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PHILADELPHIA, April 17, 1791.

You will probably recollect that previous to your departure from this place, anticipating the event which has taken place with regard to the death of Mr. Eveleigh, I took the liberty to mention to you that Mr. Wolcott, the present auditor, would be in every respect worthy of your consideration, as his successor in office.

Now that the event has happened, a concern as anxious as it was natural, for the success of the department, united with a sentiment of justice towards Mr. Wolcott, leads me to a repetition of that idea. This gentleman's conduct in the station he now fills, has been that of an excellent officer. It has not only been good, but distinguished. It has combined all the requisites which can be desired: moderation with firmness, liberality with exactness, indefatigable industry with an accurate and sound discernment, a thorough knowledge of business, and a remarkable spirit of order and arrangement. Indeed I ought to say that I owe very much of whatever success may have attended the merely executive operations of the department to Mr. Wolcott; and I do not fear to commit myself, when I add that he possesses in an eminent degree all the qualifications desirable in a Comptroller of the Treasury-that it is scarcely possible to find a man in the United States more competent to the duties of that station than himself-few who could be equally so. It may be truly said of him, that he is a man of rare merit, and I have good evidence that he has been viewed in this light by the members of Congress extensively, from different quarters of the Union, and is so considered by all that part of the public who have had opportunities of witnessing his conduct.

The immediate relation too, which his present situation bears to that of Comptroller, is a strong argument in his favor. Though a regular gradation of office is not admissible in a strict sense, in regard to offices of a civil nature, and is wholly inapplicable to those of the first rank, (such as the heads of the great

executive departments,) yet a certain regard to the relation which one situation bears to another, is consonant with the natural ideas of justice, and is recommended by powerful considerations of policy. The expectation of promotion in civil as in military life, is a great stimulus to virtuous exertion, while examples of unrewarded exertion, supported by talent and qualification, are proportionable discouragements. Where they do not produce resignations, they leave men dissatisfied, and a dissatisfied man seldom does his duty well.

In a government like ours, where pecuniary compensations are moderate, the principle of gradual advancement as a reward for good conduct, is perhaps more necessary to be attended to, than in others where offices are more lucrative. By due attention to it, it will operate as a means to secure respectable men for offices of inferior emolument and consequence.

In addition to the rest, Mr. Wolcott's experience in this particular line pleads powerfully in his favor. This experience may be dated back to his office of Comptroller of the State of Connecticut, and has been perfected by practice in his present place.

A question may perhaps, sir, arise in your mind, whether some inconvenience may not attend his removal from his present office. I am of opinion that no sensible inconvenience will be felt on this score, since it will be easy for him as Comptroller, who is the immediate superior of the auditor, to form any man of business for the office he will leave, in a short period of time. More inconvenience would be felt by the introduction of a Comptroller not in the immediate train of the business.

Besides this, it may be observed that a degree of inconvenience on this score cannot be deemed an obstacle, but upon the principle which would bar the progress of merit from one station to another.

On this point of inconvenience a reflection occurs, which I think I ought not to suppress. Mr. Wolcott is a man of sensibility, not unconscious of his own value, and he doubtless must believe that he has pretensions from situation to the office. Should another be appointed, and he resign, the derangement of the department would truly be distressing to the public service.

In suggesting thus particularly the reasons which in my mind operate in favor of Mr. Wolcott, I am influenced by information that other characters will be brought to your view by weighty advocates, and as I think it more than possible that Mr. Wolcott may not be mentioned to you by any other person than myself, I feel it a duty arising out of my situation in the department, to bear my full and explicit testimony to his worth, confident that he will justify by every kind of substantial merit any mark of your approbation which he may receive.

I trust, sir, that in thus freely disclosing my sentiments to you, you will be persuaded that I only yield to the suggestions of an honest zeal for the public good, and of a firm conviction, that the prosperity of the department under my particular care, (one so interesting to the aggregate movements of the government,) will be best promoted by transferring the present auditor to the office of Comptroller of the Treasury.

I have the honor to remain,

With the truest and most respectful attachment, Sir,

Your most obedient, &c.


PHILADELPHIA, April 23d, 1791.


Your letters of the 7th of December and 19th of January have come duly to hand.

What you mention concerning manifests and certificates of drawbacks certainly merits consideration. When the collection law originated consuls were not yet appointed. You will oblige me by freely intimating whatever occurs to you for the benefit of our trade and revenue laws; whether arising from your observations on the practice of other countries, or from your own reflections.



PHILADELPHIA, June 30th, 1791.

As Mr. Cone, who, I think, informed me he had a letter from you on the same subject, undertook to say all that could be said in relation to Mr. Gray's affair, I permitted the hurry of business to keep me silent. Nothing further concerning the affair has since come to me, so that I am wholly ignorant what turn it may have taken. It must have given you pleasure to learn how much the Constitution of the United States, and the measures under it, in which you have had so considerable an agency, have contributed to raise this country in the estimation of Europe. According to the accounts received here, the change which has been wrought in the opinion of that part of the world respecting the United States is almost wonderful. The British Cabinet wish to be thought disposed to enter into amicable and liberal arrangements with us. They had appointed Mr. Elliott, who on private considerations had declined; and it is affirmed from pretty good, though not decisive authority, that they have substituted a Mr. Hammond, and that his arrival may shortly be expected. I would not warrant the issue, but if some liberal arrangement with Great Britain should ensue, it will have a prodigious effect upon the conduct of some other parts of Europe. It is, however, most wise for us to depend as little as possible upon European caprice, and to exert ourselves to the utmost to unfold and improve every domestic resource.

In all appearance, the subscriptions to the Bank of the United States will proceed with astonishing rapidity. It will not be surprising if a week completes them.

With very great esteem and regard,

I remain, dear Sir,

Your obedient servant,




I have had a full conversation with General Schuyler on the subject of the several propositions which have been under consideration respecting the locations of the buildings for the manufactory. My original impressions on this point have been confirmed by subsequent examination, and I now entertain no doubt, that the most advisable course is to abandon for the present the idea of a canal, and to erect the necessary buildings near the great falls.

It is not clear to me, that the advantages of pursuing the canal plan would at any rate compensate the differences of expense; but I think it very evident, that to attempt it, in the first instance, would disable the company from prosecuting with adequate means, the subsequent arrangements necessary to the manufactory.

As to the location of the district or township, I think it ought to comprehend the Little Falls, and the head of the navigation of the Passaic; and ought to embrace both sides of that river-the whole distance between those two points. As to the rest, the more compact it is, and consequently the more nearly in a square the better. Many local circumstances unknown to me must decide the precise form. I once thought it might be well to take three miles by twelve on the Passaic, but on further reflection, I see no solid advantage in such an extension in length, and there would be an obvious convenience in a more compact form. The police of the district, in particular, can be much better regulated.

Permit me to suggest that as soon as a location is made, a meeting of the directors ought to be called at a very short day. Many things pass, and much will depend on going forward henceforth with order and dispatch.

With very great esteem and confidence, &c.

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