Sivut kuvina


bath-school. 1. They should deliver a lecture upon this subject once or twice each year, and see that the school is sustained. 2. They should be very familiar with all the children, and lecture to them upon this subject. 3. They should ever remember the Sabbath school in their prayers. 4. They should attend the Sabbath school themselves whenever circumstances will permit, and be active in the same; for with much anxiety and interest does the faithful minister look to the youthful part of his congregation. Duty of parents. 1. They should speak well of the Sabbath-school before their children, and encourage them to attend it faithfully. 2. They should make the Sabbath school a subject of prayer around the domestic altar, and in the private circle. 3. They should see that their children get their lessons and read their books. 4. They should attend the Sabbath-school themselves, and if needed, engage as teachers.

1. They should be deeply engaged in the work. 2. They should be very punctual in attending the school, and persevering in their efforts. 3. They should be very faithful in teaching their scholars the meaning of their lessons, and impress on their minds good moral principles. 4. They ought always to pray for their class. 5. They should labour for their immediate conversion to God. And lastly, after they have done all they can, they should trust alone in the blessing of God for success. Many teachers have seen their entire class converted in one season. Such faithful teachers will come up before the throne of God in the judgment, attended by the little group of children whom they have won to Christ, and say, Here Lord am I, and those that thou hast given me.' And who can tell the joy that they will feel in heaven while they sing, "Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, and hath redeemed us unto God with his own

Duty of teachers and superintendents. blood."


THE REV. T. STEVENSON, LOUGHBORORGH.-We regret to record the death of this eminent and useful christian minister. This event took place on Saturday, July 10th. Mr. Stevenson has long been known, and justly esteemed, as an eloquent and successful preacher, a vigilant and affectionate pastor, an active and efficient teacher of the young, and a leading and devoted minister of our connexion. The Education Society, formed by the Midland Churches, in 1824, for the training of young men for the christian ministry, chose and appointed him as the tutor of their institution. At the resignation of Mr. Jarrom of his office as tutor of the General Baptist Academy, in 1838, the two Institutions were united, and the members of the Annual Association appointed Mr. Stevenson Theological Tutor. The writer feels that it is only shere justice to his departed friend to state, that in laborious, energetic devotedness to the progress and improvement of the students, Mr. S. could be exceeded by none; indeed it is more than possible that the varied, constant, and, at times, extreme toil which pressed upon him, as the pastor of one of our largest Churches, and the sole tutor of our Academy, may have hastened his lamented departure. Mr. Stevenson was the pastor of the Church at Loughborough for upwards of thirty years. His last affliction was protracted and severe, and borne with christian patience and resignation. "The cross of Christ," he stated to us a fortnight before his death, was his only resting place. His end was peace.


INTERESTING ACCOUNT OF SICK BAP. unusually strong, he bore up for about six TISM. A gay and sprightly young man, weeks. aged about eighteen years, was seized with fever and brought to a bed of languishing. The most skilful physicians were called in to his relief, but without effect; he still suffered and sunk down. His constitution being

him a visit for the first time during his On last Lord's day evening I paid illness. When I entered the room he fixed his eyes upon me and beckoned to me to come to the bedside. I asked him how he was? He observed that he was poorly. He

inquired of me concerning my health, after which, he asked me if I thought there was a possibility of his recovery to which I responded, that it was possible-that I had seen the sick raised when as low as he was. With this, he introduced the subject of his future state, and spoke of his neglect of duty, and that the associations of his former life had proved a great obstacle in the way of his learning his duty to his heavenly Father, (this he seemed to express with great sorrow of heart.) He asked me if I thought it possible for him to obey the Saviour. I told him that others had under similar circumstancs. He said that he could not be immersed in the Creek, but could it not be done lawfully without? could it not be done in a cistern, saying that there was one already prepared in which he had been bathed during his illness! Upon this I asked him concerning his faith in the Lord Jesus; and with a flow of tears he expressed his full confidence in his will and power to save. I then bid him farewell, with a promise to see him the next morning. Very early he dispatch ed a mesenger for me to come as I had promised. Accordingly I went, and upon my arrival he immediately informed me of his determination to be buried with the Saviour in baptism. He ordered the cistern to be prepared: his dear father willingly obeyed his request. While the necessary preparation was making he expressed great joy in anticipation of a blessing upon his obedience, notwithstanding it was at a late hour. The water was prepared, and truly it was a striking emblem of our Saviour lying in the tomb, and we all (some half dozen brethren being present) bowed down and prayed. He then told me to take his confession, upon which I asked him if he did with all his heart believe Jesus to be the Son of God, and the Saviour of sinners? He said in a clear and distinct tone of voice, "yes, I Do," reaching his hand to me to receive his confession. He called to all in the room, both saint and sinner, to come and give them his hand. Truly it was an affecting scene, such an one as I never witnessed before-one mingled with joy and sorrow. We then lifted him from the bed into the bath, upon which he charged us to be careful to put him entirely beneath the surface of the water. We then buried him gently in the name of Jesus Christ, and

raised him again, at which he drew not an untimely breath. He then observed that he felt better in body and mind. He expressed continual happiness from this time until Wednesday following. When I went to see him again I found him quite composed, he immediately commenced a conversation about the assurance the saints had of a resurrection. But we soon discovered that he was sinking in death, and as the sun went down behind the western horizon, his spirit took its flight to God who gave it.


AN OBSTINATE MAN does not hold opinions, but they hold him: for when he is once possessed with an error it is like a devil, only cast out with great difficulty. Whatsoever he lays hold on, like a drowning man, he never loses, though it do but help to sink him the sooner. His ignorance is abrupt and inaccessible, impregnable both by art and nature, and will hold out to the last, though it has nothing but rubbish to defend. It is as dark as pitch, and sticks as fast to anything it lays hold on. His scull is so thick, that it is proof against any reason, and never cracks but on the wrong side, just opposite to that against which the impression is made, which surgeons say does happen very frequently. The slighter and more inconsistent his opinions are, the faster he holds them, otherwise they would fall asunder of themselves: for opinions that are false ought to be held with more strictness and assurance than those that are true, otherwise they will be apt to betray their owners before they are aware. He delights most of all to differ in things indifferent, no matter how frivolous they are, they are weighty enough in proportion to his weak judgment; and he will rather suffer self martyrdom than part with the least scruple of his freehold : for it is impossible to dye his dark ignorance into a lighter colour. He is resolved to understand no man's reason but his own; because he finds no man can understand his but himself. His wits are like a sack, which the French proverb says is tied faster before it is full than when it is; and his opinions are like plants that grow upon rocks, that stick fast though they have no rooting. His understanding is hardened like Pharaoh's heart, and is proof against all sorts of judgments whatsoever.- Butler.


THE ANNUAL ASSOCIATION of the General Baptist Churches of the New Connexion, was held at Brook Street chapel, Derby, on Tuesday, June 29, and the three following

days. The states of the Churches, with a few exceptions, presented evidence of a good degree of prosperity and peace. The number of Representatives was very considera

of the infant, but promising Home Missionary Society. Amongst other measures for this purpose, it was agreed to recommend the use of collecting boxes, similar to those used to assist the funds of the Foreign Mission. In addition to this, brethren Smith, Beardsall, and Kenney, were appointed to draw up a circular, recommending the Home Mission in this district to the notice of the Churches, and other benevolent persons. The reports from the Churches were not such as might have been wished. May the Lord stir us up to seek his face. "May he cause his face to shine upon us.'

In the evening a well attended and interesting Home Missionary meeting was held which was addressed by brethren Smith, Pedley, Kenney, and Beardsall. On the whole it was an interesting day.

The next Conference to be at Wheelock Heath, on the second Tuesday in October. Brother Kenney is appointed to preach, “On the conduct of dissenters with respect to

ble, and the business transacted of an unu-
sually important nature. The lamented ill.
ness of the Rev. T. Stevenson, tutor of the
Academy, and his resignation of his office,
rendered it necessary to look out for a suit-
able successor; and the committee, after
consuming a considerable portion of time
in discussing the propriety of attempting
to secure the mansion* (purchased by our
Derby friends for a chapel) as the premises
for the General Baptist Academy, resolved
to recommend that the Rev. J. Stevenson,
A. M., of London, should be requested to
undertake the office of tutor; at the same
time stating their conviction of the import-
ance of the Institution being continued in
the Midland District. These recommen-
dations were unanimously adopted by the
Association. The following brethren were
requested to take charge of two students
each for the present. J. Stevenson, of Lon-
don; J. Goadby, of Leicester; J. G. Pike,
of Derby; and R. Ingham, of Belper. The
strongest sympathy was expressed by the their principles."
meeting for the late afflicted tutor. The
annual letter, prepared by the Rev. J.
Goadby, of Ashby, was presented to the
meeting in an unfinished state, with a note
from the writer, stating his inability,
through extreme indisposition, to complete
it. Both were heard with much affection,
and ordered to be printed in the Minutes.
The Rev. S. Wigg, of Leicester, presided
over this meeting; and as the late Secretary
(Rev. H. Hunter) retires this year, the Rev.
T. Stevenson, of Leicester, was appointed
Secretary for the ensuing three years. The
Revds. J. Jones, of March; J. Wallis, of
London; and W. Butler, of Heptonstall
Slack, preached at this Association. The
next Association was appointed to be held
at Boro' Road, London. The preachers
are Revds. S. Wigg, and A. Smith; and
in case of failure, Revds. H. Hunter, and
T. Yates.

THE CHESHIRE AND LANCASHIRE CONFERENCE met at Tarporley, on Whit. Tuesday, June 1st, 1841. In the forenoon, at half-past ten o'clock, the friends met for public worship, when brother Beardsall read the Scriptures and prayed, and Mr. Smith, of Staley Bridge, preached a comprehensive and faithful discourse on the subject of nonconformity, from John xviii. 36, former part. At two o'clock in the afternoon, the Conference met to transact business. Mr. Stenson, the minister of the place, presided. The attention of the meeting was partly employed in improving the constitution and operations



WARSOP.-A General Baptist Church has been formed here, and the first we believe that was ever formed in this place. For about twenty-one years we were branch of the Mansfield Church, ten years of this time we have had to depend principally on the members of other Churches to supply our pulpit. In this particular, we ought to say the good hand of our God has been stretched out towards us. At length, agreeably to our wishes, and in accordance with the Mansfield Church, we invited the Rev. H. Hunter to come over, who acceded to our wishes June 14th, 1841. He delivered unto us a solemn, impres sive, and evangelical address, from Rom. iii., last clause of the 2nd verse, "Unto them were committed the oracles of God;" showing unto us the utility and comfort of the Scriptures of truth, denominated the oracles of God, to all sincere christians; re. quiring of us a testimony of our sincere dom in our own hearts, in the town, and in desire for the prosperity of Christ's king

the world. After we had been told of what

the Church of Christ was composed, we sat down and partook of the broken emblems seasonable and scriptural, respecting our of our Lord's body; concluded with advice, supplies for future years. May the Great Head of his Church in the world, send us Mission, as an instrument under God, conmen after his own heart. May the Home sider us, come over and help us; it this was done, much might be done here we feel We have noticed the promise confident.

*The erection of suitable premises for a Gene. ral Baptist Academy is a matter of great importance to the Institution, and the connexion.-ED. to Leeds, Yorkshire. We are thirty-eight

in number, but very poor: great expenses earnest in this work of faith and labour of occur. Brethren in the Lord pray for us. love. J. T.

GENERAL BAFTIST CHAPEL, MANS FIELD. This chapel, in which galleries have been erected, was re-opened on Wednesday evening, June 30th, by the Rev. H. L. Adams, of Newark, who preached a most impressive sermon, to a highly respect able and attentive audience, from "How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation." On the following Sabbath two powerful sermons were delivered, in the morning and evening, by the Rev. J. J. Owen, of Castle Donington, from Rom. x. 8, 9, and Phil. ii. 4. In the afternoon an interesting discourse was preached by Mr. Simons, a converted Jewish rabbi, from James i. 25. On no former occasion was such general interest excited as at the ser. vices above named, and in the afternoon and evening the chapel, in its enlarged state, was crowded with attentive hearers. The contributions and public collections amounted to the liberal sum of 90l. 6s. Id. It is just to remark, that in order to effect the improvement above stated, an appeal has been made to the kind liberality of the christian public, which appeal has been responded to by Independents, Wesleyans, Churchmen, and every denomination of christians. And the chapel, which for. merly was any thing but attractive, is now, as it regards the interior, behind none in this populous town, in point of appearance; and is superior in accommodation, being pewed throughout.

ENON CHAPEL.-On Lord's-day, June 11th, two sermons were preached in non chapel, New Church street, St. Mary le. bone, being the anniversary of the Sab. bath-school connected with that place of worship. In the morning at 11 o'clock, by the Rev. J. H. Hinton, M. A., and in the evening by the Rev. J. Burns, minister of the chapel. The congregations were large and respectable, and the collections exceed. ed those in former years. It was stated that the scholars of the school, 150 in number, had raised during the past year 121. 6s. for sending the Gospel, and estab. lishing schools in India. At the close of the evening service, several of the dear children received from the hand of their beloved pastor various religious works; and two of the elder girls, who were publicly dismissed, had presented to them a hand. some copy of the sacred Scriptures. We sincerely and devoutly trust that this day will long be remembered by the teachers and children, and that all will feel it a privilege and duty, to be more and more


day evening, June 24th, the solemn ordinance of believers baptism, was administered to eight persons by our esteemed minister, J. Burns, after delivering an animating and suitable discourse from these words, "It becometh us to fulfil all righteousness." Matt. iii. 15. The attendance was good, and we trust the impression made on the minds of many may prove lasting. We have several hopeful inquirers. May the Redeemer still prosper us, and add unto us such as shall be saved.

J. G.

It is

KIRKBY UNDERWOOD, near Bourne.— Through the activity of some friends belong. ing to the Lincolnshire General Baptist Sunday-school union, a very neat schoolroom is erecting in this village. twenty-four feet by fifteen, and is expected to be completed, with seats to accommodate fifty persons when used for divine worship, for £42. Through the exertions of Mr. Everard, of Gosberton, and the proceeds of the bazaar, and the public tea, £15 have been realized towards this commendable object. How desirable that every village in our native land had such a building appropriated for the instruction of the young, and the preaching of the gospel to its inhabitants.

ILKESTON. We understand that our friend Mr. Peggs has accepted the invitation of the Church at Ilkeston and Newthorpe, in Derbyshire, and is expected to remove thither in a few weeks. We hope Mr. Peggs's removal into the Midland District, will give him many opportunities of promoting the interests of the foreign mission, to which we know his heart is ardently


THE SLAVE TRADE. -The following horrifying statement, relative to the capture of a Portuguese slaver, is extracted from the log of her Majesty's schooner, Faun, cruising on the South American station, and written in latitude 22 30, lon. 40 W. :"On the 19th of February, 1841, Cacupas, on the coast of Brazil, about 18 miles, observed a large brig standing in for the land. On approaching she appeared not to have the least idea of our being a man of war

fired a gun over her, and another as quick as possible a-head. She then up with helm, attempted to run, but appeared in great confusion. We were positive of slaves being on board. After a short time she was increasing her speed. Lieut. Foote then determined to put a shot into the hull, but with great regret, on account of the un

fortunate beings on board. Shots were then thrown under her stern twice, a third was about to be fired when we observed her round to. In about twenty minutes we came up and boarded her. The slaves were all below, with the hatches on; on turning them up, a scene presented itself enough to sicken the heart even of a Portu: guese-the living, the dying, and the dead huddled together in one mass. Some un fortunates in the most disgusting state of small pox, even in the confluent state, covered from head to foot; some distressingly ill with ophthalmia, a few perfectly blind, others, living skeletons, with difficulty crawled from below, unable to bear the weight of their own bodies; mothers with young infants hanging to their breasts, unable to give them a drop of nourishinent. How they had brought them thus far appeared astonishing-all were perfectly nakedtheir limbs much excoriated from lying on the hard plank for so long a period. On going below the stench was insupportable. How beings could breathe such an atmosphere and live appeared incredible. Several were under the loose planks, which were called the decks, dying-one dead. proceeded to Rio Janeiro with the prize. On the passage we lost thirteen, in harbour twelve, from small pox and debility; a number also died on board the receiving ship, the Crescent. We sailed on the 19th of March with 180, well provided with medicines, and directions in what manner to use them. Tapioca and limejuice were also provided. Notwithstanding all the care that a small crew could bestow on them, we unfortunately lost twenty, chiefly from scurvy and general debility. This unfortunate brig left Bahia fort on the coast of Benguela, with 510 negroes, and thirteen days after her capture she had but 375."


CHINESE CONVERTS.-A letter from the celebrated Chinese scholar, Gutzlaff, at Macao, to Professor Neuman, of Munich, dated, May 20, 1840, says, "Several learned Chinese have just become converts to the Gospel. One is a poet of distinguished talent; another is an extremely well. informed bookseller, in Quangsi, who has travelled over the whole empire on his business, and is acquainted with every literary work.

The latter is, indeed, the most cultivated Chinese with whom I have come in contact. Every good christian will be overjoyed to hear that the folks with long tufts, and little eyes, expound the Epistle to the Roinans. The neophytes are now writing a commentary on the New Testament with out any foreign aid. I am still busy with the Japauese. The converts are become

such zealous Christians that they are ready to risk their lives to make known the Gospel to their countrymen."

RELEASE OF MR. BAINES.-Mr. Baines clerical persecutors. The prison doors have has at length escaped from the fangs of his hand-neither he nor any of his friends been opened for him by some unknown being aware who the party is by whom his liberation has been effected. The probability is, that the rate and costs for which by some friend of the ministry, whose negMr. Baines was incarcerated have been paid lect of his wrongs had begun to rouse dis. thetic state. This was evident from the prosenters in the south from their former apaminence given to the subject at meetings connected with the elections, where members of the government, and other candidates, were obliged to admit that the continued credit either on the church, as by law estabimprisonment of Mr. Baines reflected no lished, or upon the government under whose administration the evil was suffered to exmark to affirm, that Mr. Baines owes his ist. It is perhaps, then, not wide of the release to the use made of his imprisonment as a testing question at the elections, and science on the part of his persecutors. We not to the effect of any relentings of con from bonds in a way so honourable to himcongratulate Mr. Baines on his deliverance self, and on the benefit which must accrue from his consistent testimony to the cause of unrestricted religious liberty.-Scottish Pilot.

SPIRITUAL COURTS AND CHURCH RATES. -At a meeting of the Association of Geneeral Baptist Churches of the New Connexion, held at Brook-street Chapel, Derby, on Tuesday, June 29, and the three following days; it was resolved unanimously:


That this Association records its solemn objection to the claims and prerogatives of what are called Courts Christian. Courts recognize the temporal dominion of bishops and archbishops over all the persons in this kingdom for spiritual purposes. They have existed from the darkest times of popish tyranny and corruption, in which they originated. This meeting cannot but regard all penal laws that are enacted and administered in the name of Christ and religion, and enforced on conscientious Christians who dissent from the established hierarchy, by pains, penalties, and imprison. ments, for the pretended health of their souls, as unchristian in their spirit, only evil in their operation, insulting to God, and subversive of the dearest and inalienable rights of man. It therefore most earnestly

*Or by the ministry itself.-ED. G. B. R.

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