And in conclufion, dumbly have broke off, Enter Quince for the Prologue. Ege. So please your Grace, the Prologue is addreft. Thef. Let him approach. [Flor. Trum Pre. If we offend, it is with our good will. That you fhould think we come not to offend, But with good will. To fhew our fimple Skill, That is the true beginning of our end. Confider then, we come but in defpight. We do not come as minding to content you, Our true intent is. All for your delight, We are not here. That you should here repent you, The Actors are at hand; and by their Show, You fhall know all, that you are like to know. Thef. This Fellow doth not ftand upon his Points. Lyf. He hath rid his Prologue, like a rough Colt; he knows not the ftop. A good Moral, my Lord. It is not enough to speak, but to fpeak true. Hip. Indeed he hath play'd on his Prologue, like a Child on the Recorder; a found, but not in government. Thef. His Speech was like a tangled Chain; nothing impair'd, but all diforder'd. Who is the next? Tawyer with a Trumpet before them. Enter Pyramus, and Thisby, Wall, Moon-fhine, Pro. Gentles, perchance you wonder at this Show, This Man with Lime and Rough-caft, doth present This This Man with Lanthorn. Dog, and Bush of Thorn, [Exeunt all but Wall. Thef. I wonder if the Lion be to speak. Dem. No wonder, my Lord; one Lion may, when many Affes do. Wall. In this fame Interlude it doth befal, That I, one Snowt by name, prefent a Wall: This Loam, this Rough-caft, and this Stone doth fhew, And this the Cranny is, right and finister, Through which the fearful Lovers are to whisper. Thef. Would you defire Lime and Hair to speak better? Dem. It is the wittieft Partition that ever I heard dif courfe, my Lord. Thef. Pyramus draws near the Wall: Silence. Enter Pyramus. Fyr. O grim look'd Night! O Night with hue fo black! O Night, which ever art when Day is not! O Night, O Night, alack, alack, alack, I fear my Thisby's Promife is forgot. And thou, O Wall, thou fweet and lovely Wall, O wicked Wall, through whom I fee no Bliss, Thef. The Wall, methinks, being fenfible, fhould Curfe again. Pyr. No in truth, Sir, he should not. Deceiving me, Pat. I told you; yonder the comes. Thif. O Wall, full often haft thou heard my Moans, My cherry Lips hath often kiss'd thy Stones; Pyr. Think what thou wilt, I am thy Lovers Grace.. This. And I like Helen, 'till the Fates me kill. Pyr. O kifs me through the hole of this vile Wall. Pyr. Wilt thou at Ninny's Tomb meet me ftraightway? bours. doth go. [Exit. Dem. No remedy, my Lord, when Walls are fo wilful, to hear without warning. Hip. This is the fillieft Stuff that e'er I heard. Thef. The beft in this kind are but Shadows, and the worst are no worse, if Imagination amend them. Hip. Hip. It must be your Imagination then, and not theirs. Thef. If we imagine no worfe of them than they of themfelves, they may pafs for Excellent Men. Here comes two noble Beasts, in a Man and a Lion. Enter Lion and Moon-fhine. Lion. You Ladies, you, whofe gentle Hearts do fear Thef. A very gentle Beaft, and of a good Conscience. Dem. Not fo, my Lord? for his Valour cannot carry his Difcretion, and the Fox carries the Goose. Thef. His Difcretion I am fure cannot carry his Valour; for the Goofe carries not the Fox. It is well: Leave it to his Difcretion, and let us hearken to the Moon, Moon. This Lanthorn doth the horned Moon prefent. Dem. He should have worn the Horns on his Head. Thef. He is no Crefcent, and his Horns are invifible, within the Circumference.. Moon. This Lanthorn doth the horned Moon prefent: My felf the Man i'th' Moon doth feem to be. Thef. This is the greatest error of all the reft: The Man fhould be put into the Lanthorn: How is it elfe the Man i' th' Moon? Dem. He dares not come there for the Candle; For you fee it is already in Snuff. Hip. I am weary of this Moon; would he would Change. Thef. It appears by his fmall Light of Discretion, that he is in the Wane; but yet in courtefie, in all reason, we must ftay the time. Lyf. Proceed, Moon. Moon, All that I have to fay, is to tell you, that the E 3 Lanthorn Lanthorn is the Moon; I, the Man in the Moon; this Thorn Bufh, my Thorn Buth; and this Dog, my Dog. Dem. Why, all thefe fhould be in the Lanthorn; for they are in the Moon. But filence; here comes Thisby. Enter Thisby. Thif. This is old Ninny's Tomb; where is thy Love? [The Lion roars, Thisby runs of. Lion. Oh. Dem. Well roar'd Lion. Thef. Well run Thisby. Hip. Well fhone Moon. Truly the Moon fhines with good grace, Thef. Well mouth'd Lion. Dem. And then came Pyramus. Lyf. And fo the Lion vanish'd. Enter Pyramus, Pyr. Sweet Moon, I thank thee for thy funny Beams; But ftay: O fpight! but mark, poor Knight, Eyes do you fee! How can it be ! O dainty Duck! O Deer! Thy Mantle good; what ftain'd with Blood! O Fates! Come, come: Cut Thred and Thrum, Thef. This Paffion, and the Death of a dear Friend, Hip. Befhrew my Heart, but I pity the Man. Which is No, no which was the fairest Dame, no That liv'd, that lov'd, that lik'd, that look'd with Cheers Come Tears, confound: Out Sword, and wound The Pap of Pyramus. Ay, that left Pap, where Heart doth hop: Thus die I, thus, thus, thus, Now am I dead, now am I fled, my Soul is in the Sky, Tongue |