The Acts of the Parliament of Western Australia, Nide 2Government Printer, South Africa, 1978 |
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Sivu 1017
... lease or general purpose lease of land then the subject of the explor- ation licence , the land the subject of the mining lease or general purpose lease shall be deemed to have been surrendered at the expiration of the third year of ...
... lease or general purpose lease of land then the subject of the explor- ation licence , the land the subject of the mining lease or general purpose lease shall be deemed to have been surrendered at the expiration of the third year of ...
Sivu 1028
... lease authorizes the lessee thereof and his agents and employees on his behalf to- ( a ) work and mine the land in ... purpose in connection with mining for minerals on the land ; and ( d ) do all acts and things that are necessary to ...
... lease authorizes the lessee thereof and his agents and employees on his behalf to- ( a ) work and mine the land in ... purpose in connection with mining for minerals on the land ; and ( d ) do all acts and things that are necessary to ...
Sivu 1029
... purpose lease for use by him in respect to the mining operations carried out on the mining lease . ( 2 ) Any such person may be granted more than one general purpose lease . ( 3 ) The area of land in respect of which any one general ...
... purpose lease for use by him in respect to the mining operations carried out on the mining lease . ( 2 ) Any such person may be granted more than one general purpose lease . ( 3 ) The area of land in respect of which any one general ...
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Act Amendment Act Act is amended advice and consent Agreement amended by inserting application appointed approved Assembly of Western authorised Authority by-law Chairman charge Clause Commission Commissioner Committee Corporation debentures deemed deleting the passage deleting the words Department determined effect exploration licence Government Gazette Governor granted hectares hereunder holder infringement notice inserting in lieu land the subject Legislative Council lieu thereof means ment mineral mining lease mining tenement Minister Mullewa Off-road areas offence Order in Council owner paragraph payable payment penalty period Permanent Head person powers prescribed present Parliament assembled principal Act private land proposals prospecting licence purpose lease pursuant to subsection Queen's Most Excellent registration regulations relation repealed Act repealed and re-enacted respect road Schedule specified subclause Subject to subsection terms and conditions thereto thinks fit tion Treasurer Tribunal uranium oxide vehicle warden warden's court Western Australia Western Mining Corporation