Sivut kuvina

Consuls and Vice-Consuls of the most favored nation; each contracting party, however, remaining at liberty to except those ports and places in which the admission and residence of such Consuls and Vice-Consuls may not seem convenient.


In order that the Consuls and Vice-Consuls of the two contracting parties may enjoy the rights, prerogatives, and immunities which belong to them by their public character, they shall, before entering on the exercise of their functions, exhibit their commission or patent in due form to the Government to which they are accredited, and, having obtained their exequatur, they shall be held and considered as such by all the authorities, magistrates, and inhabitants in the Consular district in which they reside.


It is likewise agreed that the Consuls, their secretaries, officers, and persons attached to the service of Consuls, they not being citizens of the country in which the Consul resides, shall be exempted from all kinds of taxes, imposts, and contributions, except those which they shall be obliged to pay on account of commerce or their property, to which the citizens and inhabitants, native and foreign, of the country in which they reside, are subject; being, in everything besides, subject to the laws of the respective states. The archives and papers of the Consulates shall be respected inviolably, and under no pretext whatever shall any magistrate seize or in any way interfere with them.


The said Consuls shall have power to require the assistance of the authorities of the country for the arrest, detention, and custody of deserters from the public and private vessels of their country, and for that purpose they shall address themselves to the courts, judges, and officers competent, and shall demand the said deserters in writing, proving by an exhibition of the register of the vessel's or ship's roll, or other public documents, that those men were part of the said crews, and on this demand so proved (saving, however, where the contrary is proved), the delivery shall not be refused. Such deserters, when arrested, shall be put at the disposal of said Consuls, and may be put in the public prisons at the request and expense of those who reclaim them, to be sent to the ships to which they belonged, or to others of the same nation. But if they be not sent back within two mouths, to be counted from the day of their arrest, they shall be set at liberty, and shall be no more arrested for the

same cause.


For the purpose of more effectually protecting their commerce and navigation, the two contracting parties do hereby agree, as soon hereafter as circumstances will permit them, to form a Consular Convention, which

shall declare, especially, the powers and immunities of the Consuls and Vice-Consuls of the respective parties.


It is further agreed that the words “most favored nation," that occur in this treaty, shall not be so construed as to prevent either of the contracting parties from concluding any treaty or convention with any other nation or state it may think proper, as freely and as fully as though said words were not used: Provided, however, That notwithstanding any such treaty or convention the citizens of the United States shall be placed in Ecuador, with respect to navigation and commerce, upon an equal footing with the subjects of Spain, and with the citizens of Mexico, and of the other Hispano-American States, with which treaties have been, or may be, concluded; and that the citizens of Ecuador shall be entitled to enjoy, in the United States, the same rights and privileges, with respect to navigation and commerce, that the citizens of the United States enjoy, or shall enjoy, in Ecuador.


The following is a translation of the printed official French version of the Conven tion between the Hellenic Government and the Egyptian Government concluded March 3. 1884, the provisions of which have been made applicable to the United States by an agreement concluded at Cairo November 16, 1884.]


Greek commerce in Egypt and Egyptian commerce in Greece shall be treated, as regards customs duties, both when goods are imported and exported, as the commerce of the most favored nation.


No prohibitory measure shall be adopted in respect to the reciprocal import or export trade of the two countries, without being likewise extended to all other nations. It is nevertheless understood that this restriction shall not apply to such special measures as may be adopted by either country for the purpose of protecting itself against epizooty, phyloxera, or any other scourge.


The Egyptian Government pledges itself, with the exceptions mentioned in Article VI, hereinafter, not to prohibit the importation into Egypt of any article, the product of the soil and industry of Greece, from whatever place such article may come,


The duties to be levied in Egypt on the productions of the soil and industry of Greece, from whatever place they may come, shall be regulated by a tariff which shall be prepared by commissioners appointed for this purpose by the two Governments.

A fixed duty of 8 per cent. ad valorem shall be taken as the basis of this tariff, the said duty to be computed on the price of the goods in the port of discharge; the Egyptian Government, however, reserves the privilege of raising the duties on distilled beverages, wines, and fancy articles; but these duties shall, in no case, exceed the rate of 16 per cent. ad valorem.

The Egyptian Government likewise reserves the right to reduce the duties on articles of prime necessity that are imported into Egypt, to 5 per cent., and even to abolish them entirely.

Customs duties shall be collected without prejudice to the penalties provided, in cases of fraud and smuggling, by the regulations.


Tobacco, in all its forms, and tombac, together with salt, natron, hashish, and saltpeter are excluded from the stipulations of this convention.

The Egyptian Government retains an absolute right in respect to these articles, the régime of which shall be applicable to Greek subjects on the same terms as to its own subjects.

The Egyptian Government may institute, in warehouses or dwellings, any immediate search that it may deem necessary. A duplicate of the order of scarch shall be sent to the Greek consular officer, who may repair to the spot at once, if he think proper, although that formality shall not delay the search.


By way of exception to the stipulations of Article III, the importation into Egypt of arms used in war (including fire-arms and side-arms) and munitions of war shall not be permitted.

The above restriction does not apply to weapons used in hunting or for ornament or amusement, nor does it apply to gunpowder used in hunting; the importation of these articles shall form the subject of special regulations to be adopted by the Egyptian Government.


Goods imported into Egypt and re-exported within a period not exceeding six months, shall be considered as goods in transit, and shall pay, as such, only a transit duty of one per cent., computed on their value in the port of discharge. After such period of six months, they shall be subject to the full import duty.

If the re-exportation takes place from the port of discharge, after a simple transhipment, or after the goods have been discharged and kept on land, under surveillance, as provided by the customs regulations, for a period not exceeding one month, such goods shall be liable to no duty; but the transit duty shall be payable, if, after having been discharged aud temporarily deposited, either in the warehouses of the custom-house, or in private warehouses, whether floating or not, the goods are re-exported, after having been the object of a commercial operation.


If goods, after the import duty has been levied upon them in Egypt, are sent to other countries before the expiration of the term of six months from the day of their discharge, they shall be treated as goods in transit, and the Egyptian custom-house shall return to the exporter the difference between the duty paid and the transit duty mentioned in Article VII. In order to obtain the drawback, the exporter must furnish proof that the import duty has been paid on the re-exported goods.


The productions of the soil and industry of Egypt when sent to Greece, shall pay an export duty of one per cent. ad valorem, computed on the value of the goods in the port of exportation.

For greater facility, these productions shall, as far as possible, be periodically tariffed, by mutual agreement, by the representatives of the merchants engaged in the export trade and the Egyptian customs authorities.


Articles and personal effects belonging to Consuls-General and Consuls not engaged in other than Consular business, not performing other duties, not engaged in commercial or manufacturing business, and not owning or controlling real estate in Egypt, shall be exempt from any examination, both when imported and exported, and likewise from the payment of duties.


Within thirty-six hours at most after the arrival of a vessel in an Egyptian roadstead or port, the captain or the agent of the owners shall deposit at the custom-house two copies of the manifest of cargo, certified by him to agree with the original. In like manner, captains shall, before their departure from an Egyptian port, present at the custom-house a copy of the manifest of the goods on board of their vessels. The original manifest, either on arrival or departure, shall be presented at the same time with the copies, in order to be compared with them.

If a vessel stops in an Egyptian port for a reason that appears suspicious to the custom-house, the latter may require the presentation of the

manifest, and may immediately make any search that it may deem necessary; the order of search shall, in that case, be addressed to the Greek Consular Officer, as provided in Article V.

Any surplus or deficit that may be shown by the comparison of the manifest with the cargo shall furnish ground for the imposition of the fines provided for by the customs regulations which shall be issued by the Egyptian Government.


Any custom-house operation in Egypt, either on arrival or departure must be preceded by a declaration signed by the owner of the goods or his representative.

The custom-house may, moreover, in case of dispute, require the presentation of all the documents that are to accompany any shipment of goods, such as invoices, letters, etc.

Any refusal to make the declaration on arrival or departure, any delay in making the said declaration, or any excess or deficiency found to exist between the goods and the declaration shall furnish ground for the imposition of the fines provided for by the Egyptian custom-house regulations, in each of the cases specified.


The custom-house officers, the officers of the vessels belonging to the Egyptian postal service, and the officers of national vessels, may board any sailing or steam vessel of less than two hundred tons' burden, be that vessel at anchor or tacking, at a distance not exceeding ten kilometers from the shore, without furnishing evidence of ris major; they may ascertain the nature of the cargo, seize any prohibited goods, and secure evidence of any other infraction of the customs regulations.


Any illicit importation of goods shall furnish ground for the confiscations and fines provided for by the Egyptian customs regulations. Decisions ordering confiscations and fines shall be communicated, within the period fixed by law, to the Greek Consular Officer.


It is understood that this convention can in no wise impair the administrative rights of the two contracting Governments, and that they may enforce any regulation3 calculated to promote the efficiency of the sery, ice and the repression of fraud.

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