Tariff Hearings Before the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, Sixtieth Congress, 1908-1909, Nide 3U.S. Government Printing Office, 1909 |
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Sivu 2174
... AMERICAN MANUFACTURERS SUGGEST A MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM FOR TABLE CUTLERY . NEW BRITAIN , CONN . , December 2 , 1908 . COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS , Washington , D. C. GENTLEMEN : The manufacturers of table cutlery respectfully sub- mit ...
... AMERICAN MANUFACTURERS SUGGEST A MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM FOR TABLE CUTLERY . NEW BRITAIN , CONN . , December 2 , 1908 . COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS , Washington , D. C. GENTLEMEN : The manufacturers of table cutlery respectfully sub- mit ...
Sivu 2184
... American manufacturers have ; yes , sir . Mr. UNDERWOOD . How do you describe this file under the present tariff law ; under what subdivision does it come ? Mr. NICHOLSON . Under the first and second clause , 24 - inch files and under ...
... American manufacturers have ; yes , sir . Mr. UNDERWOOD . How do you describe this file under the present tariff law ; under what subdivision does it come ? Mr. NICHOLSON . Under the first and second clause , 24 - inch files and under ...
Sivu 2187
... America ; maybe 50 per cent . Mr. DALZELL . I do not refer to you particularly , but to the whole manufacture . Why do not the American manufacturers make them instead of importing these files ? Mr. NICHOLSON . Simply because they are ...
... America ; maybe 50 per cent . Mr. DALZELL . I do not refer to you particularly , but to the whole manufacture . Why do not the American manufacturers make them instead of importing these files ? Mr. NICHOLSON . Simply because they are ...
Sivu 2190
... American manufacturers than this consumer claims to have paid . Mr. CLARK . Don't you think that that is an enormous difference to make between the big and the little consumer ? I can very well understand how the small consumer would be ...
... American manufacturers than this consumer claims to have paid . Mr. CLARK . Don't you think that that is an enormous difference to make between the big and the little consumer ? I can very well understand how the small consumer would be ...
Sivu 2196
... American market ? Do you not make considerable for the export trade ? Mr. NICHOLSON . Yes . We are equipped for the export trade ; the American manufacturers are . Mr. FORDNEY . If you were confied to the American market only , would ...
... American market ? Do you not make considerable for the export trade ? Mr. NICHOLSON . Yes . We are equipped for the export trade ; the American manufacturers are . Mr. FORDNEY . If you were confied to the American market only , would ...
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Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
45 per cent abroad aluminum American manufacturers amount automobiles average bismuth BONYNGE BOUTELL British Columbia BRUSH bullion calamine calks Canada Canadian cars cent ad valorem cents a pound cents per pound CHAIRMAN CLARK COCKRAN Coeur d'Alene Company competition consumer copper CRUMPACKER DALZELL difference Dingley tariff export fact factory facturers figures files FORDNEY foreign forests freight Georgian Bay Germany GOODYEAR grades GRIGGS HILL HINES IHLSENG imported increase industry Joplin district KNAPPEN labor cost land logs lumber lumbermen machine machinery manu material metal Mexican Mexico mica mills miner mines Missouri NIBLEY NICHOLSON November 25 paragraph pig lead pine present duty present tariff profit protection question RANDELL reduced refined respectfully SCANLON sell SERENO E SHERRILL short tons silver smelters smelting sold statement stumpage supply thousand timber tion to-day tons trade UNDERWOOD United Washington Weyerhaeuser WHITE York zinc
Suositut otteet
Sivu 2690 - In all tariff legislation the true principle of protection is best maintained by the imposition of such duties as will equal the difference between the cost of production at home and abroad, together with a reasonable profit to American industries.
Sivu 2308 - ... tinsel wire, lame or lahn. five cents per pound and thirty-five per centum ad valorem; laces, embroideries, braids, galloons, trimmings, or other articles, made wholly or in chief value of tinsel wire, lame or lahn, bullions, or metal threads, sixty per centum ad valorem.
Sivu 2700 - ... the actual market value or wholesale price of such merchandise as bought and sold in usual wholesale quantities, at the time of exportation to the United States...
Sivu 2699 - That whenever imported merchandise is subject to an ad valorem rate of duty, or to a duty based upon or regulated in any manner by the value thereof...
Sivu 2460 - Thread and carded yarn, warps or warp yarn, in singles, whether on beams or in bundles, skeins or cops, or in any other form, except spool thread of cotton hereinafter provided for, not colored, bleached, dyed, or advanced beyond the condition of singles by grouping or twisting two or more single yarns together...
Sivu 2615 - ... by common carriers bonded for the transportation of appraised or unappraised merchandise to properly equipped sampling or smelting establishments, whether designated as bonded warehouses or otherwise. On the arrival of the ores...
Sivu 2615 - Lead-bearing ore of all kinds, one and onehalf cents per pound on the lead contained therein : Provided, That on all importations of lead-bearing ores the duties shall be estimated at the port of entry, and a bond given in double the amount of such estimated duties for the transportation of the ores by common carriers bonded for the transportation of appraised or unappraised merchandise to properly equipped sampling or smelting establishments, whether designated as bonded warehouses or otherwise.
Sivu 2690 - We favor the establishment of maximum and minimum rates to be administered by the President under limitations fixed in the law, the maximum to be available to meet discriminations by foreign countries against American goods entering their markets, and the minimum to represent the normal measure of protection at home...
Sivu 2460 - Cotton thread and carded yarn, warps or warp yarn, in singles, whether on beams or in bundles, skeins, or cops, or in any other form, except spool thread of cotton, crochet, darning, and embroidery cottons, hereinafter provided for...
Sivu 2801 - Philosophical and scientific apparatus, utensils, instruments, and preparations. Including bottles and boxes containing the same, specially imported in good faith for the use and by order of any society or Institution Incorporated or established solely for religious, philosophical, educational, scientific, or literary purposes, or for the encouragement of the fine arts, or for the use and by order of any college, academy, school, or seminary of learning in the United States...