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" Philosophical and scientific apparatus, utensils, instruments, and preparations. Including bottles and boxes containing the same, specially imported in good faith for the use and by order of any society or Institution Incorporated or established solely... "
Tariff Hearings Before the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of ... - Sivu 2801
tekijä(t) United States. Congress. House. Committee on Ways and Means - 1909
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The National Register, Nide 1,Numero 1 –Nide 2,Numero 43

1816 - 728 sivua
...engraving, specially imported by order and for the use of any society incorporated for philosophical or literary purposes, or for the encouragement of the fine" arts, or by order and for the use of any seminary of learning; specimens in njttural history, mineralogv, botany,...

A Statistical View of the Commerce of the United States of America: Its ...

Timothy Pitkin - 1817 - 480 sivua
...engraving, specially imported by order, ami for the use of any society incorporated for philosophical or literary purposes, or for the encouragement of the fine arts, or by order and for the use of any seminan- of learning1, specimens in natural history, mineralogy, 8c...

Sketches of America: A Narrative of a Journey of Five Thousand Miles Through ...

Henry Bradshaw Fearon - 1818 - 480 sivua
...Apparatus, if specially imported by order, and for the use of any society, incorporated for philosophical or literary purposes, or for the encouragement of the fine arts, or by order and for the use of any seminary of learning. Anatomical Preparations. Animals imported for...

Sketches of America, a narrative of a journey through the eastern and ...

Henry Bradshaw Fearon - 1818 - 484 sivua
...Apparatus, if specially imported by order. and for the use of any society, incorporated for philosophical or literary purposes, or for the encouragement of the fine arts, or by order and for the use of any seminary of learning. Anatomical Preparations. • Animals imported...

The Maine Register and United States' Almanac for the Year of Our Lord 1820 ...

1819 - 296 sivua
...engraving, specially imported by order and for the use of any society incorporated for philosophical or literary purposes, or for the encouragement of the fine arts, or by order and for the use of any seminary of learning ; specimens in natural history, mineralogy, botany,...

History of North America, Nide 2

John Talbot - 1820 - 476 sivua
...Apparatus, if specially imported by order, and for the use of any society, incorporated for philosophical or literary purposes, or for the encouragement of the fine arts, or by order and for the use of any seminary of learning. Anatomical Preparations. Animals imported for...

A Digest of the Laws of the United States of America, from March 4th, 1789 ...

Edward Ingersoll - 1821 - 884 sivua
...engraving, specially imported by order and for the use of any society incorporated for philosophical or literary purposes, or for the encouragement of the fine arts, or by order, and for the use of any seminary of learning; specimens in natural history, mineralogy, botany,...

Letters from America: Containing Observations on the Climate and Agriculture ...

James Flint - 1822 - 346 sivua
...Philosophical, specially imported by order and for the use of any society incorporated for philosophical or literary purposes, or for the encouragement of the fine arts, or by order and for the use of any seminary of learning. Articles, all imported for the use of the United...

The American Practical Lunarian: And Seaman's Guide ... To which are Annexed ...

Thomas Arnold - 1822 - 1016 sivua
...engraving, specially imported by order and for the use of any society incorporated for philosophical or literary purposes, or for the encouragement of the fine arts, or by order and for the use of any seminary of learning ; specimens in natural history, mineralogy, botany,...

Commercial Directory: Containing, a Topographical Description, Extent and ...

1823 - 322 sivua
...Engraving, specially imported by order, and for the use of any society incorporated for philosophical or literary purposes, or for the encouragement of the fine arts, or by order, and for the use of any seminary of learning Free. If not for special use as above, the duty,...

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