Sivut kuvina

THE DIVINE WARNING TO THE CHURCH, at this time, of our present enemies, dangers, and duties, and as to our future prospects. A Sermon preached before the Protestant Association, at St. Dunstan's, Fleet Street, on Saturday, Nov. 5, 1842. By the REV. EDWARD BICKERSTETH, Rector of Walton, Herts.


-that when God opens a door for labour by upwards of eighty engravings. it should be entered-and that the Gospel arrangement of the classes, or families, with should be preached with all simplicity. the names they bear, is correct; but in The preacher then shows that there are every instance the unlearned reader is preencouragements to labour, from past success served from perplexity by a plain English -the providence of God-from the fact translation of the scientific terms employed. that this society has been the means of The four orders of reptilia, the chelonia, originating others- that all may do some or tortoises; the sauria, or lizards; the thing-and that the reward will be accord- ophidia, or serpents; and the amphibia, ing to the labour. In both these sermons, with their various classes, tribes, or families, a brief analysis of which we have given, are here exhibited to view. This book is there are many beautiful and impressive well worthy the attention of the young, or passages which we should be glad to of any who are pursuing this kind of transfer to our pages. Some of them we studies. It shows that even the creeping have marked for this purpose, but must things give the most abundant proofs of the defer them for want of room. wisdom and skill of their great Creator, THE MASTER AND MISTRESS; or hints to the heads of families relative to their servants. Tract Society. 18mo., pp. 250. IN this book, divided into twenty five chapters, there is a greater amount of wise, tions, and counsels, on a most important righteous, and prudent directions, exhortabranch of domestic economy, than we remember to have seen in any other publication. It appears to be the production of a wise and pious householder, who writes the result of his own observations with the benevolent intention of doing good to others. Happy would it be for many servants and apprentices if these just and pious counsels were followed. To the heads of every family where such persons exist we most cordially recommend its careful perusal. THE FAMILY CHOIR; or psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, for social worship. The music selected from HANDEL, HAYDN, MOZART, BETHÖVEN, &c., &c., &c. Arranged for four voices, and the piano forte, or organ. Parts 1 & 2, Simpkin, Marshall, and Co.

MR. Bickersteth is a well known and pious evangelical minister in the established Church. He feels, in common with many of his evangelical brethren, great concern and alarm at the progress of undisguised popery within the ranks of his own priest. hood, and he therefore manifests a laudable zeal in his efforts to depict its true character, and check its desolating torrent. This is a fifth of November sermon. The text chosen is Rev. xvi. 12. Though we may not exactly agree with him in the construction he puts on this section of scripture, nor feel ourselves called on to believe that the "Anticorn-law League" is a section of the chartist movement, or that either are "the unclean spirit out of the mouth of the beast," we do most cordially sympathize with his views of the true character of Puseyism, while we cannot but compassionate a good man who is so wedded to the semi-popish hierarchy of this country as to be compelled in the same breath to speak of an orderly descent from the apostles as a privilege, and to contend against the validity of the Puseyite claims -to defend the prayer book, and disprove baptismal regeneration. Mr. Bickersteth seems to believe that popery will once more prevail in this land, and that then there shall come a surprizing and glorious de liverance.

an introduction to the study of the class
Reptilia, on scientific principles. Tract
Society. 16mo., pp. 328.

THIS volume is what its title page describes it to be; and more, for it is illustrated

THIS work has been highly recommended by the public press. It appears to deserve the praise bestowed upon it, both for its quality and cheapness. The poetry is selected from Watts, Wesley, Doddridge, &c., and the music comes from the richest It will be completed in six parts, sources. and will become a welcome companion at the family altar.

COLUMBUS AND HIS TIMES. Tract Society. 18mo. pp. 152.

THE discoveries of Columbus, and the varied results to which they led, are deser. ving of universal attention. In this volume they are epitomized, and presented in a form highly adapted to interest and instruct the young.

YOUNG. Tract Society. pp. 284.

THIS beautiful gilt edged book, embel. lished with finely executed portraits of the infant prince of Wales, the queen, and prince Albert, is well printed; and what is more, it contains a rich variety of well written articles. It is a handsome new year's gift for young persons, and one which will be perused with avidity and advantage.

LESSONS IN READING, for children in families and schools, with questions on the principal subjects.

LITTLE ANN; or familiar conversations upon interesting subjects, between a child and her parents.

PLAY HOURS; or the happy children. Intended for those under ten years of age. KIND WORDS FOR HIS YOUNG FRIENDS. By UNCLE WILLIAM. Tract Society.

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MRS. WIGG.-Life like the troubled ocean is ever in a state of change, and whilst the Supreme Intelligence conducts the affairs of his vast empire with infinite wisdom, his ways are often in the sea and his footsteps in the deep waters. Families are not unfrequently called to pass through such strange and painful vicissitudes, in a space of time so short, as impressively to remind us of the uncertain tenure by which we hold all earthly objects.

It is a source of unspeakable consola tion that however accumulated and heavy may be our trials, they yield unto all beilevers the peaceful fruits of righteousness. Even death, with all his horrors is made to promote our eternal welfare. Whilst standing on the margin of the graves of departed friends, with throbbing hearts and weeping eyes they seem to beckon us upward where all is unfading, where there are no fields of conflicts, no trials to agitate the repose of the beatified spirit.

The subject of this brief obituary was born at Yoxford, in the county of Suffolk, Nov. 30, 1795. Her childhood seems to have presented no incidents beyond what usually engages the attention at this period of life. Her religious impressions were produced early, but she was not admitted a

member of the Redeemer's visible Church until she and her husband removed to Leicester on his undertaking the pastoral charge at Friar Lane, now more than 21 years ago. It is in the calm retreat of home that the virtues of the female character most conspicuously shine; it is here that she can soothe in trouble and counsel in perplexity; it is here she can diffuse comfort and make her deeds tell on the transactions of coming ages. Miserable must be the condition of that man who is united to a partner whose sphere of labour is everywhere but at home, and feels but little pleasure in the discharge of the duties connected with the domestic circle.

Mrs. Wigg loved her home, and was de. votedly attached to her family. It cannot be easily forgotten with what tender affec tion she taught the young idea how to shoot, and pointed the youthful minds of her children to an Almighty Saviour. And often in seasons of depression, anxiety, and care attendant on the ministerial office, did she pour the balm of consolation into the drooping spirits of her husband. Her at.. tachment to home may be gathered from the fact that for 21 years she could not be induced to spare time to revisit the scenes of her childhood and youth. She regarded the claims of her family as being paramount.

Nor must we omit to mention with what kind consideration she treated those minis. ters who had occasionally to visit her domestic circle. The writer well remembers her affectionate enquiries, her deep solici. tude for his comfort. And there are doubt. less others who can bear testimony to the existence of this pleasing trait in her character. The last time he saw her, whilst engaged in an interesting conversation with the whole family after the labours of the Sabbath, several things were advanced which we now cannot but regard as strange presentiments of coming events. We have ever discountenanced superstitious notions. But surely it cannot be supposed super. stitious to entertain the opinion that a kind and indulgent Providence should cause the shadows of future realities to across the mind and forewarn of what shall be hereafter. We believe the idea perfectly consistent with sound philosophy. The interior of the soul is as easily accessible to the Supreme Intelligence as the most ex posed portions of the material universe. If divine influence is at all felt by the human mind, (and the fact cannot be denied without aiming at the very vitals of religion,) why should it be deemed improbable that the same influence should be exercised under certain circumstances as it regards the high destinies of eternity?


Last summer Mrs. Wigg visited her friends, and, as has been intimated, for the first time after her removal to Leicester; it also in the inscrutable Providence of God, proved the last. For some time after her return her health continued as usual. Her family growing up around her, and daily increasing in interest, several of her children having given themselves to the Lord in an everlasting covenant, and the Church in a state of high prosperity, it was but natural for her to anticipate an accession of domestic comfort, and to desire for a while at least to share in the pleasing fruits with which an indulgent Father had crowned the toil, care and anxiety of years. But God's ways are not as our ways, his thoughts are not as our thoughts. Still we murmur not, he is wise, and good, and kind. We bow with submissive silence to his unerring will, and would wish to welcome afflictions as visitations of his infinite mercy.

Her affiction commenced in a violent diarrhea, which terminated in fever, and in a few days put an end to her earthly career. In her last conflict her confidence was in the Lord Jesus Christ. A short memorandum left by her second son, who was called to his reward a few weeks after,

is peculiarly affecting, as descriptive of his last interview with her. "Sep. 28, 1842. Last Saturday I was called to take my last leave of my dear dying mother; O what a trial! I went to her bed side and placed my ear close to her lips, and faintly, but affectionately did she whisper her last advice. She said, "dying is hard work, Sam, it is hard work," I said, trust in the Lord Jesus. "I do, I do," she exclaimed, “I do trust in him.' She cautioned me to avoid bad company, and requested me to visit the sick, &c. &c. She then wished me to re peat a verse of poetry. I recited, as well as I could, the following,

"Happy if with my latest breath I may but gasp His name, Triumph o'er all the powers of death, And cry, "Behold the Lamb." " In a short time after the struggle was over. Her sorrow and pain were at an end. "Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord, from henceforth; yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours and their works do follow them." Her funeral sermon was preached by the Rev. T. Stevenson, from Heb. iv. 9. Oh, how infinitely important is personal religion! She carries her celestial brightness into the depths of adversity and of the tomb, and elevates the disembodied spirit to the realms of eternal day. May we be followers of them who through faith and patience now inherit the promises.


THOMAS NORTH, the subject of this brief notice died at Spalding Jan. 27th 1842, He was born of poor parents March 4th, 1762, at Spalding, Lincolnshire. In consequence of the low circumstances of his friends, he obtained a very scanty educa. tion, but having learned to read a little, he applied himself to the improvement of his mind, so that he became a good reader by the time he was bound as an apprentice to a hairdresser. During this period he form. ed an acquaintance with Thomas Miller, a youth about his own age, a friendship which remained unbroken till death. pressions of a serious character accompan ied with deep convictions of his lost condition as a sinner, were associated with his early life. These emotions although attended by intermissions, were not without their influence on his conduct. In him siu was never rampant, for until constrained by love he was restrained by fear. His steady conduct and amiable behaviour attracted the notice of Mr. Joseph Crapps, Calvanistic preacher, who asked Thomas to

* A short memoir of this interesting youth will appear in our next number.


come and hear him preach. He promised to go, and took with him his friend Thomas Miller. Mr. C's, ministry so favour. ably impressed their minds that they desired to hear him again. Mr. C. was pleased with their attention, invited them to attend his social meetings for prayer and expounding the scriptures, The subject of this notice was soon after led to hear Mr. Rusling, a preacher among the General Baptists, and believing their doctrine to be according with the scriptures, he endeavoured to persuade his friend Miller to attend with himself the General Baptist ministry. He, however, was unable to bring his friend to adopt the same doctrinal views; they there. fore mutually agreed (while they remained one in spirit and unbroken in friendship) to follow their dear Saviour in separate paths to glory. From this period he commenced reading daily a chapter out of the Old Testament and one out of the New. This practice he was enabled to continue during a period of fifty-five years. In Septemper 1786 our departed friend was, with seven other persons, baptized and united to the General Baptist Church, a step he never repented. He was an ornament in the Church and in the world, adorning his profession by a consistent walk and conversation. In the year 1790 he married Eliza. beth Burngate, with whom he lived in uninterrupted happiness for more than forty five years. She was indeed a helpmeet for him, and one who endeavoured with him to lead their children to Christ. She died June 19, 1835, in her 69th year, leaving behind a bright testimony that she had gone to her Saviour. As a father our departed brother much excelled, he ruled his children in the fear of God. Soon as their infant lips could speak he taught them something worthy to be remembered. His children

devotional exercises in other parts of the day. At the age of sixty he commenced the study of Hebrew in order to become better acquainted with the sacred text. The language of the poet was especially applicable to him;

"When quiet in my house I sit,

Thy book be my companion still;
My joy thy sayings to repeat-

Talk o'er the records of thy will,
And search the oracles divine,

Till every heartfelt truth be mine.

His death was rather sudden. On the last Sabbath of his life he was engaged in the Sunday-school, and the same evening he spent about an hour with his daughter, who lived near to him, and traced on a map the journey of the Israelites to Canaan, and was giving his grandchildren much valuable information, exhorting them to read the Bible, and store their minds with many passages from the sacred pages, remarking how precious would be their taste, adding, you have no kind father to teach you, and you may not have your grandfather long. Ah! those words were truly prophetic. On Monday he was unwell, but nothing serious was apprehended until Thursday morning about seven, when he was found to be dying. His powers of speech had failed him, and there is reason to believe he was not conscious of anything. About half past eleven the same evening he calmly fell asleep in Jesus. Although no expression of joy or confidence escaped his lips during his last moments as a testimony of his happiness, this casts no cloud over the hopes of his friends; he was doubtless prepared for this change, with his lamp trimmed and his light burning, waiting for the coming of the bridegroom. His daily habitual preparation for death is the best testimony of his final happiness.

As a husband, father and friend, he was affectionate, kind and faithful; and now that he is no more in this world it is gratifying to know that malignity itself cannot affix a blot on his name, and that his friends never will be called to blush on his account. "Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his."

S. M. T.

have cause to bless God for so valuable a parent. Eight of his children died before him, the greater part leaving a pleasing hope behind that they are gone to glory; and five are still living, who profess to love their father's God. He was an unassum ing christian and entertained very humble views of himself, and if in anything he was worthy of imitation it was in the reverenTHOMAS SIMPKIN was born at Barrow, tial way he addressed the throne of grace, in the county of Leicester, of pious parents, or pronounced the name of the Great Je- who trained him up in the nurture and adhovah. His love to the Saviour's cause led monition of the Lord. While a boy in the him, during the last few years of his life, to Sabbath-school, under the care of his father engage in Sabbath-school instruction, May and others, he conducted himself with the the children he so often taught remember utmost propriety, manifesting at all times the very important truths he communicated the meekness and gentleness, the temper to them. He was a lover of God's word, and disposition of an obedient child. In the Bible was is constant companion-it his youth he sought the Lord, and soon was his practice to read a chapter after found peace and joy through believing. At every meal to his family; he also read for the age of sixteen he was received by baptism

into the fellowship of the christian Church at Quorndon, under the pastoral care of the Rev. A. Smith. He was a very consistent christian until the day of his death. It pleased God to lay him aside by an afflic. tion which baffled the skill of some of the most eminent medical men, and thus cut off all our fond hopes of his future usefulness. While lingering on the bed of affliction he was not the subject of extatic emotions, but he enjoyed the peace of God which passeth understanding. His mind was richly fur. nished with divine things, and he came to the end of his course like a shock of corn fully ripe, fit for the garner of the Lord. His earthly pilgrimage was short; but certainly the manner he spent his time, the path he trod, and the service he chose, are well worthy the serious consideration of all. His happy spirit quited its clay tenement on April 23rd, 1842, in the twenty second year of his age. His mortal remains were consigned to the silent tomb by Mr. Lindley, of Loughborough, and his death was improved by Mr. Tyers, of Leicester, from that very appropriate portion of Scripture recorded in 1 Thes. iv. 14, 15. And we doubt not but our departed young friend is now realizing the enjoyment which he often expressed, when feeling extreme weakness, in the beautiful words of Dr. Watts:

"When shall the day, dear Lord, appear,
That I shall mount to dwell above,
And stand and bow amongst them there,
And view thy face, and sing, and love."
J. F. B.

JOHN BIRCH died of consumption, at Old Basford, August 1st, 1842, in the thirtysecond year of his age. He was baptized in Stoney Street chapel, Nottingham, Nov. 1829, and became a member of the Church at that place. He was also for upwards of twelve years a regular and useful teacher in the Sabbath school at Old Basford. him it is not too much to say he was a sincere and consistent follower of the Saviour. His protracted affliction was borne with christian patience, and often with pleasurable emotions he expressed his confidence in the atoning blood of Jesus.

"We stood around his dying bed-
We watch'd his closing eyes;
At length his happy spirit fled
To glory in the skies."


His death was improved on Oct. 9th, at Old Basford, in a discourse by Mr. Hunter, from James iv. 14, "For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away."

Also Elizabeth Birch, a member of Stoney Street Church, and mother of the above, was suddenly removed to the eternal world, Oct. 30th. On Saturday afternoon, after returning from Nottingham market, she was siezed with apoplexy, and on the following day expired! Her funeral sermon was preached on the Lord's-day following, by Mr. Plowright, from Matt. xxiv. 44. May these solemn events be sanctified to all their surviving friends!


THE CHESHIRE AND LANCASHIRE Oak Street, Manchester, on Good Friday. CONFERENCE was held at Macclesfield, Brother R. Pedley to preach on christian Oct. 4th, 1842.

1. The Church at Macclesfield, soliciting ministerial aid, especially on ordinance days, are advised to write to such Churches as they consider most likely to accommodate them on those occasions during the next quarter.

2. That the brethren of the same Church receive the sum of £5 from the Home Mission fund, to assist them in their pecuniary difficulties.

3. That the brethren of Stoke-uponTrent have a grant of the same sum, to aid them in supporting their infant cause, and that supplies be arranged till the next Conference.

4. That a committee, consisting of brethren R. Kenney, S. Smith, R. Pedley, and P. Prout, negotiate with brother E. Stenson, about supplying Congleton the next six months. He has accepted the proposals, and entered upon his labours.

5. That the next Conference be held in


At this Conference brother R. Kenney read and prayed, and brother Smith preached from Matt. v. 48. In the evening a very interesting Home Missionary meeting was held. Brethren Kenney, chairman, Prestwich, Poulter, Pedley, Brindley, Minshull, Pembridge, and Gathorpe, addressed the meeting. J. SMITH, Secretary.

OPENING OF A PLACE FOR WORSHIP AT CHESTERFIELD.-On Lord's-day, Sep. 10th, 1842, a large room for divine worship was opened in connexion with the General Baptist denomination. The circumstances that led to this are as follows. A few Baptists resided in the town, and several more came to reside here from Churches in the neighbourhood. Each felt the want of a place to worship in under their own vine and fig tree. Ultimately they became acquainted with each other, and began to consider what would be the best means to

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