath the willow's shade;
While Israel's solitary bands,
By foreign streams, in foreign lands,
In saddest moods have stray'd.

But since our God reveals his face,
And smiles upon his chosen race,
We'll take our harp again;
Tuned as in former happy days,
To notes of gratitude and praise,
We'll raise a joyful strain.

Our songs shall be of Jesu's love,
Who left th' ethereal courts above,
To bear our guilt and shame;
Th' eternal, uncreated Word,
Both David's Son, and David's Lord,
JEHOVAH is his name.

So vast the theme, it might inspire
An angel's song, a seraph's lyre,

Such wondrous grace to tell;

March, 1839, in consequence of the dissatisfaction which his sentiments on that subject had excited among a part of his floek. After remaining some time without any regular engagement, looking out for an opening to resume his ministerial duties, he was enabled to engage the meetinghouse at Worship street, occupied by the General Baptist Church (old connexion) under the charge of the Rev. B. Murdon, M. A, for an evening service on Sundays and Wednesdays. Mr. Means began his labours here on Sunday, Dec. 8th, 1839, and has continued them ever since. His difficulties, from the peculiarity of his position, have been considerable; but he has reason to rejoice that they have not been in vain. He has faithfully unfolded what he considers to be "the truth as it is in Jesus," and has exhibited the cross of Christ as the ground of the sinner's hope. He has had delightful evidence that his hearers are, many of them, becoming more and more impressed and influenced by the great doctrines of the gospel, and that a work of grace is going on in their hearts. Seven persons have been baptized within the last ten months, and Mr. Means is expecting to be shortly called on to baptize others. The number of communicants is also increasing. The Sunday evening congregation averages from forty to fifty.


Wake, harp of Judah! bear the sound
Far as creation's utmost bound;
All hail! Immanuel.

HEB. XII. 22-24.

NOT to the mount that burned with fire,
To darkness, tempest, and the sound
Of trumpet waxing higher and higher,

Nor voice of words that rent the ground,
While Israel heard with trembling awe,
Jehovah thunder forth his law:
But to Mount Zion we are come,
The city of the living God,
Jerusalem, our heavenly home,

The courts by angel-legions trod, Where meet in everlasting love The Church of the First-born above: To God, the Judge of quick and dead, The perfect spirits of the just, Jesus, our great new-covenant Head, The blood of sprinkling,-from the dust, That better things than Abel's cries, And pleads a Saviour's sacrifice.

O hearken to the healing voice,

That speaks from heaven in tones so mild ! To-day are life and death our choice; To-day, through mercy reconciled, Our all to God we yet may give; Now let us hear his voice, and live.


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