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amined the subject of baptism until his present visit to China. Without any attempt on my part to proselyte, he sought my counsel, and advice, and books, with all of which I readily endeavoured to supply him. After three weeks of anxious and prayerful study of the Scriptures and reading, and without once again communicating with me, he came to the full conclusion that the Bible taught that the immersion of the believer in the name of the Trinity was the only christian baptism. At his own request, therefore, I had, on the 5th of Jan., the high privilege of burying him with Christ in baptism, in the immense longboat as she floated, full of water, along-side his fine ship, on one of the calmest and loveliest days I have ever witnessed in Macao Roads. The scene was as interesting as it was novel. Capt. Roger's interests, family connexions, and prejudices, were all Presbyterian, but he nobly made every sacrifice for the sake of the truth, and after his baptism literally went on his way rejoicing. He has recently returned to his native land, bearing certifi. cates as a member in full fellowship with the Baptist Denomination.

and have invited their children to come fourteen years, but he had never fully exwithout money and without price. I hope some may be induced to come and obtain that instruction which, by the blessing of God, is able to make them wise unto salvation. I know you will rejoice with us, that, notwithstanding all the difficulties and trials connected with our work here, we have such an auspicious commencement. I begin to feel doubtful if the change will radically benefit my health, as I am just recovering from another return of it; still I am very much stronger, and am able to some extent, to go on regularly with my work, only I must avoid exposure as much as possible, and content myself by doing all I can at home, and praying for those who are abroad this cold season. But I was going to say, if I were sure of having to go home ultimately, and that as it respects my health, this would be the best time, I should feel loath to do so without having giving Midnapore a trial, both as a change of climate, and a missionary sta. tion, especially under present circumstances. If those who have already been to inquire; or indeed any of them, should go on well, we shall have eternal reason to bless God that our steps were directed hither, and the station itself would assume a different character from what it now possesses in the eyes of friends at home. Should our labours prove ineffectual in the conversion of one sinner to Christ, (which at present I cannot believe will be the case) still we shall have the satisfaction of hav. ing done what we could, and the conscious. ness of having made the glory of the blessed Redeemer our supreme concern. The Lord cause his face to shine upon us, and estab. lish the work of our hands, and hearts, and lives, and enable us with holy confidence continually to say, "for me to live is Christ!"


We have received a printed circular from China, and give a few extracts for the benefit of our readers :

Hong Kong, China, 1st Sep., 1842. It gives me pleasure to be able to communicate with you from these ends of the earth. This has been, thus far, a year of unusual mercy and interest to me, and my missionary operations having received a fresh impulse, I have been enabled to rejoice in God, take courage, and go forward. In January last, I had the happiness of baptizing Capt. Rogers, of Philadelphia, a gentleman of superior intelligence and piety. Capt. R. had been a Presbyterian for

Soon after the above events the Providential openings around me seemed to call loudly for exertion more decided and more efficient than any I had hitherto been able to put forth. The establishment, by the English, of a civil Government on the Island of Hong Kong, and a great influx of Chinese to that settlement, and the fact that all misssionary operations could be carried on there beyond the influence of Catholics and Mandarins, led me to decide, after much prayer, to leave my restricted sphere at Macao, and, with my family, to take up my residence at Hong Kong, on the 19th of March.

Being almost entirely without funds for missionary purposes, and being determined to allow no longer, if possible, my hands to remain tied, I drew up, and had printed, a statement which I laid before the foreign community in China, soliciting their pecuniary aid towards the erection of chapels and school-rooms on this Island. Mr. Robert's name was also inserted in the printed statement. Upon application to Sir Henry Pottinger, Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and Governor of the Island, His Excellency most generously made me a free grant of ground, and subscribed fifty dollars towards the completion of the Queen's Road chapel. My appeal to the community was met in a most gentlemanly and liberal manner by them, there being subscribed in a very short time, for the ob

ject set forth, upwards of seventeen hun- and overlooking the magnificent harbor, dred dollars.

On the 15th of May I had the happiness of constituting a regular Baptist Church here, which now numbers nine members, with good prospects of increase. This number does not include Mr. and Mrs. Dean, and one convert at Macao, nor Mr. Roberts and one convert at Chek Chu, on the other side of the Island. We have visited the baptismal waters once since the formation of the Church, and on the 5th of June I yielded to the unanimous call of the Church, and became their pastor. The Church admits members from all nations and languages. In the latter part of April we had the happiness of welcoming to our extensive field of labour, Mr. and Mrs. Dean, who where driven from their station at Bankok by ill health. They brought with them a native Chinese Assistant, who has joined me at Hong Kong. The health of our friends has much improved, and Mr. Dean is now on a visit to spy out the land in the more northern portions of the empire. A free passage in the American ship Lowell, was generously tendered to him by Capt. Peirce, and his kind brother, W. P. Peirce, Esq., of Salem, U. S. A.

On the third Lord's-day in June, the Bazaar chapel being completed, it was opened for public divine service. It is built entirely of brick, and situated in an eligible posi. tion in the thickly populated Upper Bazaar. The length is thirty-five feet, and breadth sixteen feet, two stories high, neatly furnished and painted throughout. The chapel room is up stairs, with front venetians, and an open terrace in the rear, and containing the necessary tables, chairs and seats. The lower story is occupied by my Chinese teacher, and block cutter, both professors of christianity. The doors are open during the whole of every day, and every applicant readily supplied with books and instruction. There is below an open five feet verandah in front, immediately upon the street, and also cook rooms, &c., in the rear. We find it a great convenience to have this lower room, which answers a great many valuable pur. poses, for teacher, books, paper, printing blocks, types, and now contains about thirty thousand christian books and tracts, belong. ing to the different missionaries in China.

The Queen's Road chapel having also been completed, was formally dedicated to the worship of the Master on the 19th July, in the presence of a respectable and attentive congregation. I was assisted in the services by Mr. Dean and Dr. Bridgman. | Subject of the sermon, The Divine Revelation. This chapel is situated immediately on the Great Queen's Road, fronting,

and midway between the two great Chinese Bazaars, and well located also for the foreign community. Its walls are built of substantial stucco, and plastered and white-washed both inside and out. The building is upwards of seventy feet long, and more than twenty-seven feet wide, with a large vestibule, two neat vestry rooms, cupola, London made bell, camphor wood pulpit, rattan bottomed seats and chairs. It is floored, and ceiled, and painted throughout, the floor marble colour and the ceiling blue. To make the building as cool as possible, all the windows are made the usual size of doors, and reach to the floor, each having double venetian shutters on the outside, painted green, and double panel doors painted white, with glass, inside. The large front doors are secured by strong bolts and good English brass knob locks. A printed card which was circulated, stated the services of the chapel to be as follows:-Every Lord'sday at seven o'clock in the morning, Chinese worship-Eleven o'clock, A. M., English Preaching-Two o'clock, P. M., Chinese Preaching-Half-past six in the evening, English Bible class. Every Thursday, half-past six in the evening, English Lecture. Every Friday, half-past seven in the evening, Chinese Lecture-other services as occasions require. The chapel, however, is open every day, a table with Chinese tracts, and chairs, are arranged in the vestibule, which is delightfully cool and pleasant, and the native Assistant, who lives in one of the vestry rooms, is always ready to converse, to preach, to give away tracts, and to refer special cases to me. When the extreme hot season is over, we hope to do much more teaching publicly, and from house to house, than we are at present possibly able to do. I hold a social conference with the members of the Church every Tuesday evening.

The above chapels are the first Protestant houses of worship that have ever been erected in China, and the Queen's Road Baptist Church, is the first christian Church constituted in this great land of heathenism. For these humble beginnings, proceeded with under much anxiety, to God alone must be all the glory.

The Mission House is in a good state of advancement. It is substantially built of stucco, plastered, and white-washed inside and out, with venetians, and glass, and painted throughout. It contains six good sized rooms, with a wide, covered, and tiled verandah all around, and a kitchen and out-houses attached. The whole did not cost more than about one thousand dollars, and the property will be entirely vested in

the Baptist Board. Rents in China are enormously high, and in two or three years generally amount to a larger sum than a substantial and convenient dwelling house can be built for. The Mission House is erected on a portion of the free grant of ground kindly made by H. E. Sir Henry Pottinger. There is still room enough left for another dwelling. It ought to be mentioned, that as the Bazaar chapel is erected upon a bazaar lot, the ground is not a grant from the Government, but is taken at a small annual quit rent, as are the other lots in the Bazaar.

Rev. Messrs. Bridgman and Ball, and Mr. Williams, of the American Board, are also erecting a large dwelling house and Printing Office, a few lots distant from the Baptist Mission House. Mr. Brown, too, of the Morrison Education Society, has commenced building on a hill which was granted by the Government, and will move his school and family over in the course of two months. The Medical Missionary Society, also, has received a hill from the Government, but they have not yet commenced building. The Roman Catholics have a fine building, which is nearly completed. Many foreigners are rapidly building warehouses and private dwellings, and a very large number of substantial and neat brick Chinese houses, and stores, and shops, have been erected, and large numbers are still in course of erection.

Rev. Mr. Milne, of the London Missionary Society, proceeded to Chusan in Feb. ruary, where he has been since remaining, but the unsettled state of affairs there much contracts his missionary exertions. In June, five missionaries from Macao took up their residences at Amoy; viz, Rev. Mr. Abeel, of the American Board; Rev. Mr. Boone and wife, of the American Episcopal Board; Rev. Mr. McBride and wife, of the American Presbyterian Board; and Dr. Cummings, of Georgia, not connected with any society. Dr. Lockhart, of the London Society, will likely soon join Mr. Milne, at Chusan. Dr. Hobson, of the same society, is still engaged in medi. cal practice and christian teaching at Macao. Miss Aldersy, an intelligent English missionary lady, who supports herself, has recently arrived at Masao from Java, and is anxious to proceed to some station northward. Rev. Mr. Lowrie, of the American Presbyterian Board, who visited China in the latter part of May, proceeded immedi ately to Singapore, but with the expectation of returning to China.

We all feel the want of more fellow-labor. ers. Circumstances are such that it seems almost absolutely necessary for me soon to

have a colleague on this side of the island, and yet there appears to be but little hope that the Board will send more missionaries to China.

Should sickness or death call me away, (and nothing is more possible) we should, in all probability, lose, to a great extent, the advantageous position we have now gained through so much toil, anxiety, and expense, merely because there is no one ready to take my place. The state of Mr. Robert's lungs, and other circumstances, would render it impossible for him to assume the duties of this side of the Island, while Mr. Dean speaks another dialect. There is labour sufficient on this Island, at the lowest calculation, and in reasonable view of the claims of other stations, for four Baptist missionary families. These facts I merely state without designing any appeal what. ever for more missionaries. If the Churches and the Board still continue to neglect this vast and inviting field, after all that has hitherto been said, and written, and developed, the responsibility rests with them, and my concern is to my duty, and to do it alone, if necessity requires.

As a christian philanthropist, I watch the various stirring scenes and events around me with intense interest, and verily believe that God, in the economy and wisdom of His Providence, designs over ruling all these present evils of war, and suffering, and bloodshed, for the opening of enlarged doors for the promulgation of the glorious Gospel in these extensive dominions. Indeed, most interesting openings have already been made in positions hitherto entirely sealed, and are now in the possession of Protestant missionaries. The progress of events are developing other openings and facilities. Are the Churches prepared and willing to occupy till the Master comes? Let us look beyond the causes of the present dreadful and warlike position of affairs in China, and regard the results and consequences as they bear upon the advancement of the kingdom and will of heaven, and let us make unceasing prayers unto God, that the gross darkness and moral death which have for so many ages enveloped this great land, may be dispelled by the glorious rising of the Sun of righteousness, and China become enlightened, and christianized, and sanctified, and saved.

Believe me, in the Lord Jesus,
Faithfully yours,


The following will be read with interest by many friends of the Mission.

My very dear Mamma,-To you in great love I send this chit. Through the mercy of God, we in this place are quite well, and hope to hear that you are so too; that Papa may be quite well, yea fully restored to health, I fervently pray to the Lord. To see you my mind longs with great desire, but should I never see you in time, yet if we possess faith in Christ, we shall be per. mitted in eternity to behold the righteous. I still remember the good and excellent instruction you gave when here; in not regarding the whole of it I am guilty; this guilt forgive, and pray for me, for I do not forget to pray for you. I am exceedingly sorry that you have left us and gone to a distance, and I feel very anxious that through the goodness of God you may re. turn to make known to the people in this sinful place the word of God, that their false worship may be destroyed, and that they may believe in Jesus Christ, and thus be prepared for the enjoyment of eternal bliss. May satan's kingdom in all countries be weakened, and the kingdom of Christ increase. Our dear Mamma, Miss Chobba (Derry) gives us good instruction; hearing your letter to her my mind became much delighted. Every Sabbath Pooroosootum preaches to us the word of God, and therein my faith is increased. I am weak, but pray that I may become strong in the Lord, so that my faith in him may be established, and I may be counted worthy to be numbered with his true servants. Oh, my dear Mother, the few lines I have written are true, not in mere words, but with my heart I have written this. All the children send love to you, and Papa, and dear Harriet, with many kisses. Forgive the errors of

this note.


Your affectionate child,


BAZAAR AT ASSOCIATION. DEAR SIR,-As the depressed state of trade does not allow us to leave any effort on behalf of the funds of our Mission untried, that has in former times been productive of pecuniary assistance, we beg leave, through your medium, to inform our friends in the Connexion at large, that we intend opening a bazaar at the ensuing As. sociation in aid of that institution.

Articles, both of a useful and ornamental description, will therefore be gratefully received by Mrs. Stevenson, and Miss Owen, High street.

Loughborough, March 21st.

MISSIONARY ANNIVERSARIES. CASTLE DONINGTON AND SAWLEY. Appropriate sermons were delivered in these

places by the Rev. J. Edwards, of Nottingham, on Lord's day, March 12. An ani. mated public meeting was held at Doning. ton, on Monday evening, when addresses were delivered by Revs. J. J. Owen, M. Jidion, (Wesleyan,) Edwards, (Independent,) Josiah Pike, Amos Smith, H. Hunter, J. Goadby, J. Edwards, and the Secretary. It was announced at this meeting that a friend in Donington had given £20 for the furnishing of the Binding room in Cuttack, in consequence of reading the letter of Mr. W. Brooks. Several of the above brethren, with Mr. Wilders, of Kegworth, attended the meeting at Sawley, on the following evening. Collections and subscriptions, near £30.

TICKNALL AND HARTSHORN.-A sermon was preached at Hartshorn, and another at Ticknall, by Mr. Stanion, of Melbourne, on Sunday, Feb. 12th, 1843; and on the following Monday evening a very interesting missionary meeting was held in the Wesleyan chapel, Ticknall. A large and attentive congregation was present; the following ministers addressed the meeting:-Rev. J. G. Pike, the secretary; J. Gawthorne, (Independent); Josiah Pike, of Derby; J. Bond, (Wesleyan) of Ashby; J. Kluht, (Independent); R. Stanion and J. Wood, of Melbourne. Collections at Ticknall and Hartshorn, £5. 12s. 7d. J. B.

DERBY.-The annual sermons on behalf Gate chapel, on Lord's-day, March 19th, of the Mission, were delivered at St. Mary's by the Rev. T. Stevenson, of Leicester. On the following evening the public meeting was held, and was well attended. Mr. G. Stevenson presided. Appropriate addresses were delivered by Revs. Messrs. Gawthorne (Independent), Poile (P. Baptist), Simons, Pike, Goadby, J. J. Owen, and T. Stevenson. The report announced, that the Juvenile Missionary Societies (boys and girls) had realized handsome contributions. The total collections and subscriptions amounted to upwards of £85.

LEICESTER.-The Annual Missionary Sermons were preached in three chapels,Friar Lane, Archdeacon Lane, and Dover Street, on Lord's day, Feb. 26, by Revds. J. Simmons, M. A., of Olney; E. Stevenson, of Loughborough; and two of the resident ministers. The united Public Meeting was held at Friar Lane chapel, which was crowded, on the following Monday evening. Mr. Wm. Stevenson presided. Resolutions were moved or seconded by Revds. J. Simmons, S. Wigg, J. G. Pike, and J. Goadby. The total amount of contributions for the year was about £90.

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"VERILY, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also, and greater works than these shall he do, because I go unto my Father." There can be no doubt, that this comprehensive and gracious declaration of our Saviour principally refers to the triumphs of his Gospel. It was requisite for him to ascend to his throne, and present before the Father the incense of his merits prior to the communication of the Spirit. "It is expedient for you that I go away, for if I go not away the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart I will send him unto you." The descent of the Spirit was to be immediately accompanied with unequivocal demonstrations of our Lord's sublime asseveration to which we have referred. This is abundantly evident from the following passages:— "When He is come He will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment. He will guide you into all truth, for he shall not speak of himself, but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak, and he will shew you things to come. He shall glorify me, for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you." The disciples were to tarry at Jerusalem, until, by the fulfilment of these promises, they were efficiently qualified for their momentous duties. To this injunction they strictly adhered. They had witnessed the glories of their ascending Saviour; they had seen him making the clouds his chariot, and riding on the wings of the wind; they had been encouraged and strengthened by angelic visitants, and doubtless, to some extent, their anticipations relative to the advancement of their nation to a state of political power and glory, had been constrained to give way before the overwhelming mass of evidence thus furnished that Messiah's kingdom is not of this world. See them now waiting, in acts of earnest devotion, for their spiritual guide, instructor and comforter. Though not yet fully confirmed in the stupendous designs of redeeming grace, nor able but partially to enter into the grand import of the declaration, "and I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me;" still they were empowered to place implicit confidence in the assurances of their Lord, and wait for a complete disclosure of the mysteries of his will.

When the fiftieth day after the resurrection arrived, it is recorded, that VOL. 5.-N.S.


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