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afford to take the Repository. The Bible is a large book, and I have no time to read any other books." Would not this have been an erroneous, injurious thought? "He is poor that dealeth with a slack hand." Who can tell how much this memoir and elegy may have contributed to attach the children of the departed to his people, so that many of them are "like a wall to the house of Israel?" I was pleased to see the old Repository produced, and I was yet more delighted to see two volumes of the first series of the years 1799, and 1800, laid upon the table, to refer to the ordination services of a venerable minister who has recently finished his course. It appears to the writer very important that heads of families should take our periodical, that their children, and their children's children, may become acquainted with the history of our "half tribe of Israel," and of the house of their fathers. A denominational feeling is frequently of very great importance in the usefulness of our children, and even of their conversion to God.

III. It is very advisable that the Repository, and Minutes, and Reports of our public institutions, should be regularly bound, and thus be preserved for generations. I know the objection in some minds, the expence; but is not this frequently the best money that is spent in a family? If by the perusal of our periodicals and reports our descendants become attached to our body, venerate our fathers in the ministry, and the memory of their ancestry now with God, are not these books very valuable? Are not the children who see our own literature from infancy more likely to "dwell among their own people," and be raised up "instead of their fathers," than where our publications are scarcely known, or if known, are thrown about in neglect, or early numbers used as waste paper. Proh dolor ! Let us cherish the sentiment of the poet :

"Let children learn the mighty deeds

Which God performed of old;

Which in our younger years we saw,
And which our fathers told.

Our lips shall tell them to our sons,

And they again to theirs ;

That generations yet unborn
May teach them to their heirs."

D——, Dec. 9th, 1842.




It has been thought, or at least maintained, that the only way of affording complete satisfaction and repose to the scrupulous, and of repressing schism, is to uphold, under the title of "church principles," the doctrine that no one is a member of Christ's church, and an heir of the covenanted gospel promises, who is not under a ministry ordained by bishops descended in an unbroken chain from the apostles. Now what is the degree of satisfactory assurance that is thus afforded to the scrupulous consciences of any members of an episcopal church? If a man consider it as highly probable that the particular minister at whose hands he receives the sacred ordinances is really apostolically descended, this is the very utmost point to which he can, with any semblance of reason, attain; and the more he

reflects and enquires, the more cause for hesitation he will find. There is not a minister in all Christendom who is able to trace up with any approach to certainty, his own spiritual pedigree. The sacramental virtue (for such it is that is implied, whether the term be used or not in the principle I have been speaking of,) depended on the imposition of hands, with a due observance of apostolical usages, by a bishop himself duly consecrated, after having been in the like manner baptized into the church, and ordained deacon and priest; this sacramental virtue, if a single link of the chain be faulty, must, on the above principle, be utterly nullified ever after in respect of all the links that hang on that one. For if a bishop has not been duly consecrated, or had not been, previously, rightly ordained, his ordinations are null; and so are the ministrations of those ordained by him, and their ordination of others (supposing any of the persons ordained by him to attain to the episcopal office), and so on without end. The poisonous taint of informality, if it once creep in undetected, will spread the infection of nullity to an indefinite and irremediable extent. And who can undertake to pronounce that during that long period, usually designated as the dark ages, no such taint ever was introduced? Irregularities could not have been wholly excluded without a perpetual miracle; and that no such miraculous interference existed, we have even historical proof. Amidst the numerous corruptions of doctrine and practice, and gross superstitions, that crept in during those ages, we find recorded descriptions not only of the profound ignorance, and profligacy of life, of many of the clergy, but also of the grossest irregularities in respect of discipline and form. We read of bishops consecrated when mere children-of men officiating who barely knew their letters-of prelates expelled, and others put into places by violence of illiterate and profligate laymen, and habitual drunkards, admitted to holy orders; and, in short, of the prevalence of every kind of disorder, and reckless disregard of the decency which the apostle enjoins. It is inconceivable that any one even moderately acquainted with history can feel a certainty, or any approach to certainty, that, amidst all this confusion and corruption, every requisite form was in every instance strictly adhered to by men, many of them openly profane and secular, unrestrained by public opinion, through the gross ignorance of the population among which they lived; and that no one not duly consecrated or ordained was admitted to sacred offices. *** Now, let any one proceed on the hypothesis that there are, suppose, but a hundred links connecting any particular minister with the apostles; and let him even suppose that not above half this number pass through such periods as admit of any possible irregularity; and then, placing at the lowest estimate the probability of defectiveness in respect of each of the remaining fifty, taken separately, let him consider what amount of probability will result from the multiplying of the whole together. The ultimate consequence must be, that any one who sincerely believes his claim to the benefits of the Gospel covenant depends on his own minister's claim to the supposed sacramental virtue of true ordination, and this again on perfect apostolical succession, as above described, must be involved, in proportion as he reads, and inquires, and reflects, and reasons on the subject, in the most distressing doubt and perplexity. It is no wonder, therefore, that the advocates of this theory studiously disparage reasoning, deprecate all exercise of the mind in reflec

tion, decry appeals to evidence, and lament that even the power of reading should be imparted to the people. It is not without cause that they dread and lament "an age of too much light," and wish to involve religion in "a solemn and awful gloom." It is not without cause that, having removed the christian's confidence from a rock to base it on sand, they forbid all prying curiosity to examine their foundation.-Archbishop Whateley's Kingdom of Christ.


Ir would also seem that, in some solitary instances, God gives us to understand that sinners may be led to Christ without any agency of ours. I once had the happiness to meet with such a case. The individual was about sixty years of age. His residence was far remote from all religious advantages and associations. When I entered his house, I found him sitting in an easy chair, by the fireside. His whole appearance was that of a person who had seen severe affliction, but in whom a vigorous constitution had long struggled with disease, as if impatient for the mastery. It was a surgical case, and his medical attendant had given his opinion that a painful and dangerous operation was the only remedy,-"So, Sir," said he, "I have made up my mind to die as I am." "But death," I replied, "is a very serious affair.' "Yes, Sir, I know that, but I also know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day." To my surprise, I not only found that the man was an enlightened and experienced Christian, but that he had never, within his recollection, heard the Gospel. "You," said he, "are the first person I have ever seen, at all capable of entering into my views and feelings. Indeed, my wife and children have been so long, and so often, telling me that I am going mad, that I had almost begun to believe them. I could only say-Well, if this be madness, let me live and die a madman." "And how did you obtain these views ?" affliction, Sir. Oh, how I bless God, that ever he sent it! afflicted I went astray." 'You mean that your sufferings led you to seek the support of religion ?" "Not exactly so. It happened in this way. I had been a very industrious, hard-working man; and when I became unable to attend to my little farm, and seldom moved far from the chair in which you now see me, time began to hang beavily upon my hands. I was much alone, and I knew not what to do to amuse myself. The newspaper came once a week, but I soon read it through, and then I often said to myself—What has a dying man like me to do with news? Well, one day, to pass away the time, I took down that old family Bible which lies on the drawers there. I am ashamed to tell you that I had not looked into it for years. I believe the last time I opened it, was to write down the birth of my youngest child. It was put out of the way, on a high shelf, amongst some lumber, and it was covered with dust and cobwebs. I brushed them off, and began to read the gospel of John. I went on till I reached the third chapter, were it speaks about being born again. I then perceived that there must be something in religion, more than I knew. Oh, how I wished for somebody to teach me! but I could think of no one. As I was closing the book, I happened to see that verse in James, where it saysIf any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men libe

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"Out of this Before I was

rally, and upbraideth not, and it shall be given him.' Now that, thought I, is just what I want. If this verse be true, God will give me wisdom, if I ask him. So I prayed to God to teach me what was meant by being born again. And though no angel came to tell me, like Cornelius, that my prayer was heard, by degrees I began to read my Bible with new eyes, and I trust with a new heart."

Never shall I forget the hour I spent in conversation with that interesting stranger. Somewhat curious to ascertain the doctrinal views of one who had obtained all his theological knowledge from the reading of the English Scriptures, I tried him on many points, and found him well instructed in the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. He was a man of one book, but that book was the Bible, and for the last three years he had searched it with amazing diligence. I was at length compelled to resume my journey. As I rose to take my departure, he grasped my hand, and weeping as if I had been the best earthly friend he ever had, he saidFarewell, my dear Sir, till we meet in heaven!"-Ford's " Damascus."

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Dear Brethren,-We have, as you are aware, through the committee, availed ourselves of the services of brother Tunnicliffe, as an evangelist, or home missionary, and have appointed Leeds to be the sphere of his labours for the first few months, and it is our present intention that he should afterwards be engaged for a time in the Potteries, where there appears to be "a great door and effectual opening" unto us. The little cause there is even now very encouraging, and we understand many of the Wesleyan body there are quite favourable to our faith and practice. The name of Baptist with them has been hitherto associated with the two extremes, Antinomian. ism and Socinianism. As we believe our views of divine truth are the most scriptural -as we are not cramped in publishing the Gospel by restricted views of the atonement-as we love the Saviour, and desire that he alone should be exalted as the Head and Lawgiver to his Church, we shall, I trust, be united as the heart of one man in supporting the committee, and our esteemed brother in their undertaking. It will require redoubled effort to carry out the plan efficiently. Our brother has a family; and then there are travelling and other incidental expences; so that little short of £100 per annum will certainly be requisite; and unless our more afluent friends come forward with liberal contributions the project must fail. We feel, however, a confidence in you, that both rich and poor will

do what they can. You will agree with I believe, is allowed by common consent; me that we have got a suitable man-this, and to serve the committee he has been obliged to rend the tenderest ties of christian affection, as well as make great personal sacrifices of domestic comfort and social happiness. We do hope, therefore, that every Church in the district will show their sympathy with him, and their love to the sacred cause in which he is engaged by rendering some assistance, even if that be but little; and in eonclusion let us not forget, above all things, to commend him and his efforts to the divine blessing, by which alone success can be ensured.

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and xxii. 16, that a believer's sins are not fully remitted, or washed away, prior to

baptism?-if so, in what sense? John iii.
5; Eph. v. 26; Titus iii. 5; Heb. x. 22.
3. Are we to conclude from Acts iii. 28, immersion?


LECTURE DELIVERED AT THE LONDON TAVERN, on Tuesday, October 11th, 1842, before the Baptist Missionary Society, on the completion of its fiftieth year. By the REV. J. PYE SMITH, D. D., F. R. S., &c., &c.

TWO SERMONS preached in London, October 11th and 12th, 1842, before the Bap; tist Missionary Society, at a special general meeting, held to celebrate the completion of its fiftieth year. Houlston and Stoneman.

Most happily does the Doctor expose the impertinence and unscripturalness of Puseyite assumptions, and with a candour which is creditable to his heart, he frankly acknowledges that "the first missionary institution of dissenters was the Baptist Missionary Society.

livered in the Finsbury chapel, by Rev. J. Acworth, A. M., of Bradford College. His text is 1 Chron. xxix. 5. "Who then is willing to consecrate his service this day unto the Lord!" After alluding to self-consecration he elucidates his topic by referring to free and large gifts to God's service, "filling the hand," as the word means,-to the employ. ment of influence, solicitude, and prayer, in his cause, and proceeds to suggest important considerations why this consecration to the missionary cause should be displayed; as, the encouraging results of past effortsthe vast numbers of the human family yet in ignorance of God-the increase of wealth among liberal christians the increased facilities for missionary effort:-and the obligations of christians to redeeming love

The first of the "two sermons" was de

THE very signal successes which have resulted from the devoted and eminently christian labours of the Baptist Missionary Society, and the distinguished honour which the God of all grace has conferred on this section of his Church, very properly induced the friends of the Baptist mission to celebrate the jubilee year, with special services for praise and thanksgiving, and a renewed dedication of themselves to God and his service. The jubilee at Kettering, which we attended, was a good and appro. priate commencement. It promised well for the mission and the denomination. We the honour God confers on them in perare rejoiced to find that the meetings held in every part of the country, as well as in London, seem to partake of the same hallowed fire, and to promise that, with the blessing of God, this year shall be the commencement of new labours, the begin. ning of a new era in the zeal and efforts of our honoured brethren. The Jubilee fund already amounts to more than £23000, £600 of which have been contributed by two Jamaica Churches.

We are gratified too that some written memorials of the London meetings appear in the shape of the publications noticed at the head of this article, and as our remarks on them will be necessarily very brief, we recom. mend our readers to purchase them, with the assurance that their perusal will greatly tend to the improvement of the missionary spirit.

The lecture of Dr. Pye Smith is worthy of its excellent author. With great perspicuity he alludes to the ignorance and depravity of mankind-the provision of the Gospel for his restoration to the knowledge and favour of God-its early promulgation -the right and duty of every christian to labour to diffuse it-some of the efforts of former and later times for this purpose and the object of the jubilee services. VOL. 5.-N. S.

mitting them thus to labour for him-the peculiar honour God has conferred on the Baptist denomination in making their missionaries the chief means of giving the key of divine knowledge, by their numerous translations, to the teeming tribes of the East, and of breaking off the fetters of the negro in the west-the shortness of life-and the connexion between present efforts for God and future happiness. These varied and appropriate thoughts are happily and forcibly illustrated.

The second sermon was delivered at the Surrey chapel, by Dr. Carson. His text is Luke xix. 13. "Occupy till I come." The learned and talented preacher, with great ability, simplicity, and force, remarks, that the Gospel being destined to pervade the earth, christians are the appointed means to convey it to its destination-that this duty extends to all christians-that this duty must be viewed in reference to the different talents conferred on the people of God-that a Church in its meetings for its own edification ought to have constantly in view the conversion of sinners-that christians should not only labour themselves, but endeavour to communicate the same spirit of zeal to all their brethrenthat the spirit of prayer should be cherished D

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