Sivut kuvina


SUSANNA PICKERING.-September 14th, 1841, died Susanna Pickering, wife of Mr. Jas. Pickering, Mansfield. She was born at Lincoln, Sept. 18th, 1802, her parents were in good circumstances, and her father for a number of years earried on a respectable business as a furnishing cabinet maker and upholsterer; but while she was very young he died, leaving to the care of his widow (who departed this life in 1835) a numerous family, and the management of an extensive business. It appears during the time she was under the maternal roof, she, with the other junior members of the family, indulged in gaiety and vanity without much restraint, frequenting balls, theatres, and other public places of amusement. After the lapse of a few years however, her grandmother, who then lived with them, retired from the family, and she being a favourite with her, was selected as a companion. From that period, to the death of her aged relative, they resided together in the same town, with a pious dissenting family, belonging the Independents. This circumstance was made a blessing to her soul. The old lady, though strongly prejudiced in favour of the Church Establishment, from motives of pure affection was ever willing to indulge her granddaughter, and though contrary to her wishes, kindly allowed her frequently to accompany the family with whom they lived to their place of worship. There, under the ministry of Rev. Mr. Byron, she received her first religious impressions. The truth came home to her heart, and though conscious of having to meet discouragement and opposition, and of becoming the subject of ridicule and derision, she soon became decided in religion, and in the strength of her Saviour was enabled to maintain her ground. To the latest period of her life she cherished the greatest possible feelings of esteem towards that faithful minister, as being the instrument of her conversion. She was admitted a member with that body of christians March 2nd, 1823. While in fellow. ship with them, she was convinced of the propriety and importance of baptism by immersion, partly from the arguments she had heard advanced by her minister against it; but principally from perusing the New Testament respecting that ordinance. She had many struggles with conscience on this subject, and several times expressed her views to her pastor, who endeavoured, but in vain, to set her mind at rest, and her resolution was, when an opportunity offered, to attend to that ordinance after the example of our Lord and his followers, clearly pointed out in the New Testament Scriptures. After

the decease of her esteemed grandmother, she was placed by her guardians at a boarding-school at Horncastle to complete her education. There also providence graciously interposed, by providing as an intimate female companion, one who was a member of the same body of christians with whom she was united, and with her she regularly went to the house of God in company, and worshiped under the ministry of the Rev. Mr. Payne. After leaving school she removed to Kirton-in-Lindsey, and attended on the ministry of Mr. Stocks, then minister at that place. In a short time after coming thither she became a boarder with the family of that individual, and on his removal from thence to Castle Donington, she accompanied them, in the year 1835.

She was baptized at Cavendish Bridge, by Mr. Stocks, with nineteen others, March 5th, 1826, and publicly recognized a member of the Church at Castle Donington the same day. While in connexion with this Church, as well as in other places where she had previously resided, she was generally useful, and especially active as a Sabbathschool teacher. Her marriage took place Nov. 11th, 1828, when she removed to Mansfield, where she finished her earthly course. For several years previous to her death she was the subject of increasing bodily weakness, which baffled medical skill, and in the latter part of her illness suffered much from nervous debility, which robbed her at times of spiritual enjoyments. She would often mourn over her unworthiness, and conceive herself unfit for a name and place in the Church of Christ, and under these depressions, she frequently retired to a throne of grace for relief. While in the enjoyment of health and strength, she was willing to make every prudent sacrifice to advance the cause of the Redeemer, and make every effort to fill up her place in the house of God, both on public and private occasions, and afford others around her the same opportunity; and felt a deep interest in the prosperity of Zion. Her confidence in the goodness and faithfulness of God was generally remarkably strong, and continued to the last. Some time previous to her death, when conversing with her husband, she said, "No one knows my feelings of body," to which he replied, he believed they did not; and further observed, that his anxiety of mind respecting her, had been, and was still, at times, very great; but he had been wonderfully supported. She answered, "Yes you have, and the Lord will support you." Her departure was rather sudden and unexpected. A few hours be

fore she died she seemed conscious that death was at hand, and was anxious to ascertain if those around her thought the same. Looking a friend earnestly in the face, she said, "This is such a sensation I have never before experienced, it must be dying! don't you think it is?" Her friend replied, "Indeed I cannot tell, but should this affliction be unto death, fear not, that God whom you have so long professed to love and serve will not leave you, but will still support you if you look to him." She answered, "I will look to him and trust him, though for the sake of my dear children I should have liked to have lived a little longer." It was then remarked, "If the Almighty sees good to take you now, he will certainly take care of your children." She then with emphasis rsplied, "Yes, and so he will;" and feeling resigned, and willing to leave her children and partner in the hands of her heavenly Father, she seemed to have done with all earthly cares. She asked the same friend "If she thought she was accepted of the blessed God and Saviour;" being answered in the affirmative, she said hastily, "Not for any merit of mine;" the reply was, "No, but for the sake of him who loved you unto death." She instantly smiled and said, "Yes, that it is." She then exclaimed, "Bless the

Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me,
bless his holy name. The Lord is good to
all. He has done great things for me, and
my dear partner." A short time before she
expired, in an ecstacy of joy, she said, "O
what a Saviour!" It was then said, there is
none like him. she responded, "No, none
but Jesus-none but Jesus can do helpless
sinners good." These were nearly the last
words she was heard to utter. She then
appeared to be engaged in eainest prayer,
until without apparent pain or struggle she
calmly fell asleep in Jesus, and resigned
her ransomed spirit into the hands of God
who gave it. By her death, her surviving
partner has been bereft of a kind and affec-
tionate wife, and two children of a loving
and tender mother. Her remains, by her
own request, were interred in the General
Baptist burying-ground, at Castle Doning-
ton, on the following Sabbath, when Mr.
Owen preached an interesting sermon on
the occasion, from 1 Thess. xlvi. 13, " Con-
cerning them which are asleep." The event
was also improved on the following Sab-
bath evening at Mansfield, by a faithful
sermon from Mr.Wood, from 1 Sam. xxxvi.
18, "It is the Lord, let him do what seem-
eth him good."


THE YORKSHIRE CONFERENCE assembled at Burnley, Aug. 19th, 1841. The public worship in the morning was commenced with reading the Scriptures and prayer, by Mr. James Hodgson, and Mr. Henry Hollinrake preached from John xiii. 17.

At two o'clock, p. m. the ministers, representatives, and members of the Churches, re-assembled to transact business for the promotion of the Redeemer's kingdom in this locality. The missionary station, at Prospect Place, Bradford, was the first case brought before the meeting: the report of their spiritual and financial state was read. Nothing very particular has transpired since the last Conference so as to justify enlarged recital. It was agreed to pay the interest of the debt on their Chapel, until the period understood for their appealing again to the Conference. Mr. H. Hollinrake was appointed to apply to the Treasurer of the Home Mission on their behalf.

There were several individuals who spoke concerning the infant cause at Leeds. During the time Mr. T. H. Hudson has laboured there, good has been done; yet we are disposed to adopt the Scripture inquiry, By whom shall Jacob arise for he is small."-Amos vii. 2.

Arrangements were made to collect for the Foreign Mission.

The representatives of the Churches made their statistical reports, according to a resolution passed at a former meeting. The accounts of Leeds and Bradford have already been partially given. At Birchecliffe no material change has taken place, except in the additions made to the private meetings, which have been many. At Heptonstall Slack, the Church is in a peaceable and thriving condition: the congregations are large, and the experience meetings, and those for prayer, are better attended. Thirteen persons have been baptised since the last Conference. At Shore, four individuals have been added to the Church by baptism since the last meeting, and there are a few more in a hopeful condition. At Lineholm, five have been baptised, and considerable accessions have been made to the meetings for experience, and the congregations. At Burnley, the Sabbath-school has improved, and the enlarged state of the congregations has yielded our friends there a little encouragement.

A missionary meeting was held in the evening, Mr. T. Gill, minister of the place, presided, and suitable addresses were delivered by Messrs. Hollinrake, Butler, Ingham,

Hudson, and Hardy. The meeting was well attended, and much interest appeared to be excited. From this gratifying opportunity it appears desirable to hold at this place meetings of this kind regularly.

The next Conference is to be held at Heptonstall Slack, on Tuesday, Dec. 28th, 1841, Mr. Ayrton, of Derby, to preach; in case of failure, Mr. Wm. Nicholson, of Halifax.

A few individuals have presumed to change the day for the Conference, from Monday to Tuesday, conceiving it to be a more eligible day for general convenience.

JAS. HODGSON, Secretary.

THE CHESHIRE AND LANCASHIRE CONFERENCE met at Wheelock Heath, on Tuesday, Oct. 12th. In the morning at halfpast ten o'clock, brother Smith, of Staley Bridge, read and prayed; and brother Kenney, of Macclesfield, preached on the conduct of Dissenters with respect to their principles, from the third verse of the epis. tle of Jude, "That ye earnestly contend for the faith once delivered to the saints."

The Conference assembled in the afternoon at two o'clock. Brother Pedley occupied the chair. It was resolved :

1. That the address on the subject of Home Missions now read by brother Beardsall, be adopted by the Conference, and circulated in the Churches.

2. That this meeting approve of the steps taken by brother Pedley, of Haslington, and C. Bate, of Tarporley, in the purchase of Zion Chapel, Congleton.

3. That the management of the affairs of the interest in Congleton be entrusted to the committee till the next Conference.

4. That this Conference approve the efforts of the few friends at Stoke, in the Staffordshire Potteries, and grant them for this year £5 to aid them therein.

Misssionary Meeting was held, brother Pedley in the chair, which was addressed by brethren Smith, of Staley Bridge; Smith, of Little Leigh (Particular Baptist); Kenney, and Beardsall.


THE NORTH DERBYSHIRE CONFERENCE will be held at Smalley (and not at Duffield as previously announced), Dec. 25, 1841. The meeting for business will commence at two in the afternoon, and in the evening a revival meeting will be held.


THE NEXT MIDLAND CONFERENCE will The Rev. T. Stevenson will preach in the be held at Quorndon, on Tuesday, Dec. 28. morning, the business of the Conference will be attended to in the afternoon, and public worship again in the evening.

EDWARD BOTT, Secretary.

OPENING OF THE NEW GENERAL BAPTIST CHAPEL, SMARDEN, KENT. - On Sabbath-day, Sep. 24th, we held our last services in our old chapel, when those present were addressed in the morning from Ex. xxx. 14-16; and in the afternoon the words of John, "Little children, it is the last time," were applied to the occasion, and made the foundation of a few suitable remarks. It was a day of much deep and solemn feeling, and many manifested a strong clinging to the old spot, occasioned by a recollection of by-gone days. This place has been a house of prayer, and a sanctuary to many hundreds of God's worshiping people. It was erected in the year 1726; consequently, has been standing 115 years. It never could have the appearance of a durable structure, and must long have been in a decaying state, yet it has been preserved to his worshiping people by the providence of God. The total cost of the building, as inserted in the Church book, was £148 13s. 8d.; alterations and additions have been made during the lives of some now connected with the cause, but it never was a comfortable place. Its distance from the village, the almost impassable state of the roads in wet seasons, the impaired state of the building, and the uncomfortableness of the place, convinced us that it would be better to build a new place than to patch up the old one at consider. able expense. After much consultation and prayer, it was determined that the attempt should be made. The design meeting with great encouragement, the work was commenced early in March, 1841. Unforeseen difficulties and discouragements presented themselves, and seemed at times to cast a gloom over the undertaking. One 3 B

5. That this Conference regrets the manner in which the Association treated and disposed of the Manchester case, relative to their claim of £70, deeply sympathizing with their brethren at Manchester, and recommend them patiently to endure; and when a favourable opportunity presents itself again, to press their claim, hoping they may then be more successful.

6. That it be recommended to the ministers belonging to this Conference to exchange pulpits with one another as often as convenient.

7. That brother Kenney be requested to print the sermon preached this morning.

8. That the next Conference be held at Stockport, on what is called Good Friday,


In the evening, an interesting Home
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man, who was the principal conductor of the business, while raising the walls, fell from the scaffolding, and in a short time died in consequence, another fell at the same time, and was considerably hurt; some in the Church, and connected with the trust, were disposed to hinder rather than to help; it was soon found also that the expenses would exceed what had been expected. These circumstances depressed and dispirited us; but amidst all these ap. parently inauspicious circumstances, the work progressed, and is now completed, and we now say, "Hitherto the Lord hath

helped us." The dimensions of our Zion are forty five feet by thirty. It has two galleries, one in front, and the other over the vestry, behind the pulpit. The building is much admired, is unusually substantial, and has a very beautiful appearance. The total cost, not including carriage, will be about £800. One of the ministers at the opening said, it would not be dear at a £1000, and some say £1100. The open. ing took place on Wednesday, Oct. 27th. The day was remarkably wet and dreary, yet we had as many present as could be ac. commodated; had it been fine, it is likely hundreds more would have partaken of the social, mental, and spiritual enjoyments of the event. The Rev. J. Wallis preached in the morning a very suitable sermon for the occasion, from Psalm lxxxvii. 2; in the afternoon the Rev. H. H. Dobney, of Maidstone, (P. B.) delivered a truly excellent discourse, from Prov. iii. 17; and in the evening the Rev. J. Burns, of London, preached a heart-stirring sermon from Neh. iv. 6. On the following Sabbath Mr. Wallis delivered three appropriate, solemn, and weighty sermons, which were listened to with good attention, and great delight. The services are spoken of by many with unmixed approbation. About £50 were raised at the opening services; this, considering, the unfavourableness of the weather, was quite equal to the greatest stretch of expectation, and a sufficient proof that the voluntary principle may be depended upon in the support of religion. carriage, about £500 have been contributed towards this important, and to us, great undertaking It ought not to be concealed, that towards the above sum one venerable friend in the Church gave spontaneously near £300, and has frequently since been heard to say, he never did any thing in his life that afforded him more satisfaction. We feel exceedingly obliged to many Wesleyan friends, to the ministers and members of the Independent and Baptist Churches around us, and to many dear friends at Tenderden and Sevenoaks, who appeared

Exclusive of

to make our cause their own. We are also greatly indebted to the farmers of Smarden and the neighbourhood, who have rendered very efficient assistance by the carriage of materials. By such helps, and above all, the sufficiency of divine providence, the top stone has been laid, shouting, "Grace, grace unto it!" About the time our old meeting-house was erected, there were in the Church twenty-five members of the same name, Austen. May the Lord preserve and in. crease the purity of the Church, and send abundant prosperity.


PORTSEA ANNIVERSARY. -On Sunday, Oct. 17th, being the seventh anniversary

of our connexion with the Rev. E. H. Burtor, two sermons, of a most eloquent and ton, our beloved and highly-esteemed pasimpressive character, were preached in our spacious chapel by the Rev. J. B. Pike, of Newbury, in aid of the fund for liquidating the debt. On the following evening a pub. E. H. Burton presided. lic meeting was held, at which the Rev. Addresses were delivered by the Revds. J. B. Pike, G. Arand T. Morris, (P. Baptist.) The interest not, (P. Baptist), A. Jones, (Independent,) of the meeting was greatly increased owing to the excellent performance of several lections and subscriptions amounted to popular anthems by the choir.

The col

more than £70. At the time of our be

loved pastor's coming among us, the cause of the Redeemer was low, and seemed ready to expire.

It has pleased God, however, to own the labours of his servant, and to render (in not a few instances) the Gospel of Christ the power of God unto salvation. Seven years ago our old chapel was not only dilapidated, but well nigh forsaken. "The ways of Zion mourned because none

came to her solemn assemblies." We have

now a most commodious and handsome

chapel, an honour to the General Baptist denomination, an ornament to the neigh bourhood in which it stands, and connected with it a numerous and respectable congre hearers. gation, consisting of at least 1000 regular

Surely every genuine christian Lord, I beseech thee, send now prosperity." will put up the prayer of the Palmist, “O

T. F.

WHITTLESEA. Having the privilege of witnessing an increase both in our Sabbathschool and congregations, we deemed it expedient to enlarge our accommodation, by erecting two vestries at the end of our cha pel, and a school-room over them, open to the chapel. To meet the expences incurred, which amount to upwards of £200, our friends, by the kind assistance of numbers around us, got up a bazar of fancy and

useful articles, which were exhibited for sale in a commodious building near our meeting-house, Sep. 28th & 29th, and by the liberal purchases made by those disposed to help us in our undertaking, we were enabled to realize near £50. The religious services in aid of the above enlargement, were held in the chapel on Sep. 29th. The Rev. J. Stevenson, A. M., from London, preached in a very impressive, and appropriate manner morning and evening. There was also a dinner, tea, and supper, gratuitously provided for the benefit of the funds of the institution.

We have also to record, that in addition to the above interesting services, three per sons were baptized by our esteemed minister, Mr. Rose, on Lord's day, Oct. 10th. The Rev. J. Jones, of March, preached a very comprehensive, convincing sermon on the occasion, and in the afternoon received the newly-baptized into Church fellowship, and administered the ordinance of the Lord's-supper. May the Great Head of the Church send us continued prosperity. H. B. H.

INTRODUCTION OF THE GENERAL BAP TIST INTEREST INTO CONGLETON, CHESHIRE, AND THE OPENING OF A CHAPEL. -The establishing of a General Baptist Interest in Congleton, a considerable market town, eight miles distant from Macclesfield, has long been regarded as a desirable object by the friends in this part of the country. At length the time for its accomplishment in the order of providence appears to have arrived. About midsum. mer last, the chapel formerly occupied by the countess of Huntington's Connexion became vacant, and was offered for sale to our respected brother Pedley, of Hasling.


He, with a few others, whom he consulted, deemed it a desirable acquisition to the General Baptist Connexion, and it was accordingly agreed for. The premises, consisting of a handsome chapel, capable of accommodating 400 persons, commodious school-rooms, with a convenient and respectable minister's house adjoining, were offered for the sum of £260, subject to a ground rent of £10 per annum, which it may be proper to say is expected soon to be purchased for a moderate sum. Brother Pedley commenced preaching in the Chapel on Lord's-day, July 18th, from which time, to Lord's day, Oct. 3rd, it was regularly supplied by different friends. On that day it was formaly opened by the Rev. J. G. Pike, of Derby, who preached on the occasion three impressive sermons, after each of which a collection was made. The proceeds of the collections were comparatively small,

owing as was supposed to an unfounded report circulated by some of the former occupants of the Chapel, to the effect that it could not be legally and safely conveyed to the General Baptist Denomination. It is hoped that present appearances are on the whole promising, although as yet a Church has not been formed. It is, not. withstanding, expected that even this object will be realized at no very distant day, by the uniting in christian fellowship several Baptist friends from different parts of the country, who have settled in Congleton, together with a few others who have expressed a wish to be baptized. May "the little one become a thousand, and the small one R. K. M. a strong nation."

LONG SUTTON.-It is known to many of our friends, that the General Baptist Church at Long Sutton has recently been employed in erecting a new chapel. The services connected with the opening of this beauti. ful structure for the purposes of divine worship, commenced on Wednesday, Oct. 27, by our venerable friend, the Rev. J. Bissill, engaging in prayer; the Rev. J. J. Davies, of Tottenham, preached in the morning, from Matt. v. 9., and in the evening from Isaiah lxvi. 8; and the Rev. J. T. Wigner, of Lynn, in the afternoon, from "Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature." The Rev. Messrs. Bond, (Wesleyan,; Ewen, of March; Taylor, of St. James; Pike, of Wisbech; Yates, of Fleet; Mills, of Upwell; Humphrey, of Worsted; and the pastor of the Church, took part in the various services.

The tea meeting was very crowded, and the speeches animated and interesting.

On Sunday, the 31st, the Rev. J. SteVenson, A. M., of London, preached in the morning, from Psl. cxxxviii. 6., and in the evening, from Luke x. 42. Rev. T. Yates in the afternoon, from Rom xiv. 12, 13. The whole of the services were exceedingly well attended, and the total sum raised £120 16s. 6d., (in addition to above £400 previously given,) testifies to the enlarged liberality and kindness of the friends present. The pastor and people feel very greatly encouraged; and though arduous duties yet remain before them, they go on their way rejoicing.

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