Sivut kuvina

CHORAZIN: or, An Appeal to the Child of many prayers on questions concerning the Great Salvation. By DAVID EVERARD FORD, Author of "Decapolis." 18mo., pp. 118. Simpkin and Marshall.

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MR. JOHN STUBBS.-Died at Kegworth, Through many years he filled the office of March 29th, 1841, Mr. John Stubbs, in the deacon in the Church, and with credit to fiftieth year of his age, leaving a wife and himself, and satisfaction to his friends, he three children to lament their loss. In him sustained the arduous duties that office was found an Israelite indeed, in whom imposed upon him. As a teacher in the there was no guile. He appears to have Sunday-school, he was affectionate and commenced his religious course in early laborious. Many now grown up, cherish life, and to the end his conduct and con- the tenderest regard to his memory, from versation were becoming his profession. the recollection of his anxious care over Descended in the maternal line from three of the ejected ministers of the seventeenth century, he did not disgrace his relation to that venerable body of men. Though regular in his conduct, and in attending the calls of duty in the Church, he was no mere formal character. His heart was in religion; and while he rejoiced in the possession of it in his own mind, he gave him self to promote its progress in others.

The names of these ministers were Mr. John Cromton, Mr. John Barratt, ejected from one of the livings in Nottingham, and Mr. Rey.

nor, ejected from Lincoln.

them in youth. Nor did he, like many, soon grow weary in well doing. Unbending integrity, and unceasing activity, were prominent traits in his character to the last. But how mysterious are the ways of providence. While those are spared who are comparatively, of small service in the church, the most useful are sometimes laid aside, or taken away. A more useful member than Mr. Stubbs, is not often found; yet he was arrested in his course, and brought to his end. His afflictions were long, and very distressing. About eight years ago he was seized with fits; and though every means

was used that affection and medical skill have been baptized and received into the could devise, no relief could be obtained. Church, and two more now stand as candiThese gradually weakened his intellectual dates. When his strength was so far repowers to such an extent, that through the duced as to prevent him attending a place latter years of his life he was lost both to of worship, these meetings were held at his his family and the Church. But even here own house. In the year 1839, he ruptured his attachment to Christ, and religion, re- a blood vessel, and since that time his conmained without decay. Often when the stitution gradually gave way, till at last he love of Christ, the joys of heaven, or the sunk under the influence of disease, and hope of meeting there have been named, he yielded up his spirit to his Maker, July 12, would melt into tears of joy and gratitude. 1841. His last illness was very severe, A few lucid moments preceded his death. the pain at times being almost insupportHis mind was peaceful, his hopes founded able, which so weakened him that for a on the rock of ages; and taking hold of short time before he died he was unable to immortality and eternal life. His remains speak, and replied to the questions put to were laid in the Baptist burying-ground at him by signs. A short time before he died Kegworth, there to await the resurrection of he wished his young friends to assemble the just. May a double portion of the round his bed, when he gave out two verses father's spirit rest upon his children; may of a hymn, commencing with, they both live the life, and die the death of the righteous; and may their last end be like his.

W. K.

JAMES CLAY.-This individual was a member of the General Baptist Church assembling in Friar Lane, Leicester. In the Sabbath-school connected with that place, his death has created a loss which will not be speedily recovered. His labours in connexion with that institution were numerous, useful, and abundantly owned and blessed of the Lord. He filled the office of super. tendent for two years and a half, to the satisfaction of his fellow-teachers, and the prosperity of the school. During that time he established and conducted a Sabbath evening prayer-meeting, expressly for the senior female scholars, which was generally well attended, and productive of the most happy results. A number of the girls, who used to meet with him on these occasions,

"Soon shall I pass the vale of death, And in His arms shall lose my breath." One of the last acts of his life was to commence a memoir of one of his young friends, the first-fruits, we believe, of his work of faith and labour of love; he had written about half of it when, his illness increasing, he was unable to proceed. The part he wrote appears in the Baptist Children's Magazine, for August, 1841. His remains were interred in the chapel yard, and his death was improved by his pastor, the Rev. S. Wigg, to a very numerous congregation, who listened with the deepest attention to the statements then made; and many, especially of his young charge, evinced their interest by the tears they then shed. "They that turn many to righteousness shall shine as the stars for ever and ever." A FELLOW TEACHER.

DEATH OF THE REV. J. GOADBY.- With deep sorrow of heart, yet not such as is without hope, we record the death of this well known and long-tried christian minister. This event took place on Wednesday morning, August 4th. On the previous day, the lamented deceased was visited by his son, the Editor of this periodical, brethren W. Underwood, of London, and Pike, of Derby. He was sensible, calm, and happy, though much inclined to doze. At his request each of these friends prayed with him at different times. His remains were interred at Packington, on Lord's-day August 8th, when a great concourse were addressed by the Rev. T. Orton, of Hugglescote, from Genesis xlviii. 21, "Behold I die: but God shall be with you." And in the evening the event was improved at Ashby, to an overwhelming congrega. tion, by the Rev. J. G. Pike, of Derby, from 2 Tim. iv. 7, 8, "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith," &c. Mr. G. had been the minister and pastor of the Church at Ashby, &c., upwards of forty-two years.

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To the Editor of the General Baptist Repository.

Dear Sir,-As the question of a "local than double the amount of the present habitation" for our Academy is now agitat ing the connexion "from John o'Groat's house to the Land's End," or over its whole length and breadth, perhaps a few hints on the subject may be pardoned from one who is sincerely desirous of seeing our cause arise and prosper.

Looking at the present state of our connexion, we cannot but see that there is very great need of a considerable increase of the number of faithful, zealous, and efficient ministers. One and another is being inca pacitated and removed. "Our fathers, where are they? and the prophets, do they live for ever?" Alas! what a vacuum is being made. Surely then we ought to be up and doing; to look around us for young men, zealous for the glory of God, who manifest talents for the ministry, and are willing to devote themselves to the work, that they may be assisted, instructed, and prepared to tread in the footsteps of those who are gone to their reward. Let us now make a simultaneous and vigorous effort. Let us secure some place of habitation, and then let us with more energy and more zeal unitedly support an institution that may, under the blessing of God, supply our Churches with ministers who may be as burning and shining lights amongst us. Let us resolve that the income of our Aca. demy shall not for the next year be less than an average of 1s. for each member of the connexion, then we shall raise more

year; we might then have more students, and have them longer under instruction, and of course better prepared for the exigencies of the connexion and of the times. Let meetings be held throughout the connexion, and contributions raised in every Church towards providing suitable premises as an Academy, (College seems a name unsuited to our cause, and a departure from that humility which becomes us.) Let deputations of ministers and others be appointed to visit every Church at an early convenient time, and arouse every slumbering member to a sense of the duty they owe to themselves, to the Churches, and to their God: we might then be guided as to the outlay it would be prudent to venture upon. A variety of places and plans might be suggested. The mansion at Derby, or the premises attached, and thereon to erect a building; the premises lately occupied at Loughborough; the Depository premises at Leicester; the Academy property at Nottingham: these, and other plans might be thought of and scrutinized. But let us not again sit down in apathetic indifference, let every Church, and every individual, be resolved to do something; and let all pray for the blessing and direction of the Great Head of the Church; then, and then only, can we expect to prosper, and to be made a blessing.

Yours faithfully,

N.B. This came too late for insertion in its proper place.


YORKSHIRE CONFERENCE.-This Conference assembled at Halifax, June 8th, 1841. In the morning, Mr R. Ingham, of Bradford, opened the public worship by reading and prayer, and Mr. R. Ingham, of Belper, preached from 2 Cor. xi. 8.

1. Mr. James Hodgson reported the proceedings of the committee of management for Leeds, particularly respecting the pur. chase of the Stone chapel, in Peter-street. Mr. T. H. Hudson, at some length, informed the conference of the numerical state of the congregation, and the prospect of future success arising from the instrumental efforts at our Home Missionary station in this town. The meeting referred all future arrangements, adoption of means, &c., with the committee appointed for these and other purposes.

P. Y.

2. Mr. Wm. Butler read the Report of the Home Missionary proceedings for the last year. It was cordially adopted, and ordered to be printed. Mr. B. received the thanks of the Conference for his valuable services as Secretary to the Home Mission the last year, and he was requested to continue in office the year ensuing. Mr. Wm. Foster received the like vote of thanks for his kind attention to the duties of Treasurer for the same period, and he was desired to hold his office for the year commencing. The Representatives present were requested to circulate the Reports of this Mission early after they are printed, and to employ their best exertions to increase the funds for it.

3. In the announcements respecting the progress of the General Baptist interest in

Yorkshire, it was stated, that at Burnley the Church had received four by baptism since the former Conference, and that a few were added to the experience-meetings. At Shore they were progressing at the same ratio as before: they had baptized ten, and an addition of ten had been made to the meetings for experience. At Lineholm they had baptized eleven, and were peace. able and prosperous. At Heptonstall Slack no material change had taken place. One young man had been called out to preach the Gospel, and a few additions had been made to the experience-meetings. At Birchcliffe they had baptized twenty: some had been added to the private meetings, and they expected a number to join the Church in a short time. At Halifax twenty-three had been baptized: their meetings were lively, and the Church peaceable. At Queenshead they had bap. tized three; they had one candidate for that ordinance, and they hoped that some others were not far from the kingdom of heaven. At Clayton they had not enjoyed prosperity, but they had agreed to meet for At Allerton they had agreed to meet and pray for the revival of religion. At Bradford they had baptized four. At Leeds they had five candidates for the baptismal ordinance. Since the Conference they have baptized six.

prayer once a month.

In the evening Mr. Hudson preached. Mr. Thos. Ackroyd, who has for a many years faithfully discharged the duties of deacon in the Church at Heptonstall Slack, died at Bradford, on the 20th of July, 1841.

JAS. HODGSON, Secretary.

NORTH DERBbyshire ConfERENCE. This conference assembled at Crich, Aug. 2, 1841. Mr. Garrat, minister of the place, presided. From the reports given, it appeared that the state of religion in the district was not quite so prosperous as in time past; some of the distant Churches, however, sent no representatives to the meeting. Sixteen were stated to have been baptized since the last Conference, and several were waiting for baptism. It was resolved,

I. That the Ilkeston case be deferred till we learn the result of brother Ingham's correspondence with the friends at that place.

2. That each Church in the district be requested to make a collection to constitute a fund for promoting the Redeemer's cause around us, previous to the next Conference. 3. That the several Churches be urged to send representatives to the meetings of the brethren.

4. That the Churches composing this

Conference be requested to hold a special meeting for prayer, on the first Lord's day in September, at six o'clock in the morning, for the revival of the Redeemer's cause in our several Churches; and also that the members of our Churches be urged to make the same subject matter of prayer in private, and in their families. Brother Blount, of Ripley, was appointed to communicate this request to the Churches that had no representatives at the meeting.

When the business was over, seventy friends sat down to tea in the chapel, and in the evening an interesting revival meeting was held, when addresses were delivered by brethren Garrat, Burrows, Ingham, and Wilders. The next conference to be held at Duffield, if agreeable to the friends at that place, Dec. 25, 1841, commonly called Christmas-day.

John Wilders, Secretary.

THE LONDON CONFERENCE. - The Churches in the London district are requested to observe, that the next Conference will be held at Wendover, on the last Tuesday in September. A sermon to be preached in the evening.

Wendover, August 9th, 1841.

RE-OPENING at Kirton, AND ORDINATION.-The General Baptist chapel, Kirton. in-Lindsey, having been enlarged, and made more comfortable and respectable, by the addition of galleries, &c., was re-opened on Lord's day, July 11th, by brethren Pike, of Derby, and Kenney, of Macclesfield, the former preaching morning and evening, and the latter in the afternoon. On Monday we were cheered with the presence of other ministers and friends from Louth, Butterwick, and Crowle, as well as from Lincoln, and out of Rutlandshire, and at two o'clock we met at the chapel to continue the re-opening services, and to witness or take a part in the designation of Mr. Goodliffe to the pastoral office, when Mr. R. Kenney opened the meeting by reading the Scriptures, and prayer, and delivered the introductory discourse. Mr. Kiddall, of Louth, proposed the questions to the Church and minister, and received their answers. Mr. Pike offered the ordination prayer, being joined by the several ministers present in the imposition of hands, and delivered the charge, from Heb. xiii. 17, "They watch for souls," &c., and concluded the very solemn occasion by prayer. In the evening, at seven, Mr. Billings, of Crowle, opened the worship by giving out an hymn, reading the Scriptures, and prayer, and Mr. Kiddall, of Louth, delivered a charge to the newly-appointed deacons, and the Church. On Tuesday, a

social tea meeting was held in the Court. house, at which a goodly number were present, who were afterwards addressed by Mr. Goodliffe, Mr. Kenney, and several christian friends and teachers, to very good purpose, if we may judge from the feeling then produced. Our subscriptions, collections, &c., will amount to about £120, which will nearly meet the expenses. Although we have made room for about seventy per. sons, the appearances justify the opinion, that we shall soon find as much difficulty in accommodating applicants with sittings as before. Our prayer is, "Save now Lord: O Lord, we beseech thee, give us soul prosperity." W. G.

RE-OPENING OF THE GENERAL BAPTIST CHAPEL ISLEHAM, CAMBRIDGESHIRE. The above place of worship, having been considerably enlarged, was re-opened on Friday, July 16, 1841. The Rev. S. Kent, of Biggleswade, (P. Baptist) preached in the morning; the Rev. J. Elliott, of Bury, (Independent) in the afternoon; and the Rev. J. Burns, of London, in the evening. Mr. Burns preached three times on the following Sabbath. The sermons were excellent; and we felt very much encouraged by the congregations and collections. The expenses of the enlargement, and a new vestry, will be about £280, and upwards of £200 have been contributed towards it. "Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory, for thy mercy, and for thy truth's sake." We would not forget, also to be thankful to christian friends -the friends at Derby, Berkhampstead, Chesham, Wendover, and in our own vil lage and neighbour od, who have so kindly and liberally assisted us; we are under great obligations to them, and pray that the "God of all grace, who hath called them unto his eternal glory by Jesus Christ," may abundantly reward them.

J. COTTON. MEASHAM.-Ordination of Mr. Staples. -On Tuesday, August 3rd, 1841, Mr. G. Staples was solemnly designated to the pastoral office over the General Baptist Church at Measham and Netherseal. The solemn services of the day were introduced by bro. ther W. Underwood, of London, who read the Scriptures and prayed; Mr. Barnet, of Blaby, stated the nature of a Christian Church; brother Derry, of Barton, proposed the usual questions to the Church and minister, and received his confession of faith; Mr. Goadby, of Leicester, offered the desig. natory prayer, and was accompanied in the imposition of hands by the other pastors then present. A solemn charge was addressed to Mr. Staples by brother Pike, of

Derby. Brother Stanyon, of Melbourne, concluded the service with prayer. In the evening, Mr. Tunnicliffe, of Longford, opened the service with reading and prayer, and brother T. Stevenson, of Leicester, delivered an appropriate discourse to the people. The hymns were given out by several of the ministers then present. The attendance was large, and the services interesting. May the divine blessing continue to attend the labours of our devoted young friend until the little one becomes a thousand!

KIRKBY UNDERWOOD, LINCOLNSHIRE. -A very neat little village school-room, 24ft. by 15ft., was opened in this village on July 22nd. A public tea was provided, which was numerously attended by friends from Bourne, Gosberton, Ripingale, &c. In the evening, Mr. Peggs, of Bourne, was called to the chair, and addresses were de. livered by Messrs. Scargill, Swift, Fox, Everard, and the chairman. Through the activity of friends at Gosberton, Bourne, Boston, Spalding, Fleet, &c. connected with the General Baptist Lincolnshire Sunday. school Union, the principal part of the expense, which is not to exceed £42, is already realized. The school-room for the use of the day and Sunday school is also appropriated for the public worship of God; and it is hoped,

"That at the last it will appear,

That souls were born to glory there." How desirable that every hamlet, and vil. lage, or destitute locality, were favoured with such a building. Why are the friends of education, and of the perishing souls of men, so backward to such efforts! Must we not say, "We are verily guilty concerning our brother." A FRIEND.

WHITTLESEA.- We understand the new

school rooms erected at the end of the chapel in this town, are nearly finished, and are to be opened by a bazar, and public dinner and tea, directly after harvest. Mr.

Brock, of Norwich, is expected to be engaged at the opening of the new chapel at Long Sutton, and to visit Whittlesea at the same time. Let Zion hear in all coasts the divine direction, "Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtain of thy habitation."

BAPTISM AT BROUGHTON.-Ou Lord'sday morning, June 20th, 1841, the ordinance of baptism was administered in the General Baptist chapel Broughton, Nottinghamshire, by Mr. H. Mantle, to eleven persons, five males, and six females; on which occasion Mr. Stocks preached, with his usual perspicuity, from Acts x. 47. The chapel was crowded to excess, and a con

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